var DcmgrGUI = function(){}; //Refarence: DcmgrGUI.Class = (function() { function subclass() {} return { create: function(parent) { function klass() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } var index = 0; if(jQuery.isFunction(parent)) { index = 1; subclass.prototype = parent.prototype; klass.prototype = new subclass; } for(; index < arguments.length; ++index) { jQuery.extend(klass.prototype, arguments[index]); } return klass; } } })(); DcmgrGUI.Filter = DcmgrGUI.Class.create({ initialize: function(){ this.filters = []; }, add: function(filter){ this.filters.push(filter); }, execute: function(data){ this.apply(0,data); }, apply: function(index,data){ if (this.filters[index] && typeof this.filters[index] === "function") { this.filters[index](data); var next_index = index + 1; if (this.filters[next_index]) { this.apply(next_index,data); } else { return data; }; } } }); DcmgrGUI.Converter = {}; DcmgrGUI.Converter.fromMBtoGB = function(data){ return Math.ceil(data/1024) + 'GB'; }; DcmgrGUI.Pagenate = DcmgrGUI.Class.create({ initialize: function(params) { this.element = $('#pagenate'); this.view = $("#viewPagenate").text(); =; this.page_count = this.getPageCount(params['total'],params['row']); this.current_page = 1; this.row = params['row']; this.start = this.getStartCount(); this.offset = this.getOffsetCount(); $('.prev').bind("click",{obj: this},this.updatePage); $('.next').bind("click",{obj: this},this.updatePage); this.renderPagenate(); }, getPageCount: function(total,row){ return Math.ceil(total / row) }, changeTotal: function(total){ = total; this.page_count = this.getPageCount(,this.row) this.renderPagenate(); }, renderPagenate: function(){ this.start = this.getStartCount(); this.offset = this.getOffsetCount(); var html = this.start + ' to ' + this.offset + ' of ' +; $("#viewPagenate").html(html+' '+this.view); }, updatePage: function(event){ var self =; var name = $(this).attr('class'); if(self.current_page >= 1 && self.current_page < self.page_count) { if(name === 'next'){ self.next_page = self.current_page +1; self.current_page = self.next_page; } } if(self.current_page > 1 && self.current_page <= self.page_count){ if(name === 'prev'){ self.prev_page = self.current_page -1; self.current_page = self.prev_page; } } self.renderPagenate(); self.element.trigger('dcmgrGUI.updatePagenate'); }, getOffsetCount: function(){ var count = (this.current_page * this.row); if ( < count) { return; } else { return count; } }, getStartCount: function(){ if (this.current_page === 1) { var start = 1; } else { var start = ((this.current_page -1) * this.row) + 1; } return start; } }); DcmgrGUI.Dialog = DcmgrGUI.Class.create({ initialize: function(params) { = $(params['target']); this.element = $('<div></div>') this.path_prefix = '/dialog'; this.path = this.path_prefix + params['path']; this.width = params['width']; this.height = params['height']; this.title = params['title']; this.button = params['button']; this.callback = params['callback'] ||null; }, open: function(params){ //multi select action if(params){ if(params.ids.length == 0){ return false; } this.create(params); }else{ //new create action this.create(); } this.content.dialog('open'); }, disabledButton: function(buttonName,disabled){ var widget = this.content .dialog('widget') .find(".ui-button-text:contains('"+ buttonName +"')") .parent(); if( widget ) { widget.button("option", "disabled", disabled); } }, close: function(){ this.content.dialog('close'); }, create: function(params){ this.content = this.element .load(this.path,params,this.callback) .dialog({ title: this.title, disable: false, autoOpen: false, bgiframe: true, width: this.width, height: this.height, modal: true, resizable: true, closeOnEscape: true, closeText: 'hide', draggable:false, buttons: this.button }); } }); DcmgrGUI.ContentBase = DcmgrGUI.Class.create({ initialize: function(params){ if (params.element_id) { this.element = $(params.element_id); } else { this.element = $('<div></div>'); } this.template = params.template_id; =||[]; //prototype.register_event function add to call before initialize function this.bind_events(); this.filter = new DcmgrGUI.Filter(); }, update:function(request,async){ this.request = request; this.async = async; var self = this; $("#list_load_mask").mask("Loading..."); self.element.trigger('dcmgrGUI.beforeUpdate'); $.ajax({ async: async||true, url: request.url, dataType: "json", data:, success: function(json,status,xhr){ self.filter.execute(json); self.element.trigger('dcmgrGUI.contentChange',[{"data":json,"self":self}]); self.element.trigger('dcmgrGUI.afterUpdate',[{"data":json,"self":self}]); }, complete: function(xhr, status) { $("#list_load_mask").unmask(); }, error: function(xhr, status, error){ alert('Dcmgr connection '+status); } }); }, register_event:function(name,handler){ =||[]{ "name":name, "handler":handler }) },bind_events:function(){ for(var i in{ this.element.bind([i].name,[i].handler); } } }); DcmgrGUI.Util = {}; DcmgrGUI.Util.getPagePath = function(path,page,format){ var format = format||'json'; return path + page + '.' + format; } DcmgrGUI.Util.setfillData = function(maxrows,json){ var fillCount = maxrows-json.length; var emptyObj = []; for (var key in json[0]) { emptyObj.key = '' } for(var i=0;i<fillCount;i++){ json.push(emptyObj); } return json; } DcmgrGUI.Util.getLoadingImage = function(type){ switch(type) { case "ball": var image = 'loader_ball.gif' break; case "boxes": var image = 'loader_boxes.gif' break; default: var image = 'loader_ball.gif' break; } return '<img src="images/'+image+'" />'; } DcmgrGUI.Util.getPagenateData = function(start,limit){ return "start=" + start + "&" + "limit=" + limit; } DcmgrGUI.List = DcmgrGUI.Class.create(DcmgrGUI.ContentBase, { initialize: function(params){ DcmgrGUI.ContentBase.prototype.initialize(params); this.checked_list = {}; this.detail_template = {}; this.maxrow = params.maxrow = var self = this; this.element.bind('dcmgrGUI.afterUpdate',function(event){ var bg; var kids; $("table").find('td').hover( function () { //Mouse over bg = $(this).parent().css("background-color"); kids = $(this).parent().children(); kids.css("background-color","#82c9d9"); }, function () { //Mouse over kids.css("background-color",bg); } ); self.element.find("[type='checkbox']").each(function(key,value){ var id = $(value).val(); if(self.checked_list[id]){ $("[type='checkbox']").each(function(){ if($(this).val() === id){ $(this).attr('checked',true); } }) } }) }); this.element.bind('dcmgrGUI.updateList',function(event,params){ self.update(params.request,true) }); }, setDetailTemplate:function(template){ this.detail_template = template; }, getCheckedInstanceIds:function(checked_list){ var ids = [] for(var id in this.checked_list){ ids.push(id); } return { 'ids':ids } }, checkRadioButton:function(id){ $('#'+id).attr("checked", true); }, setData:function(json){ var rows = [] if(!json){ rows = this.getEmptyData() }else{ $.each(json,function(key,value){ rows.push(value.result) }); } var row = this.maxrow || 10; var data = { rows:DcmgrGUI.Util.setfillData(row,rows) }; this.element.html(''); if(data.rows){ $( this.template ) .tmpl( data ) .appendTo( this.element ); } }, clearCheckedList:function(){ this.checked_list = {} }, changeStatus:function(state){ $.each(this.checked_list,function(id,obj){ obj.element.find('.state').html(state); $('#detail').find('#'+id).find('.state').html(state); }); }, currentChecked:function(){ var id = this.element.find("[type='radio']:checked").val(); if( id ){ return id; }else{ return null; } }, singleCheckList:function(params){ var self = this; this.element.find("[type='radio']").each(function(key,value){ $(this).click(function(){ var check_id = $(this).val(); if($(this).is(':checked')){ var c_detail = new DcmgrGUI.Detail({ template_id:params.template_id }); c_detail.element.bind('dcmgrGUI.contentChange',function(event,params){ var data = { } //initialize if(!{ data.item = self.getEmptyData(); } if(data.item){ $('#detail').html($( c_detail.template ).tmpl(data)); } }); c_detail.update({ url:DcmgrGUI.Util.getPagePath(params.detail_path,check_id) },true); }else{ $('#detail').html(''); } }); }); }, multiCheckList:function(params){ var self = this; this.element.find("[type='checkbox']").each(function(key,value){ $(this).click(function(){ var check_id = $(this).val(); if($(this).is(':checked')){ //step1:onclick checkbox and generate detail object self.checked_list[check_id] = { //+1 is to remove table header element:$(self.element.find('tr')[key+1]), c_detail:new DcmgrGUI.Detail({ //id is to search element key id:check_id, template_id:params.template_id }) } //step2:bind event dcmgrGUI.contentChange self.checked_list[check_id].c_detail.element.bind('dcmgrGUI.contentChange',function(event,params){ if(self.checked_list[check_id]){ //step4:marge data in template var data = { } //initialize if(!{ data.item = self.checked_list[check_id].c_detail.getEmptyData(); } if (self.detail_template.filter) { self.detail_template.filter.execute(data); }; self.checked_list[check_id].c_detail.filter.execute(data); if(data.item){ $( self.checked_list[check_id].c_detail.template ) .tmpl(data) .appendTo( $('#detail') ); } } }); //step3:update detail self.checked_list[check_id].c_detail.update({ url:DcmgrGUI.Util.getPagePath(params.detail_path,check_id) },true); }else{ //remove detail if(self.checked_list[check_id]){ $($('#detail').find('#'+check_id)).remove(); delete self.checked_list[check_id] } } }); }) } }); DcmgrGUI.Detail = DcmgrGUI.Class.create(DcmgrGUI.ContentBase, { }); DcmgrGUI.Refresh = DcmgrGUI.Class.create({ initialize: function(){ this.element = $('.refresh'); var self = this;'click',function(){ self.element.trigger('dcmgrGUI.refresh'); }) }, }); DcmgrGUI.ItemSelector = DcmgrGUI.Class.create({ initialize: function(params) { this.left_select_id = params.left_select_id; this.right_select_id = params.right_select_id; =; this.leftSelectionsArray = []; var dataSize =; for(var i = 0;i < dataSize ;i++) { var html = '<option id="'+i+'" value="'+[i]['value'] +'">'+[i]['name'] +'</option>'; this.leftSelectionsArray[i] = $(html); } this.rightSelectionsArray = this.emptyArray(; this.refreshOptions(this.left_select_id,this.leftSelectionsArray); }, refreshOptions: function(select_id,selectionsArray){ var selectionsSize = selectionsArray.length; $(select_id).html(''); for(var i = 0;i < selectionsSize ;i++) { if(selectionsArray[i] !== null ){ $(select_id).append(selectionsArray[i]); } } }, emptyArray: function(size) { var data = []; for(var i = 0;i < size ;i++) { data[i] = null; } return data; }, leftToRight: function() { var self = this; $(this.left_select_id).find('option:selected').each(function(){ var index = $(this).attr('id'); self.leftSelectionsArray[index] = null; self.rightSelectionsArray[index] = this; $(this).remove(); }); this.refreshOptions(this.right_select_id,this.rightSelectionsArray); }, rightToLeft: function() { var self = this; $(this.right_select_id).find('option:selected').each(function(){ var index = $(this).attr('id'); self.leftSelectionsArray[index] = this; self.rightSelectionsArray[index] = null; $(this).remove(); }); this.refreshOptions(this.left_select_id,this.leftSelectionsArray); } }); DcmgrGUI.prototype = { initialize:function(){ $.deferred.define(); } }