define(['omf/data_source_repo', 'vendor/d3/d3'], function(ds_repo) { if (typeof(d3.each) == 'undefined') { d3.each = function(array, f) { var i = 0, n = array.length, a = array[0], b; if (arguments.length == 1) { while (++i < n) if (a < (b = array[i])) a = b; } else { a = f(a); while (++i < n) if (a < (b = f(array[i]))) a = b; } return a; }; }; var abstract_widget = Backbone.Model.extend({ defaults: function() { return { base_el: "body", width: 1.0, // <= 1.0 means set width to enclosing element height: 0.6, // <= 1.0 means fraction of width margin: { left: 20, top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 20 }, offset: { x: 0, y: 0 }, }; }, //base_css_class: 'oml-chart', initialize: function(opts) { var o = this.opts = this.deep_defaults(opts, this.defaults()); var base_el = o.base_el; if (typeof(base_el) == "string") base_el =; this.base_el = base_el; this.init_data_source(); this.process_schema(); this.resize(); var self = this; OHUB.bind('layout.resize', function(e) { self.resize(); self.update(); }); }, update: function() { if ($(this.opts.base_el).is(':hidden')) { return; } var data; if ((data = this.data_source.rows()) == null) { throw "Missing rows in data source" } if (data.length == 0) return; this.redraw(data); }, resize: function() { var o = this.opts; var w = o.width; if (w <= 1.0) { // check width of enclosing div (base_el) var bel = $(o.base_el).parents(".widget_container"); var el = bel[0]; bel.resize(function(_) { // doesn't seem to work var i = 0; i + 1; alert(i); }); var elw = bel.width(); w = w * elw; //w = w * this.base_el[0][0].clientWidth; if (isNaN(w)) w = 800; } var h = o.height; if (h <= 1.0) { h = h * w; } this._resize_base_el(w,h); OHUB.trigger( + '.resize', {width: w, height: h}); return this; }, _resize_base_el: function(w, h) { var m = this.opts.margin; this.w = w - m.left - m.right; // take away the margins this.h = h - - m.bottom; this.base_el .style('height', this.h + 'px') .style('width', this.w + 'px') .style('margin-left', m.left + 'px') .style('margin-right', m.right + 'px') .style('margin-top', + 'px') .style('margin-bottom', m.bottom + 'px') ; }, // Find the appropriate data source and bind to it // init_data_source: function() { var o = this.opts; var sources = o.data_sources; var self = this; if (! (sources instanceof Array)) { throw "Expected an array"; } if (sources.length != 1) { throw "Can only process a SINGLE source"; } this.data_source = this.init_single_data_source(sources[0]); }, // Find the appropriate data source and bind to it // init_single_data_source: function(ds_descr) { var ds = ds_repo.lookup(; var self = this; OHUB.bind(ds.event_name, function() { self.update();; }); return ds; }, process_schema: function() { this.schema = this.process_single_schema(this.data_source); if (typeof(this.decl_properties) != "undefined") { this.mapping = this.process_single_mapping(null, this.opts.mapping, this.decl_properties); } }, process_single_schema: function(data_source) { var self = this; var o = this.opts; var schema = {};, function(s, i) { s['index'] = i; schema[] = s; }); return schema; }, process_single_mapping: function(source_name, mapping_decl, properties_decl) { var self = this; var m = {}; var om = mapping_decl || {};, function(a) { var pname = a[0]; var type = a[1]; var def = a[2]; var descr = om[pname]; m[pname] = self.create_mapping(pname, descr, source_name, type, def); }); return m; }, /* * Return schema for +stream+. */ schema_for_stream: function(stream) { if (stream != undefined) { throw "Can't provide named stream '" + stream + "'."; } return this.schema; }, /* * Return data_source named 'name'. */ data_source_for_stream: function(name) { if (name != undefined) { throw "Can't provide named stream '" + name + "'."; } return this.data_source; }, create_mapping: function(mname, descr, stream, type, def) { var self = this; if (descr == undefined && typeof(def) == 'object') { descr = def; } if (descr == undefined || typeof(descr) != 'object' ) { if (type == 'index') { return this.create_mapping(mname, def, stream, type, null); } else if (type == 'key') { return this.create_mapping(mname, {property: descr}, stream, type, def); } else { var value = (descr == undefined) ? def : descr; if (type == 'color' && /\(\)$/.test(value)) { // check if value ends with () indicating color function var cf = this.decl_color_func[value]; var cf_i = cf(); value = function(x) { return cf_i(x); }; } return value; } } if ( != undefined) { stream =; // override stream } var schema = this.schema_for_stream(stream); if (schema == undefined) { throw "Can't find schema for stream '" + stream + "'."; } if (type == 'index') { var key = descr.key; if (key == undefined || stream == undefined) { throw "Missing 'key' or 'stream' in mapping declaration for '" + mname + "'."; } var col_schema = schema[key]; if (col_schema == undefined) { throw "Unknown stream element '" + key + "'."; } var vindex = col_schema.index; var jstream_name = descr.join_stream; if (jstream_name == undefined) { throw "Missing join stream declaration in '" + mname + "'."; } var jschema = this.schema_for_stream(jstream_name); if (jschema == undefined) { throw "Can't find schema for stream '" + jstream_name + "'."; } var jstream = this.data_source_for_stream(jstream_name); var jkey = descr.join_key; if (jkey == undefined) jkey = 'id'; var jcol_schema = jschema[jkey]; if (jcol_schema == undefined) { throw "Unknown stream element '" + jkey + "' in '" + jstream + "'."; } var index_f = jstream.index_for_column(jcol_schema); return function(d) { var join = d[vindex]; //var t = jstream.get_indexed_row(jindex, join); //self.get_indexed_table(jstream, jindex); var t = index_f(join); //var r = t[join]; return t; }; } else { if (descr.values) { // provided custom mapping for values var values = descr.values; var def_value = descr['default']; return function(x) { return values[x] || def_value; }; } var pname =; if (pname == undefined) { throw "Missing 'property' declaration for mapping '" + mname + "'."; } var col_schema = schema[pname]; if (col_schema == undefined) { if (descr.optional == true) { return undefined; // don't need to be mapped } throw "Unknown property '" + pname + "'."; } var index = col_schema.index; switch (type) { case 'int': case 'float': case 'key' : var scale = descr.scale; var min_value = descr.min; var max_value = descr.max; return function(d) { var v = d[index]; if (scale != undefined) v = v * scale; if (min_value != undefined && v < min_value) v = min_value; if (max_value != undefined && v > max_value) v = max_value; return v; }; case 'color': var color_fname = descr.color; if (color_fname == undefined) { throw "Missing color function for '" + mname + "'."; } var color_fp = self.decl_color_func[color_fname]; if (color_fp == undefined) { throw "Unknown color function '" + color_fname + "'."; } var color_f = color_fp(); var scale = descr.scale; var min_value = descr.min; return function(d) { var v = d[index]; if (scale != undefined) v = v * scale; if (min_value != undefined && v < min_value) v = min_value; var color = color_f(v); return color; }; // case 'key' : // return function(d) { // return d[index]; // } default: throw "Unknown mapping type '" + type + "'"; } } var i = 0; }, // Fill in a given object (and any objects it contains) with default properties. // ... borrowed from unerscore.js // deep_defaults: function(source, defaults) { for (var prop in defaults) { if (source[prop] == null) { source[prop] = defaults[prop]; } else if((typeof(source[prop]) == 'object') && defaults[prop]) { this.deep_defaults(source[prop], defaults[prop]); } } return source; }, }); return abstract_widget; });