# encoding: utf-8 require_relative 'authorization' require_relative 'api/actions' require_relative 'api/factory' require_relative 'api/arguments' require_relative 'configuration' require_relative 'constants' require_relative 'mime_type' require_relative 'null_encoder' require_relative 'rate_limit' require_relative 'request/verbs' require_relative 'validations' module Github # Core class responsible for api interface operations class API include Constants include Authorization include MimeType include RateLimit include Request::Verbs attr_reader(*Github.configuration.property_names) attr_accessor(*Validations::VALID_API_KEYS) attr_accessor :current_options # Callback to update current configuration options class_eval do Github.configuration.property_names.each do |key| define_method "#{key}=" do |arg| self.instance_variable_set("@#{key}", arg) self.current_options.merge!({:"#{key}" => arg}) end end end # Requires internal libraries # # @param [String] prefix # the relative path prefix # @param [Array[String]] libs # the array of libraries to require # # @return [self] # # @api public def self.require_all(prefix, *libs) libs.each do |lib| require "#{File.join(prefix, lib)}" end end # Create new API # # @api public def initialize(options={}, &block) opts = Github.configuration.fetch.merge(options) @current_options = opts Github.configuration.property_names.each do |key| send("#{key}=", opts[key]) end if opts.key?(:login) && !opts[:login].nil? @login, @password = opts[:login], opts[:password] elsif opts.key?(:basic_auth) && !opts[:basic_auth].nil? @login, @password = extract_basic_auth(opts[:basic_auth]) end yield_or_eval(&block) if block_given? end # Call block with argument # # @api private def yield_or_eval(&block) return unless block block.arity > 0 ? yield(self) : self.instance_eval(&block) end # Extract login and password from basic_auth parameter # # @api private def extract_basic_auth(auth) case auth when String auth.split(':', 2) when Hash [auth[:login], auth[:password]] end end # Disable following redirects inside a block # # @api public def disable_redirects self.follow_redirects = false yield ensure self.follow_redirects = true end # List of before callbacks # # @api public def self.before_callbacks @before_callbacks ||= [] end # List of after callbacks # # @api public def self.after_callbacks @after_callbacks ||= [] end # Before request filter # # @api public def self.before_request(callback, params = {}) before_callbacks << params.merge(callback: callback) end # After request filter # # @api public def self.after_request(callback, params = {}) after_callbacks << params.merge(callback: callback) end class << self attr_reader :root alias_method :root?, :root end def self.root! @root = true end def self.inherited(child_class) before_callbacks.reverse_each { |callback| child_class.before_callbacks.unshift(callback) } after_callbacks.reverse_each { |callback| child_class.after_callbacks.unshift(callback) } extend_with_actions(child_class) unless child_class.instance_variable_defined?(:@root) child_class.instance_variable_set(:@root, false) end super end root! def self.internal_methods api = self api = api.superclass until api.root? api.public_instance_methods(true) end def self.extra_methods ['actions'] end # Find all the api methods that should be considred by # request callbacks. # # @return [Set] # # @api private def self.request_methods @request_methods ||= begin methods = (public_instance_methods(true) - internal_methods + public_instance_methods(false)).uniq.map(&:to_s) Set.new(methods - extra_methods) end end def self.clear_request_methods! @request_methods = nil end def self.method_added(method_name) method_name = method_name.to_s.gsub(/_with(out)?_callback_.*$/, '') # Only subclasses matter return if self.root? return if extra_methods.include?(method_name) # Only public methods are of interest return unless request_methods.include?(method_name) # Do not redefine return if (@__methods_added ||= []).include?(method_name) class_name = self.name.to_s.split('::').last.downcase with_method = "#{method_name}_with_callback_#{class_name}" without_method = "#{method_name}_without_callback_#{class_name}" return if public_method_defined?(with_method) [method_name, with_method, without_method].each do |met| @__methods_added << met end return if public_method_defined?(with_method) define_method(with_method) do |*args, &block| send(:execute, without_method, *args, &block) end alias_method without_method, method_name alias_method method_name, with_method clear_request_methods! end # Filter callbacks based on kind # # @param [Symbol] kind # one of :before or :after # # @return [Array[Hash]] # # @api private def filter_callbacks(kind, action_name) self.class.send("#{kind}_callbacks").select do |callback| callback[:only].nil? || callback[:only].include?(action_name) end end # Run all callbacks associated with this action # # @param [Symbol] action_name # # @api private def run_callbacks(action_name, &block) filter_callbacks(:before, action_name).each { |hook| send hook[:callback] } yield if block_given? filter_callbacks(:after, action_name).each { |hook| send hook[:callback] } end # Execute action # # @param [Symbol] action # # @api private def execute(action, *args, &block) action_name = action.to_s.gsub(/_with(out)?_callback_.*$/, '') result = nil run_callbacks(action_name) do result = send(action, *args, &block) end result end # Responds to attribute query or attribute clear # # @api private def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block) # :nodoc: case method_name.to_s when /^(.*)\?$/ return !!send($1.to_s) when /^clear_(.*)$/ send("#{$1.to_s}=", nil) else super end end def respond_to?(method_name, include_private = false) method_name.to_s.start_with?('clear_') || super end # Acts as setter and getter for api requests arguments parsing. # # Returns Arguments instance. # def arguments(args=(not_set = true), options={}, &block) if not_set @arguments else @arguments = Arguments.new(options.merge!(api: self)).parse(*args, &block) end end # Set a configuration option for a given namespace # # @param [String] option # @param [Object] value # @param [Boolean] ignore_setter # # @return [self] # # @api public def set(option, value=(not_set=true), ignore_setter=false, &block) raise ArgumentError, 'value not set' if block and !not_set return self if !not_set and value.nil? if not_set set_options option return self end if respond_to?("#{option}=") and not ignore_setter return __send__("#{option}=", value) end define_accessors option, value self end # Defines a namespace # # @param [Array[Symbol]] names # the name for the scope # # @example # namespace :scopes # # @return [self] # # @api public def self.namespace(*names) options = names.last.is_a?(Hash) ? names.pop : {} names = names.map(&:to_sym) name = names.pop if public_method_defined?(name) raise ArgumentError, "namespace '#{name}' is already defined" end class_name = extract_class_name(name, options) define_method(name) do |*args, &block| options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} API::Factory.new(class_name, current_options.merge(options), &block) end end # Extracts class name from options # # @param [Hash] options # @option options [String] :full_name # the full name for the class # @option options [Boolean] :root # if the class is at the root or not # # @example # extract_class_name(:stats, class_name: :statistics) # # @return [String] # # @api private def self.extract_class_name(name, options) converted = options.fetch(:full_name, name).to_s converted = converted.split('_').map(&:capitalize).join class_name = options.fetch(:root, false) ? '': "#{self.name}::" class_name += converted class_name end private # Set multiple options # # @api private def set_options(options) unless options.respond_to?(:each) raise ArgumentError, 'cannot iterate over value' end options.each { |key, value| set(key, value) } end # Define setters and getters # # @api private def define_accessors(option, value) setter = proc { |val| set option, val, true } getter = proc { value } define_singleton_method("#{option}=", setter) if setter define_singleton_method(option, getter) if getter end # Dynamically define a method for setting request option # # @api private def define_singleton_method(method_name, content=Proc.new) (class << self; self; end).class_eval do undef_method(method_name) if method_defined?(method_name) if String === content class_eval("def #{method_name}() #{content}; end") else define_method(method_name, &content) end end end end # API end # Github