#Encoding: UTF-8 require 'spec_helper' require 'lib/middleman-cdn/cdns/base_protocol' shared_examples "invalidating the entire zone" do before do allow(double_cloudflare).to receive(:fpurge_ts) end it "should invalidate the entire zone" do expect(double_cloudflare).to receive(:fpurge_ts).once.with("example.com") subject.invalidate(options, files, all: all) end it "should not invalidate individual files" do expect(double_cloudflare).to_not receive(:zone_file_purge) subject.invalidate(options, files, all: all) end end shared_examples "invalidating individual files" do it "should not invalidate the entire zone" do expect(double_cloudflare).to_not receive(:fpurge_ts) subject.invalidate(options, files, all: all) end it "should invalidate individual files" do files.each do |file| expect(double_cloudflare).to receive(:zone_file_purge).once.ordered.with("example.com", "http://example.com#{file}") end subject.invalidate(options, files, all: all) end end describe Middleman::Cli::CloudFlareCDN do it_behaves_like "BaseCDN" describe '.key' do it "should be 'cloudflare'" do expect(described_class.key).to eq("cloudflare") end end describe '.example_configuration_elements' do it "should contain these keys" do required_keys = [:client_api_key, :email, :zone, :base_urls, :invalidate_zone_for_many_files] expect(described_class.example_configuration_elements.keys).to eq(required_keys) end end describe '#invalidate' do let(:double_cloudflare) { double("::Cloudflare") } before do allow(double_cloudflare).to receive(:zone_file_purge) allow(::CloudFlare).to receive(:connection).and_return(double_cloudflare) end let(:files) { (1..50).map { |i| "/test/file_#{i}.txt" } } let(:all) { false } context "all options provided" do let(:options) do { client_api_key: '000000000000000000000', email: 'test@example.com', zone: 'example.com', base_urls: ['http://example.com', 'https://example.com'] } end it "should connect to cloudflare with credentails" do expect(::CloudFlare).to receive(:connection).with("000000000000000000000", "test@example.com") subject.invalidate(options, files) end it "should not raise errors" do subject.invalidate(options, files) end it "should output saying invalidating each file checkmarks" do files_escaped = files.map { |file| Regexp.escape(file) } expect { subject.invalidate(options, files) }.to output(/#{files_escaped.join(".+")}/m).to_stdout end it "should output indicating invalidating on all base urls" do base_urls_escaped = options[:base_urls].map { |base_url| Regexp.escape(base_url) } expect { subject.invalidate(options, files) }.to output(/#{base_urls_escaped.join(".+")}/m).to_stdout end it "should output saying success checkmarks" do expect { subject.invalidate(options, files) }.to output(/✔/).to_stdout end context "max 50 files to invalidate" do before do expect(files.count).to be <= 50 end it_behaves_like "invalidating individual files" it "should call cloudflare to purge each file for each base url" do files.each do |file| expect(double_cloudflare).to receive(:zone_file_purge).once.ordered.with("example.com", "http://example.com#{file}") end subject.invalidate(options, files) end end context "more than 50 files to invalidate" do let(:files) { super() + ["/index.html"] } before do expect(files.count).to be > 50 end context "invalidate_zone_for_many_files is set to true" do let(:options) { super().merge(invalidate_zone_for_many_files: true) } it_behaves_like "invalidating the entire zone" end context "invalidate_zone_for_many_files is set to false" do let(:options) { super().merge(invalidate_zone_for_many_files: false) } it_behaves_like "invalidating individual files" end end context "matching all files" do let(:all) { true } it_behaves_like "invalidating the entire zone" end context "and errors occurs when purging" do before do allow(double_cloudflare).to receive(:zone_file_purge).and_raise(StandardError) end it "should output saying error information" do expect { subject.invalidate(options, files) }.to output(/error: StandardError/).to_stdout end end end context "environment variables used for credentials" do before do allow(ENV).to receive(:[]) allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("CLOUDFLARE_CLIENT_API_KEY").and_return("111111111111111111111") allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL").and_return("test-env@example.com") end let(:options) do { zone: 'example.com', base_urls: ['http://example.com', 'https://example.com'] } end it "should connect to cloudflare with environment variable credentails" do expect(::CloudFlare).to receive(:connection).with("111111111111111111111", "test-env@example.com") subject.invalidate(options, files) end it "should not raise errors" do subject.invalidate(options, files) end end context "if client_api_key not provided" do before do allow(ENV).to receive(:[]) allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("CLOUDFLARE_CLIENT_API_KEY").and_return(nil) end let(:options) do { email: 'test@example.com', zone: 'example.com', base_urls: ['http://example.com', 'https://example.com'] } end it "should raise error" do expect { subject.invalidate(options, files) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "should output saying error" do expect { subject.invalidate(options, files) rescue nil }.to output(/Error: Configuration key cloudflare\[:client_api_key\] is missing\./).to_stdout end end context "if email not provided" do before do allow(ENV).to receive(:[]) allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("CLOUDFLARE_EMAIL").and_return(nil) end let(:options) do { client_api_key: '000000000000000000000', zone: 'example.com', base_urls: ['http://example.com', 'https://example.com'] } end it "should raise error" do expect { subject.invalidate(options, files) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "should output saying error" do expect { subject.invalidate(options, files) rescue nil }.to output(/Error: Configuration key cloudflare\[:email\] is missing\./).to_stdout end end context "if zone not provided" do let(:options) do { client_api_key: '000000000000000000000', email: 'test@example.com', base_urls: ['http://example.com', 'https://example.com'] } end it "should raise error" do expect { subject.invalidate(options, files) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "should output saying error" do expect { subject.invalidate(options, files) rescue nil }.to output(/Error: Configuration key cloudflare\[:zone\] is missing\./).to_stdout end end context "if base_urls not provided" do let(:options) do { client_api_key: '000000000000000000000', email: 'test@example.com', zone: 'example.com', } end it "should raise error" do expect { subject.invalidate(options, files) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "should output saying error" do expect { subject.invalidate(options, files) rescue nil }.to output(/Error: Configuration key cloudflare\[:base_urls\] is missing\./).to_stdout end end context "if base_urls is a String" do let(:options) do { client_api_key: '000000000000000000000', email: 'test@example.com', zone: 'example.com', base_urls: 'http://sub.example.com' } end it "should not raise error" do expect { subject.invalidate(options, files) }.to_not raise_error end it "should output indicating invalidating on the one base url" do base_url_escaped = Regexp.escape(options[:base_urls]) expect { subject.invalidate(options, files) }.to output(/#{base_url_escaped}/).to_stdout end end context "if base_urls is an empty Array" do let(:options) do { client_api_key: '000000000000000000000', email: 'test@example.com', zone: 'example.com', base_urls: [] } end it "should raise error" do expect { subject.invalidate(options, files) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "should output saying error" do expect { subject.invalidate(options, files) rescue nil }.to output(/Error: Configuration key cloudflare\[:base_urls\] is missing\./).to_stdout end end context "if base_urls is not an Array or String" do let(:options) do { client_api_key: '000000000000000000000', email: 'test@example.com', zone: 'example.com', base_urls: 200 } end it "should raise error" do expect { subject.invalidate(options, files) }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "should output saying error" do expect { subject.invalidate(options, files) rescue nil }.to output(/Error: Configuration key cloudflare\[:base_urls\] must be an array and contain at least one base url\./).to_stdout end end end end