Sequel::JDBC.load_driver('org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver', :HSQLDB) Sequel.require 'adapters/jdbc/transactions' module Sequel module JDBC Sequel.synchronize do DATABASE_SETUP[:hsqldb] = proc do |db| db.extend(Sequel::JDBC::HSQLDB::DatabaseMethods) db.dataset_class = Sequel::JDBC::HSQLDB::Dataset org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver end end # Database and Dataset support for HSQLDB databases accessed via JDBC. module HSQLDB # Instance methods for HSQLDB Database objects accessed via JDBC. module DatabaseMethods extend Sequel::Database::ResetIdentifierMangling PRIMARY_KEY_INDEX_RE = /\Asys_idx_sys_pk_/i.freeze include ::Sequel::JDBC::Transactions # HSQLDB uses the :hsqldb database type. def database_type :hsqldb end # HSQLDB uses an IDENTITY sequence as the default value for primary # key columns. def serial_primary_key_options {:primary_key => true, :type => :integer, :identity=>true, :start_with=>1} end # The version of the database, as an integer (e.g 2.2.5 -> 20205) def db_version @db_version ||= begin v = get{DATABASE_VERSION(){}} if v =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ $1.to_i * 10000 + $2.to_i * 100 + $3.to_i end end end # HSQLDB supports DROP TABLE IF EXISTS def supports_drop_table_if_exists? true end private # HSQLDB specific SQL for renaming columns, and changing column types and/or nullity. def alter_table_sql(table, op) case op[:op] when :add_column if op[:table] [super(table, op.merge(:table=>nil)), alter_table_sql(table, op.merge(:op=>:add_constraint, :type=>:foreign_key, :name=>op[:foreign_key_name], :columns=>[op[:name]], :table=>op[:table]))] else super end when :rename_column "ALTER TABLE #{quote_schema_table(table)} ALTER COLUMN #{quote_identifier(op[:name])} RENAME TO #{quote_identifier(op[:new_name])}" when :set_column_type "ALTER TABLE #{quote_schema_table(table)} ALTER COLUMN #{quote_identifier(op[:name])} SET DATA TYPE #{type_literal(op)}" when :set_column_null "ALTER TABLE #{quote_schema_table(table)} ALTER COLUMN #{quote_identifier(op[:name])} SET #{op[:null] ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL'}" else super end end # HSQLDB requires parens around the SELECT, and the WITH DATA syntax. def create_table_as_sql(name, sql, options) "#{create_table_prefix_sql(name, options)} AS (#{sql}) WITH DATA" end DATABASE_ERROR_REGEXPS = { /integrity constraint violation: unique constraint or index violation/ => UniqueConstraintViolation, /integrity constraint violation: foreign key/ => ForeignKeyConstraintViolation, /integrity constraint violation: check constraint/ => CheckConstraintViolation, /integrity constraint violation: NOT NULL check constraint/ => NotNullConstraintViolation, /serialization failure/ => SerializationFailure, }.freeze def database_error_regexps DATABASE_ERROR_REGEXPS end # IF EXISTS comes after table name on HSQLDB def drop_table_sql(name, options) "DROP TABLE #{quote_schema_table(name)}#{' IF EXISTS' if options[:if_exists]}#{' CASCADE' if options[:cascade]}" end # IF EXISTS comes after view name on HSQLDB def drop_view_sql(name, options) "DROP VIEW #{quote_schema_table(name)}#{' IF EXISTS' if options[:if_exists]}#{' CASCADE' if options[:cascade]}" end # Use IDENTITY() to get the last inserted id. def last_insert_id(conn, opts=OPTS) statement(conn) do |stmt| sql = 'CALL IDENTITY()' rs = log_yield(sql){stmt.executeQuery(sql)} rs.getLong(1) end end # Primary key indexes appear to start with sys_idx_sys_pk_ on HSQLDB def primary_key_index_re PRIMARY_KEY_INDEX_RE end # If an :identity option is present in the column, add the necessary IDENTITY SQL. # It's possible to use an IDENTITY type, but that defaults the sequence to start # at 0 instead of 1, and we don't want that. def type_literal(column) if column[:identity] sql = "#{super} GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY" if sw = column[:start_with] sql << " (START WITH #{sw.to_i}" sql << " INCREMENT BY #{column[:increment_by].to_i}" if column[:increment_by] sql << ")" end sql else super end end # HSQLDB uses clob for text types. def uses_clob_for_text? true end # HSQLDB supports views with check option. def view_with_check_option_support :local end end # Dataset class for HSQLDB datasets accessed via JDBC. class Dataset < JDBC::Dataset BOOL_TRUE = 'TRUE'.freeze BOOL_FALSE = 'FALSE'.freeze SQL_WITH_RECURSIVE = "WITH RECURSIVE ".freeze APOS = Dataset::APOS HSTAR = "H*".freeze BLOB_OPEN = "X'".freeze DEFAULT_FROM = " FROM (VALUES (0))".freeze TIME_FORMAT = "'%H:%M:%S'".freeze # Handle HSQLDB specific case insensitive LIKE and bitwise operator support. def complex_expression_sql_append(sql, op, args) case op when :ILIKE, :"NOT ILIKE" super(sql, (op == :ILIKE ? :LIKE : :"NOT LIKE"),{|v|, v)}) when :&, :|, :^, :%, :<<, :>>, :'B~' complex_expression_emulate_append(sql, op, args) else super end end # HSQLDB requires recursive CTEs to have column aliases. def recursive_cte_requires_column_aliases? true end # HSQLDB requires SQL standard datetimes in some places. def requires_sql_standard_datetimes? true end # HSQLDB does support common table expressions, but the support is broken. # CTEs operate more like temprorary tables or views, lasting longer than the duration of the expression. # CTEs in earlier queries might take precedence over CTEs with the same name in later queries. # Also, if any CTE is recursive, all CTEs must be recursive. # If you want to use CTEs with HSQLDB, you'll have to manually modify the dataset to allow it. def supports_cte?(type=:select) false end # HSQLDB does not support IS TRUE. def supports_is_true? false end # HSQLDB supports lateral subqueries. def supports_lateral_subqueries? true end private def empty_from_sql DEFAULT_FROM end # Use string in hex format for blob data. def literal_blob_append(sql, v) sql << BLOB_OPEN << v.unpack(HSTAR).first << APOS end # HSQLDB uses FALSE for false values. def literal_false BOOL_FALSE end # HSQLDB handles fractional seconds in timestamps, but not in times def literal_sqltime(v) v.strftime(TIME_FORMAT) end # HSQLDB uses TRUE for true values. def literal_true BOOL_TRUE end # HSQLDB supports multiple rows in INSERT. def multi_insert_sql_strategy :values end # Use WITH RECURSIVE instead of WITH if any of the CTEs is recursive def select_with_sql_base opts[:with].any?{|w| w[:recursive]} ? SQL_WITH_RECURSIVE : super end end end end end