# Copyright (c) 2023 M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands # # This software is released under the MIT license. # # Some parts are # Copyright 2004-2007, wxRuby development team # released under the MIT-like wxRuby2 license ### require 'wx' class BooksFrame < Wx::Frame ID_NOTEBOOK = Wx::ID_HIGHEST+1 ID_CHOICEBOOK = Wx::ID_HIGHEST+2 ID_LISTBOOK = Wx::ID_HIGHEST+3 ID_TREEBOOK = Wx::ID_HIGHEST+4 PAGES = %w[Yet Another Way To Select Pages] def initialize super(nil, title: 'Book controls sample', size: [600, 450]) icon_file = File.join(__dir__,'..', 'art', "wxruby.png") self.icon = Wx::Icon.new(icon_file) if Wx.has_feature?(:USE_STATUSBAR) create_status_bar() end # Make a menubar for the frame self.menu_bar = Wx::MenuBar.new { append Wx::Menu.new { append Wx::ID_EXIT }, '&File' append Wx::Menu.new { append ID_NOTEBOOK, 'Notebook' append ID_CHOICEBOOK, 'Choicebook' append ID_LISTBOOK, 'Listbook' append ID_TREEBOOK, 'Treebook' }, '&Books' append Wx::Menu.new { append Wx::ID_ABOUT }, '&Help' } @main_panel = Wx::Panel.new(self, Wx::ID_ANY) @main_panel.sizer = Wx::VBoxSizer.new @book_ctrl = nil evt_menu ID_NOTEBOOK, :show_notebook evt_menu ID_CHOICEBOOK, :show_choicebook evt_menu ID_LISTBOOK, :show_listbook evt_menu ID_TREEBOOK, :show_treebook evt_menu Wx::ID_EXIT, :on_quit evt_menu Wx::ID_ABOUT, :on_about end def setup_book(ctrl_name, tree = false) set_status_text("Using #{ctrl_name}") if tree PAGES.each_with_index do |txt, ix| win = Wx::Panel.new(@book_ctrl) if ix == 0 Wx::StaticText.new(win, -1, "#{ctrl_name} is yet another way to switch between 'page' windows", Wx::Point.new(10, 10)) else Wx::StaticText.new(win, -1, "Page: #{ix+1}", Wx::Point.new(10,10)) end if (ix % 2) == 0 @book_ctrl.add_page(win, txt, ix == 0) else @book_ctrl.add_sub_page(win, txt) end end else PAGES.each_with_index do |txt, ix| win = Wx::Panel.new(@book_ctrl) if ix == 0 Wx::StaticText.new(win, -1, "#{ctrl_name} is yet another way to switch between 'page' windows", Wx::Point.new(10, 10)) else Wx::StaticText.new(win, -1, "Page: #{ix+1}", Wx::Point.new(10,10)) end @book_ctrl.add_page(win, txt) end end end private :setup_book def clear_book if @book_ctrl @main_panel.sizer.remove(0) @book_ctrl.destroy @book_ctrl = nil end end private :clear_book def show_notebook clear_book @book_ctrl = Wx::Notebook.new(@main_panel) @main_panel.sizer.add(@book_ctrl, 1, Wx::GROW|Wx::ALL, 1) setup_book('Wx::Notebook') @main_panel.layout refresh end def show_choicebook clear_book @book_ctrl = Wx::Choicebook.new(@main_panel) @main_panel.sizer.add(@book_ctrl, 1, Wx::GROW|Wx::ALL, 1) setup_book('Wx::Choicebook') @main_panel.layout refresh end def show_listbook clear_book @book_ctrl = Wx::Listbook.new(@main_panel) @main_panel.sizer.add(@book_ctrl, 1, Wx::GROW|Wx::ALL, 1) setup_book('Wx::Listbook') @main_panel.layout refresh end def show_treebook clear_book @book_ctrl = Wx::Treebook.new(@main_panel) style = @book_ctrl.tree_ctrl.window_style style &= ~Wx::TR_NO_LINES @book_ctrl.tree_ctrl.window_style = style @main_panel.sizer.add(@book_ctrl, 1, Wx::GROW|Wx::ALL, 1) setup_book('Wx::Treebook', true) @main_panel.layout refresh end def on_about(event) Wx.message_box( "wxRuby Books sample\n" + "Authors:\n" + " Martin Corino (c) 2023\n" + 'Usage: click Books and select a book control', 'About Books sample') end def on_quit(event) close end end module BooksSample include WxRuby::Sample if defined? WxRuby::Sample def self.describe { file: __FILE__, summary: 'wxRuby Book controls example.', description: "wxRuby example showcasing the various common book controls.\n"+ " - Wx::NoteBook\n"+ " - Wx::ChoiceBook\n"+ " - Wx::ListBook\n"+ " - Wx::TreeBook\n" } end def self.activate frame = BooksFrame.new frame.show frame end if $0 == __FILE__ Wx::App.run { BooksSample.activate } end end