AMatch Approximate Matching/Searching/Comparing SYNOPSIS require 'amatch' m ="pattern") p m.match("pattren") p m.match(["pattren","parent"]) p m.matchr("pattren") p"pattren") p m.comparer("pattren") p"pattn") p m.comparer("pattn") p"abcpattrendef") p m.searchr("abcpattrendef") DESCRIPTION This class enables your programs to do approximate matching, searching and comparing of strings. It uses an algorithm that calculates the Levenstein distance between those strings to implement those features. The Levenstein edit distance is defined as the minimal costs involved to transform one string into another by using three elementary operations: deletion, insertion and substitution of a character. To transform "water" into "wine", for instance, you have to substitute ?a -> i?: "witer", ?t -> ?n: "winer" and delete ?r: "wine". The edit distance between "water" and "wine" is 3, because you have to apply three operations. The edit distance between "wine" and "wine" is 0, of course: no operation is necessary for the transformation -- they're already the same string. It's easy to see that more similar strings have smaller edit distances than strings that differ a lot. You can als use different weights for every operation to prefer special operations over others. There are three different kinds of match methods defined in this class: "match" computes the Levenstein distance between a pattern and some strings, "search" searches in some text for a special pattern returning a minimal distance, "compare" calculates a value that can be used to define a partial order between strings in relation to a given pattern. It's also possible to compute a relative distance. This floating point value is computed as absolute distance / length of search pattern. CONSTRUCTOR - Amatch#new(pattern) constructs an Amatch object and initializes it with 'pattern'. If no 'pattern' is given it has to be set with Amatch#pattern before matching. METHODS - Amatch#pattern pattern string to match against - Amatch#subw weight of one substitution (type Fixnum) - Amatch#delw weight of one deletion (type Fixnum) - Amatch#insw weight of one insertion (type Fixnum) - Amatch#resetw resets all weights to their default values (=1). The following methods require the parameter 'strings'. This parameter can be of type String or Array of Strings. The method executes the matching operation and returns a number if a string was given. If an array of strings was given it returns an array of numbers. - Amatch#match(strings) calculates the absolute edit distance(s) between 'pattern' and 'strings' = the Levenstein distance in char operations. See also Amatch#pattern. - Amatch#matchr(strings) calculates the relative edit distance as float. This value is defined as the edit distance divided by the length of 'pattern'. See also Amatch#pattern. - Amatch#search(strings) searches 'pattern' in strings and returns the edit distance by greedy trimming prefixes or postfixes of the match. - Amatch#searchr(strings) does the same as Amatch#search but divides the edit distance by the length of 'pattern' and returns the value as float. - Amatch#compare(strings) calculates the same absolute value like Amatch#match. The sign of the result value is negative if the strings are shorter than 'pattern' or positive else. - Amatch#comparer(strings) calculates the same absolute value like Amatch#matchr. The sign of the result value is negative if the strings are shorter than 'pattern' or positive else. EXAMPLES An agrep utility will be installed that demonstrates the usage of this library. AUTHOR Florian Frank COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2002 Florian Frank This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation: