class App.Views.Main.Articles.Show extends App.Views.Base constructor: (opts = {}) -> super opts @article = null @comments = [] @newComment = opts.comment render: -> form = new App.UI.Form for: @newComment, initObj: true, id: "new_comment" form.render() renderArticle: (article = null) -> if not @article? @article = article this.connectWith @article, receiver: "_articleReceivedSignal" $('#title').text @article.title $('#author').text $('#pub_date').text (new App.Services.Date @article.publishedAt).toString 'short' $('#text').empty().append (new App.Helpers.Text).simpleFormat @article.content renderComments: (comments) -> if comments.length is 0 $("#comments").append '
No comments.
' else $("#no_comments").remove() for comment in comments @comments.push comment this.connectWith comment, receiver: "_commentReceivedSignal" $("#comments").append JST["templates/main/comments/comment"] {comment: comment} this._updateCommentsQuantity() _updateCommentsQuantity: -> text = "#{@comments.length} comment#{if @comments.length is 1 then '' else 's'}" $('#comments_count').text text _articleReceivedSignal: (signal, data) -> switch signal when 'updating' txt = 'Author is currently editing article. Be aware of possible changes.' flash = new App.Views.Shared.Flash warning: txt flash.render() when 'updated' @article.reload().then => @article.applyChanges() this.renderArticle() else console.log "App.Views.Main.Articles.Show#_articleReceivedSignal: #{signal}" _commentReceivedSignal: (signal, data) -> switch signal when 'updated' comment = App.Utils.Collection.find @comments, (c) -> is comment.reload => comment.applyChanges() $("#comment_#{}").replaceWith JST["templates/main/comments/comment"] {comment: comment} when 'destroyed' comment = App.Utils.Collection.find @comments, (c) -> is @comments.splice @comments.indexOf(comment), 1 $("#comment_#{}").remove() this._updateCommentsQuantity() else console.log "App.Views.Main.Articles.Show#_commentReceivedSignal: #{signal}"