**Note: This changelog is deprecated after version 0.15.0-preview, please refer to the ChangeLog.md in each package for future change logs.** 2017.11 - version 0.15.0-preview ALL * Added the support for the location mode in the API options. * Added the support for retrying according to the location mode. BLOB * Added the support for retrieving statistics related to replication for the Blob service. * Added the support for anonymous read access of public containers. * Added full lease ID header support for following methods: - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::get_container_properties - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::get_container_metadata - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::get_container_acl - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::set_container_metadata - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::set_container_acl - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::delete_container - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::create_block_blob - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::create_page_blob - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::create_append_blob - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::get_blob - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::get_blob_properties - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::set_blob_properties - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::get_blob_metadata - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::set_blob_metadata - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::create_blob_snapshot - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::copy_blob - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::copy_blob_from_uri - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::delete_blob - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::put_blob_block - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::commit_blob_blocks - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::list_blob_blocks - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::put_blob_pages - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::list_page_blob_ranges - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::incremental_copy_blob - Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::append_blob_block Queue * Added the support for retrieving statistics related to replication for the Queue service. Table * Added the support for retrieving statistics related to replication for the Table service. 2017.09 - version 0.14.0-preview ALL * Added configuration file for Rubocop and auto-resolved coding style issue. BLOB * The `Azure::Storage::Blob::list_page_blob_ranges` API now accepts `:previous_snapshot` as an optional parameter, that specifies that the response returns pages that have been updated or cleared since the snapshot specified by `:previous_snapshot` was taken. * The `Azure::Storage::Blob::Blob` object now has an attribute `:encrypted` showing if the blob or blob related request has been encrypted. * The `Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::list_containers` and `Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::get_container_properties` will now also return public access level for each container. * The stored Content-MD5 property is now returned when requesting a range of a blob. Previously this was only returned for full blob downloads. `Azure::Storage::Blob::Blob.properties[:content_md5]` will always hold the stored Content_MD5 property, and `Azure::Storage::Blob::Blob.properties[:range_md5]` will always represent the MD5 for the content returned from the server. * Added an API `Azure::Storage::Blob::BlobService::incremental_copy_blob` to support [incremental copy](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/incremental-copy-blob) for page blob snapshots. FILE * The stored Content-MD5 property is now returned when requesting a range of a file. Previously this was only returned for full file downloads. `Azure::Storage::File::File.properties[:content_md5]` will always hold the stored Content_MD5 property, and `Azure::Storage::File::File.properties[:range_md5]` will always represent the MD5 for the content returned from the server. QUEUE * The return type of `Azure::Storage::Queue::create_message` is changed from `nil` to an `Azure::Storage::Queue::Message` object. FILE * The API `Azure::Storage::File::list_directories_and_files` now also accepts `:prefix` as an optional parameter. The return value will be filtered with the specified prefix if set. 2017.09 - version 0.13.0-preview ALL * Removed Nokogiri from Gemfile because it causes bundler fail to install azure-storage. Added it back to runtime dependency and explicitly require user to install the correct version of Nokogiri in README.md. * Service version is upgraded to 2016-05-31. BLOB * Block size can now be up to 100MB. TABLE * The return type `Azure::Service::EnumerationResult` of `query_tables` has a changed structure. Now the `'updated'` will not be contained, and is flattened to a structure in the form of `{ {"TableName" => "tableone"}, {"TableName" => "tabletwo"}, {"TableName" => "tablethree"}}`. * The `Azure::Storage::Table::Entity` does not contain `:table` and `updated` anymore. The updated time can be found in `:properties`. * The return type of `get_table` is changed to a Hash that contains full metadata returned from the server when query the table. * The method `Azure::Storage::Table::EdmType::unserialize_query_value` is renamed to `deserialize_value`. 2017.08 - version 0.12.3-preview ALL * Added Nokogiri as a gem into Gemfile, resolving an issue where bundler failed to recognize that the dependency exists after installation. 2017.08 - version 0.12.2-preview ALL * Removed Nokogiri as a dependency to resolve conflict version caused by azure-core also depending on Nokogiri. 2017.04 - version 0.12.1-preview ALL * Relaxed constraint on Nokogiri version dependency to allow Nokogiri 1.7.x for Ruby 2.1 and later, but preserving support for Ruby 1.9.3. (Note that this may require updating to Bundler 1.13 or later if you're using Ruby 1.9 or 2.0.) 2017.02 - version 0.12.0-preview ALL * Fixed the issue where `should_retry?` in the retry_filter.rb overwrites the result from derived `apply_retry_policy`. [#76](https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-ruby/issues/76) * Fixed the issue where `Azure::Storage::Client.create_from_connection_string` throws an exception. [#77](https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-ruby/issues/77) * Added the support for setting the "timeout" option in `get_service_properties` and `set_service_properties`. BLOB * Added the metadata to the returning instance when creates a blob. * Added `transactional_md5` to the options of `put_blob_pages`. FILE * Added File Service support, targeting storage service version 2015-04-05. 2016.12 - version 0.11.5-preview ALL * Added the support for setting customer user agent. [#71](https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-ruby/issues/71) * Added the support for hooking in sending requests. 2016.11 - version 0.11.4-preview ALL * Removed the unnecessary dependencies. [#55](https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-ruby/issues/55), [#67](https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-ruby/issues/67) BLOB * Fixed the issue when checking the content encoding. * Fixed the wrong "Content-Encoding" value in the test cases. * Fixed the issue where it cannot use the `create_block_blob` method with an IO/File object. [#61](https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-ruby/issues/61) 2016.10 - version 0.11.3-preview ALL * Fixed an issue in retry policies. 2016.10 - version 0.11.2-preview ALL * Fixed the issue where it retries on HTTP 4xx errors. BLOB * Fixed the issue of wrong "Content-Encoding". [#49](https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-ruby/issues/49) 2016.09 - version 0.11.1-preview ALL * Added the support for setting the client request ID via the "request_id" parameter. * Added the retry for the timeout errors. * Added the retry for the connection reset error. BLOB * Fixed the issue where "list_blobs" doesn't work when delimiter is specified. [#41](https://github.com/Azure/azure-storage-ruby/issues/41) 2016.08 - version 0.11.0-preview ALL * Added the support for the account shared access signature. * Removed the support for the Shared Key Lite. BLOB * Added the support for the "add" and "create" permissions in the blob service shared access signature. FILE * Added the support for the "create" permission in the file service shared access signature. 2016.06 - version 0.10.2-preview ALL * Fixed the issue that cannot run against storage emulator on Windows. * Fixed the issue that it doesn't run as a singleton when it calls Azure::Storage.setup. * Updated to storage service version 2015-04-05. 2016.05 - version 0.10.1-preview ALL * Replaced the core module by the 'azure-core' gem. * Stopped maintaining the support for Ruby 1.9. * Added support for retry filters. 2016.03 - version 0.10.0-preview ALL * Separated out parts of Azure Storage previously found in the Azure SDK 0.7.0 to establish an independent release cycle. * Supported Ruby 1.9.3, 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2. * Updated to storage service version 2015-02-21. * Fixed issue where previous query's parameters were used, causing authentication to fail (https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-ruby/issues/276). * Fixed the issue that the Content-MD5 is overwritten when request body exists, regardless the input value. * Refined the code for setting service properties to be compatible with the XML schema. BLOB * Added support for container lease operations. * Added support for changing the ID of an existing lease. * Added support for copying from source blob URI. * Added support for aborting copying a blob. * Added support for creating an append blob. * Added support for appending a block to an appendblob. * Added support for the content disposition property of a blob. * Added support for resizing a page blob. * Added support for setting a page blob's sequence number. * Fixed the issue where conditional headers for some APIs could not be set. * Fixed the issue where the request fails when calling list_page_blob_ranges with start range and end range. * Renamed create_blob_block to put_blob_block. * Renamed create_blob_pages to put_blob_pages.