total_entries ||= nil current_page_entries ||= 0 collection ||= nil # Looking for object with pagination if pages count not set if total_entries.nil? and current_page_entries==0 # looking for the right collection if not initiated via parameter if collection.nil? instance_variables.each do |vn| v = instance_variable_get(vn) # if a collection variable was specified, use it only next if collection && collection != v next if collection = v if"MetaSearch::Searches", "ActiveRecord::Relation", "Mongoid::Criteria") end end # receiving correct current page entries count current_page_entries = collection.size if collection.respond_to?('size') # looking for the total entries count total_entries = collection.length if"Mongoid::Criteria") total_entries = collection.total_entries if collection.respond_to?('total_entries') # fallback to 1 page if total entries count not found total_entries = current_page_entries if total_entries.nil? end json.iTotalRecords current_page_entries json.iTotalDisplayRecords total_entries json.sEcho params["sEcho"].to_i json.aaData do json.ingest! yield end