require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe 'XCRes::StringsAnalyzer' do def subject XCRes::StringsAnalyzer end before do @target = stub('Target', build_configurations: []) @project = stub('Project', files: [], path: Pathname('.')) @target.stubs(project: @project) @analyzer = @analyzer.logger = stub('Logger', :log) @analyzer.expects(:warn).never @analyzer.expects(:error).never end describe "#initialize" do it 'should set given target as attribute' do @analyzer = end it 'should set option :default_language as attribute' do @analyzer =, default_language: 'en')'en') end end describe "#analyze" do it 'should return the built sections' do section = mock() @analyzer.expects(:build_section).returns(section)[section]) end end describe "#build_section" do it 'should return an empty section if there are no strings files' do @analyzer.stubs(:strings_file_refs).returns([]) 'Strings', {}) end it 'should return a new section if there are strings files' do strings_file_ref = stub('FileRef', { name: 'en', path: 'Localizable.strings', real_path: Pathname(File.expand_path('./en.lproj/Localizable.strings')) }) @analyzer.stubs(:strings_file_refs).returns([strings_file_ref]) @analyzer.stubs(:keys_by_file) .with(Pathname('en.lproj/Localizable.strings')) .returns({ 'greeting' => { value: 'greeting' }}) 'Strings', { 'greeting' => { value: 'greeting' }}) end end describe "#languages" do it 'should return the default language if it is set' do @analyzer.default_language = 'en'['en']) end it 'should return an empty array if there is no used language' do @analyzer.expects(:native_dev_languages).returns(['en'].to_set).at_least_once @analyzer.expects(:used_languages).returns([].to_set).at_least_once[].to_set) end it 'should return the used languages if there is no matching native dev language' do @analyzer.expects(:native_dev_languages).returns(['de'].to_set).at_least_once @analyzer.expects(:used_languages).returns(['en', 'es'].to_set).at_least_once['en', 'es'].to_set) end it 'should return the intersection of languages if there is a common language' do @analyzer.expects(:native_dev_languages).returns(['en'].to_set).at_least_once @analyzer.expects(:used_languages).returns(['en', 'es'].to_set).at_least_once['en'].to_set) end end describe "with fixture project" do before do @target = app_target @analyzer = @analyzer.logger = stub('Logger', :log) @analyzer.expects(:warn).never @analyzer.expects(:error).never end describe "#strings_file_refs" do it 'should return the strings files of the fixture project' do strings_files = @analyzer.strings_file_refs strings_files[0]'en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings') strings_files[1]'en.lproj/Localizable.strings') strings_files[2]'de.lproj/Localizable.strings') end end describe '#derive_used_languages' do it 'should find used languages' do languages = @analyzer.derive_used_languages(@analyzer.strings_file_refs) languages.should == ['en', 'de'].to_set end end describe '#used_languages' do it 'should return english and german as used languages' do @analyzer.used_languages.should == ['en', 'de'].to_set end end describe '#info_plist_paths' do it 'should return a set with the configured paths of the project' do @analyzer.info_plist_paths.should == [Pathname('Example/Example-Info.plist')].to_set end end describe '#absolute_info_plist_paths' do it 'should resolve the path if it is relative' do @analyzer.absolute_project_file_path('Info.plist') .relative_path_from(fixture_path) .should == Pathname('Example/Info.plist') end it 'should resolve the path if $SRCROOT is used' do @analyzer.absolute_project_file_path('$SRCROOT/Info.plist') .relative_path_from(fixture_path) .should == Pathname('Example/Info.plist') end end describe '#native_dev_languages' do it 'should return english' do @analyzer.native_dev_languages.should == ['en'].to_set end describe 'with non-configured Info.plist' do it 'should warn on missing plists' do @target.build_configurations[0].build_settings['INFOPLIST_FILE'] = 'NonExisting.plist' @analyzer.expects(:warn).once @analyzer.native_dev_languages.should == ['en'].to_set end end end describe '#read_plist_key' do before do @plist_path = fixture_path + 'Example/Example/Example-Info.plist' end it 'should read and return existing keys' do @analyzer.read_plist_key(@plist_path, :CFBundleDevelopmentRegion) .should == 'en' end it 'should raise an ArgumentError on non-existing files' do plist_path = Pathname('NonExisting.plist') proc do @analyzer.read_plist_key(plist_path, :XCResNonExistingKey) end.should.raise(ArgumentError).message .should == "File 'NonExisting.plist' doesn't exist" end it 'should raise an ArgumentError on non-existing keys' do proc do @analyzer.read_plist_key(@plist_path, :XCResNonExistingKey) end.should.raise(ArgumentError).message .should == 'Error reading plist: Print: Entry, ":XCResNonExistingKey", Does Not Exist' end end describe '#absolute_project_file_path' do it 'should treat relative paths correctly' do @analyzer.absolute_project_file_path('Info.plist') .relative_path_from(fixture_path) .should == Pathname('Example/Info.plist') end it 'should replace $SRCROOT with project path' do @analyzer.absolute_project_file_path('$SRCROOT/Info.plist') .relative_path_from(fixture_path) .should == Pathname('Example/Info.plist') end it 'should replace ${SRCROOT} with project path' do @analyzer.absolute_project_file_path('${SRCROOT}/Info.plist') .relative_path_from(fixture_path) .should == Pathname('Example/Info.plist') end it 'should replace $(SRCROOT) with project path' do @analyzer.absolute_project_file_path('$(SRCROOT)/Info.plist') .relative_path_from(fixture_path) .should == Pathname('Example/Info.plist') end end describe '#selected_strings_file_refs' do describe 'for english development language' do before do @analyzer.stubs(:languages).returns ['en'] end it 'should return the selected strings file refs' do strings_files = @analyzer.selected_strings_file_refs strings_files[0]'en.lproj/InfoPlist.strings') strings_files[1]'en.lproj/Localizable.strings') end end describe 'for german development language' do before do @analyzer.stubs(:languages).returns ['de'] end it 'should return the selected strings file refs' do @analyzer.stubs(:languages).returns ['de'] strings_files = @analyzer.selected_strings_file_refs strings_files[0]'de.lproj/Localizable.strings') end end end end describe "#read_strings_file" do it 'should read a valid file' do @analyzer.read_strings_file(fixture_path + 'Example/Example/en.lproj/Localizable.strings').should == { "foo" => "Foo String", "bar" => "Bar String", "en_exclusive" => "Only in english", "example" => "Lorem Ipsum", "123-abc-3e7.text" => "Hello Storyboards", } end it 'should raise an error for an invalid file' do proc do @analyzer.read_strings_file(fixture_path + 'StringsFiles/syntax_error_missing_semicolon.strings') end.should.raise(StandardError).message.should.include "Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary on line 2." end end describe "#keys_by_file" do it 'should return the string keys hash' do path = fixture_path + 'Example/Example/en.lproj/Localizable.strings' @analyzer.keys_by_file(path).should == { "foo" => { value: "foo", comment: "Foo String" }, "bar" => { value: "bar", comment: "Bar String" }, "en_exclusive" => { value: "en_exclusive", comment: "Only in english" }, "example" => { value: "example", comment: "Lorem Ipsum" }, } end end end