# Generated from a Lead, owned by a Campaign. Deals represent potential # "deals" with contacts and track revenue used for marketing reports. # class Deal < ActiveRecord::Base include E9Rails::ActiveRecord::Initialization include E9Rails::ActiveRecord::Scopes::Times belongs_to :campaign, :inverse_of => :deals belongs_to :tracking_cookie, :inverse_of => :deals belongs_to :offer, :inverse_of => :deals money_columns :value validates :value, :numericality => true %w(total_value average_value total_cost average_cost).each do |money_column| class_eval("def #{money_column}; (r = read_attribute(:#{money_column})) && Money.new(r) end") end scope :reports, lambda { select_sql = <<-SELECT.gsub(/\s+/, ' ') campaigns.id campaign_id, campaigns.type campaign_type, campaigns.name campaign_name, campaign_groups.name campaign_group, SUM(IF(deals.status != 'lead',1,0)) deal_count, COUNT(deals.id) lead_count, SUM(IF(deals.status='won',1,0)) won_deal_count, campaigns.new_visits new_visits, campaigns.repeat_visits repeat_visits, SUM(IF(deals.status='won',value,0)) total_value, AVG(IF(deals.status='won',value,NULL)) average_value, (CASE campaigns.type WHEN "SalesCampaign" THEN SUM(campaigns.sales_fee) WHEN "AdvertisingCampaign" THEN dated_costs.cost WHEN "AffiliateCampaign" THEN SUM(campaigns.sales_fee + campaigns.affiliate_fee) ELSE 0 END) total_cost, (CASE campaigns.type WHEN "SalesCampaign" THEN campaigns.sales_fee WHEN "AdvertisingCampaign" THEN dated_costs.cost WHEN "AffiliateCampaign" THEN campaigns.sales_fee + campaigns.affiliate_fee ELSE 0 END / COUNT(deals.id)) average_cost, FLOOR(AVG( DATEDIFF( deals.closed_at, deals.created_at))) average_elapsed SELECT join_sql = <<-JOINS.gsub(/\s+/, ' ') LEFT OUTER JOIN dated_costs ON deals.campaign_id = dated_costs.costable_id AND dated_costs.costable_type = "Campaign" LEFT OUTER JOIN campaigns ON campaigns.id = deals.campaign_id LEFT OUTER JOIN campaign_groups ON campaign_groups.id = campaigns.campaign_group_id JOINS select(select_sql).joins(join_sql).group(:campaign_id) } validate do |record| return unless record.status_changed? case record.status when Status::Lead if [Status::Won, Status::Lost].member?(record.status_was) record.errors.add(:status, :illegal_reversion) elsif record.persisted? # "revert" isn't happening on new records record.send :_do_revert end when Status::Pending if record.status_was == Status::Lead record.send :_do_convert end when Status::Won, Status::Lost if record.status_was == Status::Lead record.errors.add(:status, :illegal_conversion) elsif record.persisted? # "close" isn't happening on new records record.send :_do_close end else record.errors.add(:status, :invalid, :options => Status::OPTIONS.join(', ')) end end scope :column_op, lambda {|op, column, value, reverse=false| conditions = arel_table[column].send(op, value) conditions = conditions.not if reverse where(conditions) } scope :column_eq, lambda {|column, value, reverse=false| column_op(:eq, column, value, reverse) } scope :leads, lambda {|reverse=true| column_eq(:status, Status::Lead, !reverse) } scope :pending, lambda {|reverse=true| column_eq(:status, Status::Pending, !reverse) } scope :won, lambda {|reverse=true| column_eq(:status, Status::Won, !reverse) } scope :lost, lambda {|reverse=true| column_eq(:status, Status::Lost, !reverse) } protected def method_missing(method_name, *args) if method_name =~ /(.*)\?$/ && Status::OPTIONS.member?($1) self.status == $1 else super end end def _do_convert self.converted_at = Time.now.utc notify_observers :before_convert end def _do_revert self.converted_at = nil notify_observers :before_revert end def _do_close self.closed_at = nil notify_observers :before_close end # Typically, new Deals are 'pending', with the assumption that offers # explicitly create Deals as 'lead' when they convert. def _assign_initialization_defaults self.status ||= Status::Pending end module Status OPTIONS = %w(lead pending won lost) Lead = OPTIONS[0] Pending = OPTIONS[1] Won = OPTIONS[2] Lost = OPTIONS[3] end end