require 'tmpdir' require 'date' require 'zip' module RubyXL module LegacyWorkbook include Enumerable attr_accessor :worksheets, :filepath, :theme, :media, :external_links, :external_links_rels, :drawings, :drawings_rels, :charts, :chart_rels, :worksheet_rels, :chartsheet_rels, :printer_settings, :macros, :thumbnail attr_accessor :stylesheet, :shared_strings_container, :document_properties, :calculation_chain, :relationship_container, :root_relationship_container, :core_properties, :content_types SHEET_NAME_TEMPLATE = 'Sheet%d' APPLICATION = 'Microsoft Macintosh Excel' APPVERSION = '12.0000' def initialize(worksheets=[], filepath=nil, creator=nil, modifier=nil, created_at=nil, company='', application=APPLICATION, appversion=APPVERSION, date1904=0) super() # Order of sheets in the +worksheets+ array corresponds to the order of pages in Excel UI. # SheetId's, rId's, etc. are completely unrelated to ordering. @worksheets = worksheets add_worksheet if @worksheets.empty? @filepath = filepath @creator = creator @modifier = modifier self.date1904 = date1904 > 0 @media ='xl', 'media')).binary @external_links ='xl', 'externalLinks')) @external_links_rels ='xl', 'externalLinks', '_rels')) @drawings ='xl', 'drawings')) @drawings_rels ='xl', 'drawings', '_rels')) @charts ='xl', 'charts')) @chart_rels ='xl', 'charts', '_rels')) @worksheet_rels ='xl', 'worksheets', '_rels')) @chartsheet_rels ='xl', 'chartsheets', '_rels')) @printer_settings ='xl', 'printerSettings')).binary @macros ='xl').binary @thumbnail ='docProps').binary @theme = RubyXL::Theme.defaults @shared_strings_container = @stylesheet = RubyXL::Stylesheet.default @document_properties = @core_properties = @content_types = @relationship_container = @root_relationship_container = @calculation_chain = nil = company self.application = application self.appversion = appversion begin @created_at = DateTime.parse(created_at).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%TZ') rescue @created_at ='%Y-%m-%dT%TZ') end @modified_at = @created_at end # Finds worksheet by its name or numerical index def [](ind) case ind when Integer then worksheets[ind] when String then worksheets.find { |ws| ws.sheet_name == ind } end end # Create new simple worksheet and add it to the workbook worksheets # # @param [String] The name for the new worksheet def add_worksheet(name = nil) if name.nil? then n = 0 begin name = SHEET_NAME_TEMPLATE % (n += 1) end until self[name].nil? end new_worksheet = => self, :sheet_name => name || get_default_name) worksheets << new_worksheet new_worksheet end def each worksheets.each{|i| yield i} end #filepath of xlsx file (including file itself) def write(filepath = @filepath) extension = File.extname(filepath) unless %w{.xlsx .xlsm}.include?(extension) raise "Only xlsx and xlsm files are supported. Unsupported extension: #{extension}" end dirpath = File.dirname(filepath) temppath = File.join(dirpath, Dir::Tmpname.make_tmpname([ File.basename(filepath), '.tmp' ], nil)) FileUtils.mkdir_p(temppath) zippath = File.join(temppath, ''), ::Zip::File::CREATE) { |zipfile| theme && theme.add_to_zip(zipfile) calculation_chain && calculation_chain.add_to_zip(zipfile) shared_strings_container && shared_strings_container.add_to_zip(zipfile) document_properties.add_to_zip(zipfile) if document_properties core_properties.add_to_zip(zipfile) if core_properties content_types.workbook = self content_types.add_to_zip(zipfile) relationship_container.workbook = root_relationship_container.workbook = self relationship_container.add_to_zip(zipfile) stylesheet.add_to_zip(zipfile) if stylesheet root_relationship_container.add_to_zip(zipfile) self.add_to_zip(zipfile) [ @media, @external_links, @external_links_rels, @drawings, @drawings_rels, @charts, @chart_rels, @printer_settings, @worksheet_rels, @chartsheet_rels, @macros, @thumbnail ].each { |s| s.add_to_zip(zipfile) } @worksheets.each { |sheet| sheet.add_to_zip(zipfile) } }, filepath) FileUtils.rm_rf(temppath) if File.exist?(filepath) return filepath end def base_date if date1904 then, 1, 1) else # Subtracting one day to accomodate for erroneous 1900 leap year compatibility only for 1900 based dates, 12, 31) - 1 end end private :base_date def date_to_num(date) date && (date.ajd - base_date().ajd).to_f end def num_to_date(num) num && (base_date + num) end def get_fill_color(xf) fill = fills[xf.fill_id] pattern = fill && fill.pattern_fill color = pattern && pattern.fg_color color && color.rgb || 'ffffff' end def register_new_fill(new_fill, old_xf) new_xf = old_xf.dup unless fills[old_xf.fill_id].count == 1 && old_xf.fill_id > 2 # If the old fill is not used anymore, just replace it new_xf.fill_id = fills.find_index { |x| x == new_fill } # Use existing fill, if it exists new_xf.fill_id ||= fills.size # If this fill has never existed before, add it to collection. end fills[old_xf.fill_id].count -= 1 new_fill.count += 1 fills[new_xf.fill_id] = new_fill new_xf.apply_fill = true new_xf end def register_new_font(new_font, old_xf) new_xf = old_xf.dup unless fonts[old_xf.font_id].count == 1 && old_xf.font_id > 1 # If the old font is not used anymore, just replace it new_xf.font_id = fonts.find_index { |x| x == new_font } # Use existing font, if it exists new_xf.font_id ||= fonts.size # If this font has never existed before, add it to collection. end fonts[old_xf.font_id].count -= 1 new_font.count += 1 fonts[new_xf.font_id] = new_font new_xf.apply_font = true new_xf end def register_new_xf(new_xf, old_style_index) new_xf_id = cell_xfs.find_index { |xf| xf == new_xf } # Use existing XF, if it exists new_xf_id ||= cell_xfs.size # If this XF has never existed before, add it to collection. cell_xfs[old_style_index].count -= 1 new_xf.count += 1 cell_xfs[new_xf_id] = new_xf new_xf_id end def modify_text_wrap(style_index, wrap = false) xf = cell_xfs[style_index].dup xf.alignment = => wrap, :apply_alignment => true) register_new_xf(xf, style_index) end def modify_alignment(style_index, is_horizontal, alignment) xf = cell_xfs[style_index].dup xf.apply_alignment = true xf.alignment = => is_horizontal ? alignment : nil, :vertical => is_horizontal ? nil : alignment) register_new_xf(xf, style_index) end def modify_fill(style_index, rgb) xf = cell_xfs[style_index].dup new_fill = => => 'solid', :fg_color => => rgb))) new_xf = register_new_fill(new_fill, xf) register_new_xf(new_xf, style_index) end def modify_border(style_index, direction, weight) old_xf = cell_xfs[style_index].dup new_border = borders[old_xf.border_id].dup new_border.set_edge_style(direction, weight) new_xf = old_xf.dup unless borders[old_xf.border_id].count == 1 && old_xf.border_id > 0 # If the old border not used anymore, just replace it new_xf.border_id = borders.find_index { |x| x == new_border } # Use existing border, if it exists new_xf.border_id ||= borders.size # If this border has never existed before, add it to collection. end borders[old_xf.border_id].count -= 1 new_border.count += 1 borders[new_xf.border_id] = new_border new_xf.apply_border = true register_new_xf(new_xf, style_index) end def cell_xfs # Stylesheet should be pre-filled with defaults on initialize() stylesheet.cell_xfs end def fonts # Stylesheet should be pre-filled with defaults on initialize() stylesheet.fonts end def fills # Stylesheet should be pre-filled with defaults on initialize() stylesheet.fills end def borders # Stylesheet should be pre-filled with defaults on initialize() stylesheet.borders end private =begin #fills shared strings hash, contains each unique string def fill_shared_strings() @worksheets.compact.each { |sheet| sheet.sheet_data.rows.each { |row| row.cells.each { |cell| if cell && cell.value && cell.datatype == RubyXL::DataType::SHARED_STRING then get_index(cell.value.to_s, :add_if_missing) end } } } end =end end end