=== 0.3.0 / 2011-12-26 * Added some extra documentation * Double#to_double return nils for NA values * Make Rserve exceptions subclass StandardError instead of exception, so they can be rescued by `rescue` blocks. [Jamison Dance] * Funtions raises an exception when using REXP#to_ruby. We can't work with them, yet, but at least we can see what they have * New options on Rserve::Connection - :cmd_init : Command to init Rserve - :proc_rserve_ok: Proc to test if Rserve is running (see source code). Thanks to John Prince for the idea. * String now accepts \xFF as NA value (Rserve-0.6.2) * Updated for rspec 2.0 [John Prince] === 0.2.5 / 2010-07-06 * Fixed warning: NA values on Double and shadowed variables on blocks === 0.2.4 / 2010-07-06 * Bug fixes: double vector with NaN crash to_ruby. Data frame with string row_names crash to_rubyC === 0.2.3 / 2010-07-02 * Bug fix: assignation of double vector with NA doesn't work right === 0.2.2 / 2010-06-24 * ¿Bug? fix: a R matrix with a 0 dims raise an error [clbustos] * Bug fix on rexpfactory: typo on creation of S4 * Updated Spec: session doesn't tested on windows * Updated README.txt === 0.2.1 / 2010-06-18 * Added suport to assign ruby std lib Matrix. Bug fix on retrieving matrix * Fixed whitespace problem on README.txt === 0.2.0 / 2010-06-15 * Session implemented. * Retrieve auth information from server first responde. TODO: Implement authentification * Rserve::Protocol get_int and get_long uses pack. Spec for test compatibility for old method * Added benchmark, comparing Rserve with RinRuby and RsRuby * Windows Support: * On windows, any new connection closes the previous. Rserve on Windows can't process parallel connections * All Specification works on Windows === 0.1.9 / 2010-06-04 * Documentation: * Added commentaries on examples/regression.txt * Examples.txt on main directory renamed to Introduction.txt * Added examples extracted from RinRuby documentation, adapted to rserve-client. Modified Connection#assign to allow ruby objects * Modified lowless example, omiting use of Rserve::REXP::Wrapper * Bug fixes: * WithNames#put changes names, not values. * Negative integer conversion works on i686 and x86_64 * New features * Added WithNames[]= method for key assign. * Correct handling of data.frames with to_ruby : row.names returned as a array of (1..x) value if [NA,-x] returned from Rserve * REXP#to_ruby returns object extended with WithAttributes and WithNames when applicable * REXP could process nested arrays properly === 0.1.8 / 2010-06-01 * Bug fix: attributes for generic vectors (data.frames) stored correctly. A Double vector without attribute dim raises an error on #to_ruby * Almost complete REXP#to_ruby according to http://wiki.github.com/clbustos/Rserve-Ruby-client/to_ruby-worflow * Updated examples === 0.1.7 / 2010-05-28 * Reimplement Rlist as an Array with module WithNames included * Added modules WithAttributes and WithNames * Added examples of use === 0.1.6 / 2010-05-27 * Assign complete for all commons REXPs * Added Connection#shutdown * Added arch dependent for Double NA * Bug fix: list with booleans and NA raise an error * Added support for all types of REXP. * REXP::Wrapper provides a method to convert ruby types to R types. * Added spec for Rlist and REXP::Wrapper * Added generic to_ruby method. Ex.: Rlist#to_ruby returns an array * README.txt updated === 0.1.5 / 2010-05-24 * Bug fix: Incorrect NA for Logical, String and Double Vector * Factors implemented * Correct Manifest.txt === 0.1.3 / 2010-05-24 * Better README.txt * Implemented options hash on Connection.new * Better implementation of errors on connection * REXP::Double#as_strings returns values as floats, not Rationals * Bug fix on REXP#as_double_matrix. * Added REXP#as_matrix, which return a standard library matrix from a R matrix * New spec: REXP === 0.1.2 / 2010-05-21 * List names works now === 0.1.1 / 2010-05-21 YANKED === 0.1.0 / 2010-05-21 * First operational version. Can void_eval and eval on vectors. List needs more work