if (!RedactorPlugins) var RedactorPlugins = {}; (function($) { RedactorPlugins.table = function() { return { getTemplate: function() { return String() + '<section id="redactor-modal-table-insert">' + '<label>' + this.lang.get('rows') + '</label>' + '<input type="text" size="5" value="2" id="redactor-table-rows" />' + '<label>' + this.lang.get('columns') + '</label>' + '<input type="text" size="5" value="3" id="redactor-table-columns" />' + '</section>'; }, init: function() { var dropdown = {}; dropdown.insert_table = { title: this.lang.get('insert_table'), func: this.table.show }; dropdown.insert_row_above = { title: this.lang.get('insert_row_above'), func: this.table.addRowAbove }; dropdown.insert_row_below = { title: this.lang.get('insert_row_below'), func: this.table.addRowBelow }; dropdown.insert_column_left = { title: this.lang.get('insert_column_left'), func: this.table.addColumnLeft }; dropdown.insert_column_right = { title: this.lang.get('insert_column_right'), func: this.table.addColumnRight }; dropdown.add_head = { title: this.lang.get('add_head'), func: this.table.addHead }; dropdown.delete_head = { title: this.lang.get('delete_head'), func: this.table.deleteHead }; dropdown.delete_column = { title: this.lang.get('delete_column'), func: this.table.deleteColumn }; dropdown.delete_row = { title: this.lang.get('delete_row'), func: this.table.deleteRow }; dropdown.delete_table = { title: this.lang.get('delete_table'), func: this.table.deleteTable }; this.observe.addButton('td', 'table'); this.observe.addButton('th', 'table'); var button = this.button.addBefore('link', 'table', this.lang.get('table')); this.button.addDropdown(button, dropdown); }, show: function() { this.modal.addTemplate('table', this.table.getTemplate()); this.modal.load('table', this.lang.get('insert_table'), 300); this.modal.createCancelButton(); var button = this.modal.createActionButton(this.lang.get('insert')); button.on('click', this.table.insert); this.selection.save(); this.modal.show(); $('#redactor-table-rows').focus(); }, insert: function() { this.placeholder.remove(); this.clean.cleanEmptyParagraph(); var rows = $('#redactor-table-rows').val(), columns = $('#redactor-table-columns').val(), $tableBox = $('<div>'), tableId = Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999), $table = $('<table id="table' + tableId + '"><tbody></tbody></table>'), i, $row, z, $column; for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { $row = $('<tr>'); for (z = 0; z < columns; z++) { $column = $('<td>' + this.opts.invisibleSpace + '</td>'); // set the focus to the first td if (i === 0 && z === 0) { $column.append(this.selection.getMarker()); } $($row).append($column); } $table.append($row); } $tableBox.append($table); var html = $tableBox.html(); this.modal.close(); this.selection.restore(); if (this.table.getTable()) return; this.buffer.set(); var current = this.selection.getBlock() || this.selection.getCurrent(); if (current && current.tagName != 'BODY') { if (current.tagName == 'LI') current = $(current).closest('ul, ol'); $(current).after(html); } else { this.insert.html(html, false); } this.selection.restore(); var table = this.$editor.find('#table' + tableId); if (!this.opts.linebreaks && (this.utils.browser('mozilla') || this.utils.browser('msie'))) { var $next = table.next(); if ($next.length === 0) { table.after(this.opts.emptyHtml); } } this.observe.buttons(); table.find('span.redactor-selection-marker').remove(); table.removeAttr('id'); this.code.sync(); this.core.setCallback('insertedTable', table); }, getTable: function() { var $table = $(this.selection.getParent()).closest('table'); if (!this.utils.isRedactorParent($table)) return false; if ($table.size() === 0) return false; return $table; }, restoreAfterDelete: function($table) { this.selection.restore(); $table.find('span.redactor-selection-marker').remove(); this.code.sync(); }, deleteTable: function() { var $table = this.table.getTable(); if (!$table) return; this.buffer.set(); var $next = $table.next(); if (!this.opts.linebreaks && $next.length !== 0) { this.caret.setStart($next); } else { this.caret.setAfter($table); } $table.remove(); this.code.sync(); }, deleteRow: function() { var $table = this.table.getTable(); if (!$table) return; var $current = $(this.selection.getCurrent()); this.buffer.set(); var $current_tr = $current.closest('tr'); var $focus_tr = $current_tr.prev().length ? $current_tr.prev() : $current_tr.next(); if ($focus_tr.length) { var $focus_td = $focus_tr.children('td, th').first(); if ($focus_td.length) $focus_td.prepend(this.selection.getMarker()); } $current_tr.remove(); this.table.restoreAfterDelete($table); }, deleteColumn: function() { var $table = this.table.getTable(); if (!$table) return; this.buffer.set(); var $current = $(this.selection.getCurrent()); var $current_td = $current.closest('td, th'); var index = $current_td[0].cellIndex; $table.find('tr').each($.proxy(function(i, elem) { var $elem = $(elem); var focusIndex = index - 1 < 0 ? index + 1 : index - 1; if (i === 0) $elem.find('td, th').eq(focusIndex).prepend(this.selection.getMarker()); $elem.find('td, th').eq(index).remove(); }, this)); this.table.restoreAfterDelete($table); }, addHead: function() { var $table = this.table.getTable(); if (!$table) return; this.buffer.set(); if ($table.find('thead').size() !== 0) { this.table.deleteHead(); return; } var tr = $table.find('tr').first().clone(); tr.find('td').replaceWith($.proxy(function() { return $('<th>').html(this.opts.invisibleSpace); }, this)); $thead = $('<thead></thead>').append(tr); $table.prepend($thead); this.code.sync(); }, deleteHead: function() { var $table = this.table.getTable(); if (!$table) return; var $thead = $table.find('thead'); if ($thead.size() === 0) return; this.buffer.set(); $thead.remove(); this.code.sync(); }, addRowAbove: function() { this.table.addRow('before'); }, addRowBelow: function() { this.table.addRow('after'); }, addColumnLeft: function() { this.table.addColumn('before'); }, addColumnRight: function() { this.table.addColumn('after'); }, addRow: function(type) { var $table = this.table.getTable(); if (!$table) return; this.buffer.set(); var $current = $(this.selection.getCurrent()); var $current_tr = $current.closest('tr'); var new_tr = $current_tr.clone(); new_tr.find('th').replaceWith(function() { var $td = $('<td>'); $td[0].attributes = this.attributes; return $td.append($(this).contents()); }); new_tr.find('td').html(this.opts.invisibleSpace); if (type == 'after') { $current_tr.after(new_tr); } else { $current_tr.before(new_tr); } this.code.sync(); }, addColumn: function (type) { var $table = this.table.getTable(); if (!$table) return; var index = 0; var current = $(this.selection.getCurrent()); this.buffer.set(); var $current_tr = current.closest('tr'); var $current_td = current.closest('td, th'); $current_tr.find('td, th').each($.proxy(function(i, elem) { if ($(elem)[0] === $current_td[0]) index = i; }, this)); $table.find('tr').each($.proxy(function(i, elem) { var $current = $(elem).find('td, th').eq(index); var td = $current.clone(); td.html(this.opts.invisibleSpace); if (type == 'after') { $current.after(td); } else { $current.before(td); } }, this)); this.code.sync(); } }; }; })(jQuery);