# A Relation defines a type of Tie. Relations are affective (friendship, liking, 
# respect), formal or biological (authority, kinship), transfer of material 
# resources (transactions, lending and borrowing), messages or conversations, 
# physical connection and affiliation to same organizations.
# == Strength hierarchies
# Relations are arranged in strength hierarchies, denoting that some ties between
# two actors are stronger than others.
# When a strong tie is established, ties with weaker relations are establised as well
# == Reflexive relations
# Some relations are set by default for actors with theirselves. This sets some ties
# for posting in self wall at several visibility levels: only for friends, public and
# so on
# == Inverse relations
# A Relation can have its inverse. When a tie is established, an inverse tie will be
# established if an inverse relation exists. An example is a relation of friendship,
# whose inverse relation is itself. When A is friend of B, the inverse tie B is friend of A
# is establised as well.
# == Granted relations
# There are cases when relations need previous invitation or request to be granted.
# This is the case of friendship requests. When A wants to become friend of B, A
# sends a friendship_request to B. A is granting the friend relation with B, that is,
# friendship_request grants friend relation.

class Relation < ActiveRecord::Base

  scope :mode, lambda { |st, rt|
    where(:sender_type => st, :receiver_type => rt)

  belongs_to :inverse,
             :class_name => "Relation"
  belongs_to :granted,
             :class_name => "Relation"

  scope :reflexive, where(:reflexive => true)
  scope :request, where('relations.granted_id IS NOT NULL')

  has_many :relation_permissions, :dependent => :destroy
  has_many :permissions, :through => :relation_permissions

  has_many :ties, :dependent => :destroy

  class << self
    # A relation in the top of a strength hierarchy
    def strongest

  # Other relations below in the same hierarchy that this relation
  def weaker

  # Relations below or at the same level of this relation
  def weaker_or_equal

  # Other relations above in the same hierarchy that this relation
  def stronger

  # Relations above or at the same level of this relation
  def stronger_or_equal

  # Relation class scoped in the same mode that this relation
  def mode
    Relation.mode(sender_type, receiver_type)