 * Ruby On Rails common Ajax operations conventional wrapper
 * and underscored aliases for core methods
 *    http://github.com/MadRabbit/right-rails
 * Copyright (C) Nikolay V. Nemshilov aka St.

 * RR is the common ajax operations wrapper for ruby on rails
 * Copyright (C) 2009 Nikolay V. Nemshilov aka St.
var RR = {
   * Basic options
   * NOTE: DO NOT CHANGE this hash right here
   *       Use your application.js file to alter the options
  Options: {
    format:           'js',      // the working format for remote requests over the application
    flashId:          'flashes', // the flashes element id
    flashHideFx:      'slide',   // use null if you don't want any fx in here
    flashHideDelay:   3200,      // use -1 to disable the flash element hidding
    highlightUpdates: true,
    removeFx:         'fade'
   * Updates the flashes block with the source
   * @param String new content
   * @return RR this
  update_flash: function(content) {
    var element = $(this.Options.flashId);
    if (element) {
      this.replace(element, content).hide_flash();
    return this;
   * Initializes the delayed flashes hide call
   * @return RR this
  hide_flash: function() {
    if (this.Options.flashHideDelay > -1) {
      var element = $(this.Options.flashId);
      if (element && element.visible()) {
        element.hide.bind(element, this.Options.flashHideFx).delay(this.Options.flashHideDelay);
    return this;
   * Highlights the element according to the options
   * @param String element id
   * @return RR this
  highlight: function(id) {
    if (this.Options.highlightUpdates) {
    return this;
   * Inserts the content into the given element
   * @param String destination id
   * @param String content
   * @return RR this
  insert: function(where, what) {
    return this.highlight($(where).insert(what).lastChild).rescan();
   * Replaces the given element with a new content
   * @param String destination id
   * @param String content
   * @return RR this
  replace: function(id, source) {
    return this.highlight(id).rescan();
   * removes the element by id
   * @param String element id
   * @return RR this
  remove: function(id) {
    var element = $(id);
    if (element) {
      if (this.Options.removeFx) {
        element.hide(this.Options.removeFx, {
          onFinish: element.remove.bind(element)
      } else {
   * Makes a remote form out of the form
   * @param String form id
   * @return RR this
  remotize_form: function(id) {
    var form = $(id);
    if (form) {
      form.remotize().enable().action += '.'+this.Options.format;
    return this;
   * Replaces the form with new content and makes it remote
   * @param String form id
   * @param String content
   * @return RR this
  replace_form: function(id, source) {
    var form = $(id);
    if (form) {
    return this.rescan();
   * Inserts the form source into the given element
   * @param String target id
   * @param String form source
   * @return RR this
  show_form_for: function(id, source) {
    $(id).select('form').each('remove'); // removing old forms
    return this.remotize_form($(id).first('form')).rescan();
   * Hijacks the action links and makes them remote
   * @return RR self
  hijack_links: function() {
    this._links = this._links || [];
    $$('a.edit, a.destroy').each(function(link) {
      var uid = $uid(link);
      if (!this._links[uid]) {
        this._links[uid] = true;
        if (link.hasClass('destroy')) {
          link.onclick = eval('({f:'+ link.onclick.toString().replace('.submit', '.send')+'})').f;
        } else if (link.hasClass('edit')) {
          link.onclick = function(event) { event.stop();
            Xhr.load(link.href + '.' + this.Options.format);
    }, this);
    return this;
   * Scans for updated elements
   * @return RR this
  rescan: function() {
    $w('Lightbox Calendar Autocompleter Draggable Droppable Sortable Tabs Slider Rater Selectable'
    ).each(function(name) {
      if (self[name]) self[name].rescan();
    return this;

// the document onload hook
document.onReady(function() {
 * Underscored aliases for Ruby On Rails
 * Copyright (C) 2009 Nikolay V. Nemshilov aka St.

// the language and window level aliases
[String.prototype, Array.prototype, Function.prototype, Object, Options, Observer, Observer.prototype, window, document].each(function(object) {
  for (var key in object) {
    try { // some keys are not accessable
      if (/[A-Z]/.test(key) && typeof(object[key]) == 'function') {
        var u_key = key.underscored();
        if (object[u_key] === null || object[u_key] === undefined) {
          object[u_key] = object[key];
    } catch (e) {}

// DOM package aliases
[Element, Event, Form, Form.Element].each(function(object) {
  var aliases = {}, methods = object.Methods;
  for (var key in methods) {
    if (/[A-Z]/.test(key) && typeof(methods[key]) == 'function') {
      aliases[key.underscored()] = methods[key];

// various ruby-like method aliases
$alias(String.prototype, {
  index_of:      'indexOf',
  last_index_of: 'lastIndexOf',
  to_f:          'toFloat',
  to_i:          'toInt',
  gsub:          'replace',
  downcase:      'toLowerCase',
  upcase:        'toUpperCase',
  index:         'indexOf',
  rindex:        'lastIndexOf',
  strip:         'trim'

$alias(Array.prototype, {
  collect:       'map',
  detect:        'filter',
  index_of:      'indexOf',
  last_index_of: 'lastIndexOf',
  index:         'indexOf',
  rindex:        'lastIndexOf'