require 'blacklight/catalog' module Sufia module MyControllerBehavior extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Blacklight::Catalog include Hydra::BatchEditBehavior include Hydra::Collections::SelectsCollections included do include Blacklight::Configurable self.copy_blacklight_config_from(CatalogController) include BlacklightAdvancedSearch::ParseBasicQ include BlacklightAdvancedSearch::Controller before_filter :authenticate_user! before_filter :enforce_show_permissions, only: :show before_filter :enforce_viewing_context_for_show_requests, only: :show before_filter :find_collections, only: :index # This applies appropriate access controls to all solr queries (the internal method of this is overidden bellow to only include edit files) self.solr_search_params_logic += [:add_access_controls_to_solr_params] layout 'sufia-dashboard' end # specify the controller_name here to specify where we should look for # the batch_edit menu options (_batch_edits_actions.html.erb) def controller_name :my end def index (@response, @document_list) = get_search_results @user = current_user @events = @last_event_timestamp =[:timestamp].to_i || 0 rescue 0 @filters = params[:f] || [] # set up some parameters for allowing the batch controls to show appropiately @max_batch_size = 80 count_on_page = @document_list.count {|doc| batch.index(} @disable_select_all = @document_list.count > @max_batch_size batch_size = batch.uniq.size @result_set_size = @response.response["numFound"] @empty_batch = batch.empty? @all_checked = (count_on_page == @document_list.count) @entire_result_set_selected = @response.response["numFound"] == batch_size @batch_size_on_other_page = batch_size - count_on_page @batch_part_on_other_page = (@batch_size_on_other_page) > 0 respond_to do |format| format.html { } format.rss { render layout: false } format.atom { render layout: false } end end protected # show only files with edit permissions in lib/hydra/access_controls_enforcement.rb apply_gated_discovery def discovery_permissions ["edit"] end def show_only_files_deposited_by_current_user solr_parameters, user_parameters solr_parameters[:fq] ||= [] solr_parameters[:fq] += [ ActiveFedora::SolrQueryBuilder.construct_query_for_rel(depositor: current_user.user_key) ] end def show_only_generic_files solr_parameters, user_parameters solr_parameters[:fq] ||= [] solr_parameters[:fq] += [ ActiveFedora::SolrQueryBuilder.construct_query_for_rel(has_model: ::GenericFile.to_class_uri) ] end end end