# typed: false require_relative '../../metadata/ext' require_relative '../analytics' require_relative '../rack/ext' require_relative 'env' require_relative 'ext' require_relative 'headers' module Datadog module Tracing module Contrib module Sinatra # Middleware used for automatically tagging configured headers and handle request span class TracerMiddleware def initialize(app, opt = {}) @app = app @app_instance = opt[:app_instance] end # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def call(env) # Set the trace context (e.g. distributed tracing) if configuration[:distributed_tracing] && Tracing.active_trace.nil? original_trace = Propagation::HTTP.extract(env) Tracing.continue_trace!(original_trace) end Tracing.trace( Ext::SPAN_REQUEST, service: configuration[:service_name], span_type: Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::TYPE_INBOUND ) do |span| begin # this is kept nil until we set a correct one (either in the route or with a fallback in the ensure below) # the nil signals that there's no good one yet and is also seen by profiler, when sampling the resource span.resource = nil Sinatra::Env.set_datadog_span(env, @app_instance, span) response = @app.call(env) ensure Sinatra::Env.request_header_tags(env, configuration[:headers][:request]).each do |name, value| span.set_tag(name, value) if span.get_tag(name).nil? end span.set_tag(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::TAG_COMPONENT, Ext::TAG_COMPONENT) span.set_tag(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::TAG_OPERATION, Ext::TAG_OPERATION_REQUEST) request = ::Sinatra::Request.new(env) span.set_tag(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::TAG_URL, request.path) span.set_tag(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::TAG_METHOD, request.request_method) if request.script_name && !request.script_name.empty? span.set_tag(Ext::TAG_SCRIPT_NAME, request.script_name) end span.set_tag(Ext::TAG_APP_NAME, @app_instance.settings.name) # If this app handled the request, then Contrib::Sinatra::Tracer OR Contrib::Sinatra::Base set the # resource; if no resource was set, let's use a fallback span.resource = env['REQUEST_METHOD'] if span.resource.nil? rack_request_span = env[Contrib::Rack::Ext::RACK_ENV_REQUEST_SPAN] # This propagates the Sinatra resource to the Rack span, # since the latter is unaware of what the resource might be # and would fallback to a generic resource name when unset rack_request_span.resource ||= span.resource if rack_request_span if response if (status = response[0]) sinatra_response = ::Sinatra::Response.new([], status) # Build object to use status code helpers span.set_tag(Tracing::Metadata::Ext::HTTP::TAG_STATUS_CODE, sinatra_response.status) span.set_error(env['sinatra.error']) if sinatra_response.server_error? end if (headers = response[1]) Sinatra::Headers.response_header_tags(headers, configuration[:headers][:response]).each do |name, value| span.set_tag(name, value) if span.get_tag(name).nil? end end end # Set analytics sample rate Contrib::Analytics.set_sample_rate(span, analytics_sample_rate) if analytics_enabled? # Measure service stats Contrib::Analytics.set_measured(span) end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity private def analytics_enabled? Contrib::Analytics.enabled?(configuration[:analytics_enabled]) end def analytics_sample_rate configuration[:analytics_sample_rate] end def configuration Datadog.configuration.tracing[:sinatra] end def header_to_rack_header(name) "HTTP_#{name.to_s.upcase.gsub(/[-\s]/, '_')}" end end end end end end