module Pesapal class Merchant attr_accessor :callback_url, :credentials, :order_details attr_reader :api_domain, :api_endpoints def api_domain @api_domain end def api_endpoints @api_endpoints end def callback_url @callback_url end def credentials @credentials end def order_details @order_details end private def params @params end def post_xml @post_xml end def token_secret @token_secret end public # constructor def initialize(mode = :development) # convert symbol to string and downcase mode.to_s.downcase! # initialize @params = nil @post_xml = nil @token_secret = nil # set the credentials from the config (if initializers/pesapal.rb # exists they should have set these values) @credentials = nil # set the callback url that the iframe will respond to @callback_url = '' # set api endpoints depending on the mode @api_endpoints = {} if mode == 'development' set_endpoints_development elseif mode == 'production' set_endpoints_production else set_endpoints_development end end # generate pesapal order url (often iframed) def generate_order_url # build xml with input data, the format is standard so no editing is # required @post_xml = Pesapal::Post::generate_post_xml @order_details # initialize setting of @params (oauth_signature left empty) ... this gene @params = Pesapal::Post::set_parameters(@callback_url, @credentials[:consumer_key], @post_xml) # generate oauth signature and add signature to the request parameters @params[:oauth_signature] = Pesapal::Oauth::generate_oauth_signature("GET", @api_endpoints[:postpesapaldirectorderv4], @params, @credentials[:consumer_secret], @token_secret) # change params (with signature) to a query string query_string = Pesapal::Oauth::generate_encoded_params_query_string @params "#{@api_endpoints[:postpesapaldirectorderv4]}?#{query_string}" end private # set all endpoint for use in development mode def set_endpoints_development @api_domain = '' set_endpoints @api_domain end # set all enpoints for use in production mode def set_endpoints_production @api_domain = "" set_endpoints @api_domain end # set endpoints def set_endpoints(domain_string) @api_endpoints[:postpesapaldirectorderv4] = "#{domain_string}/API/PostPesapalDirectOrderV4" @api_endpoints[:querypaymentstatus] = "#{domain_string}/API/QueryPaymentStatus" @api_endpoints[:querypaymentstatusbymerchantref] = "#{domain_string}/API/QueryPaymentStatus" @api_endpoints[:querypaymentdetails] = "#{domain_string}/API/QueryPaymentDetails" end end end