module SimpleAuth module ActionController def self.included(base) base.class_eval do include InstanceMethods extend ClassMethods end end module InstanceMethods private def return_to(url = nil, &block) url = session.fetch(:return_to, url) url = instance_eval(&block) if block_given? url end def current_session @current_session ||= SimpleAuth::Session.find end def current_user current_session && current_session.record end def authorized? true end def logged_in? current_user != nil end def activate_simple_auth SimpleAuth::Config.controller = self end def simple_auth_url_for(method, controller, path) path ||= SimpleAuth::Config.send(method) path = controller.instance_eval(&path) if path.kind_of?(Proc) path end end module ClassMethods # Redirect unlogged users to the specified :to path # # require_logged_user :to => proc { login_path } # require_logged_user :to => {:controller => "session", :action => "new"} # require_logged_user :only => [:index], :to => login_path # require_logged_user :except => [:public], :to => login_path # # You can set login url globally: # # SimpleAuth::Config.login_url = {:controller => "session", :action => "new"} # SimpleAuth::Config.login_url = proc { login_path } # def require_logged_user(options = {}) before_filter options.except(:to) do |controller| controller.instance_eval do unless current_session && current_session.valid? && authorized? if request.respond_to?(:fullpath) return_to = request.fullpath else return_to = request.request_uri end session[:return_to] = return_to if request.get? SimpleAuth::Session.destroy! redirect_to simple_auth_url_for(:login_url, controller, options[:to]), :alert => t("simple_auth.sessions.need_to_be_logged") end end end end # Redirect logged users to the specified :to path # # redirect_logged_user :to => proc { login_path } # redirect_logged_user :to => {:controller => "dashboard"} # redirect_logged_user :only => [:index], :to => login_path # redirect_logged_user :except => [:public], :to => login_path # # You can set the logged url globally: # # SimpleAuth::Config.logged_url = {:controller => "dashboard", :action => "index"} # SimpleAuth::Config.logged_url = proc { dashboard_path } # def redirect_logged_user(options = {}) before_filter options.except(:to) do |controller| controller.instance_eval do redirect_to simple_auth_url_for(:logged_url, controller, options[:to]) if logged_in? end end end end end end