/* * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * In addition to the permissions in the GNU General Public License, * the authors give you unlimited permission to link the compiled * version of this file into combinations with other programs, * and to distribute those combinations without any restriction * coming from the use of this file. (The General Public License * restrictions do apply in other respects; for example, they cover * modification of the file, and distribution when not linked into * a combined executable.) * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef INCLUDE_git_refs_h__ #define INCLUDE_git_refs_h__ #include "common.h" #include "types.h" #include "oid.h" /** * @file git2/refs.h * @brief Git reference management routines * @defgroup git_reference Git reference management routines * @ingroup Git * @{ */ GIT_BEGIN_DECL /** * Lookup a reference by its name in a repository. * * The generated reference is owned by the repository and * should not be freed by the user. * * @param reference_out pointer to the looked-up reference * @param repo the repository to look up the reference * @param name the long name for the reference (e.g. HEAD, ref/heads/master, refs/tags/v0.1.0, ...) * @return 0 on success; error code otherwise */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_reference_lookup(git_reference **reference_out, git_repository *repo, const char *name); /** * Create a new symbolic reference. * * The reference will be created in the repository and written * to the disk. * * This reference is owned by the repository and shall not * be free'd by the user. * * @param ref_out Pointer to the newly created reference * @param repo Repository where that reference will live * @param name The name of the reference * @param target The target of the reference * @return 0 on success; error code otherwise */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_reference_create_symbolic(git_reference **ref_out, git_repository *repo, const char *name, const char *target); /** * Create a new symbolic reference, overwriting an existing one with * the same name, if it exists. * * If the new reference isn't a symbolic one, any pointers to the old * reference become invalid. * * The reference will be created in the repository and written * to the disk. * * This reference is owned by the repository and shall not * be free'd by the user. * * @param ref_out Pointer to the newly created reference * @param repo Repository where that reference will live * @param name The name of the reference * @param target The target of the reference * @return 0 on success; error code otherwise */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_reference_create_symbolic_f(git_reference **ref_out, git_repository *repo, const char *name, const char *target); /** * Create a new object id reference. * * The reference will be created in the repository and written * to the disk. * * This reference is owned by the repository and shall not * be free'd by the user. * * @param ref_out Pointer to the newly created reference * @param repo Repository where that reference will live * @param name The name of the reference * @param id The object id pointed to by the reference. * @return 0 on success; error code otherwise */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_reference_create_oid(git_reference **ref_out, git_repository *repo, const char *name, const git_oid *id); /** * Create a new object id reference, overwriting an existing one with * the same name, if it exists. * * If the new reference isn't an object id one, any pointers to the * old reference become invalid. * * The reference will be created in the repository and written * to the disk. * * This reference is owned by the repository and shall not * be free'd by the user. * * @param ref_out Pointer to the newly created reference * @param repo Repository where that reference will live * @param name The name of the reference * @param id The object id pointed to by the reference. * @return 0 on success; error code otherwise */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_reference_create_oid_f(git_reference **ref_out, git_repository *repo, const char *name, const git_oid *id); /** * Get the OID pointed to by a reference. * * Only available if the reference is direct (i.e. not symbolic) * * @param ref The reference * @return a pointer to the oid if available, NULL otherwise */ GIT_EXTERN(const git_oid *) git_reference_oid(git_reference *ref); /** * Get full name to the reference pointed by this reference * * Only available if the reference is symbolic * * @param ref The reference * @return a pointer to the name if available, NULL otherwise */ GIT_EXTERN(const char *) git_reference_target(git_reference *ref); /** * Get the type of a reference * * Either direct (GIT_REF_OID) or symbolic (GIT_REF_SYMBOLIC) * * @param ref The reference * @return the type */ GIT_EXTERN(git_rtype) git_reference_type(git_reference *ref); /** * Get the full name of a reference * * @param ref The reference * @return the full name for the ref */ GIT_EXTERN(const char *) git_reference_name(git_reference *ref); /** * Resolve a symbolic reference * * Thie method iteratively peels a symbolic reference * until it resolves to a direct reference to an OID. * * If a direct reference is passed as an argument, * that reference is returned immediately * * @param resolved_ref Pointer to the peeled reference * @param ref The reference * @return 0 on success; error code otherwise */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_reference_resolve(git_reference **resolved_ref, git_reference *ref); /** * Get the repository where a reference resides * * @param ref The reference * @return a pointer to the repo */ GIT_EXTERN(git_repository *) git_reference_owner(git_reference *ref); /** * Set the symbolic target of a reference. * * The reference must be a symbolic reference, otherwise * this method will fail. * * The reference will be automatically updated in * memory and on disk. * * @param ref The reference * @param target The new target for the reference * @return 0 on success; error code otherwise */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_reference_set_target(git_reference *ref, const char *target); /** * Set the OID target of a reference. * * The reference must be a direct reference, otherwise * this method will fail. * * The reference will be automatically updated in * memory and on disk. * * @param ref The reference * @param target The new target OID for the reference * @return 0 on success; error code otherwise */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_reference_set_oid(git_reference *ref, const git_oid *id); /** * Rename an existing reference * * This method works for both direct and symbolic references. * The new name will be checked for validity and may be * modified into a normalized form. * * The refernece will be immediately renamed in-memory * and on disk. * */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_reference_rename(git_reference *ref, const char *new_name); /** * Rename an existing reference, overwriting an existing one with the * same name, if it exists. * * This method works for both direct and symbolic references. * The new name will be checked for validity and may be * modified into a normalized form. * * The refernece will be immediately renamed in-memory * and on disk. * */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_reference_rename_f(git_reference *ref, const char *new_name); /** * Delete an existing reference * * This method works for both direct and symbolic references. * * The reference will be immediately removed on disk and from * memory. The given reference pointer will no longer be valid. * */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_reference_delete(git_reference *ref); /** * Pack all the loose references in the repository * * This method will load into the cache all the loose * references on the repository and update the * `packed-refs` file with them. * * Once the `packed-refs` file has been written properly, * the loose references will be removed from disk. * * WARNING: calling this method may invalidate any existing * references previously loaded on the cache. * * @param repo Repository where the loose refs will be packed * @return 0 on success; error code otherwise */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_reference_packall(git_repository *repo); /** * Fill a list with all the references that can be found * in a repository. * * The listed references may be filtered by type, or using * a bitwise OR of several types. Use the magic value * `GIT_REF_LISTALL` to obtain all references, including * packed ones. * * The string array will be filled with the names of all * references; these values are owned by the user and * should be free'd manually when no longer needed, using * `git_strarray_free`. * * @param array Pointer to a git_strarray structure where * the reference names will be stored * @param repo Repository where to find the refs * @param list_flags Filtering flags for the reference * listing. * @return 0 on success; error code otherwise */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_reference_listall(git_strarray *array, git_repository *repo, unsigned int list_flags); /** * List all the references in the repository, calling a custom * callback for each one. * * The listed references may be filtered by type, or using * a bitwise OR of several types. Use the magic value * `GIT_REF_LISTALL` to obtain all references, including * packed ones. * * The `callback` function will be called for each of the references * in the repository, and will receive the name of the reference and * the `payload` value passed to this method. * * @param repo Repository where to find the refs * @param list_flags Filtering flags for the reference * listing. * @param callback Function which will be called for every listed ref * @param payload Additional data to pass to the callback * @return 0 on success; error code otherwise */ GIT_EXTERN(int) git_reference_listcb(git_repository *repo, unsigned int list_flags, int (*callback)(const char *, void *), void *payload); /** @} */ GIT_END_DECL #endif