#!/usr/bin/ruby require "optparse" options = {} OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{$0} [options]" opts.on("-c", "--coll-url [URL]", "URL of the collection you would like to manipulate") do |url| options[:url] = url end opts.on("-u", "--user [USERNAME]", "Username to authenticate with") do |user| options[:user] = user end opts.on("-p", "--password [PASSWORD]", "Password to authenticate with") do |pass| options[:pass] = pass end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end end.parse! require "tempfile" require "atom/yaml" require "atom/service" require "atom/http" require "rubygems" require "bluecloth" require "time" require 'yaml' class Tempfile def edit_externally self.close system("#{EDITOR} #{self.path}") self.open end end class String def edit_externally tempfile = Tempfile.new("entry") tempfile.puts self tempfile.edit_externally ret = tempfile.read tempfile.delete ret end end class Atom::Entry def prepare_for_output filter_hook updated! end def filter_hook # so much for actual text content... if @content and @content["type"] == "text" self.content = BlueCloth.new( @content.to_s ).to_html @content["type"] = "xhtml" end end def edit yaml = YAML.load(self.to_yaml) # human readability yaml.delete "id" if yaml["links"] yaml["links"].find_all { |l| l["rel"] == "alternate" or l["rel"] == "edit" }.each { |l| yaml["links"].delete(l) } yaml.delete("links") if yaml["links"].empty? end new_yaml, entry = write_entry(yaml.to_yaml) entry.id = self.id [new_yaml["slug"], entry] end end # maybe this should handle displaying the list too. def choose_from list item = nil itemno = nil # oh wow this is pathetic until item if itemno puts "try picking a number on the list." end print "? " itemno = $stdin.gets.chomp item = list[itemno.to_i] end item end def choose_entry_url coll puts "which entry?" coll.entries.each_with_index do |entry, index| puts "#{index}: #{entry.title}" end entry = choose_from coll.entries edit_link = entry.links.find do |link| link["rel"] = "edit" end edit_link["href"] end def write_entry(editstring = "") begin edited = editstring.edit_externally if edited == editstring puts "You didn't edit anything, aborting." exit end yaml = YAML.load(edited) entry = Atom::Entry.from_yaml yaml entry.prepare_for_output # XXX disabled until the APP WG can decide what a valid entry is =begin valid, message = entry.valid? unless valid print "entry is invalid (#{message}). post anyway? (y/n)? " (gets.chomp == "y") || (raise Atom::InvalidEntry.new) end =end # this has to be here ATM to we can detect malformed atom:content puts entry.to_s rescue ArgumentError,REXML::ParseException => e puts e puts "press enter to edit again..." $stdin.gets editstring = edited retry rescue Atom::InvalidEntry editstring = edited retry end [yaml, entry] end module Atom class InvalidEntry < RuntimeError; end end EDITOR = ENV["EDITOR"] || "env vim" http = Atom::HTTP.new url = if options[:url] options[:url] else yaml = YAML.load(File.read("#{ENV["HOME"]}/.atom-client")) collections = yaml["collections"] puts "which collection?" collections.keys.each_with_index do |name,index| puts "#{index}: #{name}" end tmp = choose_from collections.values http.user = tmp["user"] if tmp["user"] http.pass = tmp["pass"] if tmp["pass"] tmp["url"] end http.user = options[:user] if options[:user] http.pass = options[:pass] if options[:pass] # this is where all the Atom stuff starts coll = Atom::Collection.new(url, http) # XXX generate a real id CLIENT_ID = "http://necronomicorp.com/nil" new = lambda do entry = Atom::Entry.new entry.title = "" entry.content = "" slug, entry = entry.edit entry.id = CLIENT_ID entry.published = Time.now.iso8601 res = coll.post! entry, slug # XXX error recovery here, lost updates suck puts res.body end edit = lambda do coll.update! coll.entries.each_with_index do |entry,idx| puts "#{idx}: #{entry.title}" end entry = choose_from(coll.entries) { |entry| entry.title } url = entry.edit_url raise "this entry has no edit link" unless url entry = http.get_atom_entry url slug, new_entry = entry.edit res = coll.put! new_entry, url # XXX error recovery here, lost updates suck puts res.body end delete = lambda do coll.update! coll.entries.each_with_index do |entry,idx| puts "#{idx} #{entry.title}" end entry = choose_from(coll.entries) res = coll.delete! entry puts res.body end actions = [ new, edit, delete ] puts "0: new entry" puts "1: edit entry" puts "2: delete entry" choose_from(actions).call