# Contains Twitter4R Model API.
module Twitter
# Mixin module for model classes. Includes generic class methods like
# unmarshal.
# To create a new model that includes this mixin's features simply:
# class NewModel
# include Twitter::ModelMixin
# end
# This mixin module automatically includes Twitter::ClassUtilMixin
# features.
# The contract for models to use this mixin correctly is that the class
# including this mixin must provide an class method named attributes
# that will return an Array of attribute symbols that will be checked
# in #eql? override method. The following would be sufficient:
# def self.attributes; @@ATTRIBUTES; end
module ModelMixin #:nodoc:
def self.included(base) #:nodoc:
base.send(:include, Twitter::ClassUtilMixin)
base.send(:include, InstanceMethods)
# Class methods defined for Twitter::ModelMixin module.
module ClassMethods #:nodoc:
# Unmarshal object singular or plural array of model objects
# from JSON serialization. Currently JSON is only supported
# since this is all Twitter4R needs.
def unmarshal(raw)
input = JSON.parse(raw)
def unmarshal_model(hash)
return unmarshal_model(input) if input.is_a?(Hash) # singular case
result = []
input.each do |hash|
model = unmarshal_model(hash) if hash.is_a?(Hash)
result << model
end if input.is_a?(Array)
result # plural case
# Instance methods defined for Twitter::ModelMixin module.
module InstanceMethods #:nodoc:
attr_accessor :client
# Equality method override of Object#eql? default.
# Relies on the class using this mixin to provide a attributes
# class method that will return an Array of attributes to check are
# equivalent in this #eql? override.
# It is by design that the #eql? method will raise a NoMethodError
# if no attributes class method exists, to alert you that
# you must provide it for a meaningful result from this #eql? override.
# Otherwise this will return a meaningless result.
def eql?(other)
attrs = self.class.attributes
attrs.each do |att|
return false unless self.send(att).eql?(other.send(att))
# Returns integer representation of model object instance.
# For example,
# status = Twitter::Status.new(:id => 234343)
# status.to_i #=> 234343
def to_i
# Returns string representation of model object instance.
# For example,
# status = Twitter::Status.new(:text => 'my status message')
# status.to_s #=> 'my status message'
# If a model class doesn't have a @text attribute defined
# the default Object#to_s will be returned as the result.
def to_s
self.respond_to?(:text) ? @text : super.to_s
# Returns hash representation of model object instance.
# For example,
# u = Twitter::User.new(:id => 2342342, :screen_name => 'tony_blair_is_the_devil')
# u.to_hash #=> {:id => 2342342, :screen_name => 'tony_blair_is_the_devil'}
# This method also requires that the class method attributes be
# defined to return an Array of attributes for the class.
def to_hash
attrs = self.class.attributes
result = {}
attrs.each do |att|
value = self.send(att)
value = value.to_hash if value.respond_to?(:to_hash)
result[att] = value if value
# "Blesses" model object.
# Should be overridden by model class if special behavior is expected
# Expected to return blessed object (usually self)
def bless(client)
# Basic "blessing" of model object
def basic_bless(client)
self.client = client
module AuthenticatedUserMixin
def self.included(base)
base.send(:include, InstanceMethods)
module InstanceMethods
# Returns an Array of user objects that represents the authenticated
# user's friends on Twitter.
def followers(options = {})
@client.my(:followers, options)
# Adds given user as a friend. Returns user object as given by
# Twitter REST server response.
# For user argument you may pass in the unique integer
# user ID, screen name or Twitter::User object representation.
def befriend(user)
@client.friend(:add, user)
# Removes given user as a friend. Returns user object as given by
# Twitter REST server response.
# For user argument you may pass in the unique integer
# user ID, screen name or Twitter::User object representation.
def defriend(user)
@client.friend(:remove, user)
# Represents a Twitter user
class User
include ModelMixin
@@ATTRIBUTES = [:id, :name, :description, :location, :screen_name, :url,
:protected, :profile_image_url, :profile_background_color,
:profile_text_color, :profile_link_color, :profile_sidebar_fill_color,
:profile_sidebar_border_color, :profile_background_image_url,
:profile_background_tile, :utc_offset, :time_zone,
:following, :notifications, :favourites_count, :followers_count,
:friends_count, :statuses_count, :created_at ]
class << self
# Used as factory method callback
def attributes; @@ATTRIBUTES; end
# Returns user model object with given id using the configuration
# and credentials of the client object passed in.
# You can pass in either the user's unique integer ID or the user's
# screen name.
def find(id, client)
# Override of ModelMixin#bless method.
# Adds #followers instance method when user object represents
# authenticated user. Otherwise just do basic bless.
# This permits applications using Twitter4R to write
# Rubyish code like this:
# followers = user.followers if user.is_me?
# Or:
# followers = user.followers if user.respond_to?(:followers)
def bless(client)
self.class.send(:include, Twitter::AuthenticatedUserMixin)
}) if self.is_me? and not self.respond_to?(:followers)
# Returns whether this Twitter::User model object
# represents the authenticated user of the client
# that blessed it.
def is_me?
# TODO: Determine whether we should cache this or not?
# Might be dangerous to do so, but do we want to support
# the edge case where this would cause a problem? i.e.
# changing authenticated user after initial use of
# authenticated API.
# TBD: To cache or not to cache. That is the question!
# Since this is an implementation detail we can leave this for
# subsequent 0.2.x releases. It doesn't have to be decided before
# the 0.2.0 launch.
@screen_name == @client.instance_eval("@login")
# Returns an Array of user objects that represents the authenticated
# user's friends on Twitter.
def friends
@client.user(@id, :friends)
end # User
# Represents a status posted to Twitter by a Twitter user.
class Status
include ModelMixin
@@ATTRIBUTES = [:id, :text, :source, :truncated, :created_at, :user, :from_user, :to_user,
:favorited, :in_reply_to_status_id, :in_reply_to_user_id,
:in_reply_to_screen_name, :geo]
class << self
# Used as factory method callback
def attributes; @@ATTRIBUTES; end
# Returns status model object with given status using the
# configuration and credentials of the client object passed in.
def find(id, client)
client.status(:get, id)
# Creates a new status for the authenticated user of the given
# client context.
# You MUST include a valid/authenticated client context
# in the given params argument.
# For example:
# status = Twitter::Status.create(
# :text => 'I am shopping for flip flops',
# :client => client)
# An ArgumentError will be raised if no valid client context
# is given in the params Hash. For example,
# status = Twitter::Status.create(:text => 'I am shopping for flip flops')
# The above line of code will raise an ArgumentError.
# The same is true when you do not provide a :text key-value
# pair in the params argument given.
# The Twitter::Status object returned after the status successfully
# updates on the Twitter server side is returned from this method.
def create(params)
client, text = params[:client], params[:text]
raise ArgumentError, 'Valid client context must be provided' unless client.is_a?(Twitter::Client)
raise ArgumentError, 'Must provide text for the status to update' unless text.is_a?(String)
client.status(:post, text)
def reply?
def reply(status)
client.status(:reply, :status => status, :in_reply_to_status_id => @id)
# Constructor callback
def init
@user = User.new(@user) if @user.is_a?(Hash)
@created_at = Time.parse(@created_at) if @created_at.is_a?(String)
end # Status
# Represents a direct message on Twitter between Twitter users.
class Message
include ModelMixin
@@ATTRIBUTES = [:id, :recipient, :sender, :text, :geo, :created_at]
class << self
# Used as factory method callback
def attributes; @@ATTRIBUTES; end
# Raises NotImplementedError because currently
# Twitter doesn't provide a facility to retrieve
# one message by unique ID.
def find(id, client)
raise NotImplementedError, 'Twitter has yet to implement a REST API for this. This is not a Twitter4R library limitation.'
# Creates a new direct message from the authenticated user of the
# given client context.
# You MUST include a valid/authenticated client context
# in the given params argument.
# For example:
# status = Twitter::Message.create(
# :text => 'I am shopping for flip flops',
# :recipient => 'anotherlogin',
# :client => client)
# An ArgumentError will be raised if no valid client context
# is given in the params Hash. For example,
# status = Twitter::Status.create(:text => 'I am shopping for flip flops')
# The above line of code will raise an ArgumentError.
# The same is true when you do not provide any of the following
# key-value pairs in the params argument given:
# * text - the String that will be the message text to send to user
# * recipient - the user ID, screen_name or Twitter::User object representation of the recipient of the direct message
# The Twitter::Message object returned after the direct message is
# successfully sent on the Twitter server side is returned from
# this method.
def create(params)
client, text, recipient = params[:client], params[:text], params[:recipient]
raise ArgumentError, 'Valid client context must be given' unless client.is_a?(Twitter::Client)
raise ArgumentError, 'Message text must be supplied to send direct message' unless text.is_a?(String)
raise ArgumentError, 'Recipient user must be specified to send direct message' unless [Twitter::User, Integer, String].member?(recipient.class)
client.message(:post, text, recipient)
# Constructor callback
def init
@sender = User.new(@sender) if @sender.is_a?(Hash)
@recipient = User.new(@recipient) if @recipient.is_a?(Hash)
@created_at = Time.parse(@created_at) if @created_at.is_a?(String)
end # Message
# RateLimitStatus provides information about how many requests you have left
# and when you can resume more requests if your remaining_hits count is zero.
class RateLimitStatus
include ModelMixin
@@ATTRIBUTES = [:remaining_hits, :hourly_limit, :reset_time_in_seconds, :reset_time]
class << self
# Used as factory method callback
def attributes; @@ATTRIBUTES; end
end # Twitter