# SlonikMigration A rails migration gem for slony using `slonik_execute_script` command. ## Dependencies * ruby 2.4+ * activerecord 5.0+ * slony 2.2+ ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'slonik_migration' ``` Then execute: $ bundle Generate config file: $ bundle exec rails g slonik_migration:config ## Configuration Edit `config/slonik.yml`. ```yaml default: &default # enable migration with slonik enabled: true # slonik command. $SQL is replaced with raw SQL. command: slonik_execute_script -c $SQL 1 | sed "s/set id = 1,//" | slonik # slonik command for remote server. # command: ssh -p 22 user@ 'slonik_execute_script -c $SQL 1 | sed "s/set id = 1,//" | slonik' # table/sequence owner. owner: owner development: <<: *default test: <<: *default production: <<: *default ``` ## Usage This gem enhances following rails commands: * db:migrate * db:migrate:up * db:migrate:down You can use migration command as usual: $ bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production If you want to specify config file: $ bundle exec rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=production CONFIG=/path/to/slonik.yml ## Execution example Migration command executes `slonik_execute_command` as the following example: slonik_execute_script -c CREATE\ TABLE\ \"test_tables\"\ \(\"id\"\ bigserial\ primary\ key,\ \"title\"\ text\) 1 | sed "s/set id = 1,//" | slonik ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome at https://github.com/kanety/slonik_migration. ## Reference This gem is inspired by [the discussions](http://justatheory.com/computers/databases/postgresql/rails_and_slony.html). ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).