require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe Kilt do context "on init with a token" do before :each do Rufus::Scheduler.stub(:start_new).and_return(@scheduler = mock(Object, :every => nil)) end it "should save the id of the latest activity" do client = Kilt.init '123456789' == '25906467' end it "should request the feed with the token" do token = '34g43g4334g43g43' RestClient.should_receive(:get) do |url, opts| opts['X-TrackerToken'].should eql(token) mock(Object, :body => latests_activities) end Kilt.init token end it "should fetch new activities every 30 seconds" do @scheduler.should_receive(:every).with('30s') Kilt.init 'fegegege' end it "should fetch new activities" do @scheduler.stub(:every) do |time, block| end RestClient.should_receive(:get).exactly(2).times do mock(Object, :body => latests_activities) end Kilt.init 'fegegege' end end context "on update" do before :each do @client = Kilt.init('fake') @client.stub! :system @client.instance_variable_set "@id", '25906311' end it "should get the new activities and update the id" do @client.update == '25906467' end it "should notifify about each new activity" do @client.should_receive(:system).exactly(2).times @client.update end context "on os x" do before :all do silence_warnings { RUBY_PLATFORM = "darwin" } end it "should notify growl calling growlnotify with 'Pivotal Tracker' as the name the application, the author and the action" do @client.should_receive(:system).with("growlnotify -t 'Pivotal Tracker' -m 'Superman finished lorem ipsum'") @client.update end it "should notify newer activities at least" do @client.should_receive(:system).with("growlnotify -t 'Pivotal Tracker' -m 'SpongeBog finished lorem ipsum'").ordered @client.should_receive(:system).with("growlnotify -t 'Pivotal Tracker' -m 'Superman finished lorem ipsum'").ordered @client.update end end context "on linux" do before :all do silence_warnings { RUBY_PLATFORM = "linux" } end it "should notify libnotify calling notify-send with 'Pivotal Tracker' as the name the application, the author and the action" do @client.should_receive(:system).with("notify-send 'Pivotal Tracker' 'Superman finished lorem ipsum'") @client.update end it "should notify newer activities at least" do @client.should_receive(:system).with("notify-send 'Pivotal Tracker' 'SpongeBog finished lorem ipsum'").ordered @client.should_receive(:system).with("notify-send 'Pivotal Tracker' 'Superman finished lorem ipsum'").ordered @client.update end end end end