# ThumbnailHoverEffect Introduces simple image thumbnail 3D image hover effects using CSS 3D transforms. The idea is inspired by [this creat codedrops article] (http://tympanus.net/codrops/2012/06/18/3d-thumbnail-hover-effects/). ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'thumbnail_hover_effect' And then execute: $ bundle install Or install it yourself as: $ gem install thumbnail_hover_effect ## Usage ### Basic Usage In order to implement the thumbnail 3D image hover effects in your rails application follow the steps below: __Creating thumbnail files__ Executing the following line in your rails application folder: rails generate thumbnail class_name is generating the files below: * app/thumnbnails/class_name.rb * vendor/assets/stylesheets/thumbnails/class_name/class_name.css.sass * vendor/assets/stylesheets/thumbnails/fontello.css * vendor/assets/fonts/thumbnails/fontello.eot * vendor/assets/fonts/thumbnails/fontello.svg * vendor/assets/fonts/thumbnails/fontello.ttf * vendor/assets/fonts/thumbnails/fontello.woff __Loading thumbnail css and fonts__ Add the following lines in your *application.css* file: *= require thumbnails/fontello.css *= require thumbnails/class_name/class_name.css.sass __Rendering images with thumbnail hover effect__ Create a instance from the generated thumbnail class and call its *render* function like this: ClassName.new( { url:image.image_url, attributes:{likes:'12', dislikes: '2'} } ).render Note: 1. The *url* parameter is mandatory and it is valid web url to image 2. The *attributes* hash values are replaced in the HTML template ### Custom Usage ####Using the right settings##### The gem generator is creating 3D hover effects using CSS 3D transforms. Because of this, you are not able to use the generated *CSS* files for images with different width and height. The generator uses default width and height if they are not supplied, but in most cases you will need to specify them: rails generate thumbnail class_name -w 400 -h 500 or rails generate thumbnail class_name --width=400 --height=500 **Note**: If you need to use the effect for images with various width and height you need to generated separated *CSS* files. ####Thumbnail Effects##### There are four built-in thumbnail effects. By default, the generator is generating *CSS* for all of them. 1. How to generate *CSS* for specific thumbnail effect only? In order to reduce the generated *CSS* rules you can render one or more specific effects like follows: rails generate thumbnail class_name -w 400 -h 500 -e 1,2 #renders css for first and second effects rails generate thumbnail class_name -w 400 -h 500 -e 3 #renders css for third effect only **Note**: The possible options for the *effects* are *1*,*2*,*3* and *4*. 2. How to choose which effect to be used? By default the render function is using the smallest effect. For example, if you have *CSS* rules for the third and the forth effect, the following code is using the third: ClassName.new( { url:image.image_url, attributes:{download_url:'download_url'} } ).render If you need to specify an effect you can pass it as *render* function parameter: ClassName.new( { url:image.image_url, attributes:{download_url:'download_url'} } ).render({effect_number:4}) ####Thumbnail Template##### Creating a thumbnail *HTML* template is the key part of the thumbnail image 3D hover effect. Basically, this is the *HTML*, which is shown on image hover and it can be customized to meet the developer needs. 1. How to create *HTML* thumbnail template? The template is extracted from your ruby *class_name*. In order to changed it you need to edit the *get_template* function in tour *thumbnails/class_name.rb* file. It looks like this: # returns the html template def get_template(effect_number) "