require 'chef' require 'chef_metal/driver' require 'cheffish/merged_config' require 'chef_metal/machine/windows_machine' require 'chef_metal/machine/unix_machine' require 'chef_metal_vsphere/version' require 'chef_metal_vsphere/vsphere_helpers' require 'chef_metal_vsphere/vsphere_url' module ChefMetalVsphere # Provisions machines in vSphere. class VsphereDriver < ChefMetal::Driver include Chef::Mixin::ShellOut include ChefMetalVsphere::Helpers def self.from_url(driver_url, config), config) end def self.canonicalize_url(driver_url, config) config = symbolize_keys(config) new_defaults = { :driver_options => { :connect_options => { :port => 443, :use_ssl => true, :insecure => false, :path => '/sdk' } }, :machine_options => { :start_timeout => 600, :create_timeout => 600, :bootstrap_options => { :ssh => { :port => 22, :user => 'root' }, :key_name => 'metal_default', :tags => {} } } } new_connect_options = {} new_connect_options[:provider] = 'vsphere' if !driver_url.nil? uri = URI(driver_url) new_connect_options[:host] = new_connect_options[:port] = uri.port if uri.path && uri.path.length > 0 new_connect_options[:path] = uri.path end new_connect_options[:use_ssl] = uri.use_ssl new_connect_options[:insecure] = uri.insecure end new_connect_options = new_connect_options.merge(config[:driver_options]) new_config = { :driver_options => { :connect_options => new_connect_options }} config =, config, new_defaults) required_options = [:host, :user, :password] missing_options = [] required_options.each do |opt| missing_options << opt unless config[:driver_options][:connect_options].has_key?(opt) end unless missing_options.empty? raise "missing required options: #{missing_options.join(', ')}" end url = URI::VsphereUrl.from_config(config[:driver_options][:connect_options]).to_s [ url, config ] end def self.symbolize_keys(h) Hash === h ? Hash[ do |k, v| [k.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? k.to_sym : k, symbolize_keys(v)] end ] : h end # Create a new Vsphere provisioner. # # ## Parameters # connect_options - hash of options to be passed to RbVmomi::VIM.connect # :host - required - hostname of the vSphere API server # :port - optional - port on the vSphere API server (default: 443) # :path - optional - path on the vSphere API server (default: /sdk) # :use_ssl - optional - true to use ssl in connection to vSphere API server (default: true) # :insecure - optional - true to ignore ssl certificate validation errors in connection to vSphere API server (default: false) # :user - required - user name to use in connection to vSphere API server # :password - required - password to use in connection to vSphere API server # :proxy_host - optional - http proxy host to use in connection to vSphere API server (default: none) # :proxy_port - optional - http proxy port to use in connection to vSphere API server (default: none) def initialize(driver_url, config) super(driver_url, config) @connect_options = config[:driver_options][:connect_options].to_hash end attr_reader :connect_options # Acquire a machine, generally by provisioning it. Returns a Machine # object pointing at the machine, allowing useful actions like setup, # converge, execute, file and directory. The Machine object will have a # "node" property which must be saved to the server (if it is any # different from the original node object). # # ## Parameters # action_handler - the action_handler object that is calling this method; this # is generally a action_handler, but could be anything that can support the # ChefMetal::ActionHandler interface (i.e., in the case of the test # kitchen metal driver for acquiring and destroying VMs; see the base # class for what needs providing). # node - node object (deserialized json) representing this machine. If # the node has a provisioner_options hash in it, these will be used # instead of options provided by the provisioner. TODO compare and # fail if different? # node will have node['normal']['provisioner_options'] in it with any options. # It is a hash with this format: # # -- provisioner_url: vsphere://host:port?ssl=[true|false]&insecure=[true|false] # -- bootstrap_options: hash of options to pass to RbVmomi::VIM::VirtualMachine::CloneTask() # :datacenter # :resource_pool # :cluster # :datastore # :template_name # :template_folder # :vm_folder # :winrm {...} (not yet implemented) # :ssh {...} # # Example bootstrap_options for vSphere: # TODO: add other CloneTask params, e.g.: datastore, annotation, resource_pool, ... # 'bootstrap_options' => { # 'template_name' =>'centos6.small', # 'template_folder' =>'Templates', # 'vm_folder' => 'MyApp' # } # # node['normal']['provisioner_output'] will be populated with information # about the created machine. For vSphere, it is a hash with this # format: # # -- provisioner_url: vsphere:host:port?ssl=[true|false]&insecure=[true|false] # -- vm_folder: name of the vSphere folder containing the VM # def allocate_machine(action_handler, machine_spec, machine_options) if machine_spec.location Chef::Log.warn "Checking to see if #{machine_spec.location} has been created..." vm = vm_for(machine_spec) if vm Chef::Log.warn "returning existing machine" return vm else Chef::Log.warn "Machine #{} (#{machine_spec.location['server_id']} on #{driver_url}) no longer exists. Recreating ..." end end bootstrap_options = bootstrap_options_for(machine_spec, machine_options) vm = nil if bootstrap_options[:ssh] wait_on_port = bootstrap_options[:ssh][:port] raise "Must specify bootstrap_options[:ssh][:port]" if wait_on_port.nil? else raise 'bootstrapping is currently supported for ssh only' # wait_on_port = bootstrap_options['winrm']['port'] end description = [ "creating machine #{} on #{driver_url}" ] bootstrap_options.each_pair { |key,value| description << " #{key}: #{value.inspect}" } action_handler.report_progress description # TODO compare new options to existing and fail if we cannot change it # over (perhaps introduce a boolean that will force a delete and recreate # in such a case) vm = clone_vm(bootstrap_options) machine_spec.location = { 'driver_url' => driver_url, 'driver_version' => VERSION, 'server_id' => vm.config.instanceUuid, 'is_windows' => is_windows?(vm), 'allocated_at' => } machine_spec.location['key_name'] = bootstrap_options[:key_name] if bootstrap_options[:key_name] %w(ssh_username sudo use_private_ip_for_ssh ssh_gateway).each do |key| machine_spec.location[key] = machine_options[key.to_sym] if machine_options[key.to_sym] end action_handler.performed_action "machine #{} created as #{machine_spec.location['server_id']} on #{driver_url}" vm end def ready_machine(action_handler, machine_spec, machine_options) start_machine(action_handler, machine_spec, machine_options) vm = vm_for(machine_spec) if vm.nil? raise "Machine #{} does not have a server associated with it, or server does not exist." end wait_until_ready(action_handler, machine_spec, machine_options, vm) bootstrap_options = bootstrap_options_for(machine_spec, machine_options) is_static = false if has_static_ip(bootstrap_options) is_static = true transport = transport_for(machine_spec, machine_options, vm) if !transport.available? "waiting for customizations to complete" now = until ( - now) > 45 || (!vm.guest.ipAddress.nil? && vm.guest.ipAddress.length > 0) do print "-" sleep 5 end if vm.guest.ipAddress.nil? || vm.guest.ipAddress.length == 0 "rebooting..." if vm.guest.toolsRunningStatus != "guestToolsRunning" "tools have stopped. current power state is #{vm.runtime.powerState} and tools state is #{vm.toolsRunningStatus}. powering up server..." start_vm(vm) else restart_server(action_handler, machine_spec, vm) end now = until ( - now) > 60 || (!vm.guest.ipAddress.nil? && vm.guest.ipAddress.length > 0) do print "-" sleep 5 end end end end begin wait_for_transport(action_handler, machine_spec, machine_options, vm) rescue Timeout::Error # Only ever reboot once, and only if it's been less than 10 minutes since we stopped waiting if machine_spec.location['started_at'] || remaining_wait_time(machine_spec, machine_options) < -(10*60) raise else Chef::Log.warn "Machine #{} (#{server.config.instanceUuid} on #{driver_url}) was started but SSH did not come up. Rebooting machine in an attempt to unstick it ..." restart_server(action_handler, machine_spec, vm) wait_until_ready(action_handler, machine_spec, machine_options, vm) wait_for_transport(action_handler, machine_spec, machine_options, vm) end end machine = machine_for(machine_spec, machine_options, vm) if is_static if machine.execute_always('host').exitstatus != 0 distro = machine.execute_always("lsb_release -i | sed -e 's/Distributor ID:\t//g'").stdout.strip if distro == 'Ubuntu' distro_version = (machine.execute_always("lsb_release -r | sed -e s/[^0-9.]//g")).stdout.strip.to_f if distro_version>= 12.04 "Ubuntu version 12.04 or greater. Need to patch DNS." interfaces_file = "/etc/network/interfaces" nameservers = bootstrap_options[:customization_spec][:ipsettings][:dnsServerList].join(' ') machine.execute_always("if ! cat #{interfaces_file} | grep -q dns-search ; then echo 'dns-search #{}' >> #{interfaces_file} ; fi") machine.execute_always("if ! cat #{interfaces_file} | grep -q dns-nameservers ; then echo 'dns-nameservers #{nameservers}' >> #{interfaces_file} ; fi") machine.execute_always('/etc/init.d/networking restart') machine.execute_always('echo "ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="cpu", ATTR{online}="1"" > /etc/udev/rules.d/99-vmware-cpuhotplug-udev.rules') machine.execute_always('apt-get -qq update') end end end end machine end # Connect to machine without acquiring it def connect_to_machine(machine_spec, machine_options) machine_for(machine_spec, machine_options) end def destroy_machine(action_handler, machine_spec, machine_options) vm = vm_for(machine_spec) if vm action_handler.perform_action "Delete VM [#{}/#{}]" do vm.PowerOffVM_Task.wait_for_completion unless vm.runtime.powerState == 'poweredOff' vm.Destroy_Task.wait_for_completion machine_spec.location = nil end end strategy = convergence_strategy_for(machine_spec, machine_options) begin strategy.cleanup_convergence(action_handler, machine_spec) rescue URI::InvalidURIError raise unless Chef::Config.local_mode end end def stop_machine(action_handler, machine_spec, machine_options) vm = vm_for(machine_spec) if vm action_handler.perform_action "Shutdown guest OS and power off VM [#{}/#{}]" do stop_vm(vm) end end end def start_machine(action_handler, machine_spec, machine_options) vm = vm_for(machine_spec) if vm action_handler.perform_action "Power on VM [#{}/#{}]" do bootstrap_options = bootstrap_options_for(machine_spec, machine_options) start_vm(vm, bootstrap_options[:ssh][:port]) end end end def restart_server(action_handler, machine_spec, vm) action_handler.perform_action "restart machine #{} (#{vm.config.instanceUuid} on #{driver_url})" do stop_machine(action_handler, machine_spec, vm) start_vm(vm) machine_spec.location['started_at'] = end end protected def has_static_ip(bootstrap_options) if bootstrap_options.has_key?(:customization_spec) bootstrap_options = bootstrap_options[:customization_spec] if bootstrap_options.has_key?(:ipsettings) bootstrap_options = bootstrap_options[:ipsettings] if bootstrap_options.has_key?(:ip) return true end end end false end def remaining_wait_time(machine_spec, machine_options) if machine_spec.location['started_at'] machine_options[:start_timeout] - ( - Time.parse(machine_spec.location['started_at'])) else machine_options[:create_timeout] - ( - Time.parse(machine_spec.location['allocated_at'])) end end def wait_until_ready(action_handler, machine_spec, machine_options, vm) if vm.guest.toolsRunningStatus != "guestToolsRunning" perform_action = true if action_handler.should_perform_actions action_handler.report_progress "waiting for #{} (#{vm.config.instanceUuid} on #{driver_url}) to be ready ..." until remaining_wait_time(machine_spec, machine_options) < 0 || (vm.guest.toolsRunningStatus == "guestToolsRunning" && (vm.guest.ipAddress.nil? || vm.guest.ipAddress.length > 0)) do print "." sleep 5 end action_handler.report_progress "#{} is now ready" end end end def vm_for(machine_spec) if machine_spec.location find_vm_by_id(machine_spec.location['server_id']) else nil end end def bootstrap_options_for(machine_spec, machine_options) bootstrap_options = machine_options[:bootstrap_options] || {} bootstrap_options = bootstrap_options.to_hash tags = { 'Name' =>, 'BootstrapId' =>, 'BootstrapHost' => Socket.gethostname, 'BootstrapUser' => Etc.getlogin } # User-defined tags override the ones we set tags.merge!(bootstrap_options[:tags]) if bootstrap_options[:tags] bootstrap_options.merge!({ :tags => tags }) bootstrap_options[:name] ||= bootstrap_options end def clone_vm(bootstrap_options) vm_name = bootstrap_options[:name] datacenter = bootstrap_options[:datacenter] template_folder = bootstrap_options[:template_folder] template_name = bootstrap_options[:template_name] vm = find_vm(datacenter, bootstrap_options[:vm_folder], vm_name) return vm if vm vm_template = find_vm(datacenter, template_folder, template_name) or raise("vSphere VM Template not found [#{template_folder}/#{template_name}]") do_vm_clone(datacenter, vm_template, vm_name, bootstrap_options) end def machine_for(machine_spec, machine_options, vm = nil) vm ||= vm_for(machine_spec) if !vm raise "Server for node #{} has not been created!" end if machine_spec.location['is_windows'], transport_for(machine_spec, machine_options, vm), convergence_strategy_for(machine_spec, machine_options)) else, transport_for(machine_spec, machine_options, vm), convergence_strategy_for(machine_spec, machine_options)) end end def is_windows?(vm) return false if vm.nil? vm.guest.guestFamily == 'windowsGuest' end def convergence_strategy_for(machine_spec, machine_options) require 'chef_metal/convergence_strategy/install_msi' require 'chef_metal/convergence_strategy/install_cached' require 'chef_metal/convergence_strategy/no_converge' # Defaults if !machine_spec.location return[:convergence_options], config) end if machine_spec.location['is_windows'][:convergence_options], config) else[:convergence_options], config) end end def wait_for_transport(action_handler, machine_spec, machine_options, vm) transport = transport_for(machine_spec, machine_options, vm) if !transport.available? if action_handler.should_perform_actions action_handler.report_progress "waiting for #{} (#{vm.config.instanceUuid} on #{driver_url}) to be connectable (transport up and running) ..." _self = self until remaining_wait_time(machine_spec, machine_options) || transport.available? do print "." sleep 5 end action_handler.report_progress "#{} is now connectable" end end end def transport_for(machine_spec, machine_options, vm) if is_windows?(vm) create_winrm_transport(machine_spec, machine_options, vm) else create_ssh_transport(machine_spec, machine_options, vm) end end def create_winrm_transport(machine_spec, machine_options, vm) raise 'Windows guest VMs are not yet supported' end def create_ssh_transport(machine_spec, machine_options, vm) require 'chef_metal/transport/ssh' bootstrap_options = bootstrap_options_for(machine_spec, machine_options) ssh_options = bootstrap_options[:ssh] ssh_user = ssh_options[:user] remote_host = has_static_ip(bootstrap_options) ? bootstrap_options[:customization_spec][:ipsettings][:ip] : vm.guest.ipaddress, ssh_user, ssh_options, {}, config) end end end