require 'prawn' module Caboose class PendingOrdersPdf < Prawn::Document attr_accessor :orders, :card_type, :card_number def to_pdf # Get the type of card and last four digits orders.each_with_index do |o,index| get_card_details(o) font_size 9 move_down 10 order_info(o) move_down 15 order_table(o) move_down 15 customer_info(o) move_down 15 payment_info(o) if index + 1 < orders.count then start_new_page end end render end def formatted_phone(str) return '' if str.nil? str = str.gsub(/[^0-9]/i, '') return "#{str[0]} (#{str[1..3]}) #{str[4..6]}-#{str[7..10]}" if str.length == 11 return "(#{str[0..2]}) #{str[3..5]}-#{str[6..9]}" if str.length == 10 return "#{str[0..2]}-#{str[3..6]}" if str.length == 7 return str end def get_card_details(order) sc = ot = order.order_transactions.where(:transaction_type => OrderTransaction::TYPE_AUTHORIZE, :success => true).first return if ot.nil? case sc.pp_name when '' t =, sc.pp_password) resp = t.get_transaction_details(ot.transaction_id) t2 = resp.transaction if t2 self.card_type = t2.payment_method.card_type.upcase self.card_number = t2.payment_method.card_number.gsub('X', '') end end end def order_info(order) order_info = "Order Number: #{}\n" order_info << "Order Date: #{order.date_created ? order.date_created.strftime('%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %p') : ''}\n" order_info << "Status: #{order.status.capitalize}\n" tbl = [] tbl << [ { :content => order_info } ] move_down 4 table tbl, :position => 7, :width => 530 end def customer_info(order) c = order.customer ba = order.billing_address billed_to = [] if ba ba_address = "#{ba.address1}" + (ba.address2.blank? ? '' : "\n#{ba.address2}") + "\n#{}, #{ba.state} #{}" billed_to << [{ :content => "Name" , :border_width => 0, :width => 55 },{ :content => "#{ba.first_name} #{ba.last_name}" , :border_width => 0, :width => 200 }] billed_to << [{ :content => "Address" , :border_width => 0, :width => 55 },{ :content => ba_address , :border_width => 0, :width => 200 }] billed_to << [{ :content => "Email" , :border_width => 0, :width => 55 },{ :content => "#{}" , :border_width => 0, :width => 200 }] billed_to << [{ :content => "Phone" , :border_width => 0, :width => 55 },{ :content => "#{self.formatted_phone(}" , :border_width => 0, :width => 200 }] else billed_to << [{ :content => "Name" , :border_width => 0 }] billed_to << [{ :content => "Address" , :border_width => 0 }] billed_to << [{ :content => "Email" , :border_width => 0 }] billed_to << [{ :content => "Phone" , :border_width => 0 }] end sa = order.shipping_address shipped_to = [] if sa sa_address = "#{sa.address1}" + (sa.address2.blank? ? '' : "\n#{sa.address2}") + "\n#{}, #{sa.state} #{}" shipped_to << [{ :content => "Name" , :border_width => 0, :width => 55 },{ :content => "#{sa.first_name} #{sa.last_name}" , :border_width => 0, :width => 200 }] shipped_to << [{ :content => "Address" , :border_width => 0, :width => 55 },{ :content => sa_address , :border_width => 0, :width => 200 }] shipped_to << [{ :content => "Email" , :border_width => 0, :width => 55 },{ :content => "#{}" , :border_width => 0, :width => 200 }] shipped_to << [{ :content => "Phone" , :border_width => 0, :width => 55 },{ :content => "#{self.formatted_phone(}" , :border_width => 0, :width => 200 }] else shipped_to << [{ :content => "Name" , :border_width => 0 }] shipped_to << [{ :content => "Address" , :border_width => 0 }] shipped_to << [{ :content => "Email" , :border_width => 0 }] shipped_to << [{ :content => "Phone" , :border_width => 0 }] end tbl = [] tbl << [ { :content => "Shipping Information" , :align => :left, :width => 255, :font_style => :bold }, { :content => "Billing Information" , :align => :left, :width => 255, :font_style => :bold } ] tbl << [ { :content => shipped_to }, { :content => billed_to } ] move_down 4 table tbl, :position => 7, :width => 530 end def order_table(order) tbl = [] tbl << [ { :content => "Package" , :align => :left , :valign => :bottom }, { :content => "Product" , :align => :left , :valign => :bottom , :colspan => 2 }, { :content => "Attributes" , :align => :left , :valign => :bottom }, { :content => "Quantity" , :align => :right , :valign => :bottom }, { :content => "Price" , :align => :right , :valign => :bottom }, { :content => "Amount" , :align => :right , :valign => :bottom } ] #order.calculate order.order_packages.all.each do |pk| carrier = pk.shipping_method.carrier service = pk.shipping_method.service_name package = pk.line_items.each_with_index do |li, index| options = '' if li.variant.product.option1 && li.variant.option1 then options += li.variant.product.option1 + ": " + li.variant.option1 + "\n" end if li.variant.product.option2 && li.variant.option2 then options += li.variant.product.option2 + ": " + li.variant.option2 + "\n" end if li.variant.product.option3 && li.variant.option3 then options += li.variant.product.option3 + ": " + li.variant.option3 + "\n" end if li.variant.product.product_images.count > 0 && li.variant.product.product_images.first.url(:tiny) # Caboose.log("image path: #{li.variant.product.product_images.first.url(:tiny)}") # image = "" image = open("#{li.variant.product.product_images.first.url(:tiny)}") else image = "" end arr = [] if index == 0 arr << { :content => package + "\n" + carrier + "\n" + service, :width => 115, :rowspan => (index == 0 ? pk.line_items.count : 1) } end if !image.blank? arr << { :image => image, :fit => [40, 40], :borders => [:top, :bottom, :left], :width => 50 } else arr << { :content => "No Image" } end arr << { :content => "#{li.variant.product.title}\n#{li.variant.sku}", :borders => [:top, :right, :bottom], :width => 100 } arr << { :content => options } arr << { :content => "#{li.quantity}" , :align => :right } arr << { :content => "$" + sprintf("%.2f", li.unit_price) , :align => :right } arr << { :content => "$" + sprintf("%.2f", li.subtotal) , :align => :right } tbl << arr end end unassigned = order.line_items.where("order_package_id IS NULL OR order_package_id = ?",-1) unassigned.each_with_index do |li, index| options = '' if li.variant.product.option1 && li.variant.option1 then options += li.variant.product.option1 + ": " + li.variant.option1 + "\n" end if li.variant.product.option2 && li.variant.option2 then options += li.variant.product.option2 + ": " + li.variant.option2 + "\n" end if li.variant.product.option3 && li.variant.option3 then options += li.variant.product.option3 + ": " + li.variant.option3 + "\n" end if li.variant.product.product_images.count > 0 && li.variant.product.product_images.first.url(:tiny) # Caboose.log("image path: #{li.variant.product.product_images.first.url(:tiny)}") # image = "" image = open("#{li.variant.product.product_images.first.url(:tiny)}") else image = "" end arr = [] if index == 0 arr << { :content => "Unassigned", :width => 115, :rowspan => (index == 0 ? unassigned.count : 1) } end if !image.blank? arr << { :image => image, :fit => [40, 40], :borders => [:top, :bottom, :left], :width => 50 } else arr << { :content => "No Image" } end arr << { :content => "#{li.variant.product.title}\n#{li.variant.sku}", :borders => [:top, :right, :bottom], :width => 100 } arr << { :content => options } arr << { :content => "#{li.quantity}" , :align => :right } if li.unit_price arr << { :content => "$" + sprintf("%.2f", li.unit_price) , :align => :right } else arr << { :content => "" } end arr << { :content => "$" + sprintf("%.2f", li.subtotal) , :align => :right } tbl << arr end order.calculate tbl << [{ :content => "Subtotal" , :colspan => 6, :align => :right }, { :content => "$" + sprintf("%.2f", order.subtotal ) , :align => :right }] tbl << [{ :content => "Discount" , :colspan => 6, :align => :right }, { :content => "(-) $" + sprintf("%.2f", ? : 0.0 ) , :align => :right }] tbl << [{ :content => "Shipping and Handling Charges" , :colspan => 6, :align => :right }, { :content => "(+) $" + sprintf("%.2f", order.shipping_and_handling ) , :align => :right }] tbl << [{ :content => "Sales Tax" , :colspan => 6, :align => :right }, { :content => "(+) $" + sprintf("%.2f", ? : 0.0 ) , :align => :right }] tbl << [{ :content => "Grand Total" , :colspan => 6, :align => :right, :font_style => :bold }, { :content => "$" + sprintf("%.2f", ) , :align => :right, :font_style => :bold }] table tbl , :position => 7, :width => 530 end def payment_info(order) trans = order.order_transactions.where(:transaction_type => OrderTransaction::TYPE_AUTHORIZE, :success => true).first tbl = [] tbl2 = [] tbl3 = [] if trans tbl2 << [ { :content => "Card Type", :width => 127, :border_width => 0 }, { :content => self.card_type.blank? ? "N/A" : self.card_type, :width => 128, :border_width => 0 } ] tbl2 << [ { :content => "Transaction ID", :width => 127, :border_width => 0 }, { :content => trans.transaction_id.to_s, :width => 128, :border_width => 0 } ] tbl2 << [ { :content => "Gateway Response", :width => 127, :border_width => 0}, { :content => trans.response_code.to_s, :width => 128, :border_width => 0 } ] tbl3 << [ { :content => "Card Number", :width => 127, :border_width => 0}, { :content => self.card_number ? ("XXXX XXXX XXXX " + self.card_number) : "N/A", :width => 128, :border_width => 0 } ] tbl3 << [ { :content => "Transaction Time", :width => 127, :border_width => 0}, { :content => trans.date_processed.strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %p"), :width => 128, :border_width => 0 } ] tbl3 << [ { :content => "Payment Process", :width => 127, :border_width => 0}, { :content => trans.success ? "Successful" : "Failed", :width => 128, :border_width => 0 } ] else tbl2 << [{ :content => "Card Type" , :width => 127, :border_width => 0}] tbl2 << [{ :content => "Transaction ID" , :width => 127, :border_width => 0}] tbl2 << [{ :content => "Gateway Response" , :width => 127, :border_width => 0}] tbl3 << [{ :content => "Card Number" , :width => 127, :border_width => 0}] tbl3 << [{ :content => "Transaction Time" , :width => 127, :border_width => 0}] tbl3 << [{ :content => "Payment Process" , :width => 127, :border_width => 0}] end tbl << [ { :content => "Authorization Details", :colspan => 2, :font_style => :bold } ] tbl << [ { :content => tbl2, :width => 255 }, { :content => tbl3, :width => 255 } ] table tbl, :position => 7, :width => 530 end end end