h1{text-align: center}. Welcome to Ruby-VPI Ruby-VPI is a "Ruby interface":http://ruby-lang.org to "Verilog VPI":http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/standardstoc.jsp?isnumber=33945. It lets you create complex Verilog test benches easily and wholly in Ruby. h2. Features * Prototype and verify designs _quickly_ using "BDD(behavior-driven development)":http://behaviour-driven.org/, "TDD(test-driven development)":http://www.agiledata.org/essays/tdd.html, and more. * Reuse the _same_ specification to verify both prototype and design. * Specifications are executable _and_ human-readable. (See this example specification and its boss-friendly output.) * Utilize Ruby's power and elegance. ("Why choose Ruby?":http://www.ruby-doc.org/whyruby) ** Built-in support for unlimited length integers, regular expressions, networking, multi-threading, system calls, _ad infinium_! ** Easy to use; doesn't get in your way. ** Makes programming _fun_ again! * Study, modify, or distribute this free software in accordance with the "GNU General Public License":http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. h1. Getting started * See the "user manual":./doc to begin using Ruby-VPI. * See the "release history":./history.html to see what is new in this release. * See API documentation for the "C extension":./ref/c or "Ruby-VPI libraries":./ref/ruby. * Visit the "project website":http://ruby-vpi.rubyforge.org for additional resources. h1. Building release packages In addition to the "normal requirements":./doc/usage.requirements.html, you need the following software to build release packages: * "DocBook-XML":http://www.docbook.org/ ** xsltproc ** xmlto * "RedCloth":http://rubyforge.org/projects/redcloth/ * "SWIG":http://www.swig.org/ Once you have satisfied these requirements, you can run @rake release@ to build the release packages. Also, see the output of @rake -T@ for more build options.