require 'spec_helper' require 'ms/ident/pepxml/sample_enzyme' require 'nokogiri' describe 'creating an MS::Ident::Pepxml::SampleEnzyme' do before do @hash = { :name => 'trypsin', :cut => 'KR', :no_cut => 'P', :sense => 'C', } end it 'can be set by a known enzyme name' do se ='trypsin') @hash.each do |k,v| se.send(k).should == v end end it 'can be set manually with a hash' do se = @hash.each do |k,v| se.send(k).should == v end end end describe 'an MS::Ident::Pepxml::SampleEnzyme' do before do @sample_enzyme =>'trypsin',:cut=>'KR',:no_cut=>'P',:sense=>'C') end it 'generates a valid xml fragment' do string = @sample_enzyme.to_xml string.is_a?(String).should == true string.should match(/ 'trypsin', :cut => 'KR', :no_cut => 'P', :sense => 'C', ) @just_KR = :name => 'trypsin', :cut => 'KR', :no_cut => '', :sense => 'C', ) end it 'calculates the number of tolerant termini' do exp = [{ # full KR/P %w(K EPTIDR E) => 2, %w(K PEPTIDR E) => 1, %w(F EEPTIDR E) => 1, %w(F PEPTIDW R) => 0, }, { # just KR %w(K EPTIDR E) => 2, %w(K PEPTIDR E) => 2, %w(F EEPTIDR E) => 1, %w(F PEPTIDW R) => 0, } ] sample_enzyme_ar = [@full_KRP, @just_KR] do |sample_enzyme,hash| hash.each do |seq, val| sample_enzyme.num_tol_term(*seq).should == val end end end it 'calculates number of missed cleavages' do exp = [{ "EPTIDR" => 0, "PEPTIDR" => 0, "EEPTIDR" => 0, "PEPTIDW" => 0, "PERPTIDW" => 0, "PEPKPTIDW" => 0, "PEPKTIDW" => 1, "RTTIDR" => 1, "RTTIKK" => 2, "PKEPRTIDW" => 2, "PKEPRTIDKP" => 2, "PKEPRAALKPEERPTIDKW" => 3, }, { "EPTIDR" => 0, "PEPTIDR" => 0, "EEPTIDR" => 0, "PEPTIDW" => 0, "PERPTIDW" => 1, "PEPKPTIDW" => 1, "PEPKTIDW" => 1, "RTTIDR" => 1, "RTTIKK" => 2, "PKEPRTIDW" => 2, "PKEPRTIDKP" => 3, "PKEPRAALKPEERPTIDKW" => 5, } ] sample_enzyme_ar = [@full_KRP, @just_KR] do |sample_enzyme, hash| hash.each do |aaseq, val| sample_enzyme.num_missed_cleavages(aaseq).should == val end end end end #xdescribe 'read in from an xml node' do # # placeholder until written #end ### DOES this kind of functionality belong in this kind of container???? ### SHOULD it be with ms-enzyme or ms-in_silico ??????? =begin require 'set' describe 'MS::Ident::Pepxml::SampleEnzyme digesting sequences' do it 'can digest with no missed cleavages' do st = "CRGATKKTAGRPMEK" SampleEnzyme.tryptic(st).should == %w(CR GATK K TAGRPMEK) st = "CATRP" SampleEnzyme.tryptic(st).should == %w(CATRP) st = "RCATRP" SampleEnzyme.tryptic(st).should == %w(R CATRP) st = "" SampleEnzyme.tryptic(st).should == [] st = "R" SampleEnzyme.tryptic(st).should == %w(R) end it 'can digest with missed cleavages' do st = "CRGATKKTAGRPMEKLLLERTKY" zero = %w(CR GATK K TAGRPMEK LLLER TK Y) SampleEnzyme.tryptic(st,0).to_set.should == zero.to_set one = %w(CRGATK GATKK KTAGRPMEK TAGRPMEKLLLER LLLERTK TKY) SampleEnzyme.tryptic(st,1).to_set.should == (zero+one).to_set two = %w(CRGATKK GATKKTAGRPMEK KTAGRPMEKLLLER TAGRPMEKLLLERTK LLLERTKY) all = zero + one + two SampleEnzyme.tryptic(st,2).to_set.should == all.to_set end it 'contains duplicates IF there are duplicate tryptic sequences' do st = "AAAAKCCCCKDDDDKCCCCK" peps ='trypsin').digest(st, 2) {|aaseq| aaseq == 'CCCCK'}.size.should == 2 end end describe SampleEnzyme, 'making enzyme calculations on sequences and aaseqs' do end =end