# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'cucumber/core/test/result' require 'cucumber/core/test/duration_matcher' module Cucumber::Core::Test describe Result do let(:visitor) { double('visitor') } let(:args) { double('args') } describe Result::Passed do subject(:result) { Result::Passed.new(duration) } let(:duration) { Result::Duration.new(1 * 1000 * 1000) } it "describes itself to a visitor" do expect( visitor ).to receive(:passed).with(args) expect( visitor ).to receive(:duration).with(duration, args) result.describe_to(visitor, args) end it "converts to a string" do expect( result.to_s ).to eq "✓" end it "has a duration" do expect( result.duration ).to eq duration end it "requires the constructor argument" do expect { Result::Passed.new }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "does nothing when appending the backtrace" do expect( result.with_appended_backtrace(double) ).to equal result end it "does nothing when filtering the backtrace" do expect( result.with_filtered_backtrace(double) ).to equal result end specify { expect( result.to_sym ).to eq :passed } specify { expect( result ).to be_passed } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_failed } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_undefined } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_unknown } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_skipped } specify { expect( result ).to be_ok } specify { expect( result.ok?(false) ).to be_truthy } specify { expect( result.ok?(true) ).to be_truthy } end describe Result::Failed do subject(:result) { Result::Failed.new(duration, exception) } let(:duration) { Result::Duration.new(1 * 1000 * 1000) } let(:exception) { StandardError.new("error message") } it "describes itself to a visitor" do expect( visitor ).to receive(:failed).with(args) expect( visitor ).to receive(:duration).with(duration, args) expect( visitor ).to receive(:exception).with(exception, args) result.describe_to(visitor, args) end it "has a duration" do expect( result.duration ).to eq duration end it "requires both constructor arguments" do expect { Result::Failed.new }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) expect { Result::Failed.new(duration) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "does nothing if step has no backtrace line" do result.exception.set_backtrace("exception backtrace") step = "does not respond_to?(:backtrace_line)" expect( result.with_appended_backtrace(step).exception.backtrace ).to eq(["exception backtrace"]) end it "appends the backtrace line of the step" do result.exception.set_backtrace("exception backtrace") step = double expect( step ).to receive(:backtrace_line).and_return("step_line") expect( result.with_appended_backtrace(step).exception.backtrace ).to eq(["exception backtrace", "step_line"]) end it "apply filters to the exception" do filter_class = double filter = double filtered_exception = double expect( filter_class ).to receive(:new).with(result.exception).and_return(filter) expect( filter ).to receive(:exception).and_return(filtered_exception) expect( result.with_filtered_backtrace(filter_class).exception ).to equal filtered_exception end specify { expect( result.to_sym ).to eq :failed } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_passed } specify { expect( result ).to be_failed } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_undefined } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_unknown } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_skipped } specify { expect( result ).to_not be_ok } specify { expect( result.ok?(false) ).to be_falsey } specify { expect( result.ok?(true) ).to be_falsey } end describe Result::Unknown do subject(:result) { Result::Unknown.new } it "doesn't describe itself to a visitor" do visitor = double('never receives anything') result.describe_to(visitor, args) end specify { expect( result.to_sym ).to eq :unknown } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_passed } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_failed } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_undefined } specify { expect( result ).to be_unknown } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_skipped } end describe Result::Raisable do context "with or without backtrace" do subject(:result) { Result::Raisable.new } it "does nothing if step has no backtrace line" do step = "does not respond_to?(:backtrace_line)" expect( result.with_appended_backtrace(step).backtrace ).to eq(nil) end end context "without backtrace" do subject(:result) { Result::Raisable.new } it "set the backtrace to the backtrace line of the step" do step = double expect( step ).to receive(:backtrace_line).and_return("step_line") expect( result.with_appended_backtrace(step).backtrace ).to eq(["step_line"]) end it "does nothing when filtering the backtrace" do expect( result.with_filtered_backtrace(double) ).to equal result end end context "with backtrace" do subject(:result) { Result::Raisable.new("message", 0, "backtrace") } it "appends the backtrace line of the step" do step = double expect( step ).to receive(:backtrace_line).and_return("step_line") expect( result.with_appended_backtrace(step).backtrace ).to eq(["backtrace", "step_line"]) end it "apply filters to the backtrace" do filter_class = double filter = double filtered_result = double expect( filter_class ).to receive(:new).with(result.exception).and_return(filter) expect( filter ).to receive(:exception).and_return(filtered_result) expect( result.with_filtered_backtrace(filter_class) ).to equal filtered_result end end end describe Result::Undefined do subject(:result) { Result::Undefined.new } it "describes itself to a visitor" do expect( visitor ).to receive(:undefined).with(args) expect( visitor ).to receive(:duration).with(an_unknown_duration, args) result.describe_to(visitor, args) end specify { expect( result.to_sym ).to eq :undefined } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_passed } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_failed } specify { expect( result ).to be_undefined } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_unknown } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_skipped } specify { expect( result ).to be_ok } specify { expect( result.ok?(false) ).to be_truthy } specify { expect( result.ok?(true) ).to be_falsey } end describe Result::Skipped do subject(:result) { Result::Skipped.new } it "describes itself to a visitor" do expect( visitor ).to receive(:skipped).with(args) expect( visitor ).to receive(:duration).with(an_unknown_duration, args) result.describe_to(visitor, args) end specify { expect( result.to_sym ).to eq :skipped } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_passed } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_failed } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_undefined } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_unknown } specify { expect( result ).to be_skipped } specify { expect( result ).to be_ok } specify { expect( result.ok?(false) ).to be_truthy } specify { expect( result.ok?(true) ).to be_truthy } end describe Result::Pending do subject(:result) { Result::Pending.new } it "describes itself to a visitor" do expect( visitor ).to receive(:pending).with(result, args) expect( visitor ).to receive(:duration).with(an_unknown_duration, args) result.describe_to(visitor, args) end specify { expect( result.to_sym ).to eq :pending } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_passed } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_failed } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_undefined } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_unknown } specify { expect( result ).not_to be_skipped } specify { expect( result ).to be_pending } specify { expect( result ).to be_ok } specify { expect( result.ok?(false) ).to be_truthy } specify { expect( result.ok?(true) ).to be_falsey } end describe Result::Summary do let(:summary) { Result::Summary.new } let(:failed) { Result::Failed.new(Result::Duration.new(10), exception) } let(:passed) { Result::Passed.new(Result::Duration.new(11)) } let(:skipped) { Result::Skipped.new } let(:unknown) { Result::Unknown.new } let(:undefined) { Result::Undefined.new } let(:exception) { StandardError.new } it "counts failed results" do failed.describe_to summary expect( summary.total_failed ).to eq 1 expect( summary.total(:failed) ).to eq 1 expect( summary.total ).to eq 1 end it "counts passed results" do passed.describe_to summary expect( summary.total_passed ).to eq 1 expect( summary.total(:passed) ).to eq 1 expect( summary.total ).to eq 1 end it "counts skipped results" do skipped.describe_to summary expect( summary.total_skipped ).to eq 1 expect( summary.total(:skipped) ).to eq 1 expect( summary.total ).to eq 1 end it "counts undefined results" do undefined.describe_to summary expect( summary.total_undefined ).to eq 1 expect( summary.total(:undefined) ).to eq 1 expect( summary.total ).to eq 1 end it "counts abitrary raisable results" do flickering = Class.new(Result::Raisable) do def describe_to(visitor, *args) visitor.flickering(*args) end end flickering.new.describe_to summary expect( summary.total_flickering ).to eq 1 expect( summary.total(:flickering) ).to eq 1 expect( summary.total ).to eq 1 end it "returns zero for a status where no messges have been received" do expect( summary.total_passed ).to eq 0 expect( summary.total(:passed) ).to eq 0 expect( summary.total_ponies ).to eq 0 expect( summary.total(:ponies) ).to eq 0 end it "doesn't count unknown results" do unknown.describe_to summary expect( summary.total ).to eq 0 end it "counts combinations" do [passed, passed, failed, skipped, undefined].each { |r| r.describe_to summary } expect( summary.total ).to eq 5 expect( summary.total_passed ).to eq 2 expect( summary.total_failed ).to eq 1 expect( summary.total_skipped ).to eq 1 expect( summary.total_undefined ).to eq 1 end it "records durations" do [passed, failed].each { |r| r.describe_to summary } expect( summary.durations[0] ).to be_duration 11 expect( summary.durations[1] ).to be_duration 10 end it "records exceptions" do [passed, failed].each { |r| r.describe_to summary } expect( summary.exceptions ).to eq [exception] end end describe Result::Duration do subject(:duration) { Result::Duration.new(10) } it "#nanoseconds can be accessed in #tap" do expect( duration.tap { |duration| @duration = duration.nanoseconds } ).to eq duration expect( @duration ).to eq 10 end end describe Result::UnknownDuration do subject(:duration) { Result::UnknownDuration.new } it "#tap does not execute the passed block" do expect( duration.tap { raise "tap executed block" } ).to eq duration end it "accessing #nanoseconds outside #tap block raises exception" do expect { duration.nanoseconds }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end end end end