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The gem is intended to be used as a replacement to the [dor-services gem](https://github.com/sul-dlss/dor-services) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'dor-services-client' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install dor-services-client ## Usage To configure and use the client, here's an example: ```ruby require 'dor/services/client' def do_the_thing # This API endpoint returns JSON response = client.objects.register(params: { druid: 'druid:123' }) response[:pid] # => 'druid:123' end private def client @client ||= Dor::Services::Client.configure(url: Settings.dor_services.url, token: Settings.dor_services.token) end ``` Note that the client may **not** be used without first having been configured, and the `url` keyword is **required**. The `token` argument is optional (though when using the client with staging and production servers, you will always need to supply it in practice). For more about dor-services-app's token-based authentication, see [its README](https://github.com/sul-dlss/dor-services-app#authentication). ## API Coverage Dor::Services:Client provides a number of methods to simplify connecting to the RESTful HTTP API of dor-services-app. In this section we list all of the available methods, reflecting how much of the API the client covers. For details see the [API docs](https://www.rubydoc.info/github/sul-dlss/dor-services-client/master/Dor/Services/Client) ```ruby # Perform operations on one or more objects objects_client = Dor::Services::Client.objects # Register a non-existent object objects_client.register(params: {}) # Interact with virtual objects virtual_objects_client = Dor::Services::Client.virtual_objects # Create a batch of virtual objects virtual_objects_client.create(virtual_objects: [{ parent_id: '', child_ids: [''] }]) # Retrieve background job results background_jobs_client = Dor::Services::Client.background_job_results # Show results of background job background_jobs_client.show(job_id: 123) # Perform MARCXML operations marcxml_client = Dor::Services::Client.marcxml # Retrieve a catkey for a given barcode marcxml_client.catkey(barcode: 'foobarcode') # For performing operations on a known, registered object object_client = Dor::Services::Client.object(object_identifier) # Publish an object (push to PURL) object_client.publish(workflow: 'releaseWF') # Shelve an object (push to Stacks) object_client.shelve # Preserve an object (push to SDR) object_client.preserve # Update the MARC record object_client.update_marc_record # Copy metadata from Symphony into descMetadata object_client.refresh_metadata # Send a notification to goobi object_client.notify_goobi # Manage versions object_client.version.current object_client.version.openable?(**params) object_client.version.open(**params) object_client.version.close(**params) # Get the Dublin Core XML representation object_client.metadata.dublin_core # Get the public descriptive XML representation object_client.metadata.descriptive # Update legacy XML representation object_client.metadata.legacy_update( descriptive: { updated: Time.now, content: '' } ) # Return the Cocina metadata object_client.find # Query for an objects collections object_client.collections object_client.files.retrieve(filename: filename_string) object_client.files.list object_client.release_tags.create(release: release, what: what, to: to, who: who) # Create, remove, and reset workspaces object_client.workspace.create(source: object_path_string) object_client.workspace.cleanup object_client.workspace.reset # Update embargo object_client.embargo.update(embargo_date: date_string, requesting_user: username_string) ``` ## Asynchronous results Some operations are asynchronous and they return a `Location` header that displays the result of the job. These jobs can be monitored by using `AsyncResult`. ```ruby background_result_url = virtual_objects_client.create(virtual_objects: [{ parent_id: '', child_ids: [''] }]) result = virtual_objects_client.async_result(url: background_result_url) # Checks the result one time result.complete? # Poll until complete result.wait_until_complete result.errors # => [{ 'druid:foo' => ['druid:bar'] }] ``` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/sul-dlss/dor-services-client ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2018 Stanford Libraries. See LICENSE for details.