# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Michael Dvorkin and contributors. # # Fat Free CRM is freely distributable under the terms of MIT license. # See MIT-LICENSE file or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # encoding: utf-8 # == Schema Information # # Table name: tasks # # id :integer not null, primary key # user_id :integer # assigned_to :integer # completed_by :integer # name :string(255) default(""), not null # asset_id :integer # asset_type :string(255) # priority :string(32) # category :string(32) # bucket :string(32) # due_at :datetime # completed_at :datetime # deleted_at :datetime # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # background_info :string(255) # require 'spec_helper' describe Task do describe "Task/Create" do it "should create a new task instance given valid attributes" do task = create(:task) expect(task).to be_valid expect(task.errors).to be_empty end [nil, Time.now.utc_offset + 3600].each do |offset| before do adjust_timezone(offset) end it "should create a task with due date selected from dropdown within #{offset ? 'different' : 'current'} timezone" do task = create(:task, due_at: Time.now.end_of_week, bucket: "due_this_week") expect(task.errors).to be_empty expect(task.bucket).to eq("due_this_week") expect(task.due_at.change(usec: 0)).to eq(Time.zone.now.end_of_week.change(usec: 0)) end it "should create a task with due date selected from the calendar within #{offset ? 'different' : 'current'} timezone" do task = create(:task, bucket: "specific_time", calendar: "2020-03-20") expect(task.errors).to be_empty expect(task.bucket).to eq("specific_time") expect(task.due_at.to_i).to eq(Time.parse("2020-03-20").to_i) end end end describe "Task/Update" do it "should update task name" do task = create(:task, name: "Hello") task.update_attributes(name: "World") expect(task.errors).to be_empty expect(task.name).to eq("World") end it "should update task category" do task = create(:task, category: "call") task.update_attributes(category: "email") expect(task.errors).to be_empty expect(task.category).to eq("email") end it "should reassign the task to another person" do him = create(:user) her = create(:user) task = create(:task, assigned_to: him.id) task.update_attributes(assigned_to: her.id) expect(task.errors).to be_empty expect(task.assigned_to).to eq(her.id) expect(task.assignee).to eq(her) end it "should reassign the task from another person to myself" do him = create(:user) task = create(:task, assigned_to: him.id) task.update_attributes(assigned_to: "") expect(task.errors).to be_empty expect(task.assigned_to).to eq(nil) expect(task.assignee).to eq(nil) end [nil, Time.now.utc_offset + 3600].each do |offset| before do adjust_timezone(offset) end it "should update due date based on selected bucket within #{offset ? 'different' : 'current'} timezone" do task = create(:task, due_at: Time.now.midnight.tomorrow, bucket: "due_tomorrow") task.update_attributes(bucket: "due_this_week") expect(task.errors).to be_empty expect(task.bucket).to eq("due_this_week") expect(task.due_at.change(usec: 0)).to eq(Time.zone.now.end_of_week.change(usec: 0)) end it "should update due date if specific calendar date selected within #{offset ? 'different' : 'current'} timezone" do task = create(:task, due_at: Time.now.midnight.tomorrow, bucket: "due_tomorrow") task.update_attributes(bucket: "specific_time", calendar: "2020-03-20") expect(task.errors).to be_empty expect(task.bucket).to eq("specific_time") expect(task.due_at.to_i).to eq(Time.parse("2020-03-20").to_i) end end end describe "Task/Complete" do it "should complete a task that is overdue" do task = create(:task, due_at: 2.days.ago, bucket: "overdue") task.update_attributes(completed_at: Time.now, completed_by: task.user.id) expect(task.errors).to be_empty expect(task.completed_at).not_to eq(nil) expect(task.completor).to eq(task.user) end it "should complete a task due sometime in the future" do task = create(:task, due_at: Time.now.midnight.tomorrow, bucket: "due_tomorrow") task.update_attributes(completed_at: Time.now, completed_by: task.user.id) expect(task.errors).to be_empty expect(task.completed_at).not_to eq(nil) expect(task.completor).to eq(task.user) end it "should complete a task that is due on specific date in the future" do task = create(:task, calendar: "10/10/2022 12:00 AM", bucket: "specific_time") task.calendar = nil # Calendar is not saved in the database; we need it only to set the :due_at. task.update_attributes(completed_at: Time.now, completed_by: task.user.id) expect(task.errors).to be_empty expect(task.completed_at).not_to eq(nil) expect(task.completor).to eq(task.user) end it "should complete a task that is due on specific date in the past" do task = create(:task, calendar: "10/10/1992 12:00 AM", bucket: "specific_time") task.calendar = nil # Calendar is not saved in the database; we need it only to set the :due_at. task.update_attributes(completed_at: Time.now, completed_by: task.user.id) expect(task.errors).to be_empty expect(task.completed_at).not_to eq(nil) expect(task.completor).to eq(task.user) end it "completion should preserve original due date" do due_at = Time.now - 42.days task = create(:task, due_at: due_at, bucket: "specific_time", calendar: due_at.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')) task.update_attributes(completed_at: Time.now, completed_by: task.user.id, calendar: '') expect(task.completed?).to eq(true) expect(task.due_at).to eq(due_at.utc.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')) end end # named_scope :my, lambda { |user| { :conditions => [ "(user_id = ? AND assigned_to IS NULL) OR assigned_to = ?", user.id, user.id ], :include => :assignee } } describe "task.my?" do let(:current_user) { create(:user) } it "should match a task created by the user" do task = create(:task, user: current_user, assignee: nil) expect(task.my?(current_user)).to eq(true) end it "should match a task assigned to the user" do task = create(:task, user: create(:user), assignee: current_user) expect(task.my?(current_user)).to eq(true) end it "should Not match a task not created by the user" do task = create(:task, user: create(:user)) expect(task.my?(current_user)).to eq(false) end it "should Not match a task created by the user but assigned to somebody else" do task = create(:task, user: current_user, assignee: create(:user)) expect(task.my?(current_user)).to eq(false) end end # named_scope :assigned_by, lambda { |user| { :conditions => [ "user_id = ? AND assigned_to IS NOT NULL AND assigned_to != ?", user.id, user.id ], :include => :assignee } } describe "task.assigned_by?" do let(:current_user) { create(:user) } it "should match a task assigned by the user to somebody else" do task = create(:task, user: current_user, assignee: create(:user)) expect(task.assigned_by?(current_user)).to eq(true) end it "should Not match a task not created by the user" do task = create(:task, user: create(:user)) expect(task.assigned_by?(current_user)).to eq(false) end it "should Not match a task not assigned to anybody" do task = create(:task, assignee: nil) expect(task.assigned_by?(current_user)).to eq(false) end it "should Not match a task assigned to the user" do task = create(:task, assignee: current_user) expect(task.assigned_by?(current_user)).to eq(false) end end # named_scope :tracked_by, lambda { |user| { :conditions => [ "user_id = ? OR assigned_to = ?", user.id, user.id ], :include => :assignee } } describe "task.tracked_by?" do let(:current_user) { create(:user) } it "should match a task created by the user" do task = create(:task, user: current_user) expect(task.tracked_by?(current_user)).to eq(true) end it "should match a task assigned to the user" do task = create(:task, assignee: current_user) expect(task.tracked_by?(current_user)).to eq(true) end it "should Not match a task that is neither created nor assigned to the user" do task = create(:task, user: create(:user), assignee: create(:user)) expect(task.tracked_by?(current_user)).to eq(false) end end describe "task.computed_bucket" do context "when overdue" do subject { described_class.new(due_at: 1.days.ago, bucket: "specific_time") } it "returns a sensible value" do expect(subject.computed_bucket).to eq("overdue") end end context "when due today" do subject { described_class.new(due_at: Time.now, bucket: "specific_time") } it "returns a sensible value" do expect(subject.computed_bucket).to eq("due_today") end end context "when due tomorrow" do subject { described_class.new(due_at: 1.days.from_now.end_of_day, bucket: "specific_time") } it "returns a sensible value" do expect(subject.computed_bucket).to eq("due_tomorrow") end end context "when due this week" do it "returns a sensible value" do # Freeze time so tests will pass when run at the end of the week!! Timecop.freeze(Time.local(2014, 1, 1, 16, 14)) do task = described_class.new(due_at: Time.zone.now.end_of_week, bucket: "specific_time") expect(task.computed_bucket).to eql("due_this_week") end end end context "when due next week" do subject { described_class.new(due_at: Time.zone.now.next_week, bucket: "specific_time") } it "returns a sensible value" do Timecop.freeze(Time.local(2014, 1, 1, 16, 14)) do expect(subject.computed_bucket).to eq("due_next_week") end end end context "when due later" do subject { described_class.new(due_at: 1.month.from_now, bucket: "specific_time") } it "returns a sensible value" do expect(subject.computed_bucket).to eq("due_later") end end end describe "task.at_specific_time?" do context "when the due date is at the beginning of the day" do subject { described_class.new(due_at: Time.zone.now.beginning_of_day) } it "returns false" do expect(subject.at_specific_time?).to eq(false) end end context "when the due date is at the end of the day" do subject { described_class.new(due_at: Time.zone.now.end_of_day) } it "returns false" do expect(subject.at_specific_time?).to eq(false) end end context "when the due date is any other time" do subject { described_class.new(due_at: Time.zone.parse("2014-01-01 18:36:43")) } it "returns true" do expect(subject.at_specific_time?).to eq(true) end end end describe "Exportable" do describe "unassigned tasks" do let(:task1) { build(:task, user: create(:user), assignee: nil) } let(:task2) { build(:task, user: create(:user, first_name: nil, last_name: nil), assignee: nil) } it_should_behave_like("exportable") do let(:exported) { [task1, task2] } end end describe "assigned tasks" do let(:task1) { build(:task, user: create(:user), assignee: create(:user)) } let(:task2) { build(:task, user: create(:user, first_name: nil, last_name: nil), assignee: create(:user, first_name: nil, last_name: nil)) } it_should_behave_like("exportable") do let(:exported) { [task1, task2] } end end describe "completed tasks" do let(:task1) { build(:task, user: create(:user), completor: create(:user), completed_at: 1.day.ago) } let(:task2) { build(:task, user: create(:user, first_name: nil, last_name: nil), completor: create(:user, first_name: nil, last_name: nil), completed_at: 1.day.ago) } it_should_behave_like("exportable") do let(:exported) { [task1, task2] } end end end describe "#parse_calendar_date" do it "should parse the date" do @task = Task.new(calendar: '2020-12-23') expect(Time).to receive(:parse).with('2020-12-23') @task.send(:parse_calendar_date) end end describe "scopes" do context "visible_on_dashboard" do before :each do @user = create(:user) @t1 = create(:task, user: @user) @t2 = create(:task, user: @user, assignee: create(:user)) @t3 = create(:task, user: create(:user), assignee: @user) @t4 = create(:task, user: create(:user), assignee: create(:user)) @t5 = create(:task, user: create(:user), assignee: @user) @t6 = create(:completed_task, assignee: @user) end it "should show tasks which have been created by the user and are unassigned" do expect(Task.visible_on_dashboard(@user)).to include(@t1) end it "should show tasks which are assigned to the user" do expect(Task.visible_on_dashboard(@user)).to include(@t3, @t5) end it "should not show tasks which are not assigned to the user" do expect(Task.visible_on_dashboard(@user)).not_to include(@t4) end it "should not show tasks which are created by the user but assigned" do expect(Task.visible_on_dashboard(@user)).not_to include(@t2) end it "should not include completed tasks" do expect(Task.visible_on_dashboard(@user)).not_to include(@t6) end end context "by_due_at" do it "should show tasks ordered by due_at" do t1 = create(:task, name: 't1', bucket: "due_asap") t2 = create(:task, calendar: 5.days.from_now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), bucket: "specific_time") t3 = create(:task, name: 't3', bucket: "due_next_week") t4 = create(:task, calendar: 20.days.from_now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), bucket: "specific_time") expect(Task.by_due_at).to eq([t1, t2, t3, t4]) end end end end