require File.expand_path("../spec_helper", File.dirname(__FILE__)) describe Sprinkle::Policy do include Sprinkle::Policy before do @name = 'a policy' end describe 'with a role with no matching servers' do before do @policy = policy @name, :roles => :app do; end end it "should raise an error" do @deployment = mock(:style => {}) lambda { @policy.process(@deployment) }.should raise_error(Sprinkle::Policy::NoMatchingServersError) end end describe 'when created' do it 'should be invalid without a name' do lambda { policy nil }.should raise_error end it 'should be invalid without role definitions' do lambda { policy @name do; end }.should raise_error lambda { policy @name, :roles => :app do; end }.should_not raise_error end it 'should optionally accept package dependencies' do p = policy @name, :roles => :app do; end p.should respond_to(:requires) p.requires :appserver p.packages.should == [ :appserver ] end it 'should optionally accept package dependencies with versions' do p = policy @name, :roles => :app do; end p.requires :appserver, :version => 2 p.packages.should == [ :appserver ] # pending 'requires version checking implementation' end it 'should add itself to the global policy list' do sz = Sprinkle::Policy::POLICIES.size p = policy @name, :roles => :app do; end Sprinkle::Policy::POLICIES.size.should == sz + 1 Sprinkle::Policy::POLICIES.last.should == p end end describe 'with packages' do include Sprinkle::Package before do @deployment = mock(Sprinkle::Deployment) actor = mock(:servers_for_role? => true) @deployment.stub!(:style).and_return(actor) Sprinkle::Package::PACKAGES.clear # reset full package list before each spec is run @a = package :a do; requires :b; requires :c; end @b = package :b, :provides => :xyz do; end @c = package :c, :provides => :abc do; end @d = package :d, :provides => :abc do; end @a.stub!(:instance).and_return(@a) @b.stub!(:instance).and_return(@b) @c.stub!(:instance).and_return(@c) @d.stub!(:instance).and_return(@d) @policy = policy :test, :roles => :app do; requires :a; end $terminal.stub!(:choose).and_return(:c) # stub out highline asking questions end describe 'when applying' do include Sprinkle::Package it 'should determine the packages to install via the hierarchy dependency tree of each package in the policy' do @a.should_receive(:process).and_return @b.should_receive(:process).and_return @c.should_receive(:process).and_return @d.should_not_receive(:process) end it 'should normalize (ie remove duplicates from) the installation order of all packages including dependencies' do @e = package :e do; requires :b; end @policy.requires :e @e.stub!(:instance).and_return(@e) @a.should_receive(:process).once.and_return @b.should_receive(:process).once.and_return @c.should_receive(:process).once.and_return @d.should_not_receive(:process) @e.should_receive(:process).once.and_return end end describe 'containing package dependencies with versions' do it 'should select the correct package version when applying' do @my3 = package :mysql do; version 3; end @my4 = package :mysql do; version 4; end @my5 = package :mysql do; version 5; end @e = package :e do; requires :mysql, :version => "4"; end @policy.requires :e @e.stub!(:instance).and_return @e @my4.stub!(:instance).and_return @my4 @my3.should_not_receive(:process) @my5.should_not_receive(:process) @my4.should_receive(:process) end end describe 'containing virtual packages' do it 'should automatically select a concrete package implementation for a virtual one when there exists only one possible selection' do @policy = policy :virtual, :roles => :app do; requires :xyz; end @b.should_receive(:process) end it 'should ask the user for the concrete package implementation to use for a virtual one when more than one possible choice exists' do @policy = policy :virtual, :roles => :app do; requires :abc; end $terminal.should_receive(:choose).and_return(:c) @c.should_receive(:process) end end after do @policy.process(@deployment) end end end describe Sprinkle::Policy, 'with missing packages' do before do @deployment = mock(Sprinkle::Deployment) actor = mock(:servers_for_role? => true) @deployment.stub!(:style).and_return(actor) Sprinkle::Package::PACKAGES.clear # reset full package list before each spec is run @policy = policy :test, :roles => :app do; requires :z; end $terminal.stub!(:choose).and_return(:c) # stub out highline asking questions end it 'should raise an error if a package is missing' do lambda { @policy.process(@deployment) }.should raise_error end end