require 'helper' describe "Pry::DefaultCommands::Input" do describe "amend-line" do it 'should correctly amend the last line of input when no line number specified ' do str_output = redirect_pry_io("def hello", "puts :bing", "amend-line puts :blah", "show-input", "exit-all"), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /\A\d+: def hello\n\d+: puts :blah/ end it 'should correctly amend the specified line of input when line number given ' do str_output = redirect_pry_io("def hello", "puts :bing", "puts :bang", "amend-line 1 def goodbye", "show-input", "exit-all"), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /\A\d+: def goodbye\n\d+: puts :bing\n\d+: puts :bang/ end it 'should correctly amend the specified line of input when line number given, 0 should behave as 1 ' do str_output = redirect_pry_io("def hello", "puts :bing", "puts :bang", "amend-line 0 def goodbye", "show-input", "exit-all"), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /\A\d+: def goodbye\n\d+: puts :bing\n\d+: puts :bang/ end it 'should correctly amend the specified line of input when line number given (negative number)' do str_output = redirect_pry_io("def hello", "puts :bing", "puts :bang", "amend-line -1 puts :bink", "show-input", "exit-all"), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /\A\d+: def hello\n\d+: puts :bing\n\d+: puts :bink/ str_output = redirect_pry_io("def hello", "puts :bing", "puts :bang", "amend-line -2 puts :bink", "show-input", "exit-all"), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /\A\d+: def hello\n\d+: puts :bink\n\d+: puts :bang/ end it 'should correctly amend the specified range of lines of input when range of negative numbers given (negative number)' do str_output = redirect_pry_io("def hello", "puts :bing", "puts :bang", "puts :boat", "amend-line -3..-2 puts :bink", "show-input", "exit-all"), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /\A\d+: def hello\n\d+: puts :bink\n\d+: puts :boat/ end it 'should correctly amend the specified line with string interpolated text' do str_output = redirect_pry_io("def hello", "puts :bing", "puts :bang", 'amend-line puts "#{goodbye}"', "show-input", "exit-all"), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /\A\d+: def hello\n\d+: puts :bing\n\d+: puts \"\#{goodbye}\"/ end it 'should display error if nothing to amend' do str_output = redirect_pry_io("amend-line", "exit-all"), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /No input to amend/ end it 'should correctly amend the specified range of lines' do str_output = redirect_pry_io("def hello", "puts :bing", "puts :bang", "puts :heart", "amend-line 2..3 puts :bong", "show-input", "exit-all"), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /\A\d+: def hello\n\d+: puts :bong\n\d+: puts :heart/ end it 'should correctly delete a specific line using the ! for content' do str_output = redirect_pry_io("def hello", "puts :bing", "puts :bang", "puts :boast", "puts :heart", "amend-line 3 !", "show-input", "exit-all"), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /\d+: def hello\n\d+: puts :bing\n\d+: puts :boast\n\d+: puts :heart/ end it 'should correctly delete a range of lines using the ! for content' do str_output = redirect_pry_io("def hello", "puts :bing", "puts :bang", "puts :boast", "puts :heart", "amend-line 2..4 !", "show-input", "exit-all"), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /\d+: def hello\n\d+: puts :heart\n\Z/ end it 'should correctly delete the previous line using the ! for content' do str_output = redirect_pry_io("def hello", "puts :bing", "puts :bang", "puts :boast", "puts :heart", "amend-line !", "show-input", "exit-all"), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /\d+: def hello\n\d+: puts :bing\n\d+: puts :bang\n\d+: puts :boast\n\Z/ end it 'should correctly amend the specified range of lines, using negative numbers in range' do str_output = redirect_pry_io("def hello", "puts :bing", "puts :bang", "puts :boast", "puts :heart", "amend-line 2..-2 puts :bong", "show-input", "exit-all"), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /\d+: def hello\n\d+: puts :bong\n\d+: puts :heart/ end it 'should correctly insert a new line of input before a specified line using the > syntax' do str_output = redirect_pry_io("def hello", "puts :bing", "puts :bang", "amend-line 2 >puts :inserted", "show-input", "exit-all"), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /\d+: def hello\n\d+: puts :inserted\n\d+: puts :bing\n\d+: puts :bang/ end it 'should correctly insert a new line of input before a specified line using the > syntax (should ignore second value of range)' do str_output = redirect_pry_io("def hello", "puts :bing", "puts :bang", "amend-line 2..21 >puts :inserted", "show-input", "exit-all"), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /\d+: def hello\n\d+: puts :inserted\n\d+: puts :bing\n\d+: puts :bang/ end end describe "show-input" do it 'should correctly show the current lines in the input buffer' do str_output = redirect_pry_io("def hello", "puts :bing", "show-input", "exit-all"), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /\A\d+: def hello\n\d+: puts :bing/ end end describe "!" do it 'should correctly clear the input buffer ' do str_output = redirect_pry_io("def hello", "puts :bing", "!", "show-input", "exit-all"), str_output) do pry end stripped_output = str_output.string.strip! stripped_output.each_line.count.should == 1 stripped_output.should =~ /Input buffer cleared!/ end end describe "play" do it 'should play a string variable (with no args)' do b = binding b.eval('x = "\"hello\""') redirect_pry_io("play x", "exit-all"), str_output = do Pry.start b, :hooks => {} end str_output.string.should =~ /hello/ end it 'should play a string variable (with no args) using --lines to select what to play' do b = binding b.eval('x = "\"hello\"\n\"goodbye\"\n\"love\""') redirect_pry_io("play x --lines 1", "exit-all"), str_output = do Pry.start b, :hooks => {} end str_output.string.should =~ /hello/ str_output.string.should.not =~ /love/ str_output.string.should.not =~ /goodbye/ end it 'should play a method with the -m switch (a single line)' do $o = def $o.test_method :test_method_content end redirect_pry_io('play -m $o.test_method --lines 2', "exit-all"), str_output = do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /:test_method_content/ $o = nil end it 'should play a method with the -m switch (multiple line)' do $o = def $o.test_method 1 + 102 5 * 6 end redirect_pry_io('play -m $o.test_method --lines 2..3', "exit-all"), str_output = do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /103\n.*30/ $o = nil end end describe "hist" do push_first_hist_line = lambda do |hist, line| hist.push line end before do Pry.history.clear @hist = Pry.history end it 'should display the correct history' do, "'bug in 1.8 means this line is ignored'") @hist.push "hello" @hist.push "world" str_output = redirect_pry_io("hist", "exit-all", :history => @hist), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /hello\n.*world/ end it 'should replay history correctly (single item)' do, ":hello") @hist.push ":blah" @hist.push ":bucket" @hist.push ":ostrich" str_output = redirect_pry_io("hist --replay -1", "exit-all", :history => @hist), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /ostrich/ end it 'should replay a range of history correctly (range of items)' do, "'bug in 1.8 means this line is ignored'") @hist.push ":hello" @hist.push ":carl" str_output = redirect_pry_io("hist --replay 0..2", "exit-all", :history => @hist), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /:hello\n.*:carl/ end it 'should grep for correct lines in history' do, "apple") @hist.push "abby" @hist.push "box" @hist.push "button" @hist.push "pepper" @hist.push "orange" @hist.push "grape" @hist.push "def blah 1" @hist.push "def boink 2" @hist.push "place holder" str_output = redirect_pry_io("hist --grep o", "exit-all", :history => @hist), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /\d:.*?box\n\d:.*?button\n\d:.*?orange/ # test more than one word in a regex match (def blah) str_output = redirect_pry_io("hist --grep def blah", "exit-all", :history => @hist), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /def blah 1/ # test more than one word with leading white space in a regex match (def boink) str_output = redirect_pry_io("hist --grep def boink", "exit-all", :history => @hist), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.should =~ /def boink 2/ end it 'should return last N lines in history with --tail switch' do, "0") ("a".."z").each do |v| @hist.push v end str_output = redirect_pry_io("hist --tail 3", "exit-all", :history => @hist), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.each_line.count.should == 3 str_output.string.should =~ /x\n\d+:.*y\n\d+:.*z/ end # strangeness in this test is due to bug in Readline::HISTORY not # always registering first line of input it 'should return first N lines in history with --head switch' do, "0") ("a".."z").each do |v| @hist.push v end str_output = redirect_pry_io("hist --head 4", "exit-all", :history => @hist), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.each_line.count.should == 4 str_output.string.should =~ /a\n\d+:.*b\n\d+:.*c/ end # strangeness in this test is due to bug in Readline::HISTORY not # always registering first line of input it 'should show lines between lines A and B with the --show switch' do, "0") ("a".."z").each do |v| @hist.push v end str_output = redirect_pry_io("hist --show 1..4", "exit-all", :history => @hist), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.each_line.count.should == 4 str_output.string.should =~ /b\n\d+:.*c\n\d+:.*d/ end it "should not contain duplicated lines" do str_output = redirect_pry_io("3", "_ += 1", "_ += 1", "hist", "exit-all", :history => @hist), str_output) do pry end str_output.string.each_line.grep(/_ \+= 1/).count.should == 1 end it "should not contain duplicated lines" do str_output = redirect_pry_io(":place_holder", "2 + 2", "", "", "3 + 3", "hist", "exit-all", :history => @hist), str_output) do pry end a = str_output.string.each_line.to_a.index{|line| line.include?("2 + 2") } b = str_output.string.each_line.to_a.index{|line| line.include?("3 + 3") } (a + 1).should == b end end end