#-- # Copyright (c) 2012+ Damjan Rems # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #++ ########################################################################### # # CmseditHelper module defines common methods used for DRGCMS forms. # ########################################################################### module CmsHelper # javascript part created by form helpers attr_reader :js ############################################################################ # Creates code for script action type. ############################################################################ def dc_script_action(yaml) icon = dc_icon_for_link yaml['icon'] data = %(data-request="script" data-script="#{yaml['js'] || yaml['script']}" data-url="script") %(<li><div class="dc-link-ajax" #{data}>#{icon} #{ t(yaml['caption'],yaml['caption']) }</div></li>) end ############################################################################ # Will return field form definition if field is defined on form. # Field definition will be used for input field on the form. ############################################################################ def dc_get_field_form_definition(name) #:nodoc: return if @form['form'].nil? @form['form']['tabs'].each do |tab| # Array with 2 elements. First is tab name, second is data my_fields = tab.last my_fields.each { |k, v| return v if (k.class == Integer && v['name'] == name) } end if @form['form']['tabs'] # I know. But nice. @form['form']['fields'].each do |field| next unless field.first.class == Integer # options return field.last if field.last['name'] == name end if @form['form']['fields'] nil end ############################################################################ # Return field code, label and help text for a field defined on a DRG Form. # # Parameters: # options : Hash : Field definition # # Returns: Array[3] # field_html : String : HTML code for field definition # label : String : Label text # help : String : Help text ############################################################################ def dc_field_label_help(options) label, help = dc_label_help(options) # create field object from type and call its render method if options['type'].present? klass_string = options['type'].camelize field_html = if DrgcmsFormFields.const_defined?(klass_string) # when field type defined klass = DrgcmsFormFields.const_get(klass_string) field = klass.new(self, @record, options).render @js << field.js @css << field.css field.html else "Error: Field type #{options['type']} not defined!" end else "Error: Field type missing!" end [field_html, label, help] end ############################################################################ # Return label and help text for a field defined on Form. # # Parameters: # options : Hash : Field definition # # Returns: # label : String : Label text # help : String : Help text ############################################################################ def dc_label_help(options) # no label or help in comments return [nil, nil] if %w(comment action).include?(options['type']) label = options['caption'] || options['text'] || options['label'] label = if label.blank? t_name(options['name'], options['name'].capitalize.gsub('_',' ') ) elsif options['name'] t(label, label) end # help text can be defined in form or in translations starting with helpers. or as helpers.help.collection.field help = options['help'] help ||= "helpers.help.#{@form['table']}.#{options['name']}" if options['name'] help = t(help, ' ') if help.to_s.match(/helpers\./) [label, help] end ############################################################################ # Return label and help for tab on Form. # # Parameters: # options : String : Tab name on form # # Returns: # label : String : Label text # help : String : Help text ############################################################################ def dc_tab_label_help(tab_name) label = @form['form']['tabs'][tab_name]['caption'] || tab_name label = t(label, t_name(label, label)) help = @form['form']['tabs'][tab_name]['help'] || "helpers.help.#{@form['table']}.#{tab_name}" help = t(help, t_name(help, help)) help = nil if help.match('helpers.') # help not found in translation [label, help] end ############################################################################ # Creates code for including data entry field in index actions. ############################################################################ def dc_field_action(yaml) # assign value if value found in parameters if params['record'] value = params['record'][yaml['name']] params["p_#{yaml['name']}"] = value end # find field definition on form if ( field_definition = dc_get_field_form_definition(yaml['name']) ) # some options may be redefined field_definition['size'] = yaml['size'] if yaml['size'] field, label, help = dc_field_label_help(field_definition) else yaml['type'] = yaml['field_type'] field, label, help = dc_field_label_help(yaml) end # input field will have label as placeholder field = field.sub('input',"input placeholder=\"#{label}\"") %(<li class="no-background">#{field}</li>) end ############################################################################ # Create ex. class="my-class" html code from html options for action ############################################################################ def dc_html_data(yaml) return '' if yaml.blank? yaml.inject(' ') { |result, e| result = e.last.nil? ? result : result << "#{e.first}=\"#{e.last}\" " } end ############################################################################ # There are several options for defining caption (caption,label, text). This method # will ensure that caption is returned anyhow provided. ############################################################################ def dc_get_caption(yaml) yaml['caption'] || yaml['text'] || yaml['label'] end ############################################################################ # Creates code for link, ajax or windows action for index or form actions. # # Parameters: # yaml: Hash : Action definition # record : Object : Currently selected record if available # action_active : Boolean : Is action active or disabled # # Returns: # String : HTML code for action ############################################################################ def dc_link_ajax_window_submit_action(yaml, record = nil, action_active = true) parms = {} caption = dc_get_caption(yaml) caption = caption ? t("#{caption.downcase}", caption) : nil icon = yaml['icon'] ? "#{fa_icon(yaml['icon'])}" : '' # action is not active unless dc_is_action_active?(yaml) return %(<li><div class="dc-link-no">#{icon} #{caption}</div></li>) end # set data-confirm when confirm yaml['html'] ||= {} confirm = yaml['html']['data-confirm'] || yaml['confirm'] yaml['html']['data-confirm'] = t(confirm) if confirm.present? yaml['html']['title'] ||= yaml['title'] yaml['html']['title'] = t(yaml['title']) if yaml['title'].present? yaml['html']['target'] ||= yaml['target'] # direct url if yaml['url'] parms['url'] = yaml['url'] parms['idr'] = dc_document_path(record) if record # make url from action controller else parms['controller'] = yaml['controller'] || 'cmsedit' parms['action'] = yaml['action'] parms['table'] = yaml['table'] || @form['table'] parms['form_name'] = yaml['form_name'] parms['control'] = yaml['control'] if yaml['control'] parms['id'] = record.id if record end # add current id to parameters parms['id'] = dc_document_path(record) if record # overwrite with or add additional parameters from environment or record yaml['params'].each { |k, v| parms[k] = dc_value_for_parameter(v, record) } if yaml['params'] parms['table'] = parms['table'].underscore if parms['table'] # might be CamelCase # error if controller parameter is missing return "<li>#{'Controller not defined'}</li>" if parms['controller'].nil? && parms['url'].nil? html_data = dc_html_data(yaml['html']) url = url_for(parms) rescue 'URL error' url = nil if parms['url'] == '#' request = yaml['request'] || yaml['method'] || 'get' code = case yaml['type'] when 'ajax' # ajax button clas = 'dc-link-ajax' %(<div class="#{clas}" data-url="#{action_active ? url : ''}" #{html_data} data-request="#{request}" title="#{yaml['title']}">#{icon}#{caption}</div>) when 'submit' # submit button # It's dirty hack, but will prevent not authorized message and render index action correctly parms[:filter] = 'on' url = url_for(parms) rescue 'URL error' clas = 'dc-action-submit' %(<div class="#{clas}" data-url="#{action_active ? url : ''}" #{html_data} data-request="#{request}" title="#{yaml['title']}">#{icon}#{caption}</div>) when 'link' # link button yaml['html'] = dc_yaml_add_option(yaml['html'], class: 'dc-link') link = dc_link_to(caption, yaml['icon'], parms, yaml['html'] ) %(#{action_active ? link : caption}) when 'window' # open window clas = 'dc-link dc-window-open' %(<div class="#{clas}" data-url="#{action_active ? url : ''}" #{html_data}>#{icon}#{caption}</div>) when 'popup' # popup dialog clas = 'dc-link dc-popup-open' %(<div class="#{clas}" data-url="#{action_active ? url : ''}" #{html_data}>#{icon}#{caption}</div>) else 'Type error!' end "<li>#{code}</li>" end ############################################################################ # Add new option to yaml. Subroutine of dc_link_ajax_window_submit_action. ############################################################################ def dc_yaml_add_option(source, options) #nodoc options.each do |k, v| key = k.to_s source[key] ||= '' # only if not already present source[key] << " #{v}" unless source[key].match(v.to_s) end source end ############################################################################ # Log exception to rails log. Usefull for debugging eval errors. ############################################################################ def dc_log_exception(exception, where = '') log = exception ? "\n*** Error:#{where + ':'} #{exception.message}\n#{exception.backtrace.first.inspect}\n" : '' log << "DRG Form processing line: #{session[:form_processing]}\n" logger.error log end ############################################################################ # Will return form_name from parameter regardless if set as form_name or just f. ############################################################################ def self.form_param(params) params[:form_name] || params[:f] end ############################################################################ # Will return table name from parameter regardless if set as table or just t. ############################################################################ def self.table_param(params) params[:table] || params[:t] end end