/* --- name: "LibCanvas" description: "LibCanvas - free javascript library, based on AtomJS framework." license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - Pavel Ponomarenko aka Shock ... */ (function (atom, Math) { // LibCanvas // bug in Safari 5.1 ( 'use strict' + 'set prop' ) // 'use strict'; var undefined, /** @global {Object} global */ global = this, /** @global {Function} slice */ slice = [].slice, /** @global {Function} declare */ declare = atom.declare, /** @global {Function} Registry */ Registry = atom.Registry, /** @global {Function} Events */ Events = atom.Events, /** @global {Function} Settings */ Settings = atom.Settings; /* --- name: "LibCanvas" description: "LibCanvas initialization" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - Pavel Ponomarenko aka Shock provides: LibCanvas ... */ var LibCanvas = this.LibCanvas = declare({ name: 'LibCanvas', prototype: {} }) .own({ Buffer: function () { return LibCanvas.buffer.apply( LibCanvas, arguments ); }, buffer: function (width, height, withCtx) { var canvas, size, a = slice.call(arguments), last = a[a.length-1]; withCtx = (typeof last === 'boolean' ? a.pop() : false); size = Size(a.length == 1 ? a[0] : a); canvas = atom.dom.create("canvas", { width : size.width, height : size.height }).first; if (withCtx) canvas.ctx = new Context2D(canvas); return canvas; }, 'declare.classes': {}, declare: function (declareName, shortName, Parent, object) { if (typeof shortName == 'object') { object = Parent; Parent = shortName; shortName = null; } if (object == null) { object = Parent; Parent = null; } var Class = declare( declareName, Parent, object ); if (shortName) { if (shortName in this['declare.classes']) { throw new Error( 'Duplicate declaration: ' + shortName ); } this['declare.classes'][shortName] = Class; } return Class; }, extract: function (to) { to = to || global; for (var k in this['declare.classes']) { to[k] = this['declare.classes'][k]; } return to; } }); /* --- name: "App" description: "LibCanvas.App" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas provides: App ... */ /** @class App */ LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.App', 'App', { initialize: function (settings) { this.bindMethods( 'tick' ); this.layers = []; this.settings = new Settings({ appendTo: 'body' }).set(settings); this.container = new App.Container( this.settings.subset(['simple', 'size', 'appendTo']) ); this.resources = new Registry(); atom.frame.add( this.tick ); }, destroy: function () { atom.array.invoke( this.layers, 'destroy' ); atom.frame.remove( this.tick ); this.container.destroy(); }, get rectangle () { return this.container.rectangle; }, /** * return "-1" if left is higher, "+1" if right is higher & 0 is they are equals * @param {App.Element} left * @param {App.Element} right * @returns {number} */ zIndexCompare: function (left, right, inverted) { var leftZ, rightZ, factor = inverted ? -1 : +1; if (!left || !left .layer) throw new TypeError( 'Wrong left element' ); if (!right || !right.layer) throw new TypeError( 'Wrong right element' ); leftZ = left.layer.dom.zIndex; rightZ = right.layer.dom.zIndex; if (leftZ > rightZ) return -1 * factor; if (leftZ < rightZ) return +1 * factor; leftZ = left.zIndex; rightZ = right.zIndex; if (leftZ > rightZ) return -1 * factor; if (leftZ < rightZ) return +1 * factor; return 0; }, createLayer: function (settings) { if (this.settings.get('simple') && this.layers.length) { throw new Error('You can create only one layer in "Simple" mode'); } var layer = new App.Layer(this, settings); this.layers.push(layer); return layer; }, tick: function (time) { atom.array.invoke(this.layers, 'tick', time); } }); var App = LibCanvas.App; /* --- name: "App.Behavior" description: "" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas provides: App.Behavior ... */ /** @class App.Behavior */ var Behavior = declare( 'LibCanvas.App.Behavior', { eventName: null, initialize: function (element, callback) { this.element = element; this.events = element.events; this.eventArgs(callback); }, started: false, /** @private */ changeStatus: function (status){ if (this.started == status) { return false; } else { this.started = status; return true; } }, /** @private */ eventArgs: function (callback) { if (this.eventName && atom.core.isFunction(callback)) { this.events.add( this.eventName, callback ); } return this; }, /** @private */ getMouse: function (handler, strict) { var mouse = this.element.layer.app.resources.get( handler ? 'mouseHandler' : 'mouse' ); if (strict && !mouse) { throw new Error('No mouse in element'); } return mouse; } }); /* --- name: "App.Clickable" description: "Provides interface for clickable canvas objects" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - App.Behavior provides: App.Clickable ... */ /** @class App.Clickable */ var Clickable = declare( 'LibCanvas.App.Clickable', App.Behavior, { eventName: 'statusChange', callbacks: { mousedown: function (e) { Clickable.setValue(this, 'active', true , e); }, mouseup : function (e) { Clickable.setValue(this, 'active', false, e); }, mouseover: function (e) { Clickable.setValue(this, 'hover' , true , e); }, mouseout : function (e) { Clickable.setValue(this, 'hover' , false, e); Clickable.setValue(this, 'active', false, e); } }, start: function (callback) { if (this.changeStatus(true)) { this.eventArgs(callback); this.events.add(this.callbacks); } return this; }, stop: function () { if (this.changeStatus(false)) { this.events.remove(this.callbacks); } return this; } }); Clickable.setValue = function (element, name, val, event) { if (element[name] != val) { element[name] = val; element.events.fire( Clickable.prototype.eventName, [name, val, event] ); } }; /* --- name: "App.Container" description: "" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - App provides: App.Container ... */ /** * @class App.Container * @private */ declare( 'LibCanvas.App.Container', { /** @private * @property {Size} */ currentSize: null, /** @property {App.Dom[]} */ doms: [], wrapper: null, bounds : null, initialize: function (settings) { this.doms = []; this.settings = new Settings(settings); this.currentSize = new Size(this.settings.get('size') || [0,0]); this.isSimple = this.settings.get('simple'); if (this.isSimple) { this.createWrappersSimple(); } else { this.createWrappers(); } }, get rectangle () { var size = this.size; return new Rectangle(0, 0, size.width, size.height); }, set size(size) { if (this.isSimple) { this.doms[0].size = size; } else { size = this.currentSize.set(size).toObject(); this.wrapper.css(size); this.bounds .css(size); } }, get size() { return this.currentSize; }, destroy: function () { if (!this.isSimple) { this.wrapper.destroy(); } return this; }, createDom: function (settings) { var dom = new App.Dom( this, settings ); this.doms.push(dom); return dom; }, appendTo: function (element) { if (element) this.wrapper.appendTo( element ); return this; }, /** @private */ createWrappersSimple: function () { var size = this.currentSize.toObject(); this.wrapper = atom.dom(LibCanvas.buffer(size,true)); this.bounds = this.wrapper; this.wrapper .addClass('libcanvas-app-simple') .appendTo( this.settings.get('appendTo') ) }, /** @private */ createWrappers: function () { var size = this.currentSize.toObject(); this.wrapper = atom.dom.create('div') .css(size) .addClass('libcanvas-app') .appendTo(this.settings.get( 'appendTo' )); this.bounds = atom.dom.create('div') .css({ overflow: 'hidden', position: 'absolute' }) .css(size) .appendTo(this.wrapper); } }); /* --- name: "App.Dom" description: "" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - App provides: App.Dom ... */ /** @class App.Dom */ declare( 'LibCanvas.App.Dom', { /** @private * @property {Size} */ currentSize: null, /** @private * @property {App.Container} */ container: null, /** @private * @property {Point} */ shift: null, /** @private */ z: 0, initialize: function (container, settings) { this.container = container; this.settings = new Settings(settings); this.shift = new Point(0,0); this.name = this.settings.get('name') || ''; this.createSize(); this.createElement(); }, set zIndex (z) { this.z = z; if (!this.container.isSimple) { this.element.css('zIndex', z); } }, get zIndex () { return this.z; }, set size(size) { size = this.currentSize.set(size); this.canvas.width = size.width ; this.canvas.height = size.height; }, get size() { return this.currentSize; }, destroy: function () { this.element.destroy(); this.size = new Size(0,0); }, /** * @param {Point} shift * @returns {App.Dom} */ addShift: function ( shift ) { var newShift = this.getShift().move( shift ); this.element.css({ marginLeft: newShift.x, marginTop : newShift.y }); return this; }, /** * @param {Point} shift * @returns {App.Dom} */ setShift: function (shift) { return this.addShift( this.shift.diff(shift) ); }, /** @returns {Point} */ getShift: function () { if (this.container.isSimple) { throw new Error('Shift not available in Simple mode'); } return this.shift; }, /** @private */ createSize: function () { var size = this.settings.get('size'); if (this.container.isSimple) { this.currentSize = this.container.size; if (size) { this.currentSize.set(size); } } else { this.currentSize = size || this.container.size.clone(); } }, /** @private */ createElement: function () { if (this.container.isSimple) { this.createElementSimple(); } else { this.createElementNormal(); } }, /** @private */ createElementNormal: function () { this.canvas = new LibCanvas.Buffer(this.size, true); this.element = atom.dom(this.canvas); this.element .attr({ 'data-name': this.name }) .css ({ 'position' : 'absolute' }) .appendTo( this.container.bounds ); this.zIndex = this.settings.get('zIndex') || 0; }, /** @private */ createElementSimple: function () { this.element = this.container.wrapper; this.canvas = this.element.first; this.canvas.width = this.size.width; this.canvas.height = this.size.height; } }); /* --- name: "App.Draggable" description: "When object implements LibCanvas.Draggable interface dragging made possible" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - App.Behavior provides: App.Draggable ... */ /** @class App.Draggable */ declare( 'LibCanvas.App.Draggable', App.Behavior, { eventName: 'moveDrag', stopDrag: [ 'up', 'out' ], initialize: function method (element, callback) { this.bindMethods([ 'onStop', 'onDrag', 'onStart' ]); method.previous.call( this, element, callback ); }, start: function (callback) { if (this.changeStatus(true)) { this.mouse = this.getMouse(false, true); this.eventArgs(callback); this.events.add( 'mousedown', this.onStart ) } return this; }, stop: function () { if (this.changeStatus(false)) { this.events.remove( 'mousedown', this.onStart ); } return this; }, /** @private */ bindMouse: function (method) { var mouse = this.mouse, stop = this.stopDrag; mouse.events [method]( 'move', this.onDrag ) [method]( stop , this.onStop ); return mouse; }, /** @private */ onStart: function (e) { if (e.button !== 0) return; this.bindMouse('add'); this.events.fire('startDrag', [ e ]); }, /** @private */ onDrag: function (e) { if (!this.element.layer) { return this.onStop(e, true); } var delta = this.mouse.delta; this.element.distanceMove( delta ); this.events.fire('moveDrag', [delta, e]); }, /** @private */ onStop: function (e, forced) { if (e.button === 0 || forced === true) { this.bindMouse('remove'); this.events.fire('stopDrag', [ e ]); } } }); /* --- name: "App.LayerShift" description: "" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - App provides: App.LayerShift ... */ /** @class App.LayerShift */ declare( 'LibCanvas.App.LayerShift', { initialize: function (layer) { this.layer = layer; this.shift = new Point(0, 0); this.elementsShift = new Point(0, 0); }, /** * @private * @property {Point} */ shift: null, /** * @private * @property {Point} */ elementsShift: null, /** * @param {Point} shift */ addElementsShift: function (shift) { if (!shift) { shift = this.elementsShift.diff(this.shift); } else { shift = Point(shift); } var e = this.layer.elements, i = e.length; while (i--) e[i].addShift(shift); this.elementsShift.move(shift); return this; }, /** * @private * @property {LibCanvas.Shapes.Rectangle} */ limitShift: null, /** * @param {Rectangle} limitShift */ setLimitShift: function (limitShift) { this.limitShift = limitShift ? Rectangle(limitShift) : null; return this; }, /** * @param {Point} shift */ addShift: function ( shift, withElements ) { shift = new Point( shift ); var limit = this.limitShift, current = this.shift; if (limit) { shift.x = atom.number.limit(shift.x, limit.from.x - current.x, limit.to.x - current.x); shift.y = atom.number.limit(shift.y, limit.from.y - current.y, limit.to.y - current.y); } current.move( shift ); this.layer.dom.addShift( shift ); this.layer.dom.canvas.ctx.translate( shift, true ); if (withElements) this.addElementsShift( shift ); return this; }, /** * @param {Point} shift */ setShift: function (shift, withElements) { return this.addShift( this.shift.diff(shift), withElements ); }, /** * @returns {Point} */ getShift: function () { return this.shift; } }); /* --- name: "App.Dragger" description: "" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - App - App.LayerShift provides: App.Dragger ... */ /** @class App.Dragger */ declare( 'LibCanvas.App.Dragger', { initialize: function (mouse) { this.bindMethods([ 'dragStart', 'dragStop', 'dragMove' ]); this.events = new Events(this); this.mouse = mouse; this.shifts = []; this._events = { down: this.dragStart, up : this.dragStop, out : this.dragStop, move: this.dragMove }; }, addLayerShift: function (shift) { this.shifts.push( shift ); return this; }, started: false, start: function (callback) { if (callback !== undefined) { this.callback = callback; } this.started = true; this.mouse.events.add( this._events ); return this; }, stop: function () { this.started = false; this.mouse.events.remove( this._events ); return this; }, /** @private */ dragStart: function (e) { if (!this.shouldStartDrag(e)) return; for (var i = this.shifts.length; i--;) { this.shifts[i].layer.stop(); } this.drag = true; this.events.fire( 'start', [ e ]); }, /** @private */ dragStop: function (e) { if (!this.drag) return; for (var i = this.shifts.length; i--;) { var shift = this.shifts[i]; shift.addElementsShift(); shift.layer.start(); } this.drag = false; this.events.fire( 'stop', [ e ]); }, /** @private */ dragMove: function (e) { if (!this.drag) return; for (var i = this.shifts.length; i--;) { this.shifts[i].addShift(this.mouse.delta); } }, /** @private */ shouldStartDrag: function (e) { if (!this.started) return false; return this.callback ? this.callback(e) : true; } }); /* --- name: "App.Element" description: "LibCanvas.Layer" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - App provides: App.Element ... */ /** @class App.Element */ declare( 'LibCanvas.App.Element', { layer : null, zIndex : 0, renderer: null, settings: {}, /** @constructs */ initialize: function (layer, settings) { this.bindMethods([ 'redraw', 'destroy' ]); this.events = new Events(this); this.settings = new Settings({ hidden: false }) .set(this.settings) .set(settings) .addEvents(this.events); layer.addElement( this ); var ownShape = this.shape && this.shape != this.constructor.prototype.shape; if (ownShape || this.settings.get('shape')) { if (!ownShape) this.shape = this.settings.get('shape'); this.saveCurrentBoundingShape(); } if (this.settings.get('zIndex') != null) { this.zIndex = Number( this.settings.get('zIndex') ); } this.configure(); }, configure: function () { return this; }, previousBoundingShape: null, get currentBoundingShape () { return this.shape.getBoundingRectangle().fillToPixel(); }, destroy: function () { this.layer.rmElement( this ); return this; }, distanceMove: function (point) { this.shape.move(point); return this; }, hasPoint: function (point) { return this.shape.hasPoint( point ); }, isTriggerPoint: function (point) { if (this.hasMousePoint) { return this.hasMousePoint(point); } else { return this.hasPoint(point); } }, addShift: function (shift) { this.shape.move( shift ); if (this.previousBoundingShape) this.previousBoundingShape.move( shift ); return this; }, isVisible: function () { return !this.settings.get('hidden'); }, redraw: function () { this.layer.redrawElement( this ); return this; }, onUpdate: function (time) { return this; }, clearPrevious: function ( ctx ) { if (this.previousBoundingShape) ctx.clear( this.previousBoundingShape ); return this; }, saveCurrentBoundingShape: function () { var shape = this.currentBoundingShape; this.previousBoundingShape = shape.fillToPixel ? shape.clone().fillToPixel() : shape.clone().grow( 2 ); return this; }, renderToWrapper: function (ctx, resources) { this.renderTo(ctx, resources); return this; }, renderTo: function (ctx, resources) { if (this.renderer) { this.renderer.renderTo(ctx, resources); } return this; } }); /* --- name: "App.Layer" description: "" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - App - App.Dom provides: App.Layer ... */ /** @class App.Layer */ declare( 'LibCanvas.App.Layer', { initialize: function (app, settings) { this.settings = new Settings({ invoke : app.settings.get('invoke'), intersection: 'auto' // auto|manual|all }).set(settings); this.intersection = this.settings.get('intersection'); this.redrawAllMode = this.intersection === 'all' || this.intersection === 'full'; this.app = app; this.elements = []; this.redraw = this.redrawAllMode ? this.elements : []; this.clear = []; this.createDom(); }, get ctx () { return this.dom.canvas.ctx; }, /** @private */ stopped: false, destroy: function () { atom.array.invoke( this.elements, 'destroy' ); this.dom.destroy(); }, hide: function () { this.dom.element.css({ display: 'none' }); return this.stop(); }, show: function () { this.dom.element.css({ display: '' }); return this.stop(); }, start: function () { this.stopped = false; return this; }, stop: function () { this.stopped = true; return this; }, redrawAll: function () { this.elements.invoke('redraw'); return this; }, /** @private */ tick: function (time) { if (this.stopped) return this; if (this.settings.get( 'invoke' )) { this.sortElements(); this.updateAll(time); } if (this.needUpdate) { this.draw(); this.needUpdate = false; } return this; }, /** @private */ draw: function () { var intersection = this.intersection, ctx = this.dom.canvas.ctx, resources = this.app.resources; if (intersection === 'full') { ctx.clearAll(); } else { if (intersection === 'auto') { this.addIntersections(); } else if (intersection === 'all') { atom.array.invoke(this.clear, 'clearPrevious', ctx, resources); } atom.array.invoke(this.redraw, 'clearPrevious', ctx, resources); } this.drawElements(this.redraw, ctx, resources); if (intersection === 'all') { this.clear.length = 0; } else if (intersection !== 'full') { this.redraw.length = 0; } }, /** @private */ drawElements: function (elements, ctx, resources) { // draw elements with the lower zIndex first atom.array.sortBy( elements, 'zIndex' ); for (var i = elements.length; i--;) { this.drawElement(elements[i], ctx, resources); } }, /** @private */ drawElement: function (elem, ctx, resources) { if (elem.layer == this) { elem.redrawRequested = false; if (elem.isVisible()) { elem.renderToWrapper( ctx, resources ); if (this.intersection !== 'full') { elem.saveCurrentBoundingShape(); } } } }, /** @private */ sortElements: function () { atom.array.sortBy( this.elements, 'zIndex' ); }, /** @private */ updateAll: function (time) { atom.array.invoke( this.elements, 'onUpdate', time, this.app.resources ); }, /** @private */ needUpdate: false, /** @private */ createDom: function () { this.dom = this.app.container.createDom( this.settings.subset([ 'name', 'zIndex', 'size' ]) ); }, /** @private */ addElement: function (element) { if (element.layer != this) { if (element.layer) { element.layer.rmElement( element ); } element.layer = this; this.elements.push( element ); this.redrawElement( element ); } return this; }, /** @private */ rmElement: function (element) { if (element.layer == this) { if (this.intersection === 'all') { this.needUpdate = true; this.clear.push(element); } else { this.redrawElement( element ); } atom.core.eraseOne( this.elements, element ); element.layer = null; } return this; }, /** @private */ redrawElement: function (element) { if (element.layer == this && !element.redrawRequested) { this.needUpdate = true; element.redrawRequested = true; if (!this.redrawAllMode) { this.redraw.push( element ); } } return this; }, /** @private */ addIntersections: function () { var i, elem, layer = this; for (i = 0; i < this.redraw.length; i++) { elem = this.redraw[i]; this.findIntersections(elem.previousBoundingShape, elem, this.redrawElement); this.findIntersections(elem. currentBoundingShape, elem, function (e) { // we need to redraw it, only if it will be over our element if (e.zIndex > elem.zIndex) { layer.redrawElement( e ); } }); } }, /** @private */ findIntersections: function (shape, elem, fn) { if (!shape) return; var i = this.elements.length, e; while (i--) { e = this.elements[i]; // check if we need also `e.currentBoundingShape.intersect( shape )` if (e != elem && e.isVisible() && e.previousBoundingShape && e.previousBoundingShape.intersect( shape ) ) fn.call( this, e ); } } }); /* --- name: "Geometry" description: "Base for such things as Point and Shape" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas provides: Geometry ... */ /** @class Geometry */ var Geometry = declare( 'LibCanvas.Geometry', { initialize : function () { if (arguments.length) this.set.apply(this, arguments); }, cast: function (args) { return this.constructor.castArguments(args); } }).own({ invoke: declare.castArguments, from : function (obj) { return this(obj); } }); /* --- name: "Point" description: "A X/Y point coordinates encapsulating class" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Geometry provides: Point ... */ /** @class Point */ var Point = LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Point', 'Point', Geometry, { x: 0, y: 0, /** * new Point(1, 1); * new Point([1, 1]); * new Point({x:1, y:1}); * new Point(point); * @constructs * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y * @returns {Point} */ set : function (x, y) { if (arguments.length != 2) { if (atom.core.isArrayLike(x)) { y = x[1]; x = x[0]; } else if (x && x.x != null && x.y != null) { y = x.y; x = x.x; } else { throw new TypeError( 'Wrong Arguments In Point.Set' ); } } this.x = Number(x); this.y = Number(y); return this; }, /** @returns {Point} */ move: function (distance, reverse) { distance = this.cast(distance); reverse = reverse ? -1 : 1; this.x += distance.x * reverse; this.y += distance.y * reverse; return this; }, /** @returns {Point} */ moveTo : function (point) { return this.move(this.diff(this.cast(point))); }, /** @returns {Number} */ angleTo : function (point) { var diff = this.cast(point).diff(this); return atom.math.normalizeAngle( Math.atan2(diff.y, diff.x) ); }, /** @returns {Number} */ distanceTo : function (point) { var diff = this.cast(point).diff(this); return atom.math.hypotenuse(diff.x, diff.y); }, /** @returns {Boolean} */ checkDistanceTo : function (point, distance, equals) { var deltaX, deltaY, realDistanceSq, maxDistanceSq; deltaX = Math.abs(this.x - point.x); if (deltaX > distance) return false; deltaY = Math.abs(this.y - point.y); if (deltaY > distance) return false; realDistanceSq = deltaX*deltaX + deltaY*deltaY; maxDistanceSq = distance*distance; return (realDistanceSq < maxDistanceSq) || (equals && realDistanceSq == maxDistanceSq) }, /** @returns {Point} */ diff : function (point) { return new this.constructor(point).move(this, true); }, /** @returns {Point} */ rotate : function (angle, pivot) { pivot = pivot ? this.cast(pivot) : new this.constructor(0, 0); if (this.equals(pivot)) return this; var radius = pivot.distanceTo(this); var sides = pivot.diff(this); // TODO: check, maybe here should be "sides.y, sides.x" ? var newAngle = Math.atan2(sides.x, sides.y) - angle; return this.moveTo({ x : Math.sin(newAngle) * radius + pivot.x, y : Math.cos(newAngle) * radius + pivot.y }); }, /** @returns {Point} */ scale : function (power, pivot) { pivot = pivot ? this.cast(pivot) : new this.constructor(0, 0); var diff = this.diff(pivot), isObject = typeof power == 'object'; return this.moveTo({ x : pivot.x - diff.x * (isObject ? power.x : power), y : pivot.y - diff.y * (isObject ? power.y : power) }); }, /** @returns {Point} */ alterPos : function (arg, fn) { return this.moveTo({ x: fn(this.x, typeof arg == 'object' ? arg.x : arg), y: fn(this.y, typeof arg == 'object' ? arg.y : arg) }); }, /** @returns {Point} */ mul : function (arg) { return this.alterPos(arg, function(a, b) { return a * b; }); }, /** @returns {Point} */ getNeighbour : function (dir) { return this.clone().move(this.constructor.shifts[dir]); }, /** @returns {Point[]} */ get neighbours () { return this.getNeighbours( true ); }, /** @returns {Point[]} */ getNeighbours: function (corners, asObject) { var shifts = ['t', 'l', 'r', 'b'], result, i, dir; if (corners) shifts.push('tl', 'tr', 'bl', 'br'); if (asObject) { result = {}; for (i = shifts.length; i--;) { dir = shifts[i]; result[dir] = this.getNeighbour( dir ); } return result; } else { return shifts.map(this.getNeighbour.bind(this)); } }, /** @returns {boolean} */ equals : function (to, accuracy) { to = this.cast(to); if (accuracy == null) { return to.x == this.x && to.y == this.y; } return atom.number.equals(this.x, to.x, accuracy) && atom.number.equals(this.y, to.y, accuracy); }, /** @returns {object} */ toObject: function () { return { x: this.x, y: this.y }; }, toArray: function () { return [ this.x, this.y ]; }, /** @returns {Point} */ invoke: function (method) { this.x = this.x[method](); this.y = this.y[method](); return this; }, /** @returns {Point} */ map: function (fn, context) { this.x = fn.call(context || this, this.x, 'x', this); this.y = fn.call(context || this, this.y, 'y', this); return this; }, /** @returns {Point} */ mean: function (points) { var l = points.length, i = l, x = 0, y = 0; while (i--) { x += points[i].x; y += points[i].y; } return this.set(x/l, y/l); }, /** @returns {Point} */ snapToPixel: function () { this.x += 0.5 - (this.x - Math.floor(this.x)); this.y += 0.5 - (this.y - Math.floor(this.y)); return this; }, /** @returns {Point} */ reverse: function () { this.x *= -1; this.y *= -1; return this; }, /** @returns {Point} */ clone : function () { return new this.constructor(this); }, /** @returns {string} */ dump: function () { return '[Point(' + this.x + ', ' + this.y + ')]'; } }); /** @private */ Point.from = function (object) { if (object == null) return null; return object instanceof Point ? object : new Point(object); }; Point.shifts = atom.object.map({ top : [ 0, -1], right : [ 1, 0], bottom : [ 0, 1], left : [-1, 0], t : [ 0, -1], r : [ 1, 0], b : [ 0, 1], l : [-1, 0], tl : [-1, -1], tr : [ 1, -1], bl : [-1, 1], br : [ 1, 1] }, Point); /* --- name: "Mouse" description: "A mouse control abstraction class" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Point provides: Mouse ... */ /** @class Mouse */ var Mouse = LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Mouse', 'Mouse', { /** @private */ elem: null, /** @property {boolean} */ inside: false, /** @property {Point} */ point: null, /** @property {Point} */ previous: null, /** @property {Point} */ delta: null, /** @property {Events} */ events: null, /** @private */ mapping: { click : 'click', dblclick : 'dblclick', contextmenu: 'contextmenu', mouseover : 'over', mouseout : 'out', mousedown : 'down', mouseup : 'up', mousemove : 'move', DOMMouseScroll: 'wheel', mousewheel : 'wheel' }, initialize : function (elem, offsetElem) { this.bindMethods( 'onEvent' ); if (elem == null) { throw new TypeError('`elem` is undefined'); } this.elem = atom.dom(elem); this.offsetElem = offsetElem ? atom.dom(offsetElem) : this.elem; this.point = new Point(0, 0); this.previous = new Point(0, 0); this.delta = new Point(0, 0); this.events = new Events(this); this.listen(this.onEvent); }, /** @private */ fire: function (name, e) { this.events.fire(name, [e, this]); return this; }, /** @private */ onEvent: function (e) { var name = this.mapping[e.type], fn = this.eventActions[name]; if (fn) fn.call(this, e); this.fire(name, e); }, /** @private */ getOffset: function (e) { return this.constructor.getOffset(e, this.offsetElem); }, /** @private */ set: function (e, inside) { var point = this.getOffset(e); this.previous.set( this.point ); this.delta .set( this.previous.diff( point ) ); this.point .set( point ); this.inside = inside; }, /** @private */ eventActions: { wheel: function (e) { this.constructor.addWheelDelta(e); }, move: function (e) { this.set(e, true); }, down: function (e) { this.set(e, true); }, over: function (e) { if (this.checkEvent(e)) { this.fire('enter', e); } }, out: function (e) { if (this.checkEvent(e)) { this.set(e, false); this.fire('leave', e); } } }, /** @private */ checkEvent: function (e) { var related = e.relatedTarget, elem = this.elem; return related == null || ( related && related != elem.first && !elem.contains(related) ); }, /** @private */ listen : function (callback) { this.elem .bind({ selectstart: false }) .bind(atom.object.map( this.mapping, atom.fn.lambda(callback) )); } }).own({ prevent: function (e) {e.preventDefault()}, addWheelDelta: function (e) { e.delta = // IE, Opera, Chrome e.wheelDelta ? e.wheelDelta > 0 ? 1 : -1 : // Fx e.detail ? e.detail < 0 ? 1 : -1 : null; return e; }, eventSource: function (e) { return e.changedTouches ? e.changedTouches[0] : e; }, expandEvent: function (e) { var source = this.eventSource(e); if (e.pageX == null) { e.pageX = source.pageX != null ? source.pageX : source.clientX + document.scrollLeft; e.pageY = source.pageY != null ? source.pageY : source.clientY + document.scrollTop ; } return e; }, getOffset : function (e, element) { var elementOffset = atom.dom(element || this.eventSource(e).target).offset(); this.expandEvent(e); return new Point( e.pageX - elementOffset.x, e.pageY - elementOffset.y ); } }); /* --- name: "App.PointSearch" description: "LibCanvas.App.ElementsMouseSearch" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - App provides: App.PointSearch ... */ /** @class App.PointSearch */ declare( 'LibCanvas.App.PointSearch', { initialize: function () { this.elements = []; }, add: function (elem) { this.elements.push( elem ); return this; }, remove: function (elem) { atom.core.eraseOne( this.elements, elem ); return this; }, removeAll: function () { this.elements.length = 0; return this; }, findByPoint: function (point) { var e = this.elements, i = e.length, result = []; while (i--) if (e[i].isTriggerPoint( point )) { result.push(e[i]); } return result; } }); /** @deprecated */ App.ElementsMouseSearch = App.PointSearch; /* --- name: "App.MouseHandler" description: "LibCanvas.App.MouseHandler" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Mouse - App - App.PointSearch provides: App.MouseHandler ... */ /** @class App.MouseHandler */ declare( 'LibCanvas.App.MouseHandler', { events: 'down up move out dblclick contextmenu wheel'.split(' '), /** @private */ mouse: null, /** @constructs */ initialize: function (settings) { var handler = this; handler.settings = new Settings(settings); handler.lastMouseMove = []; handler.lastMouseDown = []; handler.subscribers = []; handler.app = handler.settings.get('app'); handler.mouse = handler.settings.get('mouse'); handler.compareFunction = function (left, right) { return handler.app.zIndexCompare(left, right, true); }; handler.search = handler.settings.get('search') || new App.PointSearch(); this.events.forEach(function (type) { handler.mouse.events.add( type, function (e) { handler.event(type, e); }); }); }, stop: function () { this.stopped = true; return this; }, start: function () { this.stopped = false; return this; }, subscribe : function (elem) { if (this.subscribers.indexOf(elem) == -1) { this.subscribers.push(elem); this.search.add(elem); } return this; }, unsubscribe : function (elem) { var index = this.subscribers.indexOf(elem); if (index != -1) { this.subscribers.splice(index, 1); atom.core.eraseOne(this.lastMouseDown, elem); atom.core.eraseOne(this.lastMouseMove, elem); this.search.remove(elem); } return this; }, unsubscribeAll: function () { this.subscribers.length = 0; this.search.removeAll(); return this; }, fall: function () { this.falling = true; return this; }, getOverElements: function () { if (!this.mouse.inside) return []; var elements = this.search.findByPoint( this.mouse.point ), i = elements.length; while (i--) if (!elements[i].layer) { this.unsubscribe(elements[i]); elements.splice(i, 1); } return elements.sort( this.compareFunction ); }, /** @private */ stopped: false, /** @private */ falling: false, /** @private */ checkFalling: function () { var value = this.falling; this.falling = false; return value; }, /** @private */ event: function (type, e) { if (this.stopped) return; var method = ['dblclick', 'contextmenu', 'wheel'].indexOf( type ) >= 0 ? 'forceEvent' : 'parseEvent'; return this[method]( type, e ); }, /** @private */ parseEvent: function (type, event) { if (type == 'down') this.lastMouseDown.length = 0; var i, elem, elements = this.getOverElements(), stopped = false, eventArgs = [event], isChangeCoordEvent = (type == 'move' || type == 'out'); // В первую очередь - обрабатываем реальный mouseout с элементов if (isChangeCoordEvent) { this.informOut(eventArgs, elements); } for (i = elements.length; i--;) { elem = elements[i]; // мышь над элементом, сообщаем о mousemove // о mouseover, mousedown, click, если необходимо if (!stopped) { if (this.fireElem( type, elem, eventArgs )) { stopped = true; if (!isChangeCoordEvent) break; } // предыдущий элемент принял событие на себя // необходимо сообщить остальным элементам под ним о mouseout // Но только если это событие передвижения или выхода за границы холста // а не активационные, как маусдаун или маусап } else { this.stoppedElem(elem, eventArgs); } } return stopped; }, /** @private */ informOut: function (eventArgs, elements) { var elem, lastMove = this.lastMouseMove, i = lastMove.length; while (i--) { elem = lastMove[i]; if (elements.indexOf(elem) < 0) { elem.events.fire( 'mouseout', eventArgs ); lastMove.splice(i, 1); } } }, /** @private */ stoppedElem: function (elem, eventArgs) { var lastMove = this.lastMouseMove, index = lastMove.indexOf(elem); if (index > -1) { elem.events.fire( 'mouseout', eventArgs ); lastMove.splice(index, 1); } }, /** @private */ fireElem: function (type, elem, eventArgs) { var lastDown = this.lastMouseDown, lastMove = this.lastMouseMove; if (type == 'move') { if (lastMove.indexOf(elem) < 0) { elem.events.fire( 'mouseover', eventArgs ); lastMove.push( elem ); } } else if (type == 'down') { lastDown.push(elem); // If mouseup on this elem and last mousedown was on this elem - click } else if (type == 'up' && lastDown.indexOf(elem) > -1) { elem.events.fire( 'click', eventArgs ); } elem.events.fire( 'mouse' + type, eventArgs ); return !this.checkFalling(); }, /** @private */ forceEvent: function (type, event) { var elements = this.getOverElements(), i = elements.length; while (i--) { elements[i].events.fire( type, [ event ]); if (!this.checkFalling()) { break; } } } }); /* --- name: "Size" description: "" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Point provides: Size ... */ /** @class Size */ var Size = LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Size', 'Size', Point, { set: function method (size) { if (typeof size == 'object' && size.width != null) { this.x = Number(size.width); this.y = Number(size.height); return this; } return method.previous.apply( this, arguments ); }, get width ( ) { return this.x }, get height ( ) { return this.y }, set width (w) { this.x = w }, set height (h) { this.y = h }, /** @returns {object} */ toObject: function () { return { width: this.x, height: this.y }; } }); /** @private */ Size.from = function (object) { if (object == null) return null; return object instanceof Size ? object : new Size(object); }; /* --- name: "Shape" description: "Abstract class LibCanvas.Shape defines interface for drawable canvas objects" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Geometry - Point provides: Shape ... */ var shapeTestBuffer = function () { if (!shapeTestBuffer.buffer) { return shapeTestBuffer.buffer = LibCanvas.buffer(1, 1, true); } return shapeTestBuffer.buffer; }; /** @class Shape */ var Shape = declare( 'LibCanvas.Shape', Geometry, { set : 'abstract', hasPoint : 'abstract', processPath: 'abstract', draw : function (ctx, type) { this.processPath(ctx)[type](); return this; }, // Методы ниже рассчитывают на то, что в фигуре есть точки from и to getCoords : function () { return this.from; }, /** @returns {LibCanvas.Shape} */ grow: function (size) { if (typeof size == 'number') { size = new Point(size/2, size/2); } else { size = new Point(size.x/2, size.y/2); } this.from.move(size, true); this. to .move(size); return this; }, get x () { return this.from.x }, get y () { return this.from.y }, set x (x) { return this.move(new Point(x - this.x, 0)); }, set y (y) { return this.move(new Point(0, y - this.y)); }, get bottomLeft () { return new Point(this.from.x, this.to.y); }, get topRight() { return new Point(this.to.x, this.from.y); }, get center() { var from = this.from, to = this.to; return new Point( (from.x + to.x) / 2, (from.y + to.y) / 2 ); }, getBoundingRectangle: function () { return new Rectangle( this.from, this.to ); }, getCenter : function () { return this.center; }, move : function (distance, reverse) { this.from.move(distance, reverse); this. to .move(distance, reverse); return this; }, equals : function (shape, accuracy) { return shape instanceof this.constructor && shape.from.equals(this.from, accuracy) && shape.to .equals(this.to , accuracy); }, clone : function () { return new this.constructor(this.from.clone(), this.to.clone()); }, dumpPoint: function (point) { return '[' + point.x + ', ' + point.y + ']'; }, dump: function (shape) { if (!shape) return this.toString(); return '[shape '+shape+'(from'+this.dumpPoint(this.from)+', to'+this.dumpPoint(this.to)+')]'; } }); /* --- name: "Shapes.Rectangle" description: "Provides rectangle as canvas object" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Point - Shape provides: Shapes.Rectangle ... */ /** @class Rectangle */ var MinusOnePoint = new Point(-1, -1); var Rectangle = LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Shapes.Rectangle', 'Rectangle', Shape, { set : function () { var center, size, a = atom.array.pickFrom(arguments), first = a[0]; this.from = null; this.to = null; if (a.length == 4) { this.from = new Point(a[0], a[1]); this.to = new Point(a[0]+a[2], a[1]+a[3]); } else if (a.length == 2) { if ('width' in a[1] && 'height' in a[1]) { this.set({ from: a[0], size: a[1] }); } else { this.from = Point.from(a[0]); this.to = Point.from(a[1]); } } else if (first.center && first.size) { center = Point.from(first.center); size = Size.from(first.size); this.from = new Point(center.x - size.x/2, center.y - size.y/2); this.to = new Point(center.x + size.x/2, center.y + size.y/2); } else { if (first.from) this.from = Point.from(first.from); if (first.to ) this.to = Point.from(first.to); if (!this.from || !this.to && first.size) { size = Size.from(first.size); if (this.from) { this.to = new Point(this.from.x + size.x, this.from.y + size.y); } else { this.from = new Point(this.to.x - size.x, this.to.y - size.y); } } } return this; }, get width() { return this.to.x - this.from.x; }, get height() { return this.to.y - this.from.y; }, set width (width) { this.to.x = this.from.x + width; }, set height (height) { this.to.y = this.from.y + height; }, get size () { return new Size( this.width, this.height ); }, set size (size) { this.to.set(this.from.x + size.width, this.from.y + size.height); }, /** @returns {boolean} */ hasPoint : function (point, padding) { point = Point.from(point); padding = padding || 0; return point.x != null && point.y != null && atom.number.between(point.x, Math.min(this.from.x, this.to.x) + padding, Math.max(this.from.x, this.to.x) - padding, 'L') && atom.number.between(point.y, Math.min(this.from.y, this.to.y) + padding, Math.max(this.from.y, this.to.y) - padding, 'L'); }, align: function (rect, sides) { if (sides == null) sides = 'center middle'; var moveTo = this.from.clone(); if (sides.indexOf('left') != -1) { moveTo.x = rect.from.x; } else if (sides.indexOf('center') != -1) { moveTo.x = rect.from.x + (rect.width - this.width) / 2; } else if (sides.indexOf('right') != -1) { moveTo.x = rect.to.x - this.width; } if (sides.indexOf('top') != -1) { moveTo.y = rect.from.y; } else if (sides.indexOf('middle') != -1) { moveTo.y = rect.from.y + (rect.height - this.height) / 2; } else if (sides.indexOf('bottom') != -1) { moveTo.y = rect.to.y - this.height; } return this.moveTo( moveTo ); }, /** @returns {LibCanvas.Shapes.Rectangle} */ moveTo: function (rect) { if (rect instanceof Point) { this.move( this.from.diff(rect) ); } else { rect = Rectangle.from(rect); this.from.moveTo(rect.from); this. to.moveTo(rect.to); } return this; }, /** @returns {LibCanvas.Shapes.Rectangle} */ draw : function (ctx, type) { // fixed Opera bug - cant drawing rectangle with width or height below zero ctx.original(type + 'Rect', [ Math.min(this.from.x, this.to.x), Math.min(this.from.y, this.to.y), Math.abs(this.width ), Math.abs(this.height) ]); return this; }, /** @returns {LibCanvas.Context2D} */ processPath : function (ctx, noWrap) { if (!noWrap) ctx.beginPath(); ctx.ctx2d.rect( this.from.x, this.from.y, this.width, this.height ); if (!noWrap) ctx.closePath(); return ctx; }, /** @returns {boolean} */ intersect : function (obj) { if (obj.prototype != this.constructor) { if (obj.getBoundingRectangle) { obj = obj.getBoundingRectangle(); } else return false; } return this.from.x < obj.to.x && this.to.x > obj.from.x && this.from.y < obj.to.y && this.to.y > obj.from.y; }, getBoundingRectangle: function () { return this; }, /** @returns {LibCanvas.Point} */ getRandomPoint : function (margin) { margin = margin || 0; return new Point( atom.number.random(margin, this.width - margin), atom.number.random(margin, this.height - margin) ); }, /** @returns {LibCanvas.Shapes.Rectangle} */ fillToPixel: function () { var from = this.from, to = this.to, point = function (side, round) { return new Point( Math[round](Math[side](from.x, to.x)), Math[round](Math[side](from.y, to.y)) ); }; return new Rectangle( point( 'min', 'floor' ), point( 'max', 'ceil' ) ); }, /** @returns {LibCanvas.Shapes.Rectangle} */ snapToPixel: function () { this.from.snapToPixel(); this.to.snapToPixel().move(MinusOnePoint); return this; }, /** @returns {string} */ dump: function method (name) { return method.previous.call(this, name || 'Rectangle'); }, /** @returns {LibCanvas.Shapes.Polygon} */ toPolygon: function () { return new Polygon( this.from.clone(), this.topRight, this.to.clone(), this.bottomLeft ); } }); /** @private */ Rectangle.from = function (object) { if (object == null) return null; return object instanceof Rectangle ? object : new Rectangle(object); }; /* --- name: "Shapes.Circle" description: "Provides circle as canvas object" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Point - Shape provides: Shapes.Circle ... */ /** @class Circle */ var Circle = LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Shapes.Circle', 'Circle', Shape, { set : function () { var center, radius, a = atom.array.pickFrom(arguments); if (a.length >= 3) { center = new Point(a[0], a[1]); radius = a[2]; } else if (a.length == 2) { center = Point.from(a[0]); radius = a[1]; } else { a = a[0]; radius = a.r == null ? a.radius : a.r; if ('x' in a && 'y' in a) { center = new Point(a.x, a.y); } else if ('center' in a) { center = Point.from(a.center); } else if ('from' in a) { center = new Point(a.from).move({ x: this.radius, y: this.radius }); } } this.center = center; this.radius = radius; if (center == null) throw new TypeError('center is null'); if (radius == null) throw new TypeError('radius is null'); }, // we need accessors to redefine parent "get center" get center ( ) { return this._center; }, set center (c) { this._center = c; }, grow: function (size) { this.radius += size/2; return this; }, getCoords : function () { return this.center; }, hasPoint : function (point) { return this.center.checkDistanceTo(point, this.radius, true); }, scale : function (factor, pivot) { if (pivot) this.center.scale(factor, pivot); this.radius *= factor; return this; }, getCenter: function () { return this.center; }, intersect : function (obj) { if (obj instanceof this.constructor) { return this.center.checkDistanceTo(obj.center, this.radius + obj.radius, true); } else { return this.getBoundingRectangle().intersect( obj ); } }, move : function (distance, reverse) { this.center.move(distance, reverse); return this; }, processPath : function (ctx, noWrap) { if (!noWrap) ctx.beginPath(); if (this.radius) { ctx.arc({ circle : this, angle : [0, Math.PI * 2] }); } if (!noWrap) ctx.closePath(); return ctx; }, getBoundingRectangle: function () { var r = this.radius, center = this.center; return new Rectangle( new Point(center.x - r, center.y - r), new Point(center.x + r, center.y + r) ); }, clone : function () { return new this.constructor(this.center.clone(), this.radius); }, getPoints : function () { return { center : this.center }; }, equals : function (shape, accuracy) { return shape instanceof this.shape && shape.radius == this.radius && shape.center.equals(this.center, accuracy); }, dump: function () { return '[shape Circle(center['+this.center.x+', '+this.center.y+'], '+this.radius+')]'; } }); /** @private */ Circle.from = function (object) { if (object == null) return null; return object instanceof Circle ? object : new Circle(object); }; /* --- name: "Core.Canvas" description: "Provides some Canvas extensions" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas provides: Core.Canvas ... */ atom.core.append(HTMLCanvasElement, /** @lends HTMLCanvasElement */ { /** @private */ _newContexts: {}, /** @returns {HTMLCanvasElement} */ addContext: function (name, ctx) { this._newContexts[name] = ctx; return this; }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ getContext: function (name) { return this._newContexts[name] || null; } }); atom.core.append(HTMLCanvasElement.prototype, /** @lends HTMLCanvasElement.prototype */ { getOriginalContext: HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext, /** @returns {Context2D} */ getContext: function (type) { if (!this.contextsList) { this.contextsList = {}; } if (!this.contextsList[type]) { var ctx = HTMLCanvasElement.getContext(type); if (ctx) { ctx = new ctx(this); } else try { ctx = this.getOriginalContext.apply(this, arguments); } catch (e) { throw (!e.toString().match(/NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE/)) ? e : new TypeError('Wrong Context Type: «' + type + '»'); } this.contextsList[type] = ctx; } return this.contextsList[type]; } }); /* --- name: "Context.DrawImage" description: "LibCanvas.Context2D adds new canvas context '2d-libcanvas'" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Point - Size - Shapes.Rectangle - Shapes.Circle provides: Context.DrawImage ... */ new function () { var toPoint = Point.from, toRectangle = Rectangle.from; /** @class LibCanvas.Context.DrawImage */ LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Context.DrawImage', { initialize: function (context) { this.context = context; this.ctx2d = context.ctx2d; }, drawImage: function (args) { var a, center, from, draw, crop, scale, image, pivot, angle; if (this.checkNonObject(args)) return; a = args[0]; image = a.image; angle = a.angle; scale = a.scale && toPoint(a.scale); center = a.center && toPoint(a.center); from = a.from && toPoint(a.from); draw = a.draw && toRectangle(a.draw); crop = a.crop && toRectangle(a.crop); if (! atom.dom.isElement(image) ) throw new TypeError('Wrong image in Context.DrawImage'); if (! (center || from || draw) ) throw new TypeError('Wrong arguments in Context.DrawImage'); pivot = this.getTransformPivot( angle, scale, image, center, from, draw ); if (pivot) this.transform(pivot, angle, scale); draw ? this.drawRect (image, draw, crop , a.optimize) : this.drawPoint(image, from, center, a.optimize); if (pivot) this.ctx2d.restore(); return this.context; }, /** @private */ run: function (array) { this.ctx2d.drawImage.apply( this.ctx2d, array ); }, /** @private */ transform: function (center, angle, scale) { this.ctx2d.save(); if (angle) this.context.rotate(angle, center); if (scale) this.context.scale (scale, center); }, /** @private */ checkNonObject: function (args) { var image = args[0], length = args.length, target; if (length > 2) { this.run(args); return true; } if (length == 2) { target = args[1]; if (target instanceof Point) { this.drawPoint(image, target); return true; } if (target instanceof Rectangle) { this.drawRect(image, target); return true; } throw new Error('Unknown second argument in Context.DrawImage'); } if (length == 0) { throw new Error('Empty arguments in Context.DrawImage'); } if (atom.dom.isElement(image)) { this.ctx2d.drawImage(image, 0, 0); return true; } return false; }, /** @private */ drawPoint: function (image, from, center, optimize) { var point = center || from, fromX = point.x, fromY = point.y; if (center) { fromX -= image.width / 2; fromY -= image.height / 2; } if (optimize) { fromX = Math.round(fromX); fromY = Math.round(fromY); } this.ctx2d.drawImage(image, fromX, fromY); }, /** @private */ drawRect: function (image, rect, crop, optimize) { var deltaX, deltaY, fromX, fromY; if (crop) { this.ctx2d.drawImage( image, crop.from.x, crop.from.y, crop.width, crop.height, rect.from.x, rect.from.y, rect.width, rect.height ); return; } if (optimize) { fromX = Math.round(rect.from.x); fromY = Math.round(rect.from.y); deltaX = Math.abs(rect.width - image.width ); deltaY = Math.abs(rect.height - image.width ); if (deltaX < 1.1 && deltaY < 1.1) { this.ctx2d.drawImage(image, fromX, fromY); } else { this.ctx2d.drawImage(image, fromX, fromY, Math.round(rect.width), Math.round(rect.height) ); } return; } this.ctx2d.drawImage( image, rect.from.x, rect.from.y, rect.width , rect.height ); }, /** @private */ getTransformPivot: function (angle, scale, image, center, from, draw) { if ( !angle && (!scale || (scale.x == 1 && scale.y == 1)) ) return null; if (center) return center; if ( draw ) return draw.center; return new Point(from.x + image.width/2, from.y + image.height/2); } }); }; /* --- name: "Context.Gradients" description: "LibCanvas.Context2D adds new canvas context '2d-libcanvas'" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Point - Size - Shapes.Rectangle - Shapes.Circle provides: Context.Gradients ... */ new function () { var toPoint = Point.from, toRectangle = Rectangle.from, toCircle = Circle.from; var addColorStopSource = document .createElement('canvas') .getContext('2d') .createLinearGradient(0,0,1,1) .addColorStop; var addColorStop = function (colors) { if (typeof colors == 'object') { for (var position in colors) if (colors.hasOwnProperty(position)) { addColorStopSource.call( this, parseFloat(position), colors[position] ); } } else { addColorStopSource.apply( this, arguments ); } return this; }; var fixGradient = function (grad) { grad.addColorStop = addColorStop; return grad; }; /** @class LibCanvas.Context.Gradients */ LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Context.Gradients', { initialize: function (context) { this.context = context; this.ctx2d = context.ctx2d; }, /** @returns {CanvasGradient} */ createGradient: function (from, to, colors) { var gradient; if ( from instanceof Rectangle ) { colors = to; gradient = this.createLinearGradient([ from ]); } else if (from instanceof Circle) { gradient = this.createRadialGradient([ from, to ]); } else if (from instanceof Point) { gradient = this.createLinearGradient([ from, to ]); } else { throw new Error('Unknown arguments in Context.Gradients.createGradient'); } if (typeof colors == 'object') gradient.addColorStop( colors ); return gradient; }, /** @returns {CanvasGradient} */ createRectangleGradient: function (rectangle, colors) { rectangle = toRectangle( rectangle ); var from = rectangle.from, line = new Line( rectangle.bottomLeft, rectangle.topRight ); return this.createGradient( from, line.perpendicular(from).scale(2, from), colors ); }, /** @returns {CanvasGradient} */ createLinearGradient : function (a) { var from, to; if (a.length != 4) { if (a.length == 2) { to = toPoint(a[0]); from = toPoint(a[1]); } else if (a.length == 1) { to = toPoint(a[0].to); from = toPoint(a[0].from); } else { throw new TypeError('Wrong arguments.length in the Context.createLinearGradient'); } a = [from.x, from.y, to.x, to.y]; } return fixGradient( this.ctx2d.createLinearGradient.apply(this.ctx2d, a) ); }, /** @returns {CanvasGradient} */ createRadialGradient: function (a) { var points, c1, c2, length = a.length; if (length == 1 || length == 2) { if (length == 2) { c1 = toCircle( a[0] ); c2 = toCircle( a[1] ); } else { c1 = toCircle( a.start ); c2 = toCircle( a.end ); } points = [c1.center.x, c1.center.y, c1.radius, c2.center.x, c2.center.y, c2.radius]; } else if (length == 6) { points = a; } else { throw new TypeError('Wrong arguments.length in the Context.createRadialGradient'); } return fixGradient( this.ctx2d.createRadialGradient.apply(this.ctx2d, points) ); } }); }; /* --- name: "Context.Path" description: "LibCanvas.Context2D adds new canvas context '2d-libcanvas'" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Point - Size - Shapes.Circle provides: Context.Path ... */ new function () { var toPoint = Point.from, toCircle = Circle.from; /** @class LibCanvas.Context.Path */ LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Context.Path', { initialize: function (context) { this.context = context; this.ctx2d = context.ctx2d; }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ arc : function (a) { if (a.length > 1) { return this.ctx2d.arc.apply(this.ctx2d, a); } else if (!a[0].circle) { throw new TypeError('Wrong arguments in CanvasContext.arc'); } var f = a[0], circle, angle, angleStart, angleEnd, angleSize; circle = toCircle(f.circle); angle = f.angle; if (Array.isArray(angle)) { angleStart = angle[0]; angleEnd = angle[1]; } else { angleStart = angle.start; angleEnd = angle.end; angleSize = angle.size; if (angleSize == null) { // do nothing } else if (angleEnd == null) { angleEnd = angleSize + angleStart; } else if (angleStart == null) { angleStart = angleEnd - angleSize; } } this.ctx2d.arc( circle.center.x, circle.center.y, circle.radius, angleStart, angleEnd, !!(f.anticlockwise || f.acw) ); return this.context; }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ arcTo : function () { // @todo Beauty arguments this.ctx2d.arcTo.apply(this.ctx2d, arguments); return this.context; }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ curveTo: function (a) { var p, l, to, curve = a[0]; if (typeof curve == 'number') { if (a.length === 4) { return this.quadraticCurveTo(a); } else if (a.length === 6) { return this.bezierCurveTo(a); } } else if (a.length > 1) { p = atom.array.from( a ).map(toPoint); to = p.shift() } else { p = atom.array.from( curve.points ).map(toPoint); to = toPoint(curve.to); } l = p.length; if (l == 2) { this.ctx2d.bezierCurveTo( p[0].x, p[0].y, p[1].x, p[1].y, to.x, to.y ); } else if (l == 1) { this.ctx2d.quadraticCurveTo( p[0].x, p[0].y, to.x, to.y ); } else { this.ctx2d.lineTo(to.x, to.y); } return this.context; }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ quadraticCurveTo : function (a) { if (a.length == 4) { this.ctx2d.quadraticCurveTo.apply(this.ctx2d, a); return this.context; } else { a = a.length == 2 ? {p:a[0], to:a[1]} : a[0]; return this.curveTo([{ to: a.to, points: [a.p] }]); } }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ bezierCurveTo : function (a) { if (a.length == 6) { this.ctx2d.bezierCurveTo.apply(this.ctx2d, a); return this.context; } else { a = a.length == 3 ? {p1:a[0], p2:a[1], to:a[2]} : a[0]; return this.curveTo([{ to: a.to, points: [a.p1, a.p2] }]); } }, isPointInPath: function (x, y) { if (y == null) { x = toPoint(x); y = x.y; x = x.x; } return this.ctx2d.isPointInPath(x, y); } }); }; /* --- name: "Context.Pixels" description: "LibCanvas.Context2D adds new canvas context '2d-libcanvas'" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Point - Size - Shapes.Rectangle - Shapes.Circle provides: Context.Pixels ... */ new function () { var toPoint = Point.from, toRectangle = Rectangle.from, size1x1 = new Size(1,1); /** @class LibCanvas.Context.Pixels */ LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Context.Pixels', { initialize: function (context) { this.context = context; this.ctx2d = context.ctx2d; }, // image data /** @returns {CanvasPixelArray} */ createImageData : function (w, h) { if (w == null) { w = this.context.width; h = this.context.height; } else if (h == null) { if (w.width == null && w.height == null) { throw new TypeError('Wrong argument in the Context.createImageData'); } else { h = w.height; w = w.width; } } return this.ctx2d.createImageData(w, h); }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ putImageData : function (a) { var put = {}, args, rect; switch (a.length) { case 1: { if (typeof a != 'object') { throw new TypeError('Wrong argument in the Context.putImageData'); } a = a[0]; put.image = a.image; put.from = toPoint(a.from); if (a.crop) put.crop = toRectangle(a.crop); } break; case 3: { put.image = a[0]; put.from = new Point(a[1], a[2]); } break; case 7: { put.image = a[0]; put.from = new Point(a[1], a[2]); put.crop = new Rectangle(a[3], a[4], a[5], a[6]); } break; default : throw new TypeError('Wrong args number in the Context.putImageData'); } args = [put.image, put.from.x, put.from.y]; if (put.crop) { rect = put.crop; atom.array.append(args, [rect.from.x, rect.from.y, rect.width, rect.height]) } this.ctx2d.putImageData.apply(this.ctx2d, args); return this.context; }, /** @returns {CanvasPixelArray} */ getImageData : function (args) { var rect = toRectangle(args.length > 1 ? args : args[0]); return this.ctx2d.getImageData(rect.from.x, rect.from.y, rect.width, rect.height); }, getPixels : function (args) { var rect = toRectangle(args.length > 1 ? args : args[0]), data = this.getImageData(rect).data, result = [], line = []; for (var i = 0, L = data.length; i < L; i+=4) { line.push({ r : data[i], g : data[i+1], b : data[i+2], a : data[i+3] / 255 }); if (line.length == rect.width) { result.push(line); line = []; } } return result; }, getPixel: function (point) { var rect = new Rectangle(toPoint( point ), size1x1), data = slice.call(this.getImageData([rect]).data); data[3] /= 255; return new atom.Color(data); } }); }; /* --- name: "Context.Text" description: "LibCanvas.Context2D adds new canvas context '2d-libcanvas'" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Point - Size - Shapes.Rectangle - Shapes.Circle provides: Context.Text ... */ new function () { var toPoint = Point.from, toRectangle = Rectangle.from, size1x1 = new Size(1,1); /** @class LibCanvas.Context.Text */ LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Context.Text', { initialize: function (context) { this.context = context; this.ctx2d = context.ctx2d; }, // text /** @returns {Context2D} */ method: function (method, text, x, y, maxWidth) { var type = typeof x; if (type != 'number' && type != 'string') { maxWidth = y; x = toPoint( x ); y = x.y; x = x.x; } var args = [text, x, y]; if (maxWidth) args.push( maxWidth ); this.ctx2d[method].apply( this.ctx2d, args ); return this.context; }, fillText : function (text, x, y, maxWidth) { return this.method( 'fillText', text, x, y, maxWidth); }, strokeText : function (text, x, y, maxWidth) { return this.method('strokeText', text, x, y, maxWidth); }, /** @returns {object} */ measureText : function (args) { return this.ctx2d.measureText.call(this.ctx2d, args) }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ text : function (cfg) { if (!this.ctx2d.fillText) return this; var ctx = this.ctx2d; cfg = atom.core.append({ text : '', color : null, /* @color */ wrap : 'normal', /* no|normal */ to : null, align : 'left', /* center|left|right */ size : 16, weight : 'normal', /* bold|normal */ style : 'normal', /* italic|normal */ family : 'arial,sans-serif', /* @fontFamily */ lineHeight : null, overflow : 'visible', /* hidden|visible */ padding : [0,0], shadow : null }, cfg); ctx.save(); if (typeof cfg.padding == 'number') { cfg.padding = [cfg.padding, cfg.padding]; } var to = cfg.to ? toRectangle(cfg.to) : this.context.rectangle; var lh = Math.round(cfg.lineHeight || (cfg.size * 1.15)); this.context.set('font', atom.string.substitute( '{style}{weight}{size}px {family}', { style : cfg.style == 'italic' ? 'italic ' : '', weight : cfg.weight == 'bold' ? 'bold ' : '', size : cfg.size, family : cfg.family }) ); if (cfg.shadow) this.context.shadow = cfg.shadow; if (cfg.color) this.context.set({ fillStyle: cfg.color }); if (cfg.overflow == 'hidden') this.context.clip(to); function xGet (lineWidth) { var al = cfg.align, pad = cfg.padding[1]; return Math.round( al == 'left' ? to.from.x + pad : al == 'right' ? to.to.x - lineWidth - pad : to.from.x + (to.width - lineWidth)/2 ); } function measure (text) { return Number(ctx.measureText(text).width); } var lines = String(cfg.text).split('\n'); if (cfg.wrap == 'no') { lines.forEach(function (line, i) { if (!line) return; ctx.fillText(line, xGet(cfg.align == 'left' ? 0 : measure(line)), to.from.y + (i+1)*lh); }); } else { var lNum = 0; lines.forEach(function (line) { if (!line) { lNum++; return; } var words = (line || ' ').match(/.+?(\s|$)/g); if (!words) { lNum++; return; } var L = ''; var Lw = 0; for (var i = 0; i <= words.length; i++) { var last = i == words.length; if (!last) { var text = words[i]; // @todo too slow. 2-4ms for 50words var wordWidth = measure(text); if (!Lw || Lw + wordWidth < to.width) { Lw += wordWidth; L += text; continue; } } if (Lw) { ctx.fillText(L, xGet(Lw), to.from.y + (++lNum)*lh + cfg.padding[0]); if (last) { L = ''; Lw = 0; } else { L = text; Lw = wordWidth; } } } if (Lw) ctx.fillText(L, xGet(Lw), to.from.y + (++lNum)*lh + cfg.padding[0]); }); } ctx.restore(); return this.context; } }); }; /* --- name: "Context2D" description: "LibCanvas.Context2D adds new canvas context '2d-libcanvas'" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Point - Size - Shapes.Rectangle - Shapes.Circle - Core.Canvas - Context.DrawImage - Context.Gradients - Context.Path - Context.Pixels - Context.Text provides: Context2D ... */ /** * @class * @name Context2D * @name LibCanvas.Context2D */ var Context2D = function () { var office = { all : function (type, style) { this.save(); if (style) this.set(type + 'Style', style); this[type + 'Rect'](this.rectangle); this.restore(); return this; }, rect : function (func, args) { var rect = office.makeRect.call(this, args); return this.original(func, [rect.from.x, rect.from.y, rect.width, rect.height]); }, makeRect: function (args) { return args.length ? Rectangle(args) : this.rectangle; }, fillStroke : function (type, args) { if (args.length >= 1 && args[0] instanceof Shape) { if (args[1]) this.save().set(type + 'Style', args[1]); args[0].draw(this, type); if (args[1]) this.restore(); } else { if (args.length && args[0]) this.save().set(type + 'Style', args[0]); this.original(type); if (args.length && args[0]) this.restore(); } return this; }, originalPoint : function (func, args) { var point = Point(args); return this.original(func, [point.x, point.y]); } }; /* In some Mobile browsers shadowY should be inverted (bug) */ var shadowBug = function () { // todo: use LibCanvas.buffer var ctx = atom.dom .create('canvas', { width: 15, height: 15 }) .first.getContext( '2d' ); ctx.shadowBlur = 1; ctx.shadowOffsetX = 0; ctx.shadowOffsetY = -5; ctx.shadowColor = 'green'; ctx.fillRect( 0, 5, 5, 5 ); // Color should contains green component to be correct (128 is correct value) return ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1).data[1] < 64; }(); var constants = /** @lends LibCanvas.Context2D */ { COMPOSITE: { SOURCE_OVER: 'source-over', SOURCE_IN : 'source-in', SOURCE_OUT : 'source-out', SOURCE_ATOP: 'source-atop', DESTINATION_OVER: 'destination-over', DESTINATION_IN : 'destination-in', DESTINATION_OUT : 'destination-out', DESTINATION_ATOP: 'destination-atop', LIGHTER: 'lighter', DARKER : 'darker', COPY : 'copy', XOR : 'xor' }, LINE_CAP: { BUTT : 'butt', ROUND : 'round', SQUARE: 'square' }, LINE_JOIN: { ROUND: 'round', BEVEL: 'bevel', MITER: 'miter' }, TEXT_ALIGN: { LEFT : 'left', RIGHT : 'right', CENTER: 'center', START : 'start', END : 'end' }, TEXT_BASELINE: { TOP : 'top', HANGING : 'hanging', MIDDLE : 'middle', ALPHABETIC : 'alphabetic', IDEOGRAPHIC: 'ideographic', BOTTOM : 'bottom' }, SHADOW_BUG: shadowBug }; var Context2D = LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Context2D', 'Context2D', /** * @lends LibCanvas.Context2D.prototype * @property {string} fillStyle * @property {string} font * @property {number} globalAlpha * @property {string} globalCompositeOperation * @property {string} lineCap * @property {string} lineJoin * @property {number} lineWidth * @property {number} miterLimit * @property {number} shadowOffsetX * @property {number} shadowOffsetY * @property {number} shadowBlur * @property {string} shadowColor * @property {string} strokeStyle * @property {string} textAlign * @property {string} textBaseline */ { initialize : function (canvas) { if (canvas instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D) { this.ctx2d = canvas; this.canvas = this.ctx2d.canvas; } else { this.canvas = canvas; this.ctx2d = atom.core.isFunction(canvas.getOriginalContext) ? canvas.getOriginalContext('2d') : canvas.getContext('2d'); } this.helpers = { image : new LibCanvas.Context.DrawImage(this), gradients: new LibCanvas.Context.Gradients(this), pixels : new LibCanvas.Context.Pixels (this), text : new LibCanvas.Context.Text (this), path : new LibCanvas.Context.Path (this) }; }, get width () { return this.canvas.width; }, get height() { return this.canvas.height; }, set width (width) { this.canvas.width = width; }, set height(height) { this.canvas.height = height;}, get size () { return new Size(this.width, this.height); }, set size (size) { size = Size.from(size); this.width = size.width; this.height = size.height; }, get shadow () { return [this.shadowOffsetX, this.shadowOffsetY, this.shadowBlur, this.shadowColor].join( ' ' ); }, set shadow (value) { value = value.split( ' ' ); this.shadowOffsetX = value[0]; this.shadowOffsetY = value[1]; this.shadowBlur = value[2]; this.shadowColor = value[3]; }, /** @private */ safeSet: function (property, value) { try { this.ctx2d[property] = value; } catch (e) { throw TypeError('Exception while setting «' + property + '» to «' + value + '»: ' + e.message); } }, set shadowOffsetY (value) { if (shadowBug) value *= -1; this.safeSet('shadowOffsetY', value); }, set shadowBlur (value) { if (shadowBug && value < 1) value = 1; this.safeSet('shadowBlur', value); }, get shadowOffsetY () { return this.ctx2d.shadowOffsetY; }, get shadowBlur () { return this.ctx2d.shadowBlur; }, get opacity () { return this.globalAlpha; }, set opacity (value) { this.globalAlpha = value; }, _rectangle: null, /** @returns {Rectangle} */ get rectangle () { var rect = this._rectangle; if (!rect) { this._rectangle = rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.width, this.height) } else { rect.size = this; } return rect; }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ original : function (method, args, returnResult) { var result = this.ctx2d[method].apply(this.ctx2d, args || []); return returnResult ? result: this; }, /** @returns {HTMLCanvasElement} */ getClone : function (width, height) { var resize = !!(width || height), canvas = this.canvas; width = width || canvas.width; height = height || canvas.height; var args = [canvas, 0, 0]; if (resize) args.push(width, height); var clone = LibCanvas.buffer(width, height, true); clone.ctx.original('drawImage', args); return clone; }, // Values /** @returns {Context2D} */ set : function (name, value) { if (typeof name == 'object') { for (var i in name) this[i] = name[i]; } else this[name] = value; return this; }, /** @returns {string} */ get : function (name) { return this[name]; }, // All /** @returns {Context2D} */ fillAll : function (style) { return office.all.call(this, 'fill', style); }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ strokeAll : function (style) { return office.all.call(this, 'stroke', style); }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ clearAll : function () { return this.ctx2d.clearRect(0,0,this.canvas.width,this.canvas.height); }, // Save/Restore /** @returns {Context2D} */ save : function () { this.ctx2d.save(); return this; }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ restore : function () { this.ctx2d.restore(); return this; }, // Fill/Stroke /** @returns {Context2D} */ fill : function (shape) { return office.fillStroke.call(this, 'fill', arguments); }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ stroke : function (shape) { return office.fillStroke.call(this, 'stroke', arguments); }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ clear: function (shape, stroke) { return shape instanceof Shape && shape.constructor != Rectangle ? this .save() .set({ globalCompositeOperation: Context2D.COMPOSITE.DESTINATION_OUT }) [stroke ? 'stroke' : 'fill']( shape ) .restore() : this.clearRect( Rectangle.from(shape) ); }, // Path /** @returns {Context2D} */ beginPath : function (moveTo) { var ret = this.original('beginPath'); arguments.length && this.moveTo.apply(this, arguments); return ret; }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ closePath : function () { arguments.length && this.lineTo.apply(this, arguments); return this.original('closePath'); }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ moveTo : function (point) { return office.originalPoint.call(this, 'moveTo', arguments); }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ lineTo : function (point) { return office.originalPoint.call(this, 'lineTo', arguments); }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ arc : function (x, y, r, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise) { return this.helpers.path.arc(arguments); }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ arcTo : function () { return this.helpers.path.arcTo(arguments); }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ curveTo: function (curve) { return this.helpers.path.curveTo(arguments); }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ quadraticCurveTo : function () { return this.helpers.path.quadraticCurveTo(arguments); }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ bezierCurveTo : function () { return this.helpers.path.bezierCurveTo(arguments); }, /** @returns {boolean} */ isPointInPath : function (x, y) { return this.helpers.path.isPointInPath(x, y); }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ clip : function (shape) { if (shape && typeof shape.processPath == 'function') { shape.processPath(this); } return this.original('clip'); }, // transformation /** @returns {Context2D} */ rotate : function (angle, pivot) { if (angle) { if (pivot) this.translate(pivot); this.original('rotate', [angle]); if (pivot) this.translate(pivot, true); } return this; }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ translate : function (point, reverse) { point = Point( (arguments.length === 1 || typeof reverse === 'boolean') ? point : arguments ); var multi = reverse === true ? -1 : 1; this.original('translate', [point.x * multi, point.y * multi]); return this; }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ scale : function (power, pivot) { if (typeof pivot == 'number') { power = new Point(power, pivot); pivot = null; } else { power = Point(power); } if (power.x != 1 || power.y != 1) { if (pivot) this.translate(pivot); this.original('scale', [power.x, power.y]); if (pivot) this.translate(pivot, true); } return this; }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ transform : function () { // @todo Beauty arguments return this.original('transform', arguments); }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ setTransform : function () { // @todo Beauty arguments return this.original('setTransform', arguments); }, // Rectangle /** @returns {Context2D} */ fillRect : function (rectangle) { return office.rect.call(this, 'fillRect', arguments); }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ strokeRect : function (rectangle) { return office.rect.call(this, 'strokeRect', arguments); }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ clearRect : function (rectangle) { return office.rect.call(this, 'clearRect', arguments); }, // === helpers.text === // /** @returns {Context2D} */ fillText : function (text, x, y, maxWidth) { return this.helpers.text.fillText(text, x, y, maxWidth); }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ strokeText : function (text, x, y, maxWidth) { return this.helpers.text.strokeText(text, x, y, maxWidth); }, /** @returns {object} */ measureText : function (textToMeasure) { return this.helpers.text.measureText(arguments); }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ text : function (cfg) { return this.helpers.text.text(cfg); }, // === helpers.drawImage === // /** @returns {Context2D} */ drawImage : function () { return this.helpers.image.drawImage(arguments); }, // === helpers.pixels === // /** @returns {CanvasPixelArray} */ createImageData : function (w, h) { return this.helpers.pixels.createImageData(w, h); }, /** @returns {Context2D} */ putImageData : function () { return this.helpers.pixels.putImageData(arguments); }, /** @returns {CanvasPixelArray} */ getImageData : function (rectangle) { return this.helpers.pixels.getImageData(arguments); }, getPixels : function (rectangle) { return this.helpers.pixels.getPixels(arguments); }, getPixel: function (point) { return this.helpers.pixels.getPixel(point); }, // === helpers.gradients === // /** @returns {CanvasGradient} */ createGradient: function (from, to, colors) { return this.helpers.gradients.createGradient(from, to, colors); }, /** @returns {CanvasGradient} */ createRectangleGradient: function (rectangle, colors) { return this.helpers.gradients.createRectangleGradient(rectangle, colors); }, /** @returns {CanvasGradient} */ createLinearGradient : function () { return this.helpers.gradients.createLinearGradient(arguments); }, /** @returns {CanvasGradient} */ createRadialGradient: function () { return this.helpers.gradients.createRadialGradient(arguments); }, // === etc === // /** @returns {CanvasPattern} */ createPattern : function () { return this.original('createPattern', arguments, true); }, drawWindow : function () { return this.original('drawWindow', arguments); } }).own(constants); [ 'fillStyle','font','globalAlpha','globalCompositeOperation','lineCap', 'lineJoin','lineWidth','miterLimit','shadowOffsetX','shadowColor', 'strokeStyle','textAlign','textBaseline' // we'll set this values manually because of bug in Mobile Phones // 'shadowOffsetY','shadowBlur' ].forEach(function (property) { atom.accessors.define(Context2D.prototype, property, { set: function (value) { this.safeSet(property, value); }, get: function () { return this.ctx2d[property]; } }) }); Context2D.office = office; if (atom.core.isFunction(HTMLCanvasElement.addContext)) { HTMLCanvasElement.addContext('2d-libcanvas', Context2D); } return Context2D; }(); /* --- name: "Point3D" description: "A X/Y/Z point coordinates encapsulating class" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Geometry provides: Point3D ... */ /** @class Point3D */ var Point3D = LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Point3D', 'Point3D', Geometry, { x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, /** @private */ coordinatesArray: ['x', 'y', 'z'], /** * @constructs * @param {Number} x * @param {Number} y * @param {Number} z * @returns {Point3D} */ set: function (x, y, z) { if ( arguments.length > 1 ) { this.x = Number(x) || 0; this.y = Number(y) || 0; this.z = Number(z) || 0; } else if ( x && typeof x.x === 'number' ) { this.set( x.x, x.y, x.z ); } else if ( x && typeof x[0] === 'number' ) { this.set( x[0], x[1], x[2] ); } else { throw new Error( 'Wrong arguments in Isometric.Point3D' ); } return this; }, /** * You can pass callback (function( value, axis, point ){}) * @param {function} fn * @param {object} [context=null] * @returns {Point3D} */ map: function (fn, context) { var point = this; point.coordinatesArray.forEach(function (axis) { point[axis] = fn.call( context || point, point[axis], axis, point ); }); return this; }, /** * @param {Number} factor * @returns {Point3D} */ add: function (factor) { return this.map(function (c) { return c+factor }); }, /** * @param {Number} factor * @returns {Point3D} */ mul: function (factor) { return this.map(function (c) { return c*factor }); }, /** * @param {Point3D} point3d * @returns {Point3D} */ diff: function (point3d) { point3d = this.cast( point3d ); return new this.constructor( point3d.x - this.x, point3d.y - this.y, point3d.z - this.z ); }, /** * @param {Point3D} point3d * @returns {Point3D} */ move: function (point3d) { point3d = this.cast( arguments ); this.x += point3d.x; this.y += point3d.y; this.z += point3d.z; return this; }, /** * @param {Point3D} point3d * @param {Number} accuracy * @returns {boolean} */ equals: function (point3d, accuracy) { return point3d.x.equals( this.x, accuracy ) && point3d.y.equals( this.y, accuracy ) && point3d.z.equals( this.z, accuracy ); }, /** @returns {Point3D} */ clone: function () { return new this.constructor( this ); }, /** @returns Array */ toArray: function () { return [this.x, this.y, this.z]; }, /** @returns String */ dump: function () { return '[LibCanvas.Point3D(' + this.toArray() + ')]'; } }); /* --- name: "Canvas2DContext" description: "LibCanvas.Canvas2DContext is similar to original 2d context (and chainable). Can be used for creating your own contexts" license: "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas provides: Canvas2DContext ... */ new function () { var object = { initialize: function (canvas) { if (canvas instanceof CanvasRenderingContext2D) { this.ctx2d = canvas; this.canvas = this.ctx2d.canvas; } else { this.canvas = canvas; this.ctx2d = canvas.getOriginalContext('2d'); } }, get width () { return this.canvas.width }, get height() { return this.canvas.height }, set width (width) { this.canvas.width = width }, set height(height) { this.canvas.height = height } }, methods = ( 'arc arcTo beginPath bezierCurveTo clearRect clip ' + 'closePath drawImage fill fillRect fillText lineTo moveTo ' + 'quadraticCurveTo rect restore rotate save scale setTransform ' + 'stroke strokeRect strokeText transform translate' ).split(' '), getterMethods = ( 'createPattern drawFocusRing isPointInPath measureText ' + 'createImageData createLinearGradient ' + 'createRadialGradient getImageData putImageData' ).split(' '), properties = ( 'fillStyle font globalAlpha globalCompositeOperation lineCap ' + 'lineJoin lineWidth miterLimit shadowOffsetX shadowOffsetY ' + 'shadowBlur shadowColor strokeStyle textAlign textBaseline' ).split(' '); properties.forEach(function (property) { atom.accessors.define(object, property, { set: function (value) { try { this.ctx2d[property] = value; } catch (e) { throw TypeError('Exception while setting «' + property + '» to «' + value + '»: ' + e.message); } }, get: function () { return this.ctx2d[property]; } }) }); methods.forEach(function (method) { object[method] = function () { this.ctx2d[method].apply(this.ctx, arguments); return this; }; }); getterMethods.forEach(function (method) { object[method] = function () { return this.ctx2d[method].apply(this.ctx, arguments); }; }); atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.Canvas2DContext', object ); }; /* --- name: "Plugins.ExtendedCurves" description: "Curves with dynamic width and color" license: "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" authors: - "Artem Smirnov " - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Context2D provides: Plugins.ExtendedCurves ... */ new function () { // The following text contains bad code and due to it's code it should not be readed by ANYONE! var Transition = atom.Transition, Color = atom.Color, EC = {}; /** @returns {atom.Color} */ EC.getColor = function (color) { return new Color(color || [0,0,0,1]); }; EC.getPoints = function (prevPos, pos, width, inverted) { var w = pos.x-prevPos.x, h = pos.y-prevPos.y, dist = atom.math.hypotenuse(w, h), sin = h / dist, cos = w / dist, dx = sin * width, dy = cos * width; return [ new Point(pos.x + dx, pos.y + dy*inverted), new Point(pos.x - dx, pos.y - dy*inverted) ]; }; EC.getGradientFunction = function (attr) { switch (typeof attr.gradient) { case 'undefined' : return atom.fn.lambda( EC.getColor(attr.color) ); case 'function' : return attr.gradient; default : var gradient = { fn: attr.gradient.fn || 'linear' }; if (typeof gradient.fn != 'string') { throw new Error('LibCanvas.Context2D.drawCurve -- unexpected type of gradient function'); } gradient.from = EC.getColor(attr.gradient.from); gradient.to = EC.getColor(attr.gradient.to ); var diff = gradient.from.diff( gradient.to ); return function (t) { var factor = Transition.get(gradient.fn)(t); return gradient.from.shift( diff.clone().mul(factor) ).toString(); }; } }; EC.getWidthFunction = function (attr) { attr.width = attr.width || 1; switch (typeof attr.width) { case 'number' : return atom.fn.lambda(attr.width); case 'function': return attr.width; case 'object' : return EC.getWidthFunction.range( attr.width ); default: throw new TypeError('LibCanvas.Context2D.drawCurve -- unexpected type of width'); } }; EC.getWidthFunction.range = function (width) { if(!width.from || !width.to){ throw new Error('LibCanvas.Context2D.drawCurve -- width.from or width.to undefined'); } var diff = width.to - width.from; return function(t){ return width.from + diff * Transition.get(width.fn || 'linear')(t); } }; EC.curvesFunctions = [ function (p, t) { // linear return { x:p[0].x + (p[1].x - p[0].x) * t, y:p[0].y + (p[1].y - p[0].y) * t }; }, function (p,t) { // quadratic var i = 1-t; return { x:i*i*p[0].x + 2*t*i*p[1].x + t*t*p[2].x, y:i*i*p[0].y + 2*t*i*p[1].y + t*t*p[2].y }; }, function (p, t) { // qubic var i = 1-t; return { x:i*i*i*p[0].x + 3*t*i*i*p[1].x + 3*t*t*i*p[2].x + t*t*t*p[3].x, y:i*i*i*p[0].y + 3*t*i*i*p[1].y + 3*t*t*i*p[2].y + t*t*t*p[3].y }; } ]; Context2D.prototype.drawCurve = function (obj) { var points = atom.array.append( [Point(obj.from)], obj.points.map(Point), [Point(obj.to)] ); var gradientFunction = EC.getGradientFunction(obj), //Getting gradient function widthFunction = EC.getWidthFunction(obj), //Getting width function curveFunction = EC.curvesFunctions[ obj.points.length ]; //Getting curve function if (!curveFunction) throw new Error('LibCanvas.Context2D.drawCurve -- unexpected number of points'); var step = obj.step || 0.02; var invertedMultipler = obj.inverted ? 1 : -1; var controlPoint, prevContorolPoint, drawPoints , prevDrawPoints , width , color, prevColor, style; prevContorolPoint = curveFunction(points, -step); for (var t=-step ; t<1.02 ; t += step) { controlPoint = curveFunction(points, t); color = gradientFunction(t); width = widthFunction(t) / 2; drawPoints = EC.getPoints(prevContorolPoint, controlPoint, width, invertedMultipler); if (t >= step) { // #todo: reduce is part of array, not color var diff = EC.getColor(prevColor).diff(color); if ( (diff.red + diff.green + diff.blue) > 150 ) { style = this.createLinearGradient(prevContorolPoint, controlPoint); style.addColorStop(0, prevColor); style.addColorStop(1, color); } else { style = color; } this .set("lineWidth",1) .beginPath(prevDrawPoints[0]) .lineTo (prevDrawPoints[1]) .lineTo (drawPoints[1]) .lineTo (drawPoints[0]) .fill (style) .stroke(style); } prevDrawPoints = drawPoints; prevContorolPoint = controlPoint; prevColor = color; } return this; }; }; /* --- name: "Plugins.Image" description: "Provides some Image extensions" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Shapes.Rectangle provides: Plugins.Image ... */ var UtilsImage = atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.Utils.Image', { canvasCache: null, initialize: function (image) { this.image = image; this.cache = {}; }, /** * @param {Rectangle} rect * #todo: use createPattern */ createSprite: function (rect) { var image, buf, xShift, yShift, x, y, xMax, yMax, crop, size, current, from, to; if (rect.width <= 0 || rect.height <= 0) { throw new TypeError('Wrong rectangle size'); } image = this.image; buf = LibCanvas.buffer(rect.width, rect.height, true); // если координаты выходят за левый/верхний край картинки if (rect.from.x < 0) xShift = Math.ceil(Math.abs(rect.from.x) / rect.width ); if (rect.from.y < 0) yShift = Math.ceil(Math.abs(rect.from.y) / rect.height); if (xShift || yShift) { rect = rect.clone().move(new Point( xShift * image.width, yShift * image.height )); } // для того, чтобы была возможность указывать ректангл, выходящий // за пределы картинки. текущая картинка повторяется как паттерн xMax = Math.ceil(rect.to.x / image.width ); yMax = Math.ceil(rect.to.y / image.height); for (y = yMax; y-- > 0;) for (x = xMax; x-- > 0;) { current = new Point(x * image.width, y * image.height); from = current.clone(); to = from.clone().move([image.width, image.height]); if (from.x < rect.from.x) from.x = rect.from.x; if (from.y < rect.from.y) from.y = rect.from.y; if ( to.x > rect. to .x) to.x = rect. to .x; if ( to.y > rect. to .y) to.y = rect. to .y; crop = new Rectangle(from, to); size = crop.size; crop.from.x %= image.width; crop.from.y %= image.height; crop.size = size; if (x) current.x -= rect.from.x; if (y) current.y -= rect.from.y; if (size.width && size.height) buf.ctx.drawImage({ image : image, crop : crop, draw : new Rectangle( current, size ) }); } return buf; }, toCanvas: function () { var cache = this.canvasCache; if (!cache) { cache = this.canvasCache = LibCanvas.buffer(this, true); cache.ctx.drawImage(this); } return cache; }, isLoaded: function () { return this.constructor.isLoaded( this.image ); }, sprite: function () { if (!this.isLoaded()) throw new Error('Not loaded in Image.sprite, logged'); if (arguments.length) { var rect = Rectangle(arguments), index = rect.dump(), cache = this.cache[index]; if (!cache) { cache = this.cache[index] = this.createSprite(rect); } return cache; } else { return this.toCanvas(); } } }); UtilsImage.own({ isLoaded : function (image) { return image.complete && ( (image.naturalWidth == null) || !!image.naturalWidth ); }, sprite: function (image, rectangle) { return this.mix(image).sprite(rectangle); }, toCanvas: function (image) { return this.mix(image).toCanvas(); }, mix: function (image) { var key = 'libcanvas.image'; if (!image[key]) { image[key] = new this(image); } return image[key]; } }); /* --- name: "ImageBuilder" description: "Plugin, that compile image from parts" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - Pavel Ponomarenko aka Shock provides: Plugins.ImageBuilder requires: - LibCanvas - Point - Shapes.Rectangle ... */ /** @class ImageBuilder */ var ImageBuilder = LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Plugins.ImageBuilder', 'ImageBuilder', { ctx : null, shape : null, images : [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ], /** * @param data * @param data.source - image * @param data.widths - [ left, center, right ] * @param data.heights - [ top, middle, bottom ] */ initialize: function (data) { this.cropImage( data ); }, /** @private */ renderSingle: function (image, xDir, yDir) { if (image != null) this.ctx.drawImage({ image: image, from: this.countShape( xDir, yDir ).from }); return this; }, /** @private */ renderRepeated: function (image, xDir, yDir) { if (image != null) { var pattern = this.ctx.createPattern( image, 'repeat' ); var shape = this.countShape(xDir, yDir); this.ctx .translate(shape.from) .fill( new Rectangle(new Point(0,0), shape.size), pattern) .translate(shape.from, true); } return this; }, /** @private */ countShape: function (xDir, yDir) { var size = this.shape.size, from = new Point(0,0), to = new Point(0,0); from.x = xDir == 'left' ? 0 : this.countBasis( xDir == 'center' ? 'left' : 'right' ); from.y = yDir == 'top' ? 0 : this.countBasis( yDir == 'middle' ? 'top' : 'bottom' ); to.x = xDir == 'right' ? size.width : this.countBasis( xDir == 'center' ? 'right' : 'left' ); to.y = yDir == 'bottom' ? size.height : this.countBasis( yDir == 'middle' ? 'bottom' : 'top' ); return new Rectangle( from, to ).move( this.shape ); }, /** @private */ countBasis: function (basis) { var images = this.images, size = this.shape.size; switch (basis) { case 'left' : return images[0].width; case 'right' : return size.width - images[2].width; case 'top' : return images[0].height; case 'bottom': return size.height - images[6].height; default: throw new TypeError('Wrong basis: ' + basis); } }, /** @private */ renderParts: function () { var images = this.images; this .renderRepeated( images[1], 'center', 'top' ) .renderRepeated( images[3], 'left' , 'middle' ) .renderRepeated( images[4], 'center', 'middle' ) .renderRepeated( images[5], 'right' , 'middle' ) .renderRepeated( images[7], 'center', 'bottom' ) .renderSingle ( images[0], 'left' , 'top' ) .renderSingle ( images[2], 'right' , 'top' ) .renderSingle ( images[6], 'left' , 'bottom' ) .renderSingle ( images[8], 'right' , 'bottom' ); }, /** @private */ cropImage: function (data) { var w, h, x, y, width, height, images = [], widths = data.widths, heights = data.heights; for (y = 0, h = 0; h < heights.length; h++) { height = heights[h]; for (x = 0, w = 0; w < widths.length; w++) { width = widths[w]; images.push(this.createCroppedImage( data.source, new Rectangle(x,y,width,height) )); x += width; } y += height; } this.images = images; }, /** @private */ createCroppedImage: function (source, shape) { var buffer = LibCanvas.buffer( shape.size, true ); buffer.ctx.drawImage({ image: source, draw : buffer.ctx.rectangle, crop : shape }); return buffer; }, renderTo: function (ctx, shape) { this.ctx = ctx; this.shape = shape; this.renderParts(); } } ); /** @class ImageBuilder.Horisontal */ atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.Plugins.ImageBuilder.Horisontal', ImageBuilder, { images: [ 0, 1, 2 ], /** @private */ countBasis: function (basis) { var images = this.images, size = this.shape.size; switch (basis) { case 'left' : return images[0].width; case 'right' : return size.width - images[2].width; case 'top' : return 0; case 'bottom': return size.height; default: throw new TypeError('Wrong basis: ' + basis); } }, /** @private */ renderParts: function () { var images = this.images; this .renderRepeated( images[1], 'center', 'middle' ) .renderSingle ( images[0], 'left' , 'middle' ) .renderSingle ( images[2], 'right' , 'middle' ); }, /** @private */ cropImage: function (data) { var w, x, width, images = [], widths = data.widths; this.height = data.source.height; for (x = 0, w = 0; w < widths.length; w++) { width = widths[w]; images.push(this.createCroppedImage( data.source, new Rectangle(x,0,width,this.height) )); x += width; } this.images = images; } }); /** @class ImageBuilder.Vertical */ atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.Plugins.ImageBuilder.Vertical', ImageBuilder, { images: [ 0, 1, 2 ], /** @private */ countBasis: function (basis) { var images = this.images, size = this.shape.size; switch (basis) { case 'left' : return 0; case 'right' : return size.width; case 'top' : return images[0].height; case 'bottom': return size.height - images[2].height; default: throw new TypeError('Wrong basis: ' + basis); } }, /** @private */ renderParts: function () { var images = this.images; this .renderRepeated( images[1], 'center', 'middle' ) .renderSingle ( images[0], 'center', 'top' ) .renderSingle ( images[2], 'center', 'bottom' ); }, /** @private */ cropImage: function (data) { var h, y, height, images = [], heights = data.heights; this.width = data.source.width; for (y = 0, h = 0; h < heights.length; h++) { height = heights[h]; images.push(this.createCroppedImage( data.source, new Rectangle(0,y,this.width,height) )); y += height; } this.images = images; } }); /* --- name: "Plugins.ImagePrototype" description: "Provides some Image extensions" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Utils.Image provides: Plugins.ImagePrototype ... */ // tag atom.core.append(HTMLImageElement.prototype, { createSprite: function (rect) { return UtilsImage.mix(this).createSprite(rect); }, toCanvas: function () { return UtilsImage.mix(this).toCanvas(); }, sprite : function () { var utils = UtilsImage.mix(this); return utils.sprite.apply( utils, arguments ); }, isLoaded : function () { return UtilsImage.isLoaded(this); } }); // mixin from image atom.core.append(HTMLCanvasElement.prototype, { createSprite : HTMLImageElement.prototype.createSprite, sprite : HTMLImageElement.prototype.sprite, isLoaded : atom.fn.lambda(true), toCanvas : atom.fn.lambda() }); /* --- name: "Plugins.ProjectiveTexture" description: "Provides testing projective textures rendering (more info: http://acko.net/files/projective/index.html)" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Context2D provides: Plugins.ProjectiveTexture source: "http://acko.net/blog/projective-texturing-with-canvas" ... */ var ProjectiveTexture = function () { Context2D.prototype.projectiveImage = function (arg) { // test new ProjectiveTexture(arg.image) .setContext(this.ctx2d) .setQuality(arg.patchSize, arg.limit) .render( arg.to ); return this; }; var ProjectiveTexture = declare( 'LibCanvas.Plugins.ProjectiveTexture', { initialize : function (image) { if (typeof image == 'string') { this.image = new Image; image.src = image } else { this.image = image; } this.patchSize = 64; this.limit = 4; }, setQuality : function (patchSize, limit) { this.patchSize = patchSize == null ? 64 : patchSize; this.limit = limit == null ? 4 : limit; return this; }, setContext : function (ctx) { this.ctx = ctx; return this; }, render : function (polygon) { var points = polygon.points; points = [ [points[0].x, points[0].y], [points[1].x, points[1].y], [points[3].x, points[3].y], [points[2].x, points[2].y] ]; var tr = getProjectiveTransform(points); // Begin subdivision process. var ptl = tr.transformProjectiveVector([0, 0, 1]); var ptr = tr.transformProjectiveVector([1, 0, 1]); var pbl = tr.transformProjectiveVector([0, 1, 1]); var pbr = tr.transformProjectiveVector([1, 1, 1]); this.transform = tr; divide.call(this, 0, 0, 1, 1, ptl, ptr, pbl, pbr, this.limit); return this; } }); var divide = function (u1, v1, u4, v4, p1, p2, p3, p4, limit) { // See if we can still divide. if (limit) { // Measure patch non-affinity. var d1 = [p2[0] + p3[0] - 2 * p1[0], p2[1] + p3[1] - 2 * p1[1]]; var d2 = [p2[0] + p3[0] - 2 * p4[0], p2[1] + p3[1] - 2 * p4[1]]; var d3 = [d1[0] + d2[0], d1[1] + d2[1]]; var r = Math.abs((d3[0] * d3[0] + d3[1] * d3[1]) / (d1[0] * d2[0] + d1[1] * d2[1])); // Measure patch area. d1 = [p2[0] - p1[0] + p4[0] - p3[0], p2[1] - p1[1] + p4[1] - p3[1]]; d2 = [p3[0] - p1[0] + p4[0] - p2[0], p3[1] - p1[1] + p4[1] - p2[1]]; var area = Math.abs(d1[0] * d2[1] - d1[1] * d2[0]); // Check area > patchSize pixels (note factor 4 due to not averaging d1 and d2) // The non-affinity measure is used as a correction factor. if ((u1 == 0 && u4 == 1) || ((.25 + r * 5) * area > (this.patchSize * this.patchSize))) { // Calculate subdivision points (middle, top, bottom, left, right). var umid = (u1 + u4) / 2; var vmid = (v1 + v4) / 2; var tr = this.transform; var pmid = tr.transformProjectiveVector([umid, vmid, 1]); var pt = tr.transformProjectiveVector([umid, v1, 1]); var pb = tr.transformProjectiveVector([umid, v4, 1]); var pl = tr.transformProjectiveVector([u1, vmid, 1]); var pr = tr.transformProjectiveVector([u4, vmid, 1]); // Subdivide. limit--; divide.call(this, u1, v1, umid, vmid, p1, pt, pl, pmid, limit); divide.call(this, umid, v1, u4, vmid, pt, p2, pmid, pr, limit); divide.call(this, u1, vmid, umid, v4, pl, pmid, p3, pb, limit); divide.call(this, umid, vmid, u4, v4, pmid, pr, pb, p4, limit); return; } } var ctx = this.ctx; // Render this patch. ctx.save(); // Set clipping path. ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(p1[0], p1[1]); ctx.lineTo(p2[0], p2[1]); ctx.lineTo(p4[0], p4[1]); ctx.lineTo(p3[0], p3[1]); ctx.closePath(); //ctx.clip(); // Get patch edge vectors. var d12 = [p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1]]; var d24 = [p4[0] - p2[0], p4[1] - p2[1]]; var d43 = [p3[0] - p4[0], p3[1] - p4[1]]; var d31 = [p1[0] - p3[0], p1[1] - p3[1]]; // Find the corner that encloses the most area var a1 = Math.abs(d12[0] * d31[1] - d12[1] * d31[0]); var a2 = Math.abs(d24[0] * d12[1] - d24[1] * d12[0]); var a4 = Math.abs(d43[0] * d24[1] - d43[1] * d24[0]); var a3 = Math.abs(d31[0] * d43[1] - d31[1] * d43[0]); var amax = Math.max(Math.max(a1, a2), Math.max(a3, a4)); var dx = 0, dy = 0, padx = 0, pady = 0; // Align the transform along this corner. switch (amax) { case a1: ctx.transform(d12[0], d12[1], -d31[0], -d31[1], p1[0], p1[1]); // Calculate 1.05 pixel padding on vector basis. if (u4 != 1) padx = 1.05 / Math.sqrt(d12[0] * d12[0] + d12[1] * d12[1]); if (v4 != 1) pady = 1.05 / Math.sqrt(d31[0] * d31[0] + d31[1] * d31[1]); break; case a2: ctx.transform(d12[0], d12[1], d24[0], d24[1], p2[0], p2[1]); // Calculate 1.05 pixel padding on vector basis. if (u4 != 1) padx = 1.05 / Math.sqrt(d12[0] * d12[0] + d12[1] * d12[1]); if (v4 != 1) pady = 1.05 / Math.sqrt(d24[0] * d24[0] + d24[1] * d24[1]); dx = -1; break; case a4: ctx.transform(-d43[0], -d43[1], d24[0], d24[1], p4[0], p4[1]); // Calculate 1.05 pixel padding on vector basis. if (u4 != 1) padx = 1.05 / Math.sqrt(d43[0] * d43[0] + d43[1] * d43[1]); if (v4 != 1) pady = 1.05 / Math.sqrt(d24[0] * d24[0] + d24[1] * d24[1]); dx = -1; dy = -1; break; case a3: // Calculate 1.05 pixel padding on vector basis. ctx.transform(-d43[0], -d43[1], -d31[0], -d31[1], p3[0], p3[1]); if (u4 != 1) padx = 1.05 / Math.sqrt(d43[0] * d43[0] + d43[1] * d43[1]); if (v4 != 1) pady = 1.05 / Math.sqrt(d31[0] * d31[0] + d31[1] * d31[1]); dy = -1; break; } // Calculate image padding to match. var du = (u4 - u1); var dv = (v4 - v1); var padu = padx * du; var padv = pady * dv; var iw = this.image.width; var ih = this.image.height; ctx.drawImage( this.image, u1 * iw, v1 * ih, Math.min(u4 - u1 + padu, 1) * iw, Math.min(v4 - v1 + padv, 1) * ih, dx, dy, 1 + padx, 1 + pady ); ctx.restore(); } /** * Generic matrix class. Built for readability, not for speed. * * (c) Steven Wittens 2008 * http://www.acko.net/ */ var Matrix = function (w, h, values) { this.w = w; this.h = h; this.values = values || allocate(h); }; var allocate = function (w, h) { var values = []; for (var i = 0; i < h; ++i) { values[i] = []; for (var j = 0; j < w; ++j) { values[i][j] = 0; } } return values; } var cloneValues = function (values) { var clone = []; for (var i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) { clone[i] = [].concat(values[i]); } return clone; } function getProjectiveTransform(points) { var eqMatrix = new Matrix(9, 8, [ [ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, -points[3][0],-points[3][0],-points[3][0] ], [ 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,-points[2][0],-points[2][0] ], [ 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -points[1][0], 0,-points[1][0] ], [ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,-points[0][0] ], [ 0, 0, 0, -1,-1,-1, points[3][1], points[3][1], points[3][1] ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0,-1,-1, 0, points[2][1], points[2][1] ], [ 0, 0, 0, -1, 0,-1, points[1][1], 0, points[1][1] ], [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0, points[0][1] ] ]); var kernel = eqMatrix.rowEchelon().values; var transform = new Matrix(3, 3, [ [-kernel[0][8], -kernel[1][8], -kernel[2][8]], [-kernel[3][8], -kernel[4][8], -kernel[5][8]], [-kernel[6][8], -kernel[7][8], 1] ]); return transform; } Matrix.prototype = { add : function (operand) { if (operand.w != this.w || operand.h != this.h) { throw new Error("Matrix add size mismatch"); } var values = allocate(this.w, this.h); for (var y = 0; y < this.h; ++y) { for (var x = 0; x < this.w; ++x) { values[y][x] = this.values[y][x] + operand.values[y][x]; } } return new Matrix(this.w, this.h, values); }, transformProjectiveVector : function (operand) { var out = [], x, y; for (y = 0; y < this.h; ++y) { out[y] = 0; for (x = 0; x < this.w; ++x) { out[y] += this.values[y][x] * operand[x]; } } var iz = 1 / (out[out.length - 1]); for (y = 0; y < this.h; ++y) { out[y] *= iz; } return out; }, multiply : function (operand) { var values, x, y; if (+operand !== operand) { // Matrix mult if (operand.h != this.w) { throw new Error("Matrix mult size mismatch"); } values = allocate(this.w, this.h); for (y = 0; y < this.h; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < operand.w; ++x) { var accum = 0; for (var s = 0; s < this.w; s++) { accum += this.values[y][s] * operand.values[s][x]; } values[y][x] = accum; } } return new Matrix(operand.w, this.h, values); } else { // Scalar mult values = allocate(this.w, this.h); for (y = 0; y < this.h; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < this.w; ++x) { values[y][x] = this.values[y][x] * operand; } } return new Matrix(this.w, this.h, values); } }, rowEchelon : function () { if (this.w <= this.h) { throw new Error("Matrix rowEchelon size mismatch"); } var temp = cloneValues(this.values); // Do Gauss-Jordan algorithm. for (var yp = 0; yp < this.h; ++yp) { // Look up pivot value. var pivot = temp[yp][yp]; while (pivot == 0) { // If pivot is zero, find non-zero pivot below. for (var ys = yp + 1; ys < this.h; ++ys) { if (temp[ys][yp] != 0) { // Swap rows. var tmpRow = temp[ys]; temp[ys] = temp[yp]; temp[yp] = tmpRow; break; } } if (ys == this.h) { // No suitable pivot found. Abort. return new Matrix(this.w, this.h, temp); } else { pivot = temp[yp][yp]; } } // Normalize this row. var scale = 1 / pivot; for (var x = yp; x < this.w; ++x) { temp[yp][x] *= scale; } // Subtract this row from all other rows (scaled). for (var y = 0; y < this.h; ++y) { if (y == yp) continue; var factor = temp[y][yp]; temp[y][yp] = 0; for (x = yp + 1; x < this.w; ++x) { temp[y][x] -= factor * temp[yp][x]; } } } return new Matrix(this.w, this.h, temp); }, invert : function () { var x, y; if (this.w != this.h) { throw new Error("Matrix invert size mismatch"); } var temp = allocate(this.w * 2, this.h); // Initialize augmented matrix for (y = 0; y < this.h; ++y) { for (x = 0; x < this.w; ++x) { temp[y][x] = this.values[y][x]; temp[y][x + this.w] = (x == y) ? 1 : 0; } } temp = new Matrix(this.w * 2, this.h, temp); temp = temp.rowEchelon(); // Extract right block matrix. var values = allocate(this.w, this.h); for (y = 0; y < this.w; ++y) { // @todo check if "x < this.w;" is mistake for (x = 0; x < this.w; ++x) { values[y][x] = temp.values[y][x + this.w]; } } return new Matrix(this.w, this.h, values); } }; return ProjectiveTexture; }(); /* --- name: "SpriteFont" description: "Plugin, that render font from sprite" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - Pavel Ponomarenko aka Shock provides: Plugins.SpriteFont requires: - LibCanvas ... */ /** @class SpriteFont */ var SpriteFont = LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Plugins.SpriteFont', 'SpriteFont', { initialize: function (symbols) { if (typeof symbols == 'string') { symbols = symbols.split(''); } this.symbols = symbols; this.normal = {}; this.bold = {}; }, make: function (sheet) { sheet = new SpriteFont.Sheet(this, sheet); var target = sheet.bold ? this.bold : this.normal; if (target[sheet.size]) { throw new TypeError('Size already exists'); } target[sheet.size] = sheet; return sheet; }, get: function (symbol, data) { var font = ( data.bold ? this.bold : this.normal )[ data.size ]; if (font) { return font.get(symbol, data.color); } else { throw new Error('No such sheet in font'); } } } ); /** @class SpriteFont.Sheet */ atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.Plugins.SpriteFont.Sheet', { defaultColor: atom.Color.colorNames.black, settings: { image : null, width : [], symbols: [], bold : false, size : false }, initialize: function (font, data) { this.settings = new atom.Settings(this.settings).set(data); this.symbols = font.symbols; this.colors = {}; this.icons = {}; }, get bold () { return this.settings.get('bold') }, get size () { return this.settings.get('size') }, get: function (symbol, color) { if (symbol in this.icons) { return this.icons[symbol]; } if (!symbol in this.symbols) { throw new TypeError('Unknown symbol: ' + symbol); } if (color == null) { color = this.defaultColor; } color = atom.Color(color).toString('hex'); var colors = this.colors; if (!colors[color]) { colors[color] = {}; } if (!colors[color][symbol]) { colors[color][symbol] = this.generateSymbol(symbol, color); } return colors[color][symbol]; }, addIcon: atom.core.overloadSetter(function (name, image) { this.icons[name] = image; }), generateSymbol: function (symbol, color) { var i, w, h, x, img, buffer, width = this.settings.get('width'), found = false, symbols = this.symbols; for ( i = 0, x = 0; i < symbols.length; i++ ) { w = width[i]; if (symbols[i] == symbol) { found = true; break; } x += w; } if (!found) { throw new Error('No symbol in list: ' + symbol); } img = this.settings.get('image'); h = img.height; buffer = LibCanvas.buffer(w, h, true); buffer.ctx.drawImage({ image: img, crop : [ x, 0, w, h ], draw : buffer.ctx.rectangle }); if (color != this.defaultColor) { buffer.ctx .save() .set({ globalCompositeOperation: Context2D.COMPOSITE.SOURCE_IN }) .fillAll(color) .restore(); } return buffer; } }); /** @class SpriteFont.Render */ atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.Plugins.SpriteFont.Render', { /** * @param {object} ctx * @param {object} options * @param {number} [options.size=16] * @param {boolean} [options.bold=false] * @param {boolean} [options.tags=true] * @param {string} [options.text=''] * @param {SpriteFont} options.font * @param {Rectangle} options.shape * @param {string} [options.align='left'] - 'left|middle|right' */ initialize: function (ctx, options) { this.ctx = ctx; this.options = atom.core.append({ size : 16, bold : false, text : '', tags : '{*}', font : null, shape: null, color: 'black', align: 'left', lines: null, noWrap: false, letterSpacing: 0, autoRender: true, forceSplit: false }, options); this.options.text = String( this.options.text ); if (this.options.autoRender) { var completeLines = this.parseAndGetLines(); this.render(completeLines); } }, getLinesHeight: function(lines) { var height = 0; for (var idx = 0; idx < lines.length; idx++) { height += lines[idx].height; } return height; }, parseAndGetLines: function() { var steps = new SpriteFont.Steps(this, new SpriteFont.Lexer( this.options.text, this.options.tags )); steps.countSizes(this.options.font, this.options.letterSpacing); var lines = this.options.lines; if (!lines) lines = new SpriteFont.LinesEnRu(); lines.setConfig(this.options.font, this.options.noWrap, this.options.forceSplit); return lines.run( steps.steps, this.options.shape.width ); }, render: function (lines) { var x, y, w, l, i, from = this.options.shape.from; for (l = 0, y = from.y.floor(); l < lines.length; l++) { x = from.x.floor(); if (this.options.align != 'left') { w = lines[l].reduce(function (current, elem) { return current + elem.width }, 0); if (this.options.align == 'center') { x += parseInt((this.options.shape.width - w) / 2); } if (this.options.align == 'right') { x += this.options.shape.width - w; } } for (i = 0; i < lines[l].length; i++) { this.ctx.drawImage( lines[l][i].image, x, y ); x += lines[l][i].width; } y += lines[l].height; } } }); /** @class SpriteFont.Steps */ atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.Plugins.SpriteFont.Steps', { tags: { bold : false, size : true, color: true }, tagRegExp: /(\w+)(=.*)?/, initialize: function (render, lexer) { this.steps = []; this.tokens = lexer.tokens; this.index = -1; this.split(atom.object.collect(render.options, [ 'color', 'size', 'bold' ])); }, split: function (initialMode) { var t, i = 0, l = this.tokens.length, stack = [ initialMode ], last = function () { return stack[ stack.length - 1 ]; }; for (; i < l; i++) { t = this.tokens[i]; if (t.type == 'string') { t.content.split('').forEach(function (l) { this.steps.push({ type: 'symbol', content: l, mode: last() }); }.bind(this)); } else if (t.type == 'nl') { this.steps.push(t); } else if (t.type == 'tag') { if (this.isCloseModeTag(t)) { stack.pop(); } else if (this.isChangeModeTag(t)) { stack.push(this.createMode(t, last())); } else { this.steps.push({ type: 'icon', content: t.content, mode: last() }); } } else { throw new Error('Unknown type: ' + t.type); } } }, isChangeModeTag: function (t) { return t.content.match( this.tagRegExp )[1] in this.tags; }, isCloseModeTag: function (t) { return t.content == '/'; }, createMode: function (t, currentMode) { var parts = t.content.match( this.tagRegExp ), tag = parts[1], value = parts[2], mode = atom.core.append({}, currentMode); if (this.tags[tag]) { if (value) value = value.substr(1); if (value == '') throw new Error('Value required in tag ' + tag); } else { value = true; } mode[tag] = value; return mode; }, countSizes: function (font, letterSpacing) { var i, s, img; for (i = 0; i < this.steps.length; i++) { s = this.steps[i]; if (s.type == 'symbol' || s.type == 'icon') { img = font.get( s.content, s.mode ); s.image = img; s.width = img.width + letterSpacing; s.height = img.height; } } } }); /** @class SpriteFont.Lexer */ atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.Plugins.SpriteFont.Lexer', { initialize: function (string, tags) { this.string = string; this.tags = this.parseTags(tags); this.tokens = this.tokenize(); }, tokenize: function () { var t = this.tags, s = this.string; return t ? this.parseTaggedText(s, t) : this.parsePlainText (s); }, parseTaggedText: function (string, tags) { var i = 0, last, symbol = '', result = [], length = string.length; for (; i < length; i++) { symbol = string[i]; if (symbol == '\n') { if (last && last.type == 'tag') { throw new Error('Tag started, but not finished at symbol ' + i); } result.push({ type: 'nl' }); last = null; } else if (symbol == tags[0]) { if (last && last.type == 'tag') { throw new Error('Wrong tag opening at symbol ' + i); } result.push(last = { type: 'tag' , content: '' }); } else if (!last) { result.push(last = { type: 'string', content: string[i] }); } else if (symbol == tags[1] && last.type == 'tag') { last = null; } else { last.content += string[i]; } } return result; }, parsePlainText: function (string) { var i = 0, last, result = [], length = string.length; for (; i < length; i++) { if (string[i] == '\n') { last = null; result.push({ type: 'nl' }); } else if (!last) { last = { type: 'string', content: string[i] }; result.push(last); } else { last.content += string[i]; } } return result; }, parseTags: function (tags) { if (tags == null) return null; function wrong (part) { throw new TypeError('String like "[*]" required (' + part + ')'); } if (typeof tags != 'string') wrong('typeof'); tags = tags.split('*'); if (tags .length != 2) wrong('split'); if (tags[0].length != 1) wrong('left' ); if (tags[1].length != 1) wrong('right'); return tags; } }); /** @class SpriteFont.MorphemesFinder */ atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.Plugins.SpriteFont.MorphemesFinder', { vowels: 'AEIOUYaeiouyАОУЮИЫЕЭЯЁаоуюиыеэяёьЄІЇЎєіїў', initialize: function () { }, isLetter: function(str) { return (str >= 'a' && str <= 'z') || (str >= 'A' && str <= 'я') || (str >= 'A' && str <= 'Z') || (str >= '\u00c0' && str <= '\u02a8') || (str >= '0' && str <= '9') || (str >= '\u0386' && str <= '\u04ff'); }, isVowel: function(str) { return str && str.length == 1 && this.vowels.indexOf(str) > -1; }, isMorpheme: function (str) { if (!str || str.length <= 1) return false; for (var i = str.length; i--;) if (this.isVowel(str[i])) return true; return false; }, findMorphemes: function (line) { var i = 0, c, morphemes = [], lastStr = '', last = [], prev; var pushLast = function () { prev = morphemes[ morphemes.length - 1 ]; if (Array.isArray(prev)) { atom.array.append( prev, last ); } else { morphemes.push(last); } last = []; lastStr = ''; if (!this.isLetter(c)) { morphemes.push( line[i] ); } }.bind(this); for (; i < line.length; i++) { c = line[i].content; if (line[i].type == 'icon') { morphemes.push(last); last = []; lastStr = ''; morphemes.push( line[i] ); } else if (line[i].type == 'symbol' && this.isLetter(c)) { lastStr += c; last.push(line[i]); if (this.isMorpheme(lastStr)) { morphemes.push(last); last = []; lastStr = ''; } } else if (lastStr) { pushLast(); } else { morphemes.push( line[i] ); } } if (lastStr) pushLast(); return morphemes; } }); /** @class SpriteFont.LinesEnRu */ atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.Plugins.SpriteFont.LinesEnRu', { setConfig: function (font, noWrap, forceSplit) { this.font = font; this.noWrap = noWrap; this.forceSplit = forceSplit; this.morphemesFinder = new SpriteFont.MorphemesFinder(); }, run: function (steps, maxWidth) { var i, line = [], morphemes = [], tmpMark = false; for (i = 0; i < steps.length; i++) { if (this.forceSplit) { line.push(steps[i]); } else { if (steps[i].type == 'icon') tmpMark = true; if (steps[i].type == 'nl' || i == steps.length - 1) { if (steps[i].type != 'nl') { line.push(steps[i]); } morphemes.push( this.morphemesFinder.findMorphemes(line) ); line = []; } else { line.push(steps[i]); } } } if (this.forceSplit) { morphemes.push(line); } return this.countLines(morphemes, maxWidth); }, countLines: function (mLines, maxWidth) { var lines = [], l, i, line = [], width = 0, mWidth; function add (data) { if (!Array.isArray(data)) data = [ data ]; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { line.push(data[i]); width += data[i].width; } } for (l = 0; l < mLines.length; l++) { for (i = 0; i < mLines[l].length; i++) { mWidth = this.countLength(mLines[l][i]); if (mWidth > maxWidth) { throw new Error('Morpheme too long'); } if (!this.noWrap && (width + mWidth > maxWidth || (i == 0 && l > 0))) { lines.push(line); line = []; width = 0; } add(mLines[l][i]); } } if (line.length > 0) lines.push(line); lines.forEach(function (l) { l.height = 0; l.forEach(function (obj) { l.height = Math.max( l.height, obj.height ); }); }); return lines; }, countLength: function (m) { if (Array.isArray(m)) { return atom.array.reduce( m, function (value, sym) { return value + sym.width }, 0 ); } else { return m.width; } } }); /* --- name: "Shapes.Ellipse" description: "Provides ellipse as canvas object" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Point - Shapes.Rectangle provides: Shapes.Ellipse ... */ /** @class Ellipse */ var Ellipse = LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Shapes.Ellipse', 'Ellipse', Rectangle, { set: function () { this.bindMethods( 'update' ); Rectangle.prototype.set.apply(this, arguments); }, _angle : 0, get angle () { return this._angle; }, set angle (a) { if (this._angle == a) return; this._angle = atom.math.normalizeAngle(a); this.updateCache = true; }, update: function () { this.updateCache = true; }, rotate : function (degree) { this.angle += degree; return this; }, hasPoint : function () { var ctx = this.processPath( shapeTestBuffer().ctx ); return ctx.isPointInPath(Point(arguments)); }, cache : null, updateCache : true, countCache : function () { if (this.cache && !this.updateCache) { return this.cache; } if (this.cache === null) { this.cache = []; for (var i = 12; i--;) this.cache.push(new Point()); } var c = this.cache, angle = this._angle, kappa = .5522848, x = this.from.x, y = this.from.y, xe = this.to.x, ye = this.to.y, xm = (xe + x) / 2, ym = (ye + y) / 2, ox = (xe - x) / 2 * kappa, oy = (ye - y) / 2 * kappa; c[0].set(x, ym - oy); c[ 1].set(xm - ox, y); c[ 2].set(xm, y); c[3].set(xm + ox, y); c[ 4].set(xe, ym -oy); c[ 5].set(xe, ym); c[6].set(xe, ym +oy); c[ 7].set(xm +ox, ye); c[ 8].set(xm, ye); c[9].set(xm -ox, ye); c[10].set(x, ym + oy); c[11].set(x, ym); if (angle) { var center = new Point(xm, ym); for (i = c.length; i--;) c[i].rotate(angle, center); } return c; }, processPath : function (ctx, noWrap) { if (!noWrap) ctx.beginPath(); var c = this.countCache(); ctx.beginPath(c[11]) .bezierCurveTo(c[0], c[1], c[2]) .bezierCurveTo(c[3], c[4], c[5]) .bezierCurveTo(c[6], c[7], c[8]) .bezierCurveTo(c[9], c[10],c[11]); if (!noWrap) ctx.closePath(); return ctx; }, equals : function (shape, accuracy) { return Rectangle.prototype.equals.call( this, shape, accuracy ) && shape.angle == this.angle; }, draw : function (ctx, type) { this.processPath(ctx)[type](); return this; }, dump: function (name) { return Rectangle.prototype.dump.call(this, name || 'Ellipse'); } }); /* --- name: "Shapes.Line" description: "Provides line as canvas object" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Point - Shape provides: Shapes.Line ... */ var Line = function () { var between = function (x, a, b, accuracy) { return atom.number.equals(x, a, accuracy) || atom.number.equals(x, b, accuracy) || (a < x && x < b) || (b < x && x < a); }; var halfPi = Math.PI/2; /** @class Line */ return LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Shapes.Line', 'Line', Shape, { set : function (from, to) { var a = atom.array.pickFrom(arguments); if (a.length === 4) { this.from = new Point( a[0], a[1] ); this.to = new Point( a[2], a[3] ); } else { this.from = Point.from(a[0] || a.from); this.to = Point.from(a[1] || a.to); } return this; }, hasPoint : function (point) { var fx = this.from.x, fy = this.from.y, tx = this.to.x, ty = this.to.y, px = point.x, py = point.y; if (!( atom.number.between(point.x, Math.min(fx, tx), Math.max(fx, tx)) && atom.number.between(point.y, Math.min(fy, ty), Math.max(fy, ty)) )) return false; // if triangle square is zero - points are on one line return atom.number.round(((fx-px)*(ty-py)-(tx-px)*(fy-py)), 6) == 0; }, getBoundingRectangle: function () { return new Rectangle(this.from, this.to).fillToPixel().grow(2); }, intersect: function (line, point, accuracy) { if (line.constructor != this.constructor) { return this.getBoundingRectangle().intersect( line ); } var a = this.from, b = this.to, c = line.from, d = line.to, x, y, FALSE = point ? null : false; if (atom.number.equals(d.x, c.x, accuracy)) { // DC == vertical line if (atom.number.equals(b.x, a.x, accuracy)) { if (atom.number.equals(a.x, d.x, accuracy)) { if (atom.number.between(a.y, c.y, d.y)) { return a.clone(); } else if (atom.number.between(b.y, c.y, d.y)) { return b.clone(); } else { return FALSE; } } else { return FALSE; } } x = d.x; y = b.y + (x-b.x)*(a.y-b.y)/(a.x-b.x); } else { x = ((a.x*b.y - b.x*a.y)*(d.x-c.x)-(c.x*d.y - d.x*c.y)*(b.x-a.x))/((a.y-b.y)*(d.x-c.x)-(c.y-d.y)*(b.x-a.x)); y = ((c.y-d.y)*x-(c.x*d.y-d.x*c.y))/(d.x-c.x); x *= -1; } if (!between(x, a.x, b.x, accuracy)) return FALSE; if (!between(y, a.y, b.y, accuracy)) return FALSE; if (!between(x, c.x, d.x, accuracy)) return FALSE; if (!between(y, c.y, d.y, accuracy)) return FALSE; return point ? new Point(x, y) : true; }, perpendicular: function (point) { point = Point( point ); var fX = this.from.x, fY = this.from.y, tX = this.to.x, tY = this.to.y, pX = point.x, pY = point.y, dX = (tX-fX) * (tX-fX), dY = (tY-fY) * (tY-fY), rX = ((tX-fX)*(tY-fY)*(pY-fY)+fX*dY+pX*dX) / (dX+dY), rY = (tY-fY)*(rX-fX)/(tX-fX)+fY; return new Point( rX, rY ); }, distanceTo: function (p, asInfiniteLine) { p = Point(p); var f = this.from, t = this.to, angle, s, x, y; if (!asInfiniteLine) { angle = Math.atan2(p.x - t.x, p.y - t.y); if ( atom.number.between(angle, -halfPi, halfPi) ) { return t.distanceTo( p ); } angle = Math.atan2(f.x - p.x, f.y - p.y); if ( atom.number.between(angle, -halfPi, halfPi) ) { return f.distanceTo( p ); } } s = Math.abs( f.x * (t.y - p.y) + t.x * (p.y - f.y) + p.x * (f.y - t.y) ) / 2; x = f.x - t.x; y = f.y - t.y; return 2 * s / Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y); }, get length () { return this.to.distanceTo(this.from); }, getLength : function () { return this.length; }, processPath : function (ctx, noWrap) { if (!noWrap) ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.from).lineTo(this.to); if (!noWrap) ctx.closePath(); return ctx; }, dump: function () { return Shape.prototype.dump.call(this, 'Line'); } }); }(); /* --- name: "Shapes.Polygon" description: "Provides user-defined concave polygon as canvas object" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Point - Shape - Shapes.Line provides: Shapes.Polygon ... */ /** @class Polygon */ var Polygon = LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Shapes.Polygon', 'Polygon', Shape, { initialize: function method () { this.points = []; this._lines = []; method.previous.apply(this, arguments); }, set : function (poly) { this.points.length = 0; var source = Array.isArray(poly) ? poly : atom.core.toArray(arguments); atom.array.append( this.points, source .filter(Boolean) .map(Point) ); this._lines.length = 0; return this; }, get length () { return this.points.length; }, get lines () { var lines = this._lines, p = this.points, l = p.length, i = 0; if (lines.length != l) for (;i < l; i++) { lines.push( new Line( p[i], i+1 == l ? p[0] : p[i+1] ) ); } return this._lines; }, get center () { return new Point().mean(this.points); }, get: function (index) { return this.points[index]; }, getCoords : function () { return this.points[0]; }, processPath : function (ctx, noWrap) { var p = this.points, i = 0, l = p.length; if (!noWrap) ctx.beginPath(); for (; i <= l; i++) { if (i == 0) { ctx.moveTo(p[i]); } else { ctx.lineTo(p[i == l ? 0 : i]); } } if (!noWrap) ctx.closePath(); return ctx; }, grow: function () { return this; }, getBoundingRectangle: function () { var p = this.points, l = p.length, from, to; if (l == 0) { throw new Error('Shape is empty'); } while (l--) { if (from) { from.x = Math.min( from.x, p[l].x ); from.y = Math.min( from.y, p[l].y ); to.x = Math.max( to.x, p[l].x ); to.y = Math.max( to.y, p[l].y ); } else { from = p[l].clone(); to = p[l].clone(); } } return new Rectangle( from, to ); }, // points invoking move : function (distance, reverse) { return this.invoke('move', distance, reverse) }, rotate : function (angle, pivot) { return this.invoke('rotate', angle, pivot) }, scale : function (power, pivot) { return this.invoke('scale', power, pivot) }, invoke: function (method, args) { args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); this.points.map(function (point) { point[method].apply(point, args); }); return this; }, forEach : function (fn) { this.points.forEach(fn); return this; }, each: function (fn, context) { return this.forEach(context ? fn.bind(context) : fn); }, hasPoint : function (point) { point = Point.from(point); var result = false, points = this.points; for (var i = 0, l = this.length; i < l; i++) { var k = (i || l) - 1, I = points[i], K = points[k]; if ( (atom.number.between(point.y, I.y , K.y, "L") || atom.number.between(point.y, K.y , I.y, "L") ) && point.x < (K.x - I.x) * (point.y -I.y) / (K.y - I.y) + I.x ) { result = !result; } } return result; }, intersect : function (poly) { if (poly.constructor != this.constructor) { return this.getBoundingRectangle().intersect( poly ); } var tL = this.lines, pL = poly.lines, i = tL.length, k = pL.length; while (i-- > 0) for (k = pL.length; k-- > 0;) { if (tL[i].intersect(pL[k])) return true; } return false; }, getPoints : function () { return atom.array.toHash(this.points); }, clone: function () { return new this.constructor( atom.array.invoke(this.points, 'clone') ); } }); /* --- name: "Shapes.Path" description: "Provides Path as canvas object" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Point - Shape - Shapes.Polygon provides: Shapes.Path ... */ /** * @class Path * @extends Polygon: * get center * draw() * move(distance, reverse) * scale(power, pivot) * rotate(angle, pivot) * getBoundingRectangle() * [empty] grow() */ var Path = LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Shapes.Path', 'Path', Polygon, { parts: [], initialize : function (parts) { this.parts = []; if (parts) this.set(parts); }, set : function (parts) { this.parts.length = 0; if (Array.isArray(parts)) { for (var i = 0, l = parts.length; i < l; i++) { this.push(parts[i]); } } }, get length () { return this.parts.length; }, // methods moveTo: function (point) { return this.push('moveTo', [ Point.from(point) ]); }, lineTo: function (point) { return this.push('lineTo', [ Point.from(point) ]); }, curveTo: function (to, cp1, cp2) { var points = atom.array.pickFrom(arguments).map(Point); return this.push('curveTo', points); }, // queue/stack push : function (method, points) { this.parts.push(Path.Part.from(method, points)); return this; }, unshift: function (method, points) { this.parts.unshift(Path.Part.from(method, points)); return this; }, pop : function () { return this.parts.pop(); }, shift: function () { return this.parts.shift(); }, processPath : function (ctx, noWrap) { if (!noWrap) ctx.beginPath(); this.forEach(function (part) { ctx[part.method].apply(ctx, part.points); }); if (!noWrap) ctx.closePath(); return ctx; }, intersect: function (obj) { return this.getBoundingRectangle() .intersect( obj.getBoundingRectangle() ); }, forEach: function (fn) { var parts = this.parts, i = 0, l = parts.length; while (i < l) { fn.call( this, parts[i++], i, this ); } return this; }, get points () { var points = []; this.forEach(function (part) { for (var i = 0, l = part.points.length; i < l; i++) { atom.array.include(points, part.points[i]); } }); return points; }, hasPoint : function (point) { var ctx = shapeTestBuffer().ctx; this.processPath(ctx); return ctx.isPointInPath(Point.from(point)); }, clone: function () { return new this.constructor( this.parts.invoke('clone') ); } }); /** @class Path.Part */ atom.declare('LibCanvas.Shapes.Path.Part', { initialize: function (method, points) { this.method = method; this.points = points.map(Point); }, clone: function () { return new this.constructor( this.method, this.points.invoke('clone') ); } }).own({ from: function (method, args) { if (method == null) { throw new Error('Empty path method'); } if (typeof method == 'string') { return new this(method, args) ; } else if (atom.core.isArrayLike(method)) { return new this(method[0], args[1]); } else { return this; } } }); /* --- name: "Shapes.RoundedRectangle" description: "Provides rounded rectangle as canvas object" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Shapes.Rectangle provides: Shapes.RoundedRectangle ... */ /** @class RoundedRectangle */ var RoundedRectangle = LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Shapes.RoundedRectangle', 'RoundedRectangle', Rectangle, { radius: 0, setRadius: function (value) { this.radius = value; return this; }, draw : Shape.prototype.draw, processPath : function (ctx, noWrap) { var from = this.from, to = this.to, radius = this.radius; if (!noWrap) ctx.beginPath(); ctx .moveTo (from.x, from.y+radius) .lineTo (from.x, to.y-radius) .curveTo(from.x, to.y, from.x + radius, to.y) .lineTo (to.x-radius, to.y) .curveTo(to.x,to.y, to.x,to.y-radius) .lineTo (to.x, from.y+radius) .curveTo(to.x, from.y, to.x-radius, from.y) .lineTo (from.x+radius, from.y) .curveTo(from.x,from.y,from.x,from.y+radius); if (!noWrap) ctx.closePath(); return ctx; }, equals: function (shape, accuracy) { return Rectangle.prototype.equals.call( this, shape, accuracy ) && shape.radius == this.radius; }, dump: function () { var p = function (p) { return '[' + p.x + ', ' + p.y + ']'; }; return '[shape RoundedRectangle(from'+p(this.from)+', to'+p(this.to)+', radius='+this.radius+')]'; } }); /* --- name: "App.Behaviors" description: "DEPRECATED" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas provides: App.Behaviors ... */ /** @class App.Behaviors */ var Behaviors = declare( 'LibCanvas.App.Behaviors', { behaviors: {}, initialize: function (element) { this.element = element; this.behaviors = {}; }, /** @param [handler=false] */ getMouse: function (handler) { return this.element.layer.app.resources.get( handler ? 'mouseHandler' : 'mouse' ); }, add: function (Behaviour, args) { if (typeof Behaviour == 'string') { Behaviour = this.constructor[Behaviour]; } return this.behaviors[Behaviour.index] = new Behaviour(this, slice.call( arguments, 1 )); }, get: function (name) { return this.behaviors[name] || null; }, startAll: function (arg) { this.invoke('start', arguments); return this; }, stopAll: function () { this.invoke('stop', arguments); return this; }, /** @private */ invoke: function (method, args) { var i, b = this.behaviors; for (i in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(i)) { b[i][method].apply(b[i], args); } return this; } }).own({ attach: function (target, types, arg) { target.behaviors = new Behaviors(target); types.forEach(function (type) { target.behaviors.add(type, arg); }); return target.behaviors; } }); declare( 'LibCanvas.App.Behaviors.Behavior', { started: false, /** @private */ eventArgs: function (args, eventName) { if (atom.core.isFunction(args[0])) { this.events.add( eventName, args[0] ); } }, /** @private */ changeStatus: function (status){ if (this.started == status) { return false; } else { this.started = status; return true; } } }); /* --- name: "App.Behaviors.Clickable" description: "DEPRECATED" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - App.Behaviors provides: App.Behaviors.Clickable ... */ new function () { function setValueFn (name, val) { var result = [name, val]; return function () { if (this[name] != val) { this[name] = val; this.events.fire('statusChange', result); } }; } return declare( 'LibCanvas.App.Behaviors.Clickable', App.Behaviors.Behavior, { callbacks: { 'mouseover' : setValueFn('hover' , true ), 'mouseout' : (function () { var dehover = setValueFn('hover' , false), deactive = setValueFn('active', false); return function (e) { dehover .call(this, e); deactive.call(this, e); }; })(), 'mousedown' : setValueFn('active', true ), 'mouseup' : setValueFn('active', false) }, initialize: function (behaviors, args) { this.events = behaviors.element.events; this.eventArgs(args, 'statusChange'); }, start: function () { if (!this.changeStatus(true)) return this; this.eventArgs(arguments, 'statusChange'); this.events.add(this.callbacks); }, stop: function () { if (!this.changeStatus(false)) return this; this.events.remove(this.callbacks); } }).own({ index: 'clickable' }); }; /* --- name: "App.Behaviors.Draggable" description: "DEPRECATED" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - App.Behaviors provides: App.Behaviors.Draggable ... */ declare( 'LibCanvas.App.Behaviors.Draggable', App.Behaviors.Behavior, { stopDrag: [ 'up', 'out' ], initialize: function (behaviors, args) { this.bindMethods([ 'onStop', 'onDrag', 'onStart' ]); this.behaviors = behaviors; this.element = behaviors.element; if (!atom.core.isFunction(this.element.move)) { throw new TypeError( 'Element ' + this.element + ' must has «move» method' ); } this.events = behaviors.element.events; this.eventArgs(args, 'moveDrag'); }, bindMouse: function (method) { var mouse = this.mouse, stop = this.stopDrag; mouse.events [method]( 'move', this.onDrag ) [method]( stop , this.onStop ); return mouse; }, start: function () { if (!this.changeStatus(true)) return this; this.mouse = this.behaviors.getMouse(); if (!this.mouse) throw new Error('No mouse in element'); this.eventArgs(arguments, 'moveDrag'); this.events.add( 'mousedown', this.onStart ); }, stop: function () { if (!this.changeStatus(false)) return this; this.events.remove( 'mousedown', this.onStart ); }, /** @private */ onStart: function (e) { if (e.button !== 0) return; this.bindMouse('add'); this.events.fire('startDrag', [ e ]); }, /** @private */ onDrag: function (e) { if (!this.element.layer) { return this.onStop(e, true); } var delta = this.behaviors.getMouse().delta; this.element.move( delta ); this.events.fire('moveDrag', [delta, e]); }, /** @private */ onStop: function (e, forced) { if (e.button === 0 || forced === true) { this.bindMouse('remove'); this.events.fire('stopDrag', [ e ]); } } }).own({ index: 'draggable' }); /* --- name: "App.Light" description: "LibCanvas.App.Light" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - App provides: App.Light ... */ /** @class App.Light */ declare( 'LibCanvas.App.Light', { initialize: function (size, settings) { var mouse, mouseHandler; this.settings = new Settings({ size : Size.from(size), name : 'main', mouse : true, invoke : false, simple : true, appendTo: 'body', intersection: 'auto' }).set(settings || {}); this.app = new App( this.settings.subset(['size', 'appendTo', 'simple']) ); this.layer = this.app.createLayer(this.settings.subset(['name','invoke','intersection'])); if (this.settings.get('mouse') === true) { mouse = new Mouse(this.app.container.bounds); mouseHandler = new App.MouseHandler({ mouse: mouse, app: this.app }); this.app.resources.set({ mouse: mouse, mouseHandler: mouseHandler }); } }, createVector: function (shape, settings) { settings = atom.core.append({ shape:shape }, settings || {}); return new App.Light.Vector(this.layer, settings); }, createText: function (shape, style, settings) { settings = atom.core.append({ shape: shape, style: style }, settings); return new App.Light.Text(this.layer, settings); }, createImage: function (shape, image, settings) { return new App.Light.Image(this.layer, atom.core.append({ shape: shape, image: image }, settings)); }, get mouse () { return this.app.resources.get( 'mouse' ); }, get mouseHandler () { return this.app.resources.get( 'mouseHandler' ); } }); /* --- name: "App.Light.Element" description: "" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - App - App.Light provides: App.Light.Element ... */ /** @class App.Light.Vector */ App.Light.Element = atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.App.Light.Element', App.Element, { get behaviors () { throw new Error( 'Please, use `element.clickable` & `element.draggable` instead' ); }, clickable : null, draggable : null, animatable: null, configure: function () { this.clickable = new App.Clickable(this, this.redraw); this.draggable = new App.Draggable(this, this.redraw); this.animatable = new atom.Animatable(this); this.animate = this.animatable.animate; if (this.settings.get('mouse') !== false) { this.listenMouse(); } }, /** * Override by Animatable method */ animate: function(){}, listenMouse: function (unsubscribe) { var method = unsubscribe ? 'unsubscribe' : 'subscribe'; return this.layer.app.resources.get('mouseHandler')[method](this); }, destroy: function method () { this.listenMouse(true); return method.previous.call(this); } }); /* --- name: "App.Light.Image" description: "" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - App.Light.Element provides: App.Light.Image ... */ /** @class App.Light.Image */ App.Light.Image = atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.App.Light.Image', App.Light.Element, { get currentBoundingShape () { return this.shape.clone().fillToPixel(); }, renderTo: function (ctx) { ctx.drawImage({ image: this.settings.get('image'), draw : this.shape }) } }); /* --- name: "App.Light.Text" description: "" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - App - App.Light provides: App.Light.Text ... */ /** @class App.Light.Text */ atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.App.Light.Text', App.Element, { get style () { return this.settings.get('style') || {}; }, get content () { return this.style.text || ''; }, set content (c) { if (Array.isArray(c)) c = c.join('\n'); if (c != this.content) { this.redraw(); this.style.text = String(c) || ''; } }, renderTo: function (ctx) { var bg = this.settings.get('background'); if (bg) ctx.fill( this.shape, bg ); ctx.text(atom.core.append({ to : this.shape }, this.style)); } }); /* --- name: "App.Light.Vector" description: "" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - App.Light.Element provides: App.Light.Vector ... */ /** @class App.Light.Vector */ App.Light.Vector = atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.App.Light.Vector', App.Light.Element, { active: false, hover : false, configure: function method () { method.previous.call(this); this.style = {}; this.styleActive = {}; this.styleHover = {}; }, setStyle: function (key, values) { if (typeof key == 'object') { values = key; key = ''; } key = 'style' + atom.string.ucfirst(key); atom.core.append( this[key], values ); return this.redraw(); }, getStyle: function (type) { if (!this.style) return null; var active = (this.active || null) && this.styleActive[type], hover = (this.hover || null) && this.styleHover [type], plain = this.style[type]; return active != null ? active : hover != null ? hover : plain != null ? plain : null; }, get currentBoundingShape () { var br = this.shape.getBoundingRectangle(), lw = this.getStyle('stroke') && (this.getStyle('lineWidth') || 1); return lw ? br.fillToPixel().grow(2 * Math.ceil(lw)) : br; }, renderTo: function (ctx) { var fill = this.getStyle('fill'), stroke = this.getStyle('stroke'), lineW = this.getStyle('lineWidth'), opacity = this.getStyle('opacity'); if (opacity === 0) return this; ctx.save(); if (opacity) ctx.globalAlpha = atom.number.round(opacity, 3); if (fill) ctx.fill(this.shape, fill); if (stroke) { ctx.lineWidth = lineW || 1; ctx.stroke(this.shape, stroke); } ctx.restore(); return this; } }); /* --- name: "Engines.Hex" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas provides: Engines.Hex ... */ /** @class HexEngine */ LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Engines.Hex', 'HexEngine', { }); /* --- name: "Engines.Hex.Projection" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Point - Polygon - Engines.Hex provides: Engines.Hex.Projection ... */ /** @class HexEngine.Projection */ atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.Engines.Hex.Projection', { multipliers: { height: Math.cos( Math.PI / 6 ) * 2, chord : 1/2 // Math.sin( Math.PI / 6 ) }, /** * @param {object} settings * @param {int} settings.baseLength - length of top and bottom lines * @param {int} settings.chordLength - height of left and right triangle * @param {int} settings.hexHeight - height of the hex (length between top and bottom lines) */ initialize: function (settings) { settings = this.settings = new Settings({ baseLength : 0, chordLength: null, hexHeight : null, start : new Point(0, 0) }).set(settings); if (settings.get('chordLength') == null) { settings.set({ chordLength: settings.get('baseLength') * this.multipliers.chord, hexHeight : settings.get('hexHeight' ) * this.multipliers.height }); } }, /** * @param {int} [padding=0] * @return LibCanvas.Engines.HexProjection.Sizes */ sizes: function (padding) { return new this.constructor.Sizes(this, padding); }, /** * @param {int[]} coordinates * @return {bool} */ isZero: function (c) { return c[0] === 0 && c[1] === 0 && c[2] === 0; }, /** * @param {int[]} coordinates * @return Point */ rgbToPoint: function (coordinates) { var red = coordinates[0], green = coordinates[1], blue = coordinates[2], settings = this.settings, base = settings.get('baseLength'), chord = settings.get('chordLength'), height = settings.get('hexHeight'), start = settings.get('start'); if (red + green + blue !== 0) { throw new Error( 'Wrong coordinates: ' + red + ' ' + green + ' ' + blue); } return new Point( start.x + (base + chord) * red, start.y + (blue - green) * height / 2 ); }, /** * @param {Point} point * @return int[] */ pointToRgb: function (point) { var settings = this.settings, base = settings.get('baseLength'), chord = settings.get('chordLength'), height = settings.get('hexHeight'), start = settings.get('start'), // counting coords red = (point.x - start.x) / (base + chord), blue = (point.y - start.y - red * height / 2) / height, green = 0 - red - blue; var dist = function (c) { return Math.abs(c[0] - red) + Math.abs(c[1] - green) + Math.abs(c[2] - blue); }; var rF = Math.floor(red ), rC = Math.ceil(red ), gF = Math.floor(green), gC = Math.ceil(green), bF = Math.floor(blue ), bC = Math.ceil(blue ); return [ // we need to find closest integer coordinates [rF, gF, bF], [rF, gC, bF], [rF, gF, bC], [rF, gC, bC], [rC, gF, bF], [rC, gC, bF], [rC, gF, bC], [rC, gC, bC] ].filter(function (v) { // only correct variants - sum must be equals to zero return atom.array.sum(v) == 0; }) .sort(function (left, right) { // we need coordinates with the smallest distance return dist(left) < dist(right) ? -1 : 1; })[0]; }, /** * @param {Point} center * @return LibCanvas.Shapes.Polygon */ createPolygon: function (center) { var settings = this.settings, halfBase = settings.get('baseLength') / 2, halfHeight = settings.get('hexHeight') / 2, radius = halfBase + settings.get('chordLength'), right = center.x + halfBase, left = center.x - halfBase, top = center.y - halfHeight, bottom = center.y + halfHeight; return new Polygon([ new Point(left , top), // top-left new Point(right, top), // top-right new Point(center.x + radius, center.y), // right new Point(right, bottom), // bottom-right new Point(left , bottom), // bottom-left new Point(center.x - radius, center.y) // left ]); } }); declare( 'LibCanvas.Engines.Hex.Projection.Sizes', { initialize: function (projection, padding) { this.projection = projection; this.padding = padding || 0; this.centers = []; }, _limits: null, /** * @param {int[]} coordinates * @return LibCanvas.Engines.HexProjection.Size */ add: function (coordinates) { this._limits = null; this.centers.push(this.projection.rgbToPoint( coordinates )); return this; }, /** @return object */ limits: function () { if (this._limits) return this._limits; var min, max, centers = this.centers, i = centers.length, c; while (i--) { c = centers[i]; if (min == null) { min = c.clone(); max = c.clone(); } else { min.x = Math.min( min.x, c.x ); min.y = Math.min( min.y, c.y ); max.x = Math.max( max.x, c.x ); max.y = Math.max( max.y, c.y ); } } return this._limits = { min: min, max: max }; }, /** @return Size */ size: function () { var limits = this.limits(), settings = this.projection.settings, base = settings.get('baseLength'), chord = settings.get('chordLength'), height = settings.get('hexHeight'), padding = this.padding; return new Size( limits.max.x - limits.min.x + base + 2 * (padding + chord), limits.max.y - limits.min.y + height + 2 * padding ); }, /** @return Point */ center: function () { var min = this.limits().min, settings = this.projection.settings, base = settings.get('baseLength'), chord = settings.get('chordLength'), height = settings.get('hexHeight'), padding = this.padding; return new Point( padding + base /2 + chord - min.x, padding + height /2 - min.y ); } }); /* --- name: "Engines.Isometric" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas provides: Engines.Isometric ... */ /** @class HexEngine */ LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Engines.Isometric', 'IsometricEngine', { }); /* --- name: "Engines.Isometric.Projection" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Point3D - Engines.Isometric provides: Engines.Isometric.Projection ... */ /** @class IsometricProjection */ atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.Engines.Isometric.Projection', { /** * factor (and default factor in proto) * @property {Point3D} */ factor: [0.866, 0.5, 0.866], /** * size (and default size in proto) * @property int */ size: 1, /** * start (and default start in proto) * @property {Point} */ start: [0, 0], /** * @constructs * @param {object} settings * @param {Point3D} settings.factor * @param {Point3D} settings.size * @param {Point} settings.start - position of [0,0] coordinate */ initialize: function (settings) { this.bindMethods([ 'toIsometric', 'to3D' ]); this.settings = new Settings(settings); this.factor = Point3D( this.settings.get('factor') || this.factor ); this.size = Number ( this.settings.get('size') || this.size ); this.start = Point ( this.settings.get('start') || this.start ); }, /** * @param {Point3D} point3d * @returns {Point} */ toIsometric: function (point3d) { point3d = Point3D( point3d ); return new Point( (point3d.y + point3d.x) * this.factor.x, (point3d.y - point3d.x) * this.factor.y - point3d.z * this.factor.z ) .mul(this.size) .move(this.start); }, /** * @param {Point} point * @param {int} [z=0] * @returns {Point3D} */ to3D: function (point, z) { point = Point(point); z = Number(z) || 0; var size = this.size, start = this.start, dXY = ((point.y - start.y) / size + z * this.factor.z) / this.factor.y, pX = ((point.x - start.x) / size / this.factor.x - dXY) / 2; return new Point3D( pX, pX + dXY, z ); } }); /* --- name: "TileEngine" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - LibCanvas - Point - Size - Rectangle provides: Engines.Tile ... */ /** @class TileEngine */ var TileEngine = LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Engines.Tile', 'TileEngine', { /** * @param {Object} settings * @param {*} settings.defaultValue * @param {Size} settings.size * @param {Size} settings.cellSize * @param {Size} settings.cellMargin */ initialize: function (settings) { this.cells = []; this.methods = {}; this.cellsUpdate = []; this.events = new Events(this); this.settings = new Settings(settings).addEvents(this.events); this.createMatrix(); }, setMethod: atom.core.overloadSetter(function (name, method) { if (this.isValidMethod(method)) { this.methods[ name ] = method; } else { throw new TypeError( 'Unknown method: «' + name + '»' ); } }), countSize: function () { var settings = this.settings, cellSize = settings.get('cellSize'), cellMargin = settings.get('cellMargin'); return new Size( (cellSize.x + cellMargin.x) * this.width - cellMargin.x, (cellSize.y + cellMargin.y) * this.height - cellMargin.y ); }, getCellByIndex: function (point) { point = Point.from(point); return this.isIndexOutOfBounds(point) ? null: this.cells[ this.width * point.y + point.x ]; }, getCellByPoint: function (point) { var settings = this.settings, cellSize = settings.get('cellSize'), cellMargin = settings.get('cellMargin'); point = Point.from(point); return this.getCellByIndex(new Point( parseInt(point.x / (cellSize.width + cellMargin.x)), parseInt(point.y / (cellSize.height + cellMargin.y)) )); }, refresh: function (ctx, translate) { if (this.requireUpdate) { ctx.save(); if (translate) ctx.translate(translate); atom.array.invoke( this.cellsUpdate, 'renderTo', ctx ); ctx.restore(); this.cellsUpdate.length = 0; } return this; }, get width () { return this.settings.get('size').width; }, get height () { return this.settings.get('size').height; }, get requireUpdate () { return !!this.cellsUpdate.length; }, /** @private */ isValidMethod: function (method) { var type = typeof method; return type == 'function' || type == 'string' || atom.dom.isElement(method); }, /** @private */ createMatrix : function () { var x, y, settings = this.settings, size = settings.get('size'), value = settings.get('defaultValue'), cellSize = settings.get('cellSize'), cellMargin = settings.get('cellMargin'); for (y = 0; y < size.height; y++) for (x = 0; x < size.width; x++) { this.createMatrixCell(new Point(x, y), cellSize, cellMargin, value); } return this; }, /** @private */ createMatrixCell: function (point, size, margin, value) { var shape = this.createCellRectangle(point, size, margin); this.cells.push(this.createCell(point, shape, value)); }, /** @private */ createCell: function (point, shape, value) { return new TileEngine.Cell( this, point, shape, value ); }, /** @private */ createCellRectangle: function (point, cellSize, cellMargin) { return new Rectangle({ from: new Point( (cellSize.x + cellMargin.x) * point.x, (cellSize.y + cellMargin.y) * point.y ), size: cellSize }); }, /** @private */ isIndexOutOfBounds: function (point) { return point.x < 0 || point.y < 0 || point.x >= this.width || point.y >= this.height; }, /** @private */ updateCell: function (cell) { if (!this.requireUpdate) { this.events.fire('update', [ this ]); } atom.array.include( this.cellsUpdate, cell ); return this; } }); /* --- name: "TileEngine.Cell" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - Engines.Tile provides: Engines.Tile.Cell ... */ /** @class TileEngine.Cell */ declare( 'LibCanvas.Engines.Tile.Cell', { initialize: function (engine, point, rectangle, value) { this.engine = engine; this.point = point; this.value = value; this.rectangle = rectangle; }, /** @private */ _value: null, get value () { return this._value; }, set value (value) { this._value = value; this.engine.updateCell(this); }, renderTo: function (ctx) { var method, value = this.value, rectangle = this.rectangle; ctx.clear( rectangle ); if (value == null) return this; method = this.engine.methods[ value ]; if (method == null) { throw new Error( 'No method in tile engine: «' + this.value + '»') } if (atom.dom.isElement(method)) { ctx.drawImage( method, rectangle ); } else if (typeof method == 'function') { method.call( this, ctx, this ); } else { ctx.fill( rectangle, method ); } return this; } }); /* --- name: "TileEngine.Element" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - Engines.Tile - App.Element provides: Engines.Tile.Element ... */ /** @class TileEngine.Element */ declare( 'LibCanvas.Engines.Tile.Element', App.Element, { configure: function () { this.shape = new Rectangle( this.settings.get('from') || new Point(0, 0), this.engine.countSize() ); this.engine.events.add( 'update', this.redraw ); }, get engine () { return this.settings.get('engine'); }, clearPrevious: function () {}, renderTo: function (ctx) { this.engine.refresh(ctx, this.shape.from); } }).own({ app: function (app, engine, from) { return new this( app.createLayer({ name: 'tile-engine', intersection: 'manual', invoke: false }), { engine: engine, from: from }); } }); /* --- name: "TileEngine.Mouse" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - "Shock " requires: - Engines.Tile.Element provides: Engines.Tile.Mouse ... */ /** @class TileEngine.Mouse */ declare( 'LibCanvas.Engines.Tile.Mouse', { eventsList: 'mousemove mouseout mousedown mouseup contextmenu' .split(' '), initialize: function (element, mouse) { this.bindMethods(this.eventsList); this.events = new Events(this); /** @private */ this.mouse = mouse; /** @private */ this.element = element; /** @private */ this.previous = null; /** @private */ this.lastDown = null; this.subscribe(false); }, /** @private */ subscribe: function (un) { var events = atom.object.collect(this, this.eventsList, null); this.element.events [ un ? 'remove' : 'add' ] (events); }, /** @private */ mousemove: function (e) { var cell = this.get(); if (this.previous != cell) { this.outCell(e); this.fire( 'over', cell, e ); this.previous = cell; } }, /** @private */ mouseout: function (e) { this.outCell(e); }, /** @private */ mousedown: function (e) { var cell = this.get(); this.fire( 'down', cell, e ); this.lastDown = cell; }, /** @private */ mouseup: function (e) { var cell = this.get(); this.fire( 'up', cell, e ); if (cell != null && cell == this.lastDown) { this.fire( 'click', cell, e ); } this.lastDown = null; }, /** @private */ contextmenu: function (e) { var cell = this.get(); if (cell != null) { this.fire( 'contextmenu', cell, e ); } }, /** @private */ get: function () { return this.element.engine.getCellByPoint( this.mouse.point.clone().move(this.element.shape.from, true) ); }, /** @private */ fire: function (event, cell, e) { return this.events.fire( event, [ cell, e ]); }, /** @private */ outCell: function (e) { if (this.previous) { this.fire( 'out', this.previous, e ); this.previous = null; } } }); /* --- name: "Plugins.Animation.Core" description: "" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - Pavel Ponomarenko aka Shock provides: - Plugins.Animation - Plugins.Animation.Core requires: - LibCanvas ... */ /** @class Animation */ var Animation = LibCanvas.declare( 'LibCanvas.Plugins.Animation', 'Animation', { /** @private */ ownStartTime: null, /** @private */ timeoutId : 0, /** @private */ synchronizedWith: null, initialize: function (settings) { this.bindMethods('update'); this.events = new atom.Events(this); this.settings = new atom.Settings(settings).addEvents(this.events); this.run(); }, stop: function () { this.startTime = null; return this.update(); }, run: function () { this.startTime = Date.now(); return this.update(); }, synchronize: function (anim) { this.synchronizedWith = anim; return this; }, get: function () { return this.sheet.get(this.startTime); }, /** @private */ get sheet () { return this.settings.get('sheet'); }, /** @private */ set sheet (sheet) { return this.settings.set('sheet', sheet); }, /** @private */ set startTime (time) { this.ownStartTime = time; }, /** @private */ get startTime () { if (this.synchronizedWith) { return this.synchronizedWith.startTime; } else { return this.ownStartTime; } }, /** @private */ update: function () { var delay = this.getDelay(); clearTimeout(this.timeoutId); if (delay == null || this.startTime == null) { this.events.fire('stop'); } else { this.timeoutId = setTimeout( this.update, delay ); this.events.fire('update', [ this.get() ]); } return this; }, /** @private */ getDelay: function () { return this.startTime == null ? null : this.sheet.getCurrentDelay(this.startTime); } }); /* --- name: "Plugins.Animation.Frames" description: "" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - Pavel Ponomarenko aka Shock provides: - Plugins.Animation - Plugins.Animation.Frames requires: - LibCanvas - Plugins.Animation.Core ... */ /** @class Animation.Frames */ atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.Plugins.Animation.Frames', { /** @private */ sprites: [], initialize: function (image, width, height) { if (image == null) throw new TypeError('`image` cant be null'); this.sprites = []; this.image = image; this.size = new Size( Math.round( width == null ? image.width : width ), Math.round( height == null ? image.height : height ) ); this.prepare(); }, get: function (id) { var sprite = this.sprites[id]; if (!sprite) { throw new Error('No sprite with such id: ' + id); } return sprite; }, get length () { return this.sprites.length; }, /** @private */ prepare: function () { var x, y, im = this.image, w = this.size.width, h = this.size.height; for (y = 0; y <= im.height - h; y += h) { for (x = 0; x <= im.width - w; x += w) { this.sprites.push( this.makeSprite(new Point(x, y)) ); } } if (!this.length) { throw new TypeError('Animation is empty'); } }, /** @private */ makeSprite: function (from) { var size = this.size, buffer = LibCanvas.buffer(size, true); buffer.ctx.drawImage({ image: this.image, draw : buffer.ctx.rectangle, crop : new Rectangle(from, size) }); return buffer; } }); /* --- name: "Plugins.Animation.Image" description: "" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - Pavel Ponomarenko aka Shock provides: - Plugins.Animation - Plugins.Animation.Image requires: - LibCanvas - Plugins.Animation.Core ... */ /** @name Animation.Image */ atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.Plugins.Animation.Image', { /** @private */ initialize: function (animation) { this.bindMethods('update'); if (animation instanceof Animation.Sheet) { animation = { sheet: animation }; } if (!(animation instanceof Animation)) { animation = new Animation(animation); } this.buffer = LibCanvas.buffer(animation.sheet.size, true); this.element = atom.dom(this.buffer); this.animation = animation; this.element.controller = this; animation.events.add( 'update', this.update ); }, /** @private */ update: function (image) { var ctx = this.buffer.ctx; ctx.clearAll(); if (image) ctx.drawImage(image); } }).own({ element: function (animation) { return new this(animation).element; } }); /* --- name: "Plugins.Animation.Sheet" description: "" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - Pavel Ponomarenko aka Shock provides: - Plugins.Animation - Plugins.Animation.Sheet requires: - LibCanvas - Plugins.Animation.Core ... */ /** @class Animation.Sheet */ atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.Plugins.Animation.Sheet', { initialize: function (options) { this.frames = options.frames; this.delay = options.delay; this.looped = options.looped; if (options.sequence == null) { this.sequence = atom.array.range(0, this.frames.length - 1); } else { this.sequence = options.sequence; } }, /** @private */ get size () { return this.frames.size; }, /** @private */ get: function (startTime) { if (startTime == null) return null; var id = this.getFrameId(this.countFrames(startTime)); return id == null ? id : this.frames.get( id ); }, /** @private */ getCurrentDelay: function (startTime) { var frames, switchTime; frames = this.countFrames(startTime); if (this.getFrameId(frames) == null) { return null; } // когда был включён текущий кадр switchTime = frames * this.delay + startTime; // до следующего кадра - задержка минус время, которое уже показывается текущий return this.delay - ( Date.now() - switchTime ); }, /** @private */ getFrameId: function (framesCount) { if (this.looped) { return this.sequence[ framesCount % this.sequence.length ]; } else if (framesCount >= this.sequence.length) { return null; } else { return this.sequence[framesCount]; } }, /** @private */ countFrames: function (startTime) { return Math.floor( (Date.now() - startTime) / this.delay ); } }); /* --- name: "Plugins.Curve" description: "Provides math base for bezier curves" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - Pavel Ponomarenko aka Shock provides: Plugins.Curve.Core requires: - LibCanvas - Point ... */ /** @name LibCanvas.Plugins.Curve */ atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.Plugins.Curve', { step: 0.0001, initialize: function (data) { var Class = this.constructor.classes[data.points.length]; if (Class) return new Class(data); this.setData(data); }, setData: function (data) { this.from = data.from; this.to = data.to; this.cp = data.points; }, getAngle: function (t) { var f; if (t < this.step) { f = t - this.step; } else { f = t; t += this.step; } return this.getPoint(t).angleTo(this.getPoint(f)); } }).own({ classes: {}, addClass: function (points, Class) { this.classes[points] = Class; } }); /* --- name: "Plugins.Curve.Quadratic" description: "Provides math base for bezier curves" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - Pavel Ponomarenko aka Shock provides: - Plugins.Curve - Plugins.Curve.Quadratic requires: - Plugins.Curve.Core ... */ /** @name LibCanvas.Plugins.Curve.Quadratic */ atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.Plugins.Curve.Quadratic', LibCanvas.Plugins.Curve, { initialize: function (data) { this.setData(data); }, getPoint: function (t) { var from = this.from, to = this.to, point= this.cp[0], i = 1 - t; return new Point( i*i*from.x + 2*t*i*point.x + t*t*to.x, i*i*from.y + 2*t*i*point.y + t*t*to.y ); } }); LibCanvas.Plugins.Curve.addClass(1, LibCanvas.Plugins.Curve.Quadratic); /* --- name: "Plugins.Curve.Qubic" description: "Provides math base for bezier curves" license: - "[GNU Lesser General Public License](http://opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-license.php)" - "[MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)" authors: - Pavel Ponomarenko aka Shock provides: - Plugins.Curve - Plugins.Curve.Qubic requires: - Plugins.Curve.Core ... */ /** @name LibCanvas.Plugins.Curve.Qubic */ atom.declare( 'LibCanvas.Plugins.Curve.Qubic', LibCanvas.Plugins.Curve, { initialize: function (data) { this.setData(data); }, getPoint: function (t) { var from = this.from, to = this.to, cp = this.cp, i = 1 - t; return new Point( i*i*i*from.x + 3*t*i*i*cp[0].x + 3*t*t*i*cp[1].x + t*t*t*to.x, i*i*i*from.y + 3*t*i*i*cp[0].y + 3*t*t*i*cp[1].y + t*t*t*to.y ); } }); LibCanvas.Plugins.Curve.addClass(2, LibCanvas.Plugins.Curve.Qubic); }).call(typeof window == 'undefined' ? exports : window, atom, Math);