<%# The following params are the variables that can be used in this partial. @param form [Wallaby::FormBuilder] custom form object that adds a few helper methods and delegate missing methods to the view @param object [Wallaby::ResourceDecorator] decorator instance which wraps the resource (e.g. ActiveRecord) instance @param field_name [String] name of the field @param value [Object] value of the field @param metadata [Hash] metadata of the field %> <% form_value = value.is_a?(String) ? value : (JSON.pretty_generate(value) rescue nil) %>
<%= form.label field_name, metadata[:label] %> <%= form.text_area field_name, value: form_value, class: 'form-control', data: { init: 'codemirror', mode: 'javascript' } %> <%= form.error_messages field_name %>
<% unless @codemirror_init %> <% @codemirror_init = true %> <% content_for :custom_javascript do %> <% javascript_tag do %> jQuery(document).off(readyPrefix('.codemirror_init')).on(readyPrefix('.codemirror_init'), function () { $('textarea[data-init="codemirror"]').each(function (index, element) { CodeMirror.fromTextArea(element, { mode: $(element).data('mode') }); }) }) <% end %> <% end %> <% end %>