require 'rubygems' require 'optparse' # Relative path from Killbill repo API_DIR_SRC="api/src/main/java" # Interfaces to consider INTERFACES = ["Account", "AccountData", "AccountEmail", "BlockingState", "ExtBusEvent", "ExtBusEventType", "ObjectType", "Subscription", "SubscriptionState", "SubscriptionSourceType", "SubscriptionBundle", "Invoice", "InvoiceItem", "InvoicePayment", "InvoicePaymentType", "Payment", "PaymentAttempt", "Refund", "AuditLog", "CallContext", "CallOrigin", "UserType", "TenantContext", "CustomField", "Tag", "TagDefinition", "Currency", "PaymentInfoPlugin", "PaymentPluginStatus", "RefundInfoPlugin", "RefundPluginStatus", "PaymentMethodKVInfo", "PaymentMethodPlugin", "PaymentMethodInfoPlugin"] class String def snake_case return downcase if match(/\A[A-Z]+\z/) gsub(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/, '\1_\2'). gsub(/([a-z])([A-Z])/, '\1_\2'). downcase end end class Pojo attr_accessor :name, :package, :fields def initialize(dummy=nil) @name = nil @package = nil @fields = [] end end =begin class ObjectType @@admissible_values = [:ACCOUNT, :ACCOUNT_EMAIL] attr_reader :enum def initialize(value) @enum = value end def self.is_admissible_value(value) @@admissible_values.include?(value) end def self.admissible_values @@admissible_values end =end class PojoEnum < Pojo def initialize super end def generate(out) out.write("\n") out.write("\#\n") out.write("\# Ruby classes automatically generated from java classes-- don't edit\n") out.write("\#\n") out.write("module Killbill\n") out.write(" module Plugin\n") out.write(" module Model\n") out.write("\n") out.write(" class #{name}\n") out.write("\n") out.write(" @@admissible_values = #{@fields.collect {|e| e.to_sym }}\n") out.write(" attr_reader :enum\n") out.write("\n") out.write(" def initialize(value)\n") out.write(" raise\"Enum #{name} does not have such value : \#{value}\") if ! #{name}.is_admissible_value?(value)\n") out.write(" @enum = value\n") out.write(" end\n") out.write("\n") out.write(" def ==(other)\n") out.write(" return false if other.nil?\n") out.write(" self.enum == other.enum\n") out.write(" end\n") out.write("\n") out.write(" def self.is_admissible_value?(value)\n") out.write(" @@admissible_values.include?(value)\n") out.write(" end\n") out.write("\n") out.write(" def self.admissible_values \n") out.write(" @@admissible_values\n") out.write(" end\n") out.write(" end\n") out.write(" end\n") out.write(" end\n") out.write("end\n") out.flush end def export(output_dir, parents_pojo) @fields.uniq!"#{output_dir}/#{name.snake_case}.rb", "w+") do |f| generate(f) end end end class PojoIfceOrClass < Pojo attr_accessor :interface, :parents def initialize(is_interface) super @interface = is_interface @parents = [] end def generate(out) out.write("\n") out.write("\#\n") out.write("\# Ruby classes automatically generated from java classes-- don't edit\n") out.write("\#\n") out.write("module Killbill\n") out.write(" module Plugin\n") out.write(" module Model\n") out.write("\n") out.write(" class #{name}\n") out.write("\n") if @interface out.write(" include #{@package}.#{@name}\n") out.write("\n") end out.write(" attr_reader #{fields.collect { |i| ":#{i}"}.join(", ")}\n") out.write("\n") out.write(" def initialize(#{@fields.join(", ")})\n") fields.each do |f| out.write(" @#{f} = #{f}\n") end out.write(" end\n") out.write(" end\n") out.write(" end\n") out.write(" end\n") out.write("end\n") out.flush end def export(output_dir, parents_pojo) parents.each do |p| if ! parents_pojo[p].nil? (@fields.unshift(parents_pojo[p].fields)).flatten! end end @fields.uniq!"#{output_dir}/#{name.snake_case}.rb", "w+") do |f| generate(f) end end def to_s "#{@name} : #{@fields.join(",")}" end end class Visitor attr_reader :pojo def initialize @pojo = nil end def create_interface(name, package) @pojo = = name @pojo.package = package end def create_class(name, package) @pojo = = name @pojo.package = package end def create_enum(name, package) @pojo = = name @pojo.package = package end def add_parents(parents) (@pojo.parents << parents).flatten! end def add_getter(getter) @pojo.fields << getter.snake_case end def add_enum_field(enum_field) @pojo.fields << enum_field end end class Generator attr_reader :output_dir, :finder, :files def initialize(output_dir, interfaces, finder) @output_dir = output_dir @finder = finder @files = end def generate_all pojos = [] @files.each do |i| generate_file(i) do |pojo| pojos << pojo end end parent_pojos = {} parent_ifces = [] pojos.each do |pojo| if pojo.is_a? PojoIfceOrClass (parent_ifces << pojo.parents).flatten! end end parent_ifces.uniq! puts "UNIQ PARENTS = #{parent_ifces.to_s}" parent_files = puts "PARENT FILES = #{parent_files}" parent_files.each do |i| puts "Starting processing parent file #{i}" generate_file(i) do |pojo| parent_pojos[] = pojo end end pojos.each do |pojo| puts "Starting processing file #{}" pojo.export(@output_dir, parent_pojos)"#{output_dir}/require_gen.rb", "w+") do |f| pojos.each do |pojo| f.write("require \'killbill/gen/#{}\'\n") end end puts "Completing processing file #{}" end end private def generate_file(file) visitor =, "r") do |f| is_enum = false is_interface = false is_class = false package = nil while (line = f.gets) # Package re = /\s*package\s+((?:\w|\.)+)\s*;/ if re.match(line) package = $1 end # Interface re = /public\s+(interface|class)\s+(\w+)\s+(extends(?:\w|,|\s|<|>)+){0,1}\s*{\s*/ if re.match(line) is_interface = ($1 == "interface") is_class = ($1 == "class") name = $2 visitor.create_interface(name, package) if is_interface visitor.create_class(name, package) if is_class if ! $3.nil? re = /\s*extends\s+(.*)/ extends_ifces = $3 if re.match(extends_ifces) # extract each parent and remove trailing, leading space parents = $1.split(",").collect { |e| e.strip} # remove generics re = /(\w+)(?:<\w+>){0,1}/ parents.collect! { |e| re.match(e); $1 } visitor.add_parents(parents) end end end # Enum re = /public\s+enum\s+(\w+)\s+/ if re.match(line) enum_name = $1 visitor.create_enum(enum_name, package) is_enum = true is_enum_complete = false end # Non static getters for interfaces re = /(?:public){0,1}\s+(?:static\s+(?:\w|<|>)+)\s+(?:get|is).*/ if (is_interface || is_class) && !re.match(line) re = /(?:public){0,1}\s+(?:(?:\w|<|>)+)\s+get(\w+)()\s*/ if re.match(line) visitor.add_getter($1) end re = /(?:public){0,1}\s+(?:(?:\w|<|>)+)\s+(is\w+)()\s*/ if re.match(line) visitor.add_getter($1) end end # Enum fields re = /\s+((?:\w|_)+)(?:\((?:\w|\s|\")+\)){0,1}\s*(,|;){1}/ if !is_enum_complete && is_enum && re.match(line) visitor.add_enum_field($1.strip) if $2 == ';' is_enum_complete = true end end end end yield(visitor.pojo) end end class Finder attr_reader :interfaces, :src_dir def initialize(src_dir) @interfaces = interfaces @src_dir = src_dir end def search(interfaces) res = [] if !interfaces.nil? && interfaces.size > 0 Dir.chdir(@src_dir) Dir.glob("**/*") do |e| if File.file?(e) basename = File.basename(e, ".java") if interfaces.include? basename res << e end end end end res end end class CommandParser attr_reader :options, :args, :interfaces, :src_relative_path def initialize(args, interfaces, src_relative_path) @options = {} @args = args @interfaces = interfaces @src_relative_path = src_relative_path end def run parse puts "Generating ruby classes under: #{@options[:output]}" finder ="#{@options[:src]}/#{@src_relative_path}") gen =[:output], @interfaces, finder) gen.generate_all end private def parse() optparse = do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: java2ruby.rb [options]" opts.separator "" opts.on("-o", "--output OUTPUT", "Output directory") do |o| @options[:output] = o end opts.on("-s", "--src SRC", "Killbill source directory") do |s| @options[:src] = s end end optparse.parse!(@args) end end parser =, INTERFACES, API_DIR_SRC)