module Neoid module Relationship class << self def from_hash(hash) relationship = relationship end def included(receiver) receiver.send :include, Neoid::ModelAdditions receiver.send :include, InstanceMethods receiver.extend ClassMethods initialize_relationship receiver if Neoid.env_loaded Neoid.relationship_models << receiver end def meta_data @meta_data ||= {} end def initialize_relationship(rel_model) rel_model.reflect_on_all_associations(:belongs_to).each do |belongs_to| return if belongs_to.options[:polymorphic] # e.g. all has_many on User class all_has_many = belongs_to.klass.reflect_on_all_associations(:has_many) # has_many (without through) on the side of the relationship that removes a relationship. e.g. User has_many :likes this_has_many = all_has_many.find { |o| o.klass == rel_model } next unless this_has_many # e.g. User has_many :likes, after_remove: ... full_callback_name = "after_remove_for_#{}" belongs_to.klass.send(full_callback_name) << :neo_after_relationship_remove if belongs_to.klass.method_defined?(full_callback_name) # has_many (with through) on the side of the relationship that removes a relationship. e.g. User has_many :movies, through :likes many_to_many = all_has_many.find { |o| o.options[:through] == } next unless many_to_many return if many_to_many.options[:as] # polymorphic are not supported here yet # user_id foreign_key_of_owner = many_to_many.through_reflection.foreign_key # movie_id foreign_key_of_record = many_to_many.source_reflection.foreign_key (Neoid::Relationship.meta_data ||= {}).tap do |data| (data[] ||= {}).tap do |model_data| model_data[] = [, foreign_key_of_owner, foreign_key_of_record] end end # e.g. User has_many :movies, through: :likes, before_remove: ... full_callback_name = "before_remove_for_#{}" belongs_to.klass.send(full_callback_name) << :neo_before_relationship_through_remove if belongs_to.klass.method_defined?(full_callback_name) # e.g. User has_many :movies, through: :likes, after_remove: ... full_callback_name = "after_remove_for_#{}" belongs_to.klass.send(full_callback_name) << :neo_after_relationship_through_remove if belongs_to.klass.method_defined?(full_callback_name) end end end # this is a proxy that delays loading of start_node and end_node from Neo4j until accessed. # the original Neography Relatioship loaded them on initialization class RelationshipLazyProxy < ::Neography::Relationship def start_node @start_node_from_db ||= @start_node = Neography::Node.load(@start_node, Neoid.db) end def end_node @end_node_from_db ||= @end_node = Neography::Node.load(@end_node, Neoid.db) end end module ClassMethods def delete_command :delete_relationship end end module InstanceMethods def neo_find_by_id results = Neoid.db.get_relationship_auto_index(Neoid::UNIQUE_ID_KEY, neo_unique_id) relationship = results.present? ? Neoid::Relationship.from_hash(results[0]) : nil relationship end def _neo_save return unless Neoid.enabled? options = self.class.neoid_config.relationship_options start_item = send(options[:start_node]) end_item = send(options[:end_node]) return unless start_item && end_item # initialize nodes start_item.neo_node end_item.neo_node data = to_neo.merge(ar_type:, ar_id: id, Neoid::UNIQUE_ID_KEY => neo_unique_id) data.reject! { |k, v| v.nil? } rel_type = options[:type].is_a?(Proc) ? options[:type].call(self) : options[:type] gremlin_query = <<-GREMLIN idx = g.idx('relationship_auto_index'); q = null; if (idx) q = idx.get(unique_id_key, unique_id); relationship = null; if (q && q.hasNext()) { relationship =; relationship_data.each { if (relationship.getProperty(it.key) != it.value) { relationship.setProperty(it.key, it.value); } } } else { node_index = g.idx('node_auto_index'); start_node = node_index.get(unique_id_key, start_node_unique_id).next(); end_node = node_index.get(unique_id_key, end_node_unique_id).next(); relationship = g.addEdge(start_node, end_node, rel_type, relationship_data); } relationship GREMLIN script_vars = { unique_id_key: Neoid::UNIQUE_ID_KEY, relationship_data: data, unique_id: neo_unique_id, start_node_unique_id: start_item.neo_unique_id, end_node_unique_id: end_item.neo_unique_id, rel_type: rel_type } "Relationship#neo_save #{} #{id}" relationship = Neoid.execute_script_or_add_to_batch gremlin_query, script_vars do |value| Neoid::Relationship.from_hash(value) end relationship end def neo_load(hash) Neoid::Relationship.from_hash(hash) end def neo_relationship _neo_representation end end end end