# Hanami - The web, with simplicity
# @since 0.1.0
module Hanami
require 'hanami/utils/version'
require 'hanami/utils/file_list'
# Ruby core extentions and Hanami utilities
# @since 0.1.0
module Utils
# @since 0.3.1
# @api private
HANAMI_JRUBY = 'java'.freeze
# @since 0.3.1
# @api private
HANAMI_RUBINIUS = 'rbx'.freeze
# Checks if the current VM is JRuby
# @return [TrueClass,FalseClass] return if the VM is JRuby or not
# @since 0.3.1
# @api private
def self.jruby?
# Checks if the current VM is Rubinius
# @return [TrueClass,FalseClass] return if the VM is Rubinius or not
# @since 0.3.1
# @api private
def self.rubinius?
# Recursively require Ruby files under the given directory.
# If the directory is relative, it implies it's the path from current directory.
# If the directory is absolute, it uses as it is.
# It respects file separator of the current operating system.
# A pattern like "path/to/files" will work both on *NIX and Windows machines.
# @param directory [String, Pathname] the directory
# @since 0.9.0
def self.require!(directory)
for_each_file_in(directory) { |file| require_relative(file) }
# Recursively reload Ruby files under the given directory.
# If the directory is relative, it implies it's the path from current directory.
# If the directory is absolute, it uses as it is.
# It respects file separator of the current operating system.
# A pattern like "path/to/files" will work both on *NIX and Windows machines.
# @param directory [String, Pathname] the directory
# @since 1.0.0
# @api private
def self.reload!(directory)
for_each_file_in(directory) { |file| load(file) }
# Recursively scans through the given directory and yields the given block
# for each Ruby source file.
# If the directory is relative, it implies it's the path from current directory.
# If the directory is absolute, it uses as it is.
# It respects file separator of the current operating system.
# A pattern like "path/to/files" will work both on *NIX and Windows machines.
# @param directory [String, Pathname] the directory
# @param blk [Proc] the block to yield
# @since 1.0.0
# @api private
def self.for_each_file_in(directory, &blk)
directory = directory.to_s.gsub(%r{(\/|\\)}, File::SEPARATOR)
directory = Pathname.new(Dir.pwd).join(directory).to_s
directory = File.join(directory, '**', '*.rb') unless directory =~ /(\*\*)/