u = up.util
class up.HtmlParser
constructor: (@html) ->
@parsedDoc = u.createElementFromHtml(@html)
title: ->
@parsedDoc.querySelector("head title")?.textContent
first: (selector) ->
# Although we cannot have a jQuery collection from an entire HTML document,
# we can use jQuery's Sizzle engine to grep through a DOM tree.
# jQuery.find is the Sizzle function (https://github.com/jquery/sizzle/wiki#public-api)
# which gives us non-standard CSS selectors such as `:has`.
# It returns an array of DOM elements, not a jQuery collection.
if match = $.find(selector, @parsedDoc)[0]
return $(match)
prepareForInsertion: ($element) ->
element = $element[0]
wrapNoscriptInHtml: ->
# We wrap