describe 'The Concern System', -> window.Luca ||= {} Luca.concern.namespace 'Luca.test_concerns' Luca.test_concerns = CollectionMixin: __initializer: ()-> @trigger "collection:mixin" SecondMixin: __included: ()-> window.secondMixinIncluded = true __initializer: ()-> @trigger "second:mixin" FirstMixin: __initializer: ()-> @trigger "first:mixin" __privateMethod: ()-> true publicMethod: ()-> true sampleView = Luca.register('Luca.components.FirstView') sampleView.mixesIn 'FirstMixin' sampleView.defines sampleMethod: ()-> "sample" secondView = Luca.register("Luca.components.SecondView") secondView.extends 'Luca.components.FirstView' secondView.mixesIn 'SecondMixin' secondView.defines version: 2 collection = Luca.register("Luca.components.MixinCollection") collection.mixesIn "CollectionMixin" collection.defines version: 2 model = Luca.register("Luca.components.MixinModel") model.mixesIn "CollectionMixin" model.defines version: 2 it "should work on models", -> model = new Luca.components.MixinModel() expect( model ).toHaveTriggered("collection:mixin") it "should work on collections", -> collection = new Luca.components.MixinCollection() expect( collection ).toHaveTriggered("collection:mixin") it "should work on views", -> secondView = new Luca.components.SecondView expect( secondView ).toHaveTriggered("second:mixin") it "should omit methods prefixed with the double underscore", -> sampleView = new Luca.components.FirstView expect( sampleView.__privateMethod ).not.toBeDefined() it "should extend the prototype with the concern definition", -> sampleView = new Luca.components.FirstView expect( sampleView.publicMethod ).toBeDefined() it "should call the initializers up the prototype chain", -> secondView = new Luca.components.SecondView expect( secondView ).toHaveTriggered("first:mixin") expect( secondView ).toHaveTriggered("second:mixin") describe "Class Methods on the concern", -> Luca.test_concerns.ExampleConcern = instanceMethod: ()-> "instanceMethod" classMethods: classMethod: ()-> "classMethod" v = Luca.register("Luca.components.ClassMethodView").mixesIn("ExampleConcern") v.defines(version:1) it "should distinguish between instance methods and class methods", -> value = expect( value ).toEqual 'instanceMethod' it "should distinguish between instance methods and class methods", -> value = expect( value ).toEqual 'classMethod'