# frozen-string-literal: true require 'java' require_relative 'utils/stored_procedures' module Sequel module JDBC # Make it accesing the java.sql hierarchy more ruby friendly. module JavaSQL include_package 'java.sql' end # Used to identify a jndi connection and to extract the jndi # resource name. JNDI_URI_REGEXP = /\Ajdbc:jndi:(.+)/ # Contains procs keyed on subadapter type that extend the # given database object so it supports the correct database type. DATABASE_SETUP = {} # Allow loading the necessary JDBC support via a gem. def self.load_gem(name) begin require "jdbc/#{name.to_s.downcase}" rescue LoadError # jdbc gem not used, hopefully the user has the .jar in their CLASSPATH else if defined?(::Jdbc) && ( ::Jdbc.const_defined?(name) rescue nil ) jdbc_module = ::Jdbc.const_get(name) # e.g. Jdbc::SQLite3 jdbc_module.load_driver if jdbc_module.respond_to?(:load_driver) end end end # Attempt to load the JDBC driver class, which should be specified as a string # containing the driver class name (which JRuby should autoload). # Note that the string is evaled, so this method is not safe to call with # untrusted input. # Raise a Sequel::AdapterNotFound if evaluating the class name raises a NameError. def self.load_driver(drv, gem=nil) load_gem(gem) if gem eval drv rescue NameError raise Sequel::AdapterNotFound, "#{drv} not loaded#{", try installing jdbc-#{gem.to_s.downcase} gem" if gem}" end class TypeConvertor %w'Boolean Float Double Int Long Short'.each do |meth| class_eval("def #{meth}(r, i) v = r.get#{meth}(i); v unless r.wasNull end", __FILE__, __LINE__) end %w'Object Array String Time Date Timestamp BigDecimal Blob Bytes Clob'.each do |meth| class_eval("def #{meth}(r, i) r.get#{meth}(i) end", __FILE__, __LINE__) end def RubyTime(r, i) if v = r.getTime(i) Sequel.string_to_time("#{v.to_string}.#{sprintf('%03i', v.getTime.divmod(1000).last)}") end end def RubyDate(r, i) if v = r.getDate(i) Date.civil(v.getYear + 1900, v.getMonth + 1, v.getDate) end end def RubyTimestamp(r, i) if v = r.getTimestamp(i) Sequel.database_to_application_timestamp([v.getYear + 1900, v.getMonth + 1, v.getDate, v.getHours, v.getMinutes, v.getSeconds, v.getNanos]) end end def RubyBigDecimal(r, i) if v = r.getBigDecimal(i) BigDecimal.new(v.to_string) end end def RubyBlob(r, i) if v = r.getBytes(i) Sequel::SQL::Blob.new(String.from_java_bytes(v)) end end def RubyClob(r, i) if v = r.getClob(i) v.getSubString(1, v.length) end end o = new MAP = Hash.new(o.method(:Object)) types = Java::JavaSQL::Types { :ARRAY => :Array, :BOOLEAN => :Boolean, :CHAR => :String, :DOUBLE => :Double, :FLOAT => :Double, :INTEGER => :Int, :LONGNVARCHAR => :String, :LONGVARCHAR => :String, :NCHAR => :String, :REAL => :Float, :SMALLINT => :Short, :TINYINT => :Short, :VARCHAR => :String, }.each do |type, meth| MAP[types.const_get(type)] = o.method(meth) end BASIC_MAP = MAP.dup { :BINARY => :Blob, :BLOB => :Blob, :CLOB => :Clob, :DATE => :Date, :DECIMAL => :BigDecimal, :LONGVARBINARY => :Blob, :NCLOB => :Clob, :NUMERIC => :BigDecimal, :TIME => :Time, :TIMESTAMP => :Timestamp, :VARBINARY => :Blob, }.each do |type, meth| BASIC_MAP[types.const_get(type)] = o.method(meth) MAP[types.const_get(type)] = o.method(:"Ruby#{meth}") end MAP.freeze BASIC_MAP.freeze freeze end class Database < Sequel::Database set_adapter_scheme :jdbc # The Java database driver we are using (should be a Java class) attr_reader :driver # Whether to convert some Java types to ruby types when retrieving rows. # True by default, can be set to false to roughly double performance when # fetching rows. attr_accessor :convert_types # The fetch size to use for JDBC Statement objects created by this database. # By default, this is nil so a fetch size is not set explicitly. attr_accessor :fetch_size # Map of JDBC type ids to callable objects that return appropriate ruby values. attr_reader :type_convertor_map # Map of JDBC type ids to callable objects that return appropriate ruby or java values. attr_reader :basic_type_convertor_map # Execute the given stored procedure with the give name. If a block is # given, the stored procedure should return rows. def call_sproc(name, opts = OPTS) args = opts[:args] || [] sql = "{call #{name}(#{args.map{'?'}.join(',')})}" synchronize(opts[:server]) do |conn| cps = conn.prepareCall(sql) i = 0 args.each{|arg| set_ps_arg(cps, arg, i+=1)} begin if block_given? yield log_connection_yield(sql, conn){cps.executeQuery} else log_connection_yield(sql, conn){cps.executeUpdate} if opts[:type] == :insert last_insert_id(conn, opts) end end rescue NativeException, JavaSQL::SQLException => e raise_error(e) ensure cps.close end end end # Connect to the database using JavaSQL::DriverManager.getConnection, and falling back # to driver.new.connect if the driver is known. def connect(server) opts = server_opts(server) conn = if jndi? get_connection_from_jndi else args = [uri(opts)] args.concat([opts[:user], opts[:password]]) if opts[:user] && opts[:password] begin JavaSQL::DriverManager.setLoginTimeout(opts[:login_timeout]) if opts[:login_timeout] raise StandardError, "skipping regular connection" if opts[:jdbc_properties] JavaSQL::DriverManager.getConnection(*args) rescue JavaSQL::SQLException, NativeException, StandardError => e raise e unless driver # If the DriverManager can't get the connection - use the connect # method of the driver. (This happens under Tomcat for instance) props = java.util.Properties.new if opts && opts[:user] && opts[:password] props.setProperty("user", opts[:user]) props.setProperty("password", opts[:password]) end opts[:jdbc_properties].each{|k,v| props.setProperty(k.to_s, v)} if opts[:jdbc_properties] begin c = driver.new.connect(args[0], props) raise(Sequel::DatabaseError, 'driver.new.connect returned nil: probably bad JDBC connection string') unless c c rescue JavaSQL::SQLException, NativeException, StandardError => e2 if e2.respond_to?(:message=) && e2.message != e.message e2.message = "#{e2.message}\n#{e.class.name}: #{e.message}" end raise e2 end end end setup_connection(conn) end # Close given adapter connections, and delete any related prepared statements. def disconnect_connection(c) @connection_prepared_statements_mutex.synchronize{@connection_prepared_statements.delete(c)} c.close end def execute(sql, opts=OPTS, &block) return call_sproc(sql, opts, &block) if opts[:sproc] return execute_prepared_statement(sql, opts, &block) if [Symbol, Dataset].any?{|c| sql.is_a?(c)} synchronize(opts[:server]) do |conn| statement(conn) do |stmt| if block if size = fetch_size stmt.setFetchSize(size) end yield log_connection_yield(sql, conn){stmt.executeQuery(sql)} else case opts[:type] when :ddl log_connection_yield(sql, conn){stmt.execute(sql)} when :insert log_connection_yield(sql, conn){execute_statement_insert(stmt, sql)} last_insert_id(conn, Hash[opts].merge!(:stmt=>stmt)) else log_connection_yield(sql, conn){stmt.executeUpdate(sql)} end end end end end alias execute_dui execute def execute_ddl(sql, opts=OPTS) opts = Hash[opts] opts[:type] = :ddl execute(sql, opts) end def execute_insert(sql, opts=OPTS) opts = Hash[opts] opts[:type] = :insert execute(sql, opts) end def freeze @type_convertor_map.freeze @basic_type_convertor_map.freeze super end # Use the JDBC metadata to get a list of foreign keys for the table. def foreign_key_list(table, opts=OPTS) m = output_identifier_meth schema, table = metadata_schema_and_table(table, opts) foreign_keys = {} metadata(:getImportedKeys, nil, schema, table) do |r| if fk = foreign_keys[r[:fk_name]] fk[:columns] << [r[:key_seq], m.call(r[:fkcolumn_name])] fk[:key] << [r[:key_seq], m.call(r[:pkcolumn_name])] elsif r[:fk_name] foreign_keys[r[:fk_name]] = {:name=>m.call(r[:fk_name]), :columns=>[[r[:key_seq], m.call(r[:fkcolumn_name])]], :table=>m.call(r[:pktable_name]), :key=>[[r[:key_seq], m.call(r[:pkcolumn_name])]]} end end foreign_keys.values.each do |fk| [:columns, :key].each do |k| fk[k] = fk[k].sort.map{|_, v| v} end end end # Use the JDBC metadata to get the index information for the table. def indexes(table, opts=OPTS) m = output_identifier_meth schema, table = metadata_schema_and_table(table, opts) indexes = {} metadata(:getIndexInfo, nil, schema, table, false, true) do |r| next unless name = r[:column_name] next if respond_to?(:primary_key_index_re, true) and r[:index_name] =~ primary_key_index_re i = indexes[m.call(r[:index_name])] ||= {:columns=>[], :unique=>[false, 0].include?(r[:non_unique])} i[:columns] << m.call(name) end indexes end # Whether or not JNDI is being used for this connection. def jndi? !!(uri =~ JNDI_URI_REGEXP) end # All tables in this database def tables(opts=OPTS) get_tables('TABLE', opts) end # The uri for this connection. You can specify the uri # using the :uri, :url, or :database options. You don't # need to worry about this if you use Sequel.connect # with the JDBC connectrion strings. def uri(opts=OPTS) opts = @opts.merge(opts) ur = opts[:uri] || opts[:url] || opts[:database] ur =~ /^\Ajdbc:/ ? ur : "jdbc:#{ur}" end # All views in this database def views(opts=OPTS) get_tables('VIEW', opts) end private # Call the DATABASE_SETUP proc directly after initialization, # so the object always uses sub adapter specific code. Also, # raise an error immediately if the connection doesn't have a # uri, since JDBC requires one. def adapter_initialize @connection_prepared_statements = {} @connection_prepared_statements_mutex = Mutex.new @fetch_size = @opts[:fetch_size] ? typecast_value_integer(@opts[:fetch_size]) : default_fetch_size @convert_types = typecast_value_boolean(@opts.fetch(:convert_types, true)) raise(Error, "No connection string specified") unless uri resolved_uri = jndi? ? get_uri_from_jndi : uri setup_type_convertor_map_early @driver = if (match = /\Ajdbc:([^:]+)/.match(resolved_uri)) && (prok = Sequel::Database.load_adapter(match[1].to_sym, :map=>DATABASE_SETUP, :subdir=>'jdbc')) prok.call(self) else @opts[:driver] end setup_type_convertor_map end # Yield the native prepared statements hash for the given connection # to the block in a thread-safe manner. def cps_sync(conn, &block) @connection_prepared_statements_mutex.synchronize{yield(@connection_prepared_statements[conn] ||= {})} end def database_error_classes [NativeException] end def database_exception_sqlstate(exception, opts) if database_exception_use_sqlstates? while exception.respond_to?(:cause) exception = exception.cause return exception.getSQLState if exception.respond_to?(:getSQLState) end end nil end # Whether the JDBC subadapter should use SQL states for exception handling, true by default. def database_exception_use_sqlstates? true end def dataset_class_default Dataset end # Raise a disconnect error if the SQL state of the cause of the exception indicates so. def disconnect_error?(exception, opts) cause = exception.respond_to?(:cause) ? exception.cause : exception super || (cause.respond_to?(:getSQLState) && cause.getSQLState =~ /^08/) end # Execute the prepared statement. If the provided name is a # dataset, use that as the prepared statement, otherwise use # it as a key to look it up in the prepared_statements hash. # If the connection we are using has already prepared an identical # statement, use that statement instead of creating another. # Otherwise, prepare a new statement for the connection, bind the # variables, and execute it. def execute_prepared_statement(name, opts=OPTS) args = opts[:arguments] if name.is_a?(Dataset) ps = name name = ps.prepared_statement_name else ps = prepared_statement(name) end sql = ps.prepared_sql synchronize(opts[:server]) do |conn| if name and cps = cps_sync(conn){|cpsh| cpsh[name]} and cps[0] == sql cps = cps[1] else log_connection_yield("CLOSE #{name}", conn){cps[1].close} if cps cps = log_connection_yield("PREPARE#{" #{name}:" if name} #{sql}", conn){prepare_jdbc_statement(conn, sql, opts)} if size = fetch_size cps.setFetchSize(size) end cps_sync(conn){|cpsh| cpsh[name] = [sql, cps]} if name end i = 0 args.each{|arg| set_ps_arg(cps, arg, i+=1)} msg = "EXECUTE#{" #{name}" if name}" if ps.log_sql msg += " (" msg << sql msg << ")" end begin if block_given? yield log_connection_yield(msg, conn, args){cps.executeQuery} else case opts[:type] when :ddl log_connection_yield(msg, conn, args){cps.execute} when :insert log_connection_yield(msg, conn, args){execute_prepared_statement_insert(cps)} last_insert_id(conn, Hash[opts].merge!(:prepared=>true, :stmt=>cps)) else log_connection_yield(msg, conn, args){cps.executeUpdate} end end rescue NativeException, JavaSQL::SQLException => e raise_error(e) ensure cps.close unless name end end end # Execute the prepared insert statement def execute_prepared_statement_insert(stmt) stmt.executeUpdate end # Execute the insert SQL using the statement def execute_statement_insert(stmt, sql) stmt.executeUpdate(sql) end # The default fetch size to use for statements. Nil by default, so that the # default for the JDBC driver is used. def default_fetch_size nil end # Gets the connection from JNDI. def get_connection_from_jndi jndi_name = JNDI_URI_REGEXP.match(uri)[1] javax.naming.InitialContext.new.lookup(jndi_name).connection end # Gets the JDBC connection uri from the JNDI resource. def get_uri_from_jndi conn = get_connection_from_jndi conn.meta_data.url ensure conn.close if conn end # Backbone of the tables and views support. def get_tables(type, opts) ts = [] m = output_identifier_meth if schema = opts[:schema] schema = schema.to_s end metadata(:getTables, nil, schema, nil, [type].to_java(:string)){|h| ts << m.call(h[:table_name])} ts end # Support Date objects used in bound variables def java_sql_date(date) java.sql.Date.new(Time.local(date.year, date.month, date.day).to_i * 1000) end # Support DateTime objects used in bound variables def java_sql_datetime(datetime) ts = java.sql.Timestamp.new(Time.local(datetime.year, datetime.month, datetime.day, datetime.hour, datetime.min, datetime.sec).to_i * 1000) ts.setNanos((datetime.sec_fraction * 1000000000).to_i) ts end # Support fractional seconds for Time objects used in bound variables def java_sql_timestamp(time) ts = java.sql.Timestamp.new(time.to_i * 1000) ts.setNanos(time.nsec) ts end def log_connection_execute(conn, sql) statement(conn){|s| log_connection_yield(sql, conn){s.execute(sql)}} end # By default, there is no support for determining the last inserted # id, so return nil. This method should be overridden in # subadapters. def last_insert_id(conn, opts) nil end # Yield the metadata for this database def metadata(*args, &block) synchronize do |c| result = c.getMetaData.public_send(*args) begin metadata_dataset.send(:process_result_set, result, &block) ensure result.close end end end # Return the schema and table suitable for use with metadata queries. def metadata_schema_and_table(table, opts) im = input_identifier_meth(opts[:dataset]) schema, table = schema_and_table(table) schema ||= opts[:schema] schema = im.call(schema) if schema table = im.call(table) [schema, table] end # Created a JDBC prepared statement on the connection with the given SQL. def prepare_jdbc_statement(conn, sql, opts) conn.prepareStatement(sql) end # Java being java, you need to specify the type of each argument # for the prepared statement, and bind it individually. This # guesses which JDBC method to use, and hopefully JRuby will convert # things properly for us. def set_ps_arg(cps, arg, i) case arg when Integer cps.setLong(i, arg) when Sequel::SQL::Blob cps.setBytes(i, arg.to_java_bytes) when String cps.setString(i, arg) when Float cps.setDouble(i, arg) when TrueClass, FalseClass cps.setBoolean(i, arg) when NilClass set_ps_arg_nil(cps, i) when DateTime cps.setTimestamp(i, java_sql_datetime(arg)) when Date cps.setDate(i, java_sql_date(arg)) when Time cps.setTimestamp(i, java_sql_timestamp(arg)) when Java::JavaSql::Timestamp cps.setTimestamp(i, arg) when Java::JavaSql::Date cps.setDate(i, arg) else cps.setObject(i, arg) end end # Use setString with a nil value by default, but this doesn't work on all subadapters. def set_ps_arg_nil(cps, i) cps.setString(i, nil) end # Return the connection. Can be overridden in subadapters for database specific setup. def setup_connection(conn) conn end def schema_column_set_db_type(schema) case schema[:type] when :string if schema[:db_type] =~ /\A(character( varying)?|n?(var)?char2?)\z/io && schema[:column_size] > 0 schema[:db_type] += "(#{schema[:column_size]})" end when :decimal if schema[:db_type] =~ /\A(decimal|numeric)\z/io && schema[:column_size] > 0 && schema[:scale] >= 0 schema[:db_type] += "(#{schema[:column_size]}, #{schema[:scale]})" end end end def schema_parse_table(table, opts=OPTS) m = output_identifier_meth(opts[:dataset]) schema, table = metadata_schema_and_table(table, opts) pks, ts = [], [] metadata(:getPrimaryKeys, nil, schema, table) do |h| next if schema_parse_table_skip?(h, schema) pks << h[:column_name] end schemas = [] metadata(:getColumns, nil, schema, table, nil) do |h| next if schema_parse_table_skip?(h, schema) s = { :type=>schema_column_type(h[:type_name]), :db_type=>h[:type_name], :default=>(h[:column_def] == '' ? nil : h[:column_def]), :allow_null=>(h[:nullable] != 0), :primary_key=>pks.include?(h[:column_name]), :column_size=>h[:column_size], :scale=>h[:decimal_digits], :remarks=>h[:remarks] } if s[:primary_key] s[:auto_increment] = h[:is_autoincrement] == "YES" end s[:max_length] = s[:column_size] if s[:type] == :string if s[:db_type] =~ /number|numeric|decimal/i && s[:scale] == 0 s[:type] = :integer end schema_column_set_db_type(s) schemas << h[:table_schem] unless schemas.include?(h[:table_schem]) ts << [m.call(h[:column_name]), s] end if schemas.length > 1 raise Error, 'Schema parsing in the jdbc adapter resulted in columns being returned for a table with the same name in multiple schemas. Please explicitly qualify your table with a schema.' end ts end # Skip tables in the INFORMATION_SCHEMA when parsing columns. def schema_parse_table_skip?(h, schema) h[:table_schem] == 'INFORMATION_SCHEMA' end # Called after loading subadapter-specific code, overridable by subadapters. def setup_type_convertor_map end # Called before loading subadapter-specific code, necessary so that subadapter initialization code # that runs queries works correctly. This cannot be overridden in subadapters. def setup_type_convertor_map_early @type_convertor_map = TypeConvertor::MAP.merge(Java::JavaSQL::Types::TIMESTAMP=>method(:timestamp_convert)) @basic_type_convertor_map = TypeConvertor::BASIC_MAP.dup end # Yield a new statement object, and ensure that it is closed before returning. def statement(conn) stmt = conn.createStatement yield stmt rescue NativeException, JavaSQL::SQLException => e raise_error(e) ensure stmt.close if stmt end # A conversion method for timestamp columns. This is used to make sure timestamps are converted using the # correct timezone. def timestamp_convert(r, i) if v = r.getTimestamp(i) to_application_timestamp([v.getYear + 1900, v.getMonth + 1, v.getDate, v.getHours, v.getMinutes, v.getSeconds, v.getNanos]) end end end class Dataset < Sequel::Dataset include StoredProcedures PreparedStatementMethods = prepared_statements_module( "sql = self; opts = Hash[opts]; opts[:arguments] = bind_arguments", Sequel::Dataset::UnnumberedArgumentMapper, %w"execute execute_dui") do private def execute_insert(sql, opts=OPTS) sql = self opts = Hash[opts] opts[:arguments] = bind_arguments opts[:type] = :insert super end end StoredProcedureMethods = prepared_statements_module( "sql = @opts[:sproc_name]; opts = Hash[opts]; opts[:args] = @opts[:sproc_args]; opts[:sproc] = true", Sequel::Dataset::StoredProcedureMethods, %w"execute execute_dui") do private def execute_insert(sql, opts=OPTS) sql = @opts[:sproc_name] opts = Hash[opts] opts[:args] = @opts[:sproc_args] opts[:sproc] = true opts[:type] = :insert super end end def fetch_rows(sql, &block) execute(sql){|result| process_result_set(result, &block)} self end # Set the fetch size on JDBC ResultSets created from the returned dataset. def with_fetch_size(size) clone(:fetch_size=>size) end # Set whether to convert Java types to ruby types in the returned dataset. def with_convert_types(v) clone(:convert_types=>v) end private # Whether we should convert Java types to ruby types for this dataset. def convert_types? ct = @opts[:convert_types] ct.nil? ? db.convert_types : ct end # Extend the dataset with the JDBC stored procedure methods. def prepare_extend_sproc(ds) ds.with_extend(StoredProcedureMethods) end # The type conversion proc to use for the given column number i, # given the type conversion map and the ResultSetMetaData. def type_convertor(map, meta, type, i) map[type] end # The basic type conversion proc to use for the given column number i, # given the type conversion map and the ResultSetMetaData. # # This is implemented as a separate method so that subclasses can # override the methods separately. def basic_type_convertor(map, meta, type, i) map[type] end def prepared_statement_modules [PreparedStatementMethods] end # Split out from fetch rows to allow processing of JDBC result sets # that don't come from issuing an SQL string. def process_result_set(result) meta = result.getMetaData if fetch_size = opts[:fetch_size] result.setFetchSize(fetch_size) end cols = [] i = 0 convert = convert_types? map = convert ? db.type_convertor_map : db.basic_type_convertor_map meta.getColumnCount.times do i += 1 cols << [output_identifier(meta.getColumnLabel(i)), i, convert ? type_convertor(map, meta, meta.getColumnType(i), i) : basic_type_convertor(map, meta, meta.getColumnType(i), i)] end self.columns = cols.map{|c| c[0]} while result.next row = {} cols.each do |n, j, pr| row[n] = pr.call(result, j) end yield row end ensure result.close end end end end