{ "component": "textarea", "fixtures": [ { "name": "default", "options": { "name": "more-detail", "id": "more-detail", "label": { "text": "Can you provide more detail?" } }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "
\n \n \n
" }, { "name": "with hint", "options": { "name": "more-detail", "id": "more-detail", "label": { "text": "Can you provide more detail?" }, "hint": { "text": "Don't include personal or financial information, eg your National Insurance number or credit card details." } }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "
\n \n
\n Don't include personal or financial information, eg your National Insurance number or credit card details.\n
\n \n
" }, { "name": "with error message", "options": { "name": "no-ni-reason", "id": "no-ni-reason", "label": { "text": "Why can’t you provide a National Insurance number?" }, "errorMessage": { "text": "You must provide an explanation" } }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "
\n \n

\n Error: You must provide an explanation\n

\n \n
" }, { "name": "with default value", "options": { "id": "full-address", "name": "address", "value": "221B Baker Street\nLondon\nNW1 6XE\n", "label": { "text": "Full address" } }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "
\n \n \n
" }, { "name": "with custom rows", "options": { "id": "full-address", "name": "address", "label": { "text": "Full address" }, "rows": 8 }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "
\n \n \n
" }, { "name": "with label as page heading", "options": { "id": "textarea-with-page-heading", "name": "address", "label": { "text": "Full address", "classes": "govuk-label--l", "isPageHeading": true } }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "

\n \n

\n \n
" }, { "name": "with optional form-group classes", "options": { "id": "textarea-with-page-heading", "name": "address", "label": { "text": "Full address" }, "formGroup": { "classes": "extra-class" } }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "
\n \n \n
" }, { "name": "with autocomplete attribute", "options": { "id": "textarea-with-autocomplete-attribute", "name": "address", "label": { "text": "Full address" }, "autocomplete": "street-address" }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "
\n \n \n
" }, { "name": "with spellcheck enabled", "options": { "label": { "text": "Spellcheck is enabled" }, "id": "textarea-with-spellcheck-enabled", "name": "spellcheck", "spellcheck": true }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "
\n \n \n
" }, { "name": "with spellcheck disabled", "options": { "label": { "text": "Spellcheck is disabled" }, "id": "textarea-with-spellcheck-disabled", "name": "spellcheck", "spellcheck": false }, "hidden": false, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "
\n \n \n
" }, { "name": "classes", "options": { "id": "with-classes", "name": "with-classes", "label": { "text": "With classes" }, "classes": "app-textarea--custom-modifier" }, "hidden": true, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "
\n \n \n
" }, { "name": "attributes", "options": { "id": "with-attributes", "name": "with-attributes", "label": { "text": "With attributes" }, "attributes": { "data-attribute": "my data value" } }, "hidden": true, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "
\n \n \n
" }, { "name": "with describedBy", "options": { "id": "with-describedby", "name": "with-describedby", "label": { "text": "With describedBy" }, "describedBy": "test-target-element" }, "hidden": true, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "
\n \n \n
" }, { "name": "with hint and described by", "options": { "id": "with-hint-describedby", "name": "with-hint-describedby", "label": { "text": "With hint and describedBy" }, "describedBy": "test-target-element", "hint": { "text": "It’s on your National Insurance card, benefit letter, payslip or P60. For example, ‘QQ 12 34 56 C’." } }, "hidden": true, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "
\n \n
\n It’s on your National Insurance card, benefit letter, payslip or P60. For example, ‘QQ 12 34 56 C’.\n
\n \n
" }, { "name": "with error message and described by", "options": { "name": "textarea-with-error", "label": { "text": "Textarea with error" }, "describedBy": "test-target-element", "id": "textarea-with-error", "errorMessage": { "text": "Error message" } }, "hidden": true, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "
\n \n

\n Error: Error message\n

\n \n
" }, { "name": "with hint and error message", "options": { "id": "with-hint-error", "name": "with-hint-error", "label": { "text": "With hint and error" }, "errorMessage": { "text": "Error message" }, "hint": { "text": "Hint" } }, "hidden": true, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "
\n \n
\n Hint\n

\n Error: Error message\n

\n \n
" }, { "name": "with hint, error message and described by", "options": { "id": "with-hint-error-describedby", "name": "with-hint-error-describedby", "label": { "text": "With hint, error and describedBy" }, "describedBy": "test-target-element", "errorMessage": { "text": "Error message" }, "hint": { "text": "Hint" } }, "hidden": true, "description": "", "previewLayoutModifiers": [], "screenshot": false, "html": "
\n \n
\n Hint\n

\n Error: Error message\n

\n \n
" } ] }