require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' include Parser::Ruby::Legacy describe YARD::Handlers::Ruby::Legacy::Base, "#tokval" do before { @handler =, nil) } def tokval(code, *types) @handler.send(:tokval,, *types) end it "returns the String's value without quotes" do expect(tokval('"hello"')).to eq "hello" end it "does not allow interpolated strings with TkSTRING" do expect(tokval('"#{c}"', RubyToken::TkSTRING)).to be nil end it "returns a Symbol's value as a String (as if it was done via :name.to_sym)" do expect(tokval(':sym')).to eq :sym end it "returns nil for any non accepted type" do expect(tokval('identifier')).to be nil expect(tokval(':sym', RubyToken::TkId)).to be nil end it "accepts TkVal tokens by default" do expect(tokval('2.5')).to eq 2.5 expect(tokval(':sym')).to eq :sym end it "accepts any ID type if TkId is set" do expect(tokval('variable', RubyToken::TkId)).to eq "variable" expect(tokval('CONSTANT', RubyToken::TkId)).to eq "CONSTANT" end it "allows extra token types to be accepted" do expect(tokval('2.5', RubyToken::TkFLOAT)).to eq 2.5 expect(tokval('2', RubyToken::TkFLOAT)).to be nil expect(tokval(':symbol', RubyToken::TkFLOAT)).to be nil end it "allows :string for any string type" do expect(tokval('"hello"', :string)).to eq "hello" expect(tokval('"#{c}"', :string)).to eq '#{c}' end it "does not include interpolated strings when using :attr" do expect(tokval('"#{c}"', :attr)).to be nil end it "allows any number type with :number" do expect(tokval('2.5', :number)).to eq 2.5 expect(tokval('2', :number)).to eq 2 end it "allows method names with :identifier" do expect(tokval('methodname?', :identifier)).to eq "methodname?" end #it "obeys documentation expectations" do docspec end end describe YARD::Handlers::Base, "#tokval_list" do before { @handler =, nil) } def tokval_list(code, *types) @handler.send(:tokval_list,, *types) end it "returns the list of tokvalues" do expect(tokval_list(":a, :b, \"\#{c}\", 'd'", :attr)).to eq [:a, :b, 'd'] expect(tokval_list(":a, :b,\"\#{c}\", ['w']), :d", RubyToken::Token)).to eq [:a, :b, '"#{c}", [\'w\'])', :d] end it "tries to skip any invalid tokens" do expect(tokval_list(":a, :b, \"\#{c}\", :d", :attr)).to eq [:a, :b, :d] expect(tokval_list(":a, :b,\"\#{c}\", 'w', { }), :d", :attr)).to eq [:a, :b, :d] expect(tokval_list("CONST1, identifier,\"\#{c}\", 'w', { }), CONST2", RubyToken::TkId)).to eq ['CONST1', 'identifier', 'CONST2'] end it "ignores a token if another invalid token is read before a comma" do expect(tokval_list(":a, :b XYZ, :c", RubyToken::TkSYMBOL)).to eq [:a, :c] end it "stops on most keywords" do expect(tokval_list(':a rescue :x == 5', RubyToken::Token)).to eq [:a] end it "handles ignore parentheses that begin the token list" do expect(tokval_list('(:a, :b, :c)', :attr)).to eq [:a, :b, :c] end it "ends when a closing parenthesis was found" do expect(tokval_list(':a, :b, :c), :d', :attr)).to eq [:a, :b, :c] end it "ignores parentheses around items in a list" do expect(tokval_list(':a, (:b), :c, (:d TEST), :e, [:f], :g', :attr)).to eq [:a, :b, :c, :e, :g] expect(tokval_list(':a, (((:f)))', :attr)).to eq [:a, :f] expect(tokval_list(':a, ([:f]), :c)', RubyToken::Token)).to eq [:a, '[:f]', :c] end it "does not stop on a true/false/self keyword (cannot handle nil)" do expect(tokval_list(':a, true, :b, self, false, :c, nil, File, super, if, XYZ', RubyToken::Token)).to eq [:a, true, :b, 'self', false, :c, 'File', 'super'] end it "ignores invalid commas" do expect(tokval_list(":a, :b, , :d")).to eq [:a, :b, :d] end it "returns an empty list if no matches were found" do expect(tokval_list('attr_accessor :x')).to eq [] end it "treats {} as a valid value" do # FIXME: tokval_list destroys extra spaces surrounding the '=' in # this situation. This is technically a design flaw of the # tokval parser, but this is now the expected behaviour. expect(tokval_list("opts = {}", :all)).to eq ["opts={}"] end end