module Sorcery module Controller module Config class << self attr_accessor :submodules, :user_class, # what class to use as the user class. :not_authenticated_action, # what controller action to call for non-authenticated users. :save_return_to_url, # when a non logged in user tries to enter a page that requires # login, save the URL he wanted to reach, # and send him there after login. :cookie_domain, # set domain option for cookies :login_sources, :after_login, :after_failed_login, :before_logout, :after_logout def init! @defaults = { :@user_class => nil, :@submodules => [], :@not_authenticated_action => :not_authenticated, :@login_sources => [], :@after_login => [], :@after_failed_login => [], :@before_logout => [], :@after_logout => [], :@save_return_to_url => true, :@cookie_domain => nil } end # Resets all configuration options to their default values. def reset! @defaults.each do |k,v| instance_variable_set(k,v) end end def update! @defaults.each do |k,v| instance_variable_set(k,v) if !instance_variable_defined?(k) end end def user_config(&blk) block_given? ? @user_config = blk : @user_config end def configure(&blk) @configure_blk = blk end def configure! if @configure_blk end end init! reset! end end end