# frozen_string_literal: true require "spec_helper" describe Doorkeeper, "configuration" do subject { Doorkeeper.config } describe "resource_owner_authenticator" do it "sets the block that is accessible via authenticate_resource_owner" do block = proc {} Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM resource_owner_authenticator(&block) end expect(subject.authenticate_resource_owner).to eq(block) end it "prints warning message by default" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM end expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:warn).with( I18n.t("doorkeeper.errors.messages.resource_owner_authenticator_not_configured"), ) subject.authenticate_resource_owner.call(nil) end end describe "resource_owner_from_credentials" do it "sets the block that is accessible via authenticate_resource_owner" do block = proc {} Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM resource_owner_from_credentials(&block) end expect(subject.resource_owner_from_credentials).to eq(block) end it "prints warning message by default" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM end expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:warn).with( I18n.t("doorkeeper.errors.messages.credential_flow_not_configured"), ) subject.resource_owner_from_credentials.call(nil) end end describe "setup_orm_adapter" do it "adds specific error message to NameError exception" do expect do Doorkeeper.configure { orm "hibernate" } end.to raise_error(NameError, /ORM adapter not found \(hibernate\)/) end it "does not change other exceptions" do allow(Doorkeeper).to receive(:setup_orm_adapter) { raise NoMethodError } expect do Doorkeeper.configure { orm "hibernate" } end.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end end describe "admin_authenticator" do it "sets the block that is accessible via authenticate_admin" do default_behaviour = "default behaviour" allow(Doorkeeper::Config).to receive(:head).and_return(default_behaviour) Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM end expect(subject.authenticate_admin.call({})).to eq(default_behaviour) end it "sets the block that is accessible via authenticate_admin" do block = proc {} Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM admin_authenticator(&block) end expect(subject.authenticate_admin).to eq(block) end end describe "access_token_expires_in" do it "has 2 hours by default" do expect(subject.access_token_expires_in).to eq(2.hours) end it "can change the value" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM access_token_expires_in 4.hours end expect(subject.access_token_expires_in).to eq(4.hours) end it "can be set to nil" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM access_token_expires_in nil end expect(subject.access_token_expires_in).to be_nil end end describe "scopes" do it "has default scopes" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM default_scopes :public end expect(subject.default_scopes).to include("public") end it "has optional scopes" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM optional_scopes :write, :update end expect(subject.optional_scopes).to include("write", "update") end it "has all scopes" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM default_scopes :normal optional_scopes :admin end expect(subject.scopes).to include("normal", "admin") end end describe "scopes_by_grant_type" do it "is {} by default" do expect(subject.scopes_by_grant_type).to eq({}) end it "has hash value" do hash = {} Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM scopes_by_grant_type hash end expect(subject.scopes_by_grant_type).to eq(hash) end end describe "use_refresh_token" do it "is false by default" do expect(subject.refresh_token_enabled?).to eq(false) end it "can change the value" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM use_refresh_token end expect(subject.refresh_token_enabled?).to eq(true) end it "can accept a boolean parameter" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM use_refresh_token false end expect(subject.refresh_token_enabled?).to eq(false) end it "can accept a block parameter" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM use_refresh_token { |_context| nil } end expect(subject.refresh_token_enabled?).to be_a(Proc) end it "does not includes 'refresh_token' in authorization_response_types" do expect(subject.token_grant_types).not_to include "refresh_token" end context "is enabled" do before do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM use_refresh_token end end it "includes 'refresh_token' in authorization_response_types" do expect(subject.token_grant_types).to include "refresh_token" end end end describe "token_reuse_limit" do it "is 100 by default" do expect(subject.token_reuse_limit).to eq(100) end it "can change the value" do Doorkeeper.configure do token_reuse_limit 90 end expect(subject.token_reuse_limit).to eq(90) end it "sets the value to 100 if invalid value is being set" do expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:warn).with(/will be set to default 100/) Doorkeeper.configure do reuse_access_token token_reuse_limit 110 end expect(subject.token_reuse_limit).to eq(100) end end describe "enforce_configured_scopes" do it "is false by default" do expect(subject.enforce_configured_scopes?).to eq(false) end it "can change the value" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM enforce_configured_scopes end expect(subject.enforce_configured_scopes?).to eq(true) end end describe "client_credentials" do it "has defaults order" do expect(subject.client_credentials_methods) .to eq(%i[from_basic from_params]) end it "can change the value" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM client_credentials :from_digest, :from_params end expect(subject.client_credentials_methods) .to eq(%i[from_digest from_params]) end end describe "force_ssl_in_redirect_uri" do it "is true by default in non-development environments" do expect(subject.force_ssl_in_redirect_uri).to eq(true) end it "can change the value" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM force_ssl_in_redirect_uri(false) end expect(subject.force_ssl_in_redirect_uri).to eq(false) end it "can be a callable object" do block = proc { false } Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM force_ssl_in_redirect_uri(&block) end expect(subject.force_ssl_in_redirect_uri).to eq(block) expect(subject.force_ssl_in_redirect_uri.call).to eq(false) end end describe "access_token_methods" do it "has defaults order" do expect(subject.access_token_methods) .to eq(%i[from_bearer_authorization from_access_token_param from_bearer_param]) end it "can change the value" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM access_token_methods :from_access_token_param, :from_bearer_param end expect(subject.access_token_methods) .to eq(%i[from_access_token_param from_bearer_param]) end end describe "forbid_redirect_uri" do it "is false by default" do expect(subject.forbid_redirect_uri.call(URI.parse("https://localhost"))).to eq(false) end it "can be a callable object" do block = proc { true } Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM forbid_redirect_uri(&block) end expect(subject.forbid_redirect_uri).to eq(block) expect(subject.forbid_redirect_uri.call).to eq(true) end end describe "enable_application_owner" do it "is disabled by default" do expect(Doorkeeper.config.enable_application_owner?).not_to eq(true) end context "when enabled without confirmation" do before do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM enable_application_owner end end it "adds support for application owner" do expect(Doorkeeper::Application.new).to respond_to :owner end it "Doorkeeper.configuration.confirm_application_owner? returns false" do expect(Doorkeeper.config.confirm_application_owner?).not_to eq(true) end end context "when enabled with confirmation set to true" do before do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM enable_application_owner confirmation: true end end it "adds support for application owner" do expect(Doorkeeper::Application.new).to respond_to :owner end it "Doorkeeper.configuration.confirm_application_owner? returns true" do expect(Doorkeeper.config.confirm_application_owner?).to eq(true) end end end describe "realm" do it "is 'Doorkeeper' by default" do expect(Doorkeeper.config.realm).to eq("Doorkeeper") end it "can change the value" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM realm "Example" end expect(subject.realm).to eq("Example") end end describe "grant_flows" do it "is set to all grant flows by default" do expect(Doorkeeper.config.grant_flows) .to eq(%w[authorization_code client_credentials]) end it "can change the value" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM grant_flows %w[authorization_code implicit] end expect(subject.grant_flows).to eq %w[authorization_code implicit] end context "when including 'authorization_code'" do before do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM grant_flows ["authorization_code"] end end it "includes 'code' in authorization_response_types" do expect(subject.authorization_response_types).to include "code" end it "includes 'authorization_code' in token_grant_types" do expect(subject.token_grant_types).to include "authorization_code" end end context "when including 'implicit'" do before do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM grant_flows ["implicit"] end end it "includes 'token' in authorization_response_types" do expect(subject.authorization_response_types).to include "token" end end context "when including 'password'" do before do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM grant_flows ["password"] end end it "includes 'password' in token_grant_types" do expect(subject.token_grant_types).to include "password" end end context "when including 'client_credentials'" do before do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM grant_flows ["client_credentials"] end end it "includes 'client_credentials' in token_grant_types" do expect(subject.token_grant_types).to include "client_credentials" end end end it "raises an exception when configuration is not set" do old_config = Doorkeeper.config Doorkeeper.module_eval do @config = nil end expect do Doorkeeper.config end.to raise_error Doorkeeper::MissingConfiguration Doorkeeper.module_eval do @config = old_config end end describe "access_token_generator" do it "is 'Doorkeeper::OAuth::Helpers::UniqueToken' by default" do expect(Doorkeeper.configuration.access_token_generator).to( eq("Doorkeeper::OAuth::Helpers::UniqueToken"), ) end it "can change the value" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM access_token_generator "Example" end expect(subject.access_token_generator).to eq("Example") end end describe "default_generator_method" do it "is :urlsafe_base64 by default" do expect(Doorkeeper.configuration.default_generator_method) .to eq(:urlsafe_base64) end it "can change the value" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM default_generator_method :hex end expect(subject.default_generator_method).to eq(:hex) end end describe "base_controller" do context "default" do it { expect(Doorkeeper.configuration.base_controller).to be_an_instance_of(Proc) } it "resolves to a ApplicationController::Base in default mode" do expect(Doorkeeper.configuration.resolve_controller(:base)) .to eq(ActionController::Base) end it "resolves to a ApplicationController::API in api_only mode" do Doorkeeper.configure do api_only end expect(Doorkeeper.configuration.resolve_controller(:base)) .to eq(ActionController::API) end end context "custom" do before do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM base_controller "ApplicationController" end end it { expect(Doorkeeper.config.base_controller).to eq("ApplicationController") } end end describe "base_metal_controller" do context "default" do it { expect(Doorkeeper.config.base_metal_controller).to eq("ActionController::API") } end context "custom" do before do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM base_metal_controller { "ApplicationController" } end end it { expect(Doorkeeper.configuration.resolve_controller(:base_metal)).to eq(ApplicationController) } end end if DOORKEEPER_ORM == :active_record class FakeCustomModel; end describe "active_record_options" do let(:models) { [Doorkeeper::AccessGrant, Doorkeeper::AccessToken, Doorkeeper::Application] } before do models.each do |model| allow(model).to receive(:establish_connection).and_return(true) end end it "establishes connection for Doorkeeper models based on options" do models.each do |model| expect(model).to receive(:establish_connection) end expect(Kernel).to receive(:warn).with( /\[DOORKEEPER\] active_record_options has been deprecated and will soon be removed/, ) Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM active_record_options( establish_connection: Rails.configuration.database_configuration[Rails.env], ) end end end describe "access_token_class" do it "uses default doorkeeper value" do expect(subject.access_token_class).to eq("Doorkeeper::AccessToken") expect(subject.access_token_model).to be(Doorkeeper::AccessToken) end it "can change the value" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM access_token_class "FakeCustomModel" end expect(subject.access_token_class).to eq("FakeCustomModel") expect(subject.access_token_model).to be(FakeCustomModel) end end describe "access_grant_class" do it "uses default doorkeeper value" do expect(subject.access_grant_class).to eq("Doorkeeper::AccessGrant") expect(subject.access_grant_model).to be(Doorkeeper::AccessGrant) end it "can change the value" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM access_grant_class "FakeCustomModel" end expect(subject.access_grant_class).to eq("FakeCustomModel") expect(subject.access_grant_model).to be(FakeCustomModel) end end describe "application_class" do it "uses default doorkeeper value" do expect(subject.application_class).to eq("Doorkeeper::Application") expect(subject.application_model).to be(Doorkeeper::Application) end it "can change the value" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM application_class "FakeCustomModel" end expect(subject.application_class).to eq("FakeCustomModel") expect(subject.application_model).to be(FakeCustomModel) end end end describe "api_only" do it "is false by default" do expect(subject.api_only).to eq(false) end it "can change the value" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM api_only end expect(subject.api_only).to eq(true) end end describe "token_lookup_batch_size" do it "uses default doorkeeper value" do expect(subject.token_lookup_batch_size).to eq(10_000) end it "can change the value" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM token_lookup_batch_size 100_000 end expect(subject.token_lookup_batch_size).to eq(100_000) end end describe "strict_content_type" do it "is false by default" do expect(subject.enforce_content_type).to eq(false) end it "can change the value" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM enforce_content_type end expect(subject.enforce_content_type).to eq(true) end end describe "handle_auth_errors" do it "is set to render by default" do expect(Doorkeeper.config.handle_auth_errors).to eq(:render) end it "can change the value" do Doorkeeper.configure do orm DOORKEEPER_ORM handle_auth_errors :raise end expect(subject.handle_auth_errors).to eq(:raise) end end describe "token_secret_strategy" do it "is plain by default" do expect(subject.token_secret_strategy).to eq(Doorkeeper::SecretStoring::Plain) expect(subject.token_secret_fallback_strategy).to eq(nil) end context "when provided" do before do Doorkeeper.configure do hash_token_secrets end end it "will enable hashing for applications" do expect(subject.token_secret_strategy).to eq(Doorkeeper::SecretStoring::Sha256Hash) expect(subject.token_secret_fallback_strategy).to eq(nil) end end context "when manually provided with invalid constant" do it "raises an exception" do expect do Doorkeeper.configure do hash_token_secrets using: "does not exist" end end.to raise_error(NameError) end end context "when manually provided with invalid option" do it "raises an exception" do expect do Doorkeeper.configure do hash_token_secrets using: "Doorkeeper::SecretStoring::BCrypt" end end.to raise_error( ArgumentError, /can only be used for storing application secrets/, ) end end context "when provided with fallback" do before do Doorkeeper.configure do hash_token_secrets fallback: :plain end end it "will enable hashing for applications" do expect(subject.token_secret_strategy).to eq(Doorkeeper::SecretStoring::Sha256Hash) expect(subject.token_secret_fallback_strategy).to eq(Doorkeeper::SecretStoring::Plain) end end describe "hash_token_secrets together with reuse_access_token" do it "will disable reuse_access_token" do expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:warn).with(/reuse_access_token will be disabled/) Doorkeeper.configure do reuse_access_token hash_token_secrets end expect(subject.reuse_access_token).to eq(false) end end end describe "application_secret_strategy" do it "is plain by default" do expect(subject.application_secret_strategy).to eq(Doorkeeper::SecretStoring::Plain) expect(subject.application_secret_fallback_strategy).to eq(nil) end context "when provided" do before do Doorkeeper.configure do hash_application_secrets end end it "will enable hashing for applications" do expect(subject.application_secret_strategy).to eq(Doorkeeper::SecretStoring::Sha256Hash) expect(subject.application_secret_fallback_strategy).to eq(nil) end end context "when manually provided with invalid constant" do it "raises an exception" do expect do Doorkeeper.configure do hash_application_secrets using: "does not exist" end end.to raise_error(NameError) end end context "when provided with fallback" do before do Doorkeeper.configure do hash_application_secrets fallback: :plain end end it "will enable hashing for applications" do expect(subject.application_secret_strategy).to eq(Doorkeeper::SecretStoring::Sha256Hash) expect(subject.application_secret_fallback_strategy).to eq(Doorkeeper::SecretStoring::Plain) end end end describe "options deprecation" do it "prints a warning message when an option is deprecated" do expect(Kernel).to receive(:warn).with( "[DOORKEEPER] native_redirect_uri has been deprecated and will soon be removed", ) Doorkeeper.configure do native_redirect_uri "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" end end end end