require 'base64' require 'stringio' require 'zlib' require 'openssl' module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: module Integrations #:nodoc: module Adyen class Return < ActiveMerchant::Billing::Integrations::Return attr_accessor :shared_secret # for verifying the signature of the URL parameters returned by Adyen after the payment process PAYMENT_RESULT_SIGNATURE_FIELDS = [ :authResult, :pspReference, :merchantReference, :skinCode ] def generate_signature_string {|key| @params[key.to_s]} * "" end def generate_signature digest = OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(, @shared_secret, generate_signature_string) return Base64.encode64(digest).strip end def signature_is_valid? generate_signature.to_s == params['merchantSig'].to_s end def payment_authorized? params['authResult'] == 'AUTHORISED' end def success? signature_is_valid? and payment_authorized? end def message params['authResult'] end end end end end end